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# $Id:,v 1.1 2009/01/05 23:51:31 veiming Exp $
# Portions Copyrighted [2011] [ForgeRock AS]
usage=Usage: createwar --staging|-s stagingDir\n --type|-t typeOfWarFile\n --warfile|-w warfileName\n [--locale|-l locale]\n createwar --help|-?\n [--locale|-l locale]\n\nwhere\n stagingDir\n is staging directory where the content of opensso.war reside.\n typeOfWarFile\n is the type of WAR file to be created. The possible options are\n console, distauth, noconsole and idpdiscovery.\n warfileName\n is the name of the WAR file to be created.\n locale\n (is optionally) to indicate the locale of which this tool is running\n with.\n\nThe createwar script has to be run from the deployable-war directory in order to find and use the type-specific files for the WAR.
invalid.staging.dir=The provided staging directory either does not exists or it's not a valid staging directory. The staging directory has to contain the extracted content of opensso.war.
unsupported.type=Invalid type of WAR.
missing.file=Warning: The following file is missing: {0}.
missing.typedir=Unable to find type-specific directory.
warfile.created=WAR file was created.