revision 4fe4e4f798a84a46e567f64ceadd3648eb0582d4
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# $Id
# The bulk account federation in OpenSSO is achieved through couple of
# perl scripts.
# 1. - This script will generate random name identifiers for
# each user accounts from a service provider and an identity provider that
# have one to one mappings in a flat file separated by "|".
# For e.g. a flat file could like this:
# uid=spuser1,ou=People,dc=sp,dc=com | uid=idpuser1,ou=People,dc=idp,dc=com
# uid=spuser2,ou=People,dc=sp,dc=com | uid=idpuser2,ou=People,dc=idp,dc=com
# uid=spuser3,ou=People,dc=sp,dc=com | uid=idpuser3,ou=People,dc=idp,dc=com
# After running this script on the above flat file, it would generate two
# other flat files which contains user id to name identifier mappings.
# For e.g., the output may look like this.
# uid=spuser1,ou=People,dc=sp,dc=com | 1is341jv024lkw3j6pmpr0s82apqxn8a
# uid=spuser2,ou=People,dc=sp,dc=com | wkh34ldd88n8l54gzs4rftb34bs4837u
# uid=spuser3,ou=People,dc=sp,dc=com | l514znc34u34n34gf65hdg6truqh7f2x2424
# 2. - This script is useful if the service provider or the
# identity provider is an OpenSSO. It helps in generating LDAP Vx
# based LDIF files so that they could easily uploaded to the user entries.
# In this case, it assumes that the entries are userDNs.
# This script will require input parameters as follows.
# <nameidmappingsfile> ServiceProviderID IdentityProviderID
# ProviderRole
# Where
# nameidmappingsfile - a file that has userid/nameid mappings.
# ServiceProviderID - Service ProviderID For e.g.
# IdentityProviderID - Identity ProviderID For e.g.
# ProviderRole - ProviderRole For e.g. IDP or SP.
# After running this script, it generates an LDIF file like this:
# dn: uid=spuser1,ou=People,dc=sp,dc=com
# changetype: modify
# iplanet-am-user-federation-info: ||null|null|null|1is341jv024lkw3j6pmpr0s82apqxn8a||urn:liberty:iff:nameid:federated|IDPRole|Active|
# iplanet-am-user-federation-info-key: ||1is341jv024lkw3j6pmpr0s82apqxn8a|
# dn: uid=spuser2,ou=People,dc=sp,dc=com
# changetype: modify
# iplanet-am-user-federation-info: ||null|null|null|wkh34ldd88n8l54gzs4rftb34bs4837u||urn:liberty:iff:nameid:federated|IDPRole|Active|
# iplanet-am-user-federation-info-key: ||wkh34ldd88n8l54gzs4rftb34bs4837u|
# dn: uid=spuser3,ou=People,dc=sp,dc=com
# changetype: modify
# iplanet-am-user-federation-info: ||null|null|null|l514znc34u34n34gf65hdg6truqh7f2x2424||urn:liberty:iff:nameid:federated|IDPRole|Active|
# iplanet-am-user-federation-info-key: ||l514znc34u34n34gf65hdg6truqh7f2x2424|
# The generated LDIF file could be loaded into the user repository using
# ldapmodify as follows.
# ldapmodify -D "cn=Directory Manager" -w 11111111 -h -p 389
# -f generatedfile.ldif
# This function generates an alphanumeric sequence of random identifiers. The
# uniqueness can be extended by modifying the random seed.
sub generateRandom() {
$length = 30;
$rndstr = "";
for ($i=0; $i < $length; $i++)
$value = int rand 36 ;
if($value eq '0') {
$rndstr = $rndstr . $value;
} elsif($value eq '1') {
$rndstr = $rndstr . $value;
} elsif($value eq '2') {
$rndstr = $rndstr . $value;
} elsif($value eq '3') {
$rndstr = $rndstr . $value;
} elsif($value =~ '4') {
$rndstr = $rndstr . $value;
} elsif($value eq '5') {
$rndstr = $rndstr . $value;
} elsif($value eq '6') {
$rndstr = $rndstr . $value;
} elsif($value eq '7') {
$rndstr = $rndstr . $value;
} elsif($value eq '8') {
$rndstr = $rndstr . $value;
} elsif($value eq '9') {
$rndstr = $rndstr . $value;
} elsif($value eq '10') {
$rndstr = $rndstr . "a";
} elsif($value eq '11') {
$rndstr = $rndstr . "b";
} elsif($value eq '12') {
$rndstr = $rndstr . "c";
} elsif($value eq '13') {
$rndstr = $rndstr . "d";
} elsif($value eq '14') {
$rndstr = $rndstr . "e";
} elsif($value eq '15') {
$rndstr = $rndstr . "f";
} elsif($value eq '16') {
$rndstr = $rndstr . "g";
} elsif($value eq '17') {
$rndstr = $rndstr . "h";
} elsif($value eq '18') {
$rndstr = $rndstr . "i";
} elsif($value eq '19') {
$rndstr = $rndstr . "k";
} elsif($value eq '20') {
$rndstr = $rndstr . "j";
} elsif($value eq '21') {
$rndstr = $rndstr . "l";
} elsif($value eq '22') {
$rndstr = $rndstr . "m";
} elsif($value eq '23') {
$rndstr = $rndstr . "n";
} elsif($value eq '24') {
$rndstr = $rndstr . "o";
} elsif($value eq '25') {
$rndstr = $rndstr . "p";
} elsif($value eq '26') {
$rndstr = $rndstr . "q";
} elsif($value eq '27') {
$rndstr = $rndstr . "r";
} elsif($value eq '28') {
$rndstr = $rndstr . "s";
} elsif($value eq '29') {
$rndstr = $rndstr . "t";
} elsif($value eq '30') {
$rndstr = $rndstr . "u";
} elsif($value eq '31') {
$rndstr = $rndstr . "v";
} elsif($value eq '32') {
$rndstr = $rndstr . "w";
} elsif($value eq '33') {
$rndstr = $rndstr . "x";
} elsif($value eq '34') {
$rndstr = $rndstr . "y";
} elsif($value eq '35') {
$rndstr = $rndstr . "z";
return $rndstr;
# Main function starts here. This script expects a users data file which
# could possibly contain user ids or common attributes with "|" separated
# entries. After execution of this script, it will generate two files with
# spnameidentifiers.txt and idpnameidentifiers.txt data files with a generated
# unique identifier along with their userid/common attributes.
sub Main {
my $fileName = $ARGV[0];
open(USERFH, $fileName) || die("Could not open file!");
unlink 'spnameidentifiers.txt', 'idpnameidentifiers.txt';
open (PH1, ">>spnameidentifiers.txt");
print PH1 "# This is a generated file. Modify at your risk!";
print PH1 "\n";
open(PH2, ">>idpnameidentifiers.txt");
print PH2 "# This is a generated file. Modify at your risk!";
print PH2 "\n";
foreach $line (@allusers) {
chomp ($line);
if(!($line =~ /^#/) && !($line =~ /^$/)) {
($firstuser, $seconduser)=split(/\|/, $line);
$firstuser=~ s/(^ *)||( *$)//g;
$seconduser=~ s/(^ *)||( *$)//g;
print PH1 "$firstuser | $random";
print PH1 "\n";
print PH2 "$seconduser | $random";
print PH2 "\n";