revision dca4781896bf63f6c289ea980bf770560e8e2f08
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# $Id:,v 1.9 2010/01/15 18:54:34 mrudul_uchil Exp $
invalidConfirmationMethod=Confirmation method is not valid.
tokenSpecNotSpecified=Token specification is not defined.
invalidSSOToken=Invalid single sign-on token.
invalidAssertionTokenSpec=Assertion token specification is not valid.
unabletoGenerateAssertion=Assertion could not be generated.
nullSecurityMechanism=Security mechanism is null.
invalidConfirmationMethod=Invalid SAML confirmation method.
unsupportedTokenSpec=Unsupported token specification.
nullConfirmationMethod=Null confirmation method.
cannotConvertToDocument=Can not convert to XML document.
noCertificate=Certificate does not present.
unabletoSign=Unable to sign.
invalidTokenSpec=Invalid token specification.
invalidCertificate=Invalid certificate.
nullInputParameter=Input parameter is null.
nullInput=Input is null.
invalidElement=Invalid element.
missingAttribute=Attribute is missed.
missingValue=Value is missed.
nullTokenProvider=Token provider is null.
errorObtainPK=Public key extraction error.
SOAPRequestHandlerInitFailed=SOAPRequest handler initialization failed.
unsupportedSecurityMechanism=Unsupported security mechanism.
securityMechNotConfigured=Security mechanism not configured.
noProviderConfig=Provider configuration is null.
cannotInitializeProvider=Provider initialization failed.
securityHeaderNotFound=Security header not found.
nameSpaceAdditionFailure=Name space addition failed.
addSecurityHeaderFailed=Addition of security header failed.
unknownSecurityMechanism=Unknown security mechanism.
signatureValidationFailed=Signature validation failed.
nousers=Users are not configured.
authenticatorNotFound=Authenticator not found.
passwordDigestFailed=Password digest failed.
cannotAddElement=Can not add element.
invalidReference=Invalid reference.
invalidKeyIdentifier=Invalid keyidentifier.
authenticationFailed=Authentication Failed.
unabletoEncrypt=Unable to encrypt.
decryptEncryptionFailed=Decrypt encryption failed.
unabletoDecrypt=Unable to decrypt.
unabletoGetFinalSoapMessage=Unable to get final SOAP message.
issuerNotTrusted=Issuer is not trusted.
assertionTimeNotValid=Assertion time is not valid.
nullSubject=Subject is null.
assertionNotSigned=Assertion is not signed.
nullConfig=Configuration is null.
nullIssuer=Issuer is null.
nullStatements=Assertion statements are null.
keystoreException=KeyStore initialization failed.
invalidIPAddress=Invalid IP Address.
cannotRetrieveCert=Could not retrieve the certificate.
invalidReference=Invalid Reference.
errorObtainPK=Error occured in obtaining the Public Key
SASLFailure=SASL Authentication mechanism failed.
resourceOfferingMissing=Resource Offering is not found.
authnURLMissing=Authentication URL is missing.
nullprivatekey=Private key is null.
invalidalgorithm=Invalid algorithm.
nullkeyinfo=Keyinfo is null.
nullUserPassword=User password is null.
noUserFound=User not found.
userSearchFailed=User search failed.
invalidTimestamp=Timestamp is invalid.
maxNonceLimitReached=Maximum nonce per timestamp limit reached.
replayAttackDetected=Message Replay Attack is Detected.
notAuthorized=Unauthorized access.
authorizerInitFailed=Authorizer initialization failed.
notAuthorizedByServer=Not Authorized. Possible causes are signature validation failure, WSP can not authenticate subject/user in the assertion and client is not allowed to access the WSP resource by policy definition.
issuerOrAliasNull=Configured trusted issuer OR certificate alias is NULL.
assertionSigNotVerified=Assertion signature verification failed.