JsonCallbackParser.java revision 91a599b60b62e70c63f6f698aaac20b41ba12941
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package org.forgerock.openam.forgerockrest.authn.callbackhandlers;
import org.forgerock.json.fluent.JsonException;
import org.forgerock.json.fluent.JsonValue;
import org.json.JSONException;
import org.json.JSONObject;
import javax.security.auth.callback.Callback;
* Implementations of this interface define how to convert a Callback into and from a JSON representation.
* See the javadoc for the <code>convertToJson</code> method for details on the required JSON representation.
* @param <T> A class which implements the Callback interface.
public interface JsonCallbackParser<T extends Callback> {
* Returns the class name of the Callback the implementation of this interface is for.
* Should only return the simple name of the class not the FQDN.
* @return The name of the class this parser is for.
String getCallbackClassName();
* Converts the given Callback into JSON format.
* The JSON representation of the Callback MUST be in the following form:
* </p>
* <code>
* {
* type : "NameCallback",
* output : [
* {
* name : "prompt",
* value : "Enter User Name:"
* }
* ],
* input : [
* {
* key : "name",
* value : ""
* }
* ]
* }</p>
* </code>
* The type field MUST be the name of the Callback class.
* Output fields detail information that the client can use to display to the user.
* Input fields detail information that need to be complete before the callbacks is submitted.
* @param callback The Callback to convert to JSON.
* @param index the position of this callback in the returned structure.
* @return The JSON representation of the Callback.
JsonValue convertToJson(T callback, int index);
* Converts the JSONObject into a Callback, setting the values set in the JSONObject onto the given Callback.
* Method must set the appropriate values on the Callback parameter and return the same Callback parameter.
* This is required because of the way the AuthContext handles submitting requirements (Callbacks).
* @param callback The Callback to set values from the JSONObject onto.
* @param jsonObject The JSON representation of the Callback.
* @return The same Callback as in the parameters with the required values set.
* @throws JsonException
T convertFromJson(T callback, JsonValue jsonObject) throws JsonException;