authn_api.h revision 4fe4e4f798a84a46e567f64ceadd3648eb0582d4
#ifndef _ObAuthnAPI_h_
#define _ObAuthnAPI_h_
/* Copyright (c) 1996-2005, Oracle All Rights Reserved.
* authn_api.h
* Defines the Oracle NetPoint Authentication Plugin API v2.0.
#ifdef _WIN32
# define OBDLLEXPORT __declspec (dllexport)
# endif
#elif defined(__hpux)
# define OBDLLEXPORT extern "C"
# endif
# endif
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#define OB_AN_PLUGIN_VERSION "8.0"
/**************** Definitions of various constants *****************/
/* An enumeration of expected return values from plugin functions:
* ObAnPluginStatusContinue
* Authentication processing will continue after the function.
* If all plugins in an authentication scheme return continue,
* authentication is implicitely allowed.
* ObAnPluginStatusAllowed
* Credentials were processed and authentication succeeded.
* No further authentication plugins will be processed.
* ObAnPluginStatusDenied
* Credentials were processed and authentication failed.
* Processing will not continue after the function and
* authentication will fail.
* ObAnPluginStatusAbort
* A fatal error occurred while processing authentication.
* Processing will not continue after the function.
* If returned during initialization, Access Server will log
* it, but will not terminate.
typedef enum {
ObAnPluginStatusContinue = 0,
ObAnPluginStatusAllowed = 1,
ObAnPluginStatusDenied = 2,
ObAnPluginStatusAbort = 3
} ObAnPluginStatus_t;
/* Enumerated return values from Access Server. When plugin calls a
* method supported by Access Server, Access Server will return one
* of the following statuses.
* ObAnASStatusSuccess
* This status implies the operation the plugin asked the
* Access Server to perform was successful.
* ObAnASStatusFailed
* This status implies the operation the plugin asked the
* Access Server to perform was not successful.
typedef enum {
ObAnASStatusSuccess = 0,
} ObAnASStatus_t;
/* An enumeration of Action Info types:
* ObAnSuccessRedirect
* This Action type sets the redirection URL upon
* successfull authentication.
* ObAnFailRedirect
* This Action type sets the redirection URL upon
* failed authentication.
* ObAnSuccessProfileAttrs
* This Action type sets the profile attributes upon
* successfull authentication.
* ObAnFailProfileAttrs
* This Action type sets the profile attributes upon
* failed authentication.
* ObAnSuccessFixedVals
* This Action type sets the fixed values upon
* successfull authentication.
* ObAnFailFixedVals
* This Action type sets the fixed values upon
* failed authentication.
typedef enum {
ObAnSuccessRedirect = 0,
ObAnFailRedirect = 1,
ObAnSuccessProfileAttrs = 2,
ObAnFailProfileAttrs = 3,
ObAnSuccessFixedVals = 4,
ObAnFailFixedVals = 5
} ObAnActionType_t;
/* Authentication plugin request specific information constants.
* This information can be retrieved in the ObAnPluginFn
* function by calling the GetCredFn function of pFnBlock.
* ObAnPluginRequestResource
* The resource string, for example: "".
* ObAnPluginRequestOperation
* The operation being performed on the resource.
* ObAnPluginRequesterIP
* The IP address of the client that issued this request.
* ObAnPluginRequesterDN
* If an authentication plugin has set the DN, this is where
* other plugins can access that DN. The plugin,
* credential_mapping, always sets the DN. Custom
* authentication plugins can set the DN by calling SetAuthnUidFn.
#define ObAnPluginRequestResource "Resource"
#define ObAnPluginRequestOperation "Operation"
#define ObAnPluginRequesterIP "RequesterIP"
#define ObAnPluginRequesterDN "RequesterDN"
#define ObAnHostTarget "HostTarget"
/*** Definitions of various data passed to and handled by plugin ***/
/* A handle to an opaque data structure containing single value
* data. Contents can be retrieved using ObAnPluginGetCred or
* ObAnPluginGetAction. Contents can be set using ObAnPluginSetCred
* or ObAnPluginSetAction methods.
typedef const void* ObAnPluginSVData_t;
/* A handle to an opaque data structure containing multi value
* data. Contents can be retrieved using ObAnPluginGetData
* and modified using ObAnPluginSetData.
typedef void* ObAnPluginMVData_t;
/* A null-terminated string that a plugin function can return to
* report on the result of the function. This will be logged by
* the Oracle Access Server product.
typedef char** ObAnPluginStatusMsg_t;
/* Access Server related information the plugin may need to use.
* AccessServerInstallDir: Installation directory of Netpoint
* Access Server. Does not include oblix/.
* AccessServerAnPluginAPIVersion: Lowest authn plugin API version the
* Access Server currently supports.
struct ObAnServerContext {
char *AccessServerInstallDir;
char *AccessServerAnPluginAPIVersion;
typedef struct ObAnServerContext const *ObAnServerContext_t;
/* A handle to an opaque data structure containing all the information
* the plugin may need or modify.
* Creds Creds is all information submitted by the entity (user
* or application) trying to access a resource. Also
* included is any requester specific information such
* as ResourceType, Resource, Operation, RequesterDN,
* and RequesterIP. The plugin may add or replace this
* data.
* Params Parameters specified in the plugin configuration.
* The plugins should not modify or add to this data.
* Context Plugin specific data. This data is passed to the
* next plugin in sequence and hence can be used by
* the plugin to send information to plugins following
* it. The plugin may add or replace this data.
* ActionInfo Action information passed from the plugin to Access
* Server. The plugin may add or replace this data.
struct ObAnPluginInfo {
ObAnPluginSVData_t Creds;
ObAnPluginMVData_t Params;
ObAnPluginMVData_t Context;
ObAnPluginSVData_t ActionInfo;
typedef struct ObAnPluginInfo* ObAnPluginInfo_t;
/****************** Functions to manipulate data *******************/
/* A handle to an opaque data structure containing information as a
* list of values.
typedef void const* ObAnPluginList_t;
/* A handle to an opaque data structure containing one item from a
* list of values.
typedef void const* ObAnPluginListItem_t;
/* Function Pointers */
typedef ObAnPluginList_t (*ObAnPluginGetData_t) (ObAnPluginMVData_t, const char*);
typedef ObAnASStatus_t (*ObAnPluginSetData_t) (ObAnPluginMVData_t, const char*, const char*, const int);
typedef ObAnPluginListItem_t (*ObAnPluginGetFirstItem_t) (ObAnPluginList_t);
typedef const char* (*ObAnPluginGetValue_t) (ObAnPluginListItem_t);
typedef ObAnPluginListItem_t (*ObAnPluginGetNext_t) (ObAnPluginListItem_t);
typedef const char* (*ObAnPluginGetCred_t) (ObAnPluginSVData_t, const char*);
typedef ObAnASStatus_t (*ObAnPluginSetCred_t) (ObAnPluginSVData_t, const char*, const char*);
typedef const char* (*ObAnPluginGetAction_t) (ObAnPluginSVData_t, const char*, ObAnActionType_t);
typedef ObAnASStatus_t (*ObAnPluginSetAction_t) (ObAnPluginSVData_t, const char*, const char*, ObAnActionType_t);
typedef ObAnASStatus_t (*ObAnPluginSetAuthnUid_t) (char*);
/* ObAnPluginGetData_t
* Function to retrieve a list of multi value data (ObAnPluginMVData_t).
* Parameters:
* pRequesterInfo Handle to multi value data passed to the plugin.
* pName Key/name for the information to retrieve.
* Returns:
* A list of values for the given key. Plugin must use the list
* manipulation methods: GetFirstItemFn, GetNextFn and GetValueFn,
* to retreive information from this list.
ObAnPluginList_t AnGetData(ObAnPluginMVData_t data, const char* name);
/* ObAnPluginSetData_t
* Function to set information in the multi value data
* (ObAnPluginMVData_t) passed to the plugin.
* Parameters:
* pRequestContext Handle to data passed to the plugin.
* pName Key/name for the information to set.
* pValue Value of the key.
* replace Specifies whether to replace or add on to
* existing values of key. A value of '0',
* indicates addition, all other values indicate
* a replace.
* Returns:
* ObAnASStatusSuccess: Returned if set was successful.
* ObAnASStatusFailed: Returned if set was not successful.
ObAnASStatus_t AnSetData(ObAnPluginMVData_t data, const char* name, const char* value, const int replace);
/* Function to get a handle to the first item in a list of values.
* Parameter:
* IN pList List of values.
* Returns:
* Handle to an item. The plugin must use GetNextFn and GetValueFn
* to get all the values.
ObAnPluginListItem_t AnGetFirstItem(ObAnPluginList_t list);
/* Function to get value from the item.
* Parameter:
* IN pItem Handle to an Item returned by GetFirstItemFn or GetNextFn.
* Returns:
* Value of the item.
const char* AnGetValue(ObAnPluginListItem_t item);
/* Function to get a handle to the next item in the list.
* Parameter:
* IN pItem Handle to the current item in the list.
* Returns:
* Handle to the next item in the list.
ObAnPluginListItem_t AnGetNext(ObAnPluginListItem_t item);
/* ObAnPluginGetCred_t
* Function to retrieve credential information.
* Parameters:
* pCreds Handle to credential info passed to the plugin.
* pName Key/name for the credential info to retrieve.
* Returns:
* The value for the given key/name or null if not found.
* Multiple values for a given key/name are not allowed in credentials.
const char *AnGetCred(ObAnPluginSVData_t pCreds, const char* pName);
/* ObAnPluginSetCred_t
* Function to set information in the credentials passed to the
* plugin. If the key/name already exists, the corresponding
* value will be replaced with pValue.
* Parameters:
* pCreds Handle to credentials passed to the plugin.
* pName Key/name for the information to set.
* pValue Value of the key.
* Returns:
* ObAnASStatusSuccess: Returned if set was successful.
* ObAnASStatusFailed: Returned if set was not successful.
ObAnASStatus_t AnSetCred (ObAnPluginSVData_t pCreds, const char* pName, const char* pValue);
/* ObAnPluginGetAction_t
* Function to retrieve action information.
* Parameters:
* pActionInfo Handle to action info passed to the plugin.
* pName Key/name for the action info to retrieve.
* pActionType Type of action info to set.
* Returns:
* The value for the given key/name or null if not found.
* Multiple values for a given key/name are not allowed in action info.
const char *AnGetAction(ObAnPluginSVData_t pActionInfo, const char* pName, ObAnActionType_t pActionType);
/* ObAnPluginSetAction_t
* Function to set information in the action info passed to the
* plugin. If the key/name already exists, the corresponding
* value will be replaced with pValue.
* Parameters:
* pCreds Handle to credentials passed to the plugin.
* pName Key/name for the information to set.
* pValue Value of the key.
* pActionType Type of action info to set.
* Returns:
* ObAnASStatusSuccess: Returned if set was successful.
* ObAnASStatusFailed: Returned if set was not successful.
ObAnASStatus_t AnSetAction (ObAnPluginSVData_t pCreds, const char* pName, const char* pValue, ObAnActionType_t pActionType);
/* ObAnPluginSetAuthnUid_t
* Function to set the uid that is internal to authentication
* for the current user. If the uid has already been set, the
* corresponding value will be replaced with pUid.
* Parameters:
* pUid The new uid to be set
* Returns:
* ObAnASStatusSuccess: Returned if set was successful.
* ObAnASStatusFailed: Returned if set was not successful.
ObAnASStatus_t AnSetAuthnUid(char* pUid);
/* Block of functions supported by Access Server that the plugin may
* need to use to manipulate data in opaque structures.
* GetDataFn: Pointer to a function to get values for a given "name".
* SetDataFn: Pointer to a function to set values for a given "name".
* GetFirstItemFn: Pointer to a function to get first item from a list.
* GetValueFn: Pointer to a function to get value from an item.
* GetNextFn: Pointer to a function to get next item on the list.
* GetCredFn: Pointer to a function to get a credential value
* for a given "name".
* SetCredFn: Pointer to a function to set a credential for a
* given "name".
* GetActionFn: Pointer to a function to get an action value for a
* given "name" and action type.
* SetActionFn: Pointer to a function to set an action value for a
* given "name" and action type.
* SetAuthnUidFn: Pointer to a function to set the internal uid for
* the current user to the given "uid".
struct ObAnPluginFns {
ObAnPluginGetData_t GetDataFn;
ObAnPluginSetData_t SetDataFn;
ObAnPluginGetFirstItem_t GetFirstItemFn;
ObAnPluginGetValue_t GetValueFn;
ObAnPluginGetNext_t GetNextFn;
ObAnPluginGetCred_t GetCredFn;
ObAnPluginSetCred_t SetCredFn;
ObAnPluginGetAction_t GetActionFn;
ObAnPluginSetAction_t SetActionFn;
ObAnPluginSetAuthnUid_t SetAuthnUidFn;
typedef struct ObAnPluginFns* ObAnPluginFns_t;
/****************** Definitions of API functions *******************/
/* Function pointers */
typedef const char* (*ObAnPluginGetVersion_t) (void);
typedef ObAnPluginStatus_t (*ObAnPluginInit_t) (ObAnServerContext_t, ObAnPluginStatusMsg_t);
typedef ObAnPluginStatus_t (*ObAnPluginTerminate_t) (ObAnServerContext_t, ObAnPluginStatusMsg_t);
typedef ObAnPluginStatus_t (*ObAnPluginFn_t) (ObAnServerContext_t, ObAnPluginFns_t, ObAnPluginInfo_t, ObAnPluginStatusMsg_t);
typedef void (*ObAnPluginDeallocStatusMsg_t) (ObAnPluginStatusMsg_t);
/* ObAnPluginGetVersion
* Returns version of an authentication plugin.
* The Access Server may use this version to determine if it can
* support this version of the plugin.
* Returns:
* Version of the authentication plugin.
OBDLLEXPORT const char* ObAnPluginGetVersion(void);
/* ObAnPluginInit
* Defines an initialization function for an authentication
* plugin. It will be called when the NetPoint Access Server
* product starts up.
* Parameters:
* IN pServerContext Context information of the Access Server.
* OUT pResult Result message reported by the function;
* will be logged.
* Returns:
* ObAnPluginStatusContinue: on successful initialization.
* ObAnPluginStatusAbort: on failure.
OBDLLEXPORT ObAnPluginStatus_t ObAnPluginInit (ObAnServerContext_t, ObAnPluginStatusMsg_t);
/* ObAnPluginTerminate
* Defines a termination function for an authentication plugin
* to be called when the NetPoint Access Server terminates.
* The termination function can clean up as needed for the custom
* plugin.
* Parameters:
* IN pServerContext Context information of the Access Server.
* OUT pResult Result message reported by the function;
* will be logged.
* Returns:
* ObAnPluginStatusContinue: on successful termination.
* ObAnPluginStatusAbort: on failure.
OBDLLEXPORT ObAnPluginStatus_t ObAnPluginTerminate (ObAnServerContext_t, ObAnPluginStatusMsg_t);
/* ObAnPluginFn
* Defines a custom authentication function, to be called during the
* authentication process. A custom function can perform additional
* authentication processing utilizing the plugin information and
* server context. This function can also modify plugin information
* for subsequent authentication plugins.
* Parameters:
* IN pServerContext Context information of the Access Server.
* IN pFuncBlock Handle to a block of functions the plugin
* may need to use to manipulate data.
* IN/OUT pData Handle to data passed to the plugin and
* modified by the plugin.
* OUT pResult Result message reported by the function;
* will be logged.
* Returns:
* ObAnPluginStatusContinue: Signals the Access Server to move on
* to the next plugin in sequence. This means that the plugin
* did not explicitly allow or deny access to requester.
* ObAnPluginStatusAllowed: Requester is allowed access to target.
* Access Server stops evaluating authentication plugins.
* ObAnPluginStatusDenied: Requester is denied access to target.
* Access Server stops evaluating authentication plugins.
* ObAnPluginStatusAbort: Processing will not continue after the
* function and authentication will fail.
OBDLLEXPORT ObAnPluginStatus_t ObAnPluginFn (ObAnServerContext_t, ObAnPluginFns_t, ObAnPluginInfo_t, ObAnPluginStatusMsg_t);
/* ObAnPluginDeallocStatusMsg
* Deallocates memory for status message. This is called by the
* Access Server to delete the memory allocated by the plugin
* for the status message.
* Parmeters:
* IN pStatusMsg Status Message to be deallocated.
* Return: None
OBDLLEXPORT void ObAnPluginDeallocStatusMsg(ObAnPluginStatusMsg_t);
#ifdef __cplusplus
} /* extern C */