chap-compatibility.xml revision 6ce3dabbba7e4e63677d017240c4bbb31d083469
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<chapter xml:id='chap-compatibility'
xmlns='' version='5.0' xml:lang='en'
<title>OpenAM Changes &amp; Deprecated Functionality</title>
<para>This chapter covers both major changes to existing functionality, and
also deprecated and removed functionality.</para>
<section xml:id="changes">
<title>Important Changes to Existing Functionality</title>
These changes are new in OpenAM ${serverDocTargetVersion}.
Consistency has been improved in how OpenAM policy rules match resources.
Policy rules are now interpreted more consistently
in line with the documentation,
and more consistently across platforms and across self and subtree modes.
Before you upgrade, consider how these changes affect policy rules.
Although the changes introduced by the improvements affect mainly edge cases,
they do impact deployments relying on previous, inconsistent behaviors.
The following points describe how OpenAM and policy agents behave
following upgrade to OpenAM 11.0.1 and web policy agents 3.3.1.
Policy agents configured to use subtree mode behave
as they did prior to 3.3.0.
If you created your policies with OpenAM 11.0.0 and web policy agents 3.3.0,
then note that trailing slashes are no longer stripped from resource names
(<link xlink:show="new"
In order to match a trailing slash, your rule must end in a slash,
or a slash followed by a wildcard.
When policy agents are configured to use self mode,
trailing wildcards, except after <literal>?</literal>,
match zero or more characters.
When policy agents are configured to use self mode,
previously a trailing wildcard after a slash, <literal>/*</literal>,
matched one or more characters, whereas it now matches zero or more.
This means that a resource ending in <literal>/</literal>
previously would not match a rule ending in <literal>/*</literal>,
whereas it now does.
If you already have two rules to allow access,
one ending in <literal>/</literal> and the other in <literal>/*</literal>,
then you have nothing to do.
Only the latter rule is now required.
If however you have only rules ending in <literal>/*</literal>
and intend these to deny access to resources ending in <literal>/</literal>,
then add rules ending in <literal>/</literal>
specifically to deny access to resources ending in <literal>/</literal>.
When web policy agents are configured to use self mode,
trailing wildcards after <literal>?</literal>
match <emphasis>one</emphasis> or more characters.
This means that a resource with a trailing <literal>?</literal>
no longer matches a rule of the form <literal>/*?*</literal>,
whereas it would have matched with earlier versions.
To match the behavior of previous releases,
when using self mode with resources having empty query strings,
add additional rules without trailing wildcards as in <literal>/*?</literal>
before you upgrade OpenAM.
When Java EE policy agents are configured to use subtree mode,
resources ending in a trailing slash
match rules that end in a slash, or in a slash followed by a wildcard.
To ensure behavior like Java EE policy agents prior to 3.3.0,
configure the policy agents to use self mode (the new default).
OpenAM now handles SAML single logout (SLO) requests differently
when the user presents an invalid session
(<link xlink:show="new"
In this scenario OpenAM no longer follows
the <literal>RelayState</literal> without validation.
To ensure that the <literal>RelayState</literal> validation succeeds,
include the <literal>metaAlias</literal> request parameter
when invoking the SLO JSPs.
For LDAP and Active Directory data store configurations
the settings for the Authentication Naming Attribute
and the LDAP Users Search Attribute
now have the same effects as they did in versions prior to 11.0.0
(<link xlink:show="new"
The Authentication Naming Attribute
is now used only to find the user when performing authentication.
The LDAP Users Search Attribute is used in other cases
when searching for users.
When upgrading from OpenAM 11.0.0,
make sure these attributes are correctly set in data store configurations.
The following changes were listed for OpenAM 11.0.0.
<!-- OPENAM-2051: Document the OpenAM suffix configuration changes -->
<para>When you create a new OpenAM custom configuration that uses an
external LDAP directory server for the configuration data store, you must
use a root suffix DN with at least two domain components, such as
<para>The advanced server property used to set the HTTP header name,
has replaced the legacy OpenSSO property
<literal>com.sun.identity.session.httpClientIPHeader</literal> (<link
<para>Legacy naming conventions have been changed to conform to the
current product name, OpenAM.</para>
<para><filename>$HOME/.openamcfg/</filename> is the new name for
<filename>$HOME/.openssocfg/</filename>. If you upgrade, OpenAM still
supports use of <filename>$HOME/.openssocfg/</filename>, and does not
rename the folder. For new OpenAM installs, OpenAM creates the directory
with the new name, <filename>$HOME/.openamcfg/</filename>, at configuration
<para>Other files, such as the <filename>openam.war</filename> file, and
paths have been modified to ensure consistency with the naming
<para>OpenAM now ships with multiple .war files. You no longer have to
build custom .war files for core server-only or distributed authentication
UI installations for example.</para>
<!-- Fix for OpenAM-699
<para>RSA has marked the RSA Authentication API used in earlier versions of
OpenAM as End of Life. The current API version used in OpenAM is now 8.1.
As a result, OpenAM now supports RSA Authentication Manager versions 6.1.2
and 7.1.</para>
<para>In versions before OpenAM 10.1.0 the default root suffix DN for OpenAM
configuration and profile data was <literal>dc=opensso,dc=java,dc=net</literal>.
The default root suffix is now <literal><?eval ${defaultRootSuffix}?></literal>.</para>
<para>The fix for <link xlink:show="new"
>OPENAM-1630</link> changes SAML metadata signing in OpenAM to better
conform with the SAML 2.0 standard.</para>
<para>Metadata for hosted entities is signed using the
<literal>metadataSigningKey</literal> configured for the realm, or
inherited from the global configuration for the server.</para>
<para>OpenAM now signs the <literal>EntityDescriptor</literal> element
that contains child <literal>SPSSODescriptor</literal> or
<literal>IDPSSODescriptor</literal> elements.</para>
<para>When importing remote entity metadata with signatures, OpenAM does
not modify the signatures, but instead returns them as they were when they
were imported.</para>
<para>When OpenAM imports remote entity metadata that has no signature and
signed metadata is requested on export, OpenAM signs the metadata with
the <literal>metadataSigningKey</literal>.</para>
<para>The default policy evaluation mode for new policy agent profiles is
now self rather than subtree, in order to better scale for large numbers of
policy rules.</para>
<para>Upgrade does not change existing policy agent profile configurations,
however. If you want to adopt the new default setting for existing policy
agents, you must change the setting manually.</para>
<para>To do so for Java EE policy agents, set
<para>For web policy agents, set
You now specify rules for referrals in the same way as rules for policies.
For example, with previous releases a referral rule for
<literal></literal> matched everything underneath.
Now you would need three rules, <literal></literal>,
and <literal>*?*</literal>.
When used at the end of a rule
<literal>*</literal> matches one or more characters,
rather than zero or more characters.
When you upgrade OpenAM, the upgrade tool converts existing referral rules.
<section xml:id="deprecated">
<title>Deprecated Functionality</title>
The following functionality is deprecated in OpenAM 11.0.0,
and is likely to be removed in a future release.
<para>With the implementation of OAuth 2.0 in this release, OAuth 1.0 has been
deprecated. OAuth 1.0 support was originally provided in OpenAM 9.</para>
<para>The Netscape LDAP API is to be removed from OpenAM, with OpenAM
using the OpenDJ LDAP SDK instead. This affects all classes in
<literal>com.sun.identity.shared.ldap.*</literal> packages.</para>
<para>OpenAM currently uses Sun Java System Application Framework (JATO).
JATO is deprecated and is likely to be replaced in a future release.</para>
<para>With the implementation of the Persistent Cookie authentication module, the
Core Authentication module persistent cookie options are deprecated and are
likely to be removed in a future release.</para>
<para>Older REST services relying on the following end points are
<simplelist type="vert" columns="2">
<!-- Pending replacement <member>/identity/authorize</member> -->
<!-- Pending replacement <member>/identity/isTokenValid</member>
<member>/identity/log</member> -->
<!-- Pending replacement <member>/ws/1/entitlement/decision</member>
<member>/ws/1/entitlement/entitlement</member> -->
<para>The following table shows how legacy and newer end points
<title>REST End Points</title>
<tgroup cols="2">
<colspec colnum="1" colwidth="1*"/>
<colspec colnum="2" colwidth="1*"/>
<entry>Deprecated URIs</entry>
<entry>Newer Evolving URIs</entry>
<entry>Pending replacement</entry>
<entry>/identity/create, /identity/delete, /identity/read,
/identity/search, /identity/update</entry>
<entry>/json/agents, /json/groups, /json/realms, /json/users</entry>
<entry>Pending replacement</entry>
<entry>Pending replacement</entry>
<entry>/ws/1/entitlement/decision, /ws/1/entitlement/decisions,
<entry>Pending replacement</entry>
<para>Find examples in the <citetitle>Developer Guide</citetitle> chapter on
<citetitle>Using RESTful Web Services</citetitle> OpenAM.</para>
<para>Support for the older REST services is likely to be removed in a
future release in favor of the newer REST services. Older REST services
will be removed only after replacement REST services are introduced.</para>
<section xml:id="removed">
<title>Removed Functionality</title>
<para>OpenAM Java SDK no longer supports JDK 5.</para>
<para>The <literal>iplanet-am-auth-ldap-server-check</literal> property for
LDAP and Active Directory authentication modules has been removed and
replaced with a heartbeat mechanism configurable through the LDAP Connection
Heartbeat Interval (<literal>openam-auth-ldap-heartbeat-interval</literal>)
and LDAP Connection Heartbeat Time Unit
(<literal>openam-auth-ldap-heartbeat-interval</literal>) properties for the
<para>Set these new properties as necessary when you have firewalls or
load balancers that drop connections that remain idle for too long.</para>
<para>The advanced server property,
<literal>openam.session.destroy_all_sessions</literal>, has been replaced
by the built-in Global Session Service setting,
<para>Javadoc for the client SDK is no longer delivered with the
distribution, but instead is available online.</para>