propertyConfigureSocialAuthNKnownProvider.xml revision 3fc1b5e9b2ff286cd528a06154cc998198de1e70
~ The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the Common Development and
~ Distribution License (the License). You may not use this file except in compliance with the
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~ Copyright 2014 ForgeRock AS.
<!DOCTYPE propertysheet SYSTEM "propertysheet.dtd">
<section name="realm" defaultValue="">
<property required="true">
<label name="lblRealm" defaultValue="" labelFor="tfRealm" />
<cc name="tfRealm" tagclass="com.sun.web.ui.taglib.html.CCDropDownMenuTag">
<section name="socialAuth" defaultValue="">
<property required="true">
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labelFor="tfClientId" />
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labelFor="tfClientSecret" />
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<property required="true">
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labelFor="tfConfirmSecret" />
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labelFor="tfRedirectUrl" />
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