run-policy-evaluation-sample.bat revision a393c458f24ae38c8259dea2245aa436abe248f9
@echo off
: Copyright (c) 2008 Sun Microsystems Inc. All Rights Reserved
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: $Id: run-policy-evaluation-sample.bat,v 1.4 2008/08/19 19:11:24 veiming Exp $
: Portions Copyrighted 2013 ForgeRock, Inc.
: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
: README file for OpenSSO stand alone client sdk
: policy evaluation sample
: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
: Runs the client policy evaluation sample
: Requires one parameter: the name of the resource file that defines
: property values used by the sample
: Default is policyEvaluationSamples
: The corresponding file that would be read from classpath
: is policyEvaluationSample.properites
: from classpath.
: A default template is included
: at ../resources/
: See the template for more information on the properties
: Please update it to match your deployment
: You have to create user and policy at the server to get right policy decision
: see ../resources/ for more information
: Requires ../resources/
: Must run "" once to configure the client to find the OpenSSO server.
: Then, run this script
java -classpath resources;lib/openam-clientsdk-10.2.0-SNAPSHOT.jar;lib/servlet-api-2.5.jar;lib/openam-example-clientsdk-cli-10.2.0-SNAPSHOT.jar samples.policy.PolicyEvaluationSample policyEvaluationSample