am_sso.h revision 4fe4e4f798a84a46e567f64ceadd3648eb0582d4
/* -*- Mode: C -*- */
* Copyright (c) 2008 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* The contents of this file are subject to the terms
* of the Common Development and Distribution License
* (the License). You may not use this file except in
* compliance with the License.
* You can obtain a copy of the License at
* or
* opensso/legal/CDDLv1.0.txt
* See the License for the specific language governing
* permission and limitations under the License.
* When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL
* Header Notice in each file and include the License file
* at opensso/legal/CDDLv1.0.txt.
* If applicable, add the following below the CDDL Header,
* with the fields enclosed by brackets [] replaced by
* your own identifying information:
* "Portions Copyrighted [year] [name of copyright owner]"
* $Id: am_sso.h,v 1.2 2008/06/25 05:48:54 qcheng Exp $
#ifndef __AM_SSO_H__
#define __AM_SSO_H__
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <am.h>
#include <am_types.h>
#include <am_properties.h>
#include <am_string_set.h>
typedef struct am_sso_token_handle *am_sso_token_handle_t;
AM_EXPORT am_status_t
am_sso_init(am_properties_t property_map);
* Create an handle to session information.
* Parameters:
* sso_token_handle
* pointer to sso token handle which will be
* assigned an handle if the session validation is
* is successful.
* sso_token_id
* string representation session identifier.
* reset_idle_timer
* When quering for session information should this
* query reset the idle timer on the server or not?
* Returns:
* if session validation was successful and
* a handle was successfully created.
* if sso token service was not initialized.
* sso token service must be initialized by callling
* am_sso_init() any call to am_sso_* can be made.
* if the session_token_handle_ptr parameter is NULL
* if there was a memory allocation problem.
* if any other error occurred.
AM_EXPORT am_status_t
am_sso_create_sso_token_handle(am_sso_token_handle_t *sso_token_handle_ptr,
const char *sso_token_id,
boolean_t reset_idle_timer);
am_sso_set_initializeLog(boolean_t value);
* Destroy the handle to session information. It does NOT log out the
* user or invalidate the session.
* Parameters:
* sso_token_handle
* sso token handle to be deallocated.
* Returns:
* if the memory release process was successful.
* if the session_token_handle parameter is NULL.
* if any other error occurred.
AM_EXPORT am_status_t
am_sso_destroy_sso_token_handle(am_sso_token_handle_t sso_token_handle);
* Invalidate/destroy the session on the server.
* If successful the session handler in input argument will have state invalid
* after this call.
* Note: Does not free the sso_token_handle input parameter.
* Call am_sso_destroy_sso_token_handle() to free memory for the handle itself.
* Parameters:
* sso_token_handle
* sso token handle of session to be invalidated.
* Returns:
* if session was successfully invalidated.
* if the sso_token_handle is invalid.
* if the sso token service was not initialized with am_sso_init().
* if server returned service not available.
* if HTTP error encountered while communicating with server.
* if error parsing XML from server.
* if access denied while communicating with server.
* if any other error occurred.
AM_EXPORT am_status_t
am_sso_invalidate_token(const am_sso_token_handle_t sso_token_handle);
* Get the auth level for this session.
* Parameters:
* sso_token_handle
* the sso token handle
* Returns:
* The auth level of this session handle,
* ULONG_MAX if there was any error.
AM_EXPORT unsigned long
am_sso_get_auth_level(const am_sso_token_handle_t sso_token);
* Get the auth type for this session.
* Parameters:
* sso_token_handle
* the sso token handle
* Returns:
* The auth type of this session handle.
* NULL if there was any error.
AM_EXPORT const char *
am_sso_get_auth_type(const am_sso_token_handle_t sso_token);
* Get the host address for this session.
* Parameters:
* sso_token_handle
* the sso token handle
* Returns:
* The host name of this session handle as given by the "Host" property.
* NULL if the "Host" property is not set or does not have a value.
AM_EXPORT const char *
am_sso_get_host(const am_sso_token_handle_t sso_token);
* Get the max idle time for this session.
* Parameters:
* sso_token_handle
* the sso token handle
* Returns:
* The max idle time for this session handle in seconds.
* (time_t)-1 if there was any error.
AM_EXPORT time_t
am_sso_get_max_idle_time(const am_sso_token_handle_t sso_token);
* Get the max session time for this session.
* Parameters:
* sso_token_handle
* the sso token handle
* Returns:
* The max session time of this session handle in seconds.
* (time_t)-1 if there was any error.
AM_EXPORT time_t
am_sso_get_max_session_time(const am_sso_token_handle_t sso_token);
* Get the value of a session property.
* Parameters:
* sso_token_handle
* the sso token handle
* property_key
* the name of property to get
* check_if_session_valid
* whether to check if session is valid first.
* if true and session is invalid, NULL will always be returned.
* Returns:
* The value of the session property.
* NULL if property is not set or does not have a value.
AM_EXPORT const char *
am_sso_get_property(const am_sso_token_handle_t sso_token,
const char *property_key, boolean_t check_if_session_valid);
* Get the sso token id for this session.
* Parameters:
* sso_token_handle
* the sso token handle
* Returns:
* The sso token id of this session.
* NULL if sso_token_handle is invalid or any other error occurred.
AM_EXPORT const char *
am_sso_get_sso_token_id(const am_sso_token_handle_t sso_token_handle);
* Get the principal of this session.
* Parameters:
* sso_token_handle
* the sso token handle
* Returns:
* The principal of this session handle,
* NULL if the sso_token handle is invalid or any other error occurred.
AM_EXPORT const char *
am_sso_get_principal(const am_sso_token_handle_t sso_token);
* Get the set of principals of this session.
* A session can have more than one principal.
* Parameters:
* sso_token_handle
* the sso token handle
* Returns:
* The set of principals of this session handle,
* NULL if the principal property is not set or has no value,
AM_EXPORT am_string_set_t *
am_sso_get_principal_set(const am_sso_token_handle_t sso_token);
* Check if a token is valid.
* This call looks in the passed sso_token_handle to check for validity,
* it does NOT go to the server.
* Parameters:
* sso_token_handle
* sso token to check if valid.
* Returns:
* if sso token is valid.
* if sso token is invalid or any other error occurred.
AM_EXPORT boolean_t
am_sso_is_valid_token(const am_sso_token_handle_t sso_token_handle);
* Validate a sso token.
* This call will go to the server to get the latest session info and
* update the sso_token_handle input parameter.
* The sso_token_handle input parameter is updated if the return
* status is either AM_SUCCESS or AM_INVALID_SESSION.
* This is different from am_sso_refresh_token() in that it does *not*
* update the last access time on the server.
* Parameters:
* sso_token_handle
* sso token to validate.
* Returns:
* if sso token is valid, session handle is updated.
* if the session is invalid, session handle is updated.
* if the input parameter is invalid.
* if sso token service is not initialized.
* sso token service must be initialized by calling
* am_sso_init() before any call to am_sso*.
* if server returned service not available.
* if HTTP error encountered while communicating with server.
* if error parsing XML from server.
* if access denied while communicating with server.
* if any other er:744
ror occurred.
AM_EXPORT am_status_t
am_sso_validate_token(const am_sso_token_handle_t sso_token_handle);
* Refresh a sso token session.
* This goes to the server to get latest session info and update it
* in the sso_token_handle input parameter like am_sso_validate_token().
* However it also refreshes the last access time of the session.
* Parameters:
* sso_token_handle
* sso token to refresh.
* Returns:
* if sso token could be refreshed with no errors.
* if the input parameter is invalid.
* if sso token service is not initialized.
* sso token service must be initialized by calling
* am_sso_init() before any call to am_sso*.
* if server returned service not available.
* if HTTP error encountered while communicating with server.
* if error parsing XML from server.
* if access denied while communicating with server.
* if the session validation failed.
* if any other error occurred.
AM_EXPORT am_status_t
am_sso_refresh_token(const am_sso_token_handle_t sso_token_handle);
* Get the time left of this session handle
* Parameters:
* sso_token_handle
* the sso token handle
* Returns:
* The time left of this session handle in seconds.
* (time_t)-1 if token is invalid or some error occurs.
* Detailed error is logged.
AM_EXPORT time_t
am_sso_get_time_left(const am_sso_token_handle_t sso_token_handle);
* Get idle time associated with this session handle.
* Parameters:
* sso_token_handle
* the sso token handle
* Returns:
* The idle time of the session handle in seconds.
* (time_t)-1 if token is invalid or some error occurs.
* Detailed error is logged.
AM_EXPORT time_t
am_sso_get_idle_time(const am_sso_token_handle_t sso_token_handle);
* Set a property in the session.
* Note: session handle for this token ID obtained before this call
* will not be current (not have the newly set property) after this call.
* Call am_sso_validate_token() to update the handle with the new set of
* properties.
* Parameters:
* sso_token_handle
* the session handle
* name
* the property name
* value
* the property value
* Returns:
* if the property was successfully set.
* if the sso_token_handle is invalid.
* if any other error occurred.
AM_EXPORT am_status_t
am_sso_set_property(am_sso_token_handle_t sso_token_handle,
const char *name,
const char *value);
* Types needed by sso token listener related interfaces below.
typedef enum {
} am_sso_token_event_type_t;
typedef void (*am_sso_token_listener_func_t)(
const am_sso_token_handle_t sso_token_handle,
const am_sso_token_event_type_t event_type,
const time_t event_time,
void *args);
* Add a SSO token listener for the sso token's change events.
* Caller must either provide a URL to this function or have notification
* enabled with a valid notification URL in the properties file used to
* initialize sso in am_sso_init(). The URL must point to a HTTP host and port
* that listens for notification messages from the server.
* Notification messages are in XML. XML Notification messages received
* from the server should be passed to as a string (const char *) to
* am_notify(), which will parse the message and invoke listeners accordingly.
* See the C API documentation and samples for more information.
* When the listener is called, the sso_token_handle that is passed to the
* listener is a temporary one containing the updated session information
* from the server. (Note that it is not the original sso_token_handle
* passed to am_sso_add_sso_token_listener()).
* Once a listener has been called it is removed from memory, in other words,
* a listener is called only once.
* Parameters:
* sso_token_handle
* the session handle containing the sso token id to listen for.
* the handle will be filled with the session information from
* the notification message. any existing contents will be
* overwritten.
* listener
* the token change event listener
* args
* arguments to pass to the listener.
* dispatch_to_sep_thread
* call the listener in a seperate thread from an internal
* thread pool. This allows am_notify to return immediately
* upon parsing the notification message rather than waiting
* for the listener function(s) to finish before returning.
* Returns:
* if the listener was successfully added.
* if sso_token_handle or listener is invalid, or if
* notification_url is not set and no notification url
* is provided in the properties file.
* if notification is not enabled and the notification_url
* input parameter is invalid.
* if any other error occurred.
AM_EXPORT am_status_t
am_sso_add_sso_token_listener(am_sso_token_handle_t sso_token_handle,
const am_sso_token_listener_func_t listener,
void *args,
boolean_t dispatch_to_sep_thread);
* Remove a SSO token listener for the sso token's change events.
* If am_sso_token_add_listener() was called more than once with the
* same listener function, all instances of the listener function will be
* removed.
* Parameters:
* sso_token_handle
* the session handle containing the sso token id for the
* listener.
* listener
* the token change event listener
* Returns:
* if the listener was successfully removed.
* if sso_token_id or listener is invalid or NULL.
* if listener was not found for the sso token id.
* if any other error occurred.
AM_EXPORT am_status_t
const am_sso_token_handle_t sso_token_handle,
const am_sso_token_listener_func_t listener);
* Add a listener for the ANY sso token's change events.
* Caller must either provide a URL to this function or have notification
* enabled with a valid notification URL in the properties file used to
* initialize sso in am_sso_init(). The URL must point to a HTTP host and port
* that listens for notification messages from the server.
* Notification messages are in XML. XML Notification messages received
* from the server should be passed to as a string (const char *) to
* am_notify(), which will parse the message and invoke listeners accordingly.
* See the C API documentation and samples for more information.
* When the listener is called, the sso_token_handle that is passed to the
* listener is a temporary one containing the updated session information
* from the server. (Note that it is not the original sso_token_handle
* passed to am_sso_add_sso_token_listener()).
* Once added the listener will be called for any and all session event change
* notification. (It will not be removed after it is called once
* like am_sso_add_sso_token_listener).
* Parameters:
* listener
* the token change event listener
* args
* arguments to pass to the listener
* dispatch_to_sep_thread
* call the listener in a seperate thread from an internal
* thread pool. This allows am_notify to return immediately
* upon parsing the notification message rather than waiting
* for the listener function(s) to finish before returning.
* Returns:
* if the listener was successfully added.
* if sso_token_handle or listener is invalid, or if
* notification_url is not set and no notification url
* is provided in the properties file.
* if notification is not enabled and the notification_url
* input parameter is invalid.
* if any other error occurred.
AM_EXPORT am_status_t
am_sso_add_listener(const am_sso_token_listener_func_t listener,
void *args,
boolean_t dispatch_to_sep_thread);
* Remove a SSO token listener for any sso token's change events.
* If am_sso_add_listener() was called more than once with the
* same listener function, all instances of the listener function will be
* removed.
* Parameters:
* listener
* the change event listener
* Returns:
* if the listener was successfully removed.
* if listener was NULL.
* if listener was not found.
* if any other error occurred.
AM_EXPORT am_status_t
am_sso_remove_listener(const am_sso_token_listener_func_t listener);
#endif /*__AM_SSO_H__*/