chap-compatibility.xml revision 3d55bad5ebea221363fcb00684dd148fa5b9c0fe
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<chapter xml:id='chap-compatibility'
xmlns='' version='5.0' xml:lang='en'
<title>OpenAM Changes &amp; Deprecated Functionality</title>
<para>This chapter covers both major changes to existing functionality, and
also deprecated and removed functionality.</para>
<section xml:id="changes">
<title>Important Changes to Existing Functionality</title>
<!-- OPENAM-2051: Document the OpenAM suffix configuration changes -->
<para>When you create a new OpenAM custom configuration that uses an
external LDAP directory server for the configuration data store, you must
use a root suffix DN with at least two domain components, such as
<para>The advanced server property used to set the HTTP header name,
has replaced the legacy OpenSSO property
<literal>com.sun.identity.session.httpClientIPHeader</literal> (<link
<para>Legacy naming conventions have been changed to conform to the
current product name, OpenAM.</para>
<para><filename>$HOME/.openamcfg/</filename> is the new name for
<filename>$HOME/.openssocfg/</filename>. If you upgrade, OpenAM still
supports use of <filename>$HOME/.openssocfg/</filename>, and does not
rename the folder. For new OpenAM installs, OpenAM creates the directory
with the new name, <filename>$HOME/.openamcfg/</filename>, at configuration
<para>Other files, such as the <filename>openam.war</filename> file, and
paths have been modified to ensure consistency with the naming
<para>OpenAM now ships with multiple .war files. You no longer have to
build custom .war files for core server-only or distributed authentication
UI installations for example.</para>
<!-- Fix for OpenAM-699
<para>RSA has marked the RSA Authentication API used in earlier versions of
OpenAM as End of Life. The current API version used in OpenAM is now 8.1.
As a result, OpenAM now supports RSA Authentication Manager versions 6.1.2
and 7.1.</para>
<!-- Fix for OPENAM-1578 -->
<para>In earlier versions the default root suffix DN for OpenAM
configuration and profile data was
The default root suffix is now
<literal><?eval ${defaultRootSuffix}?></literal>.</para>
<para>The fix for <link xlink:show="new"
>OPENAM-1630</link> changes SAML metadata signing in OpenAM to better
conform with the SAML 2.0 standard.</para>
<para>Metadata for hosted entities is signed using the
<literal>metadataSigningKey</literal> configured for the realm, or
inherited from the global configuration for the server.</para>
<para>OpenAM now signs the <literal>EntityDescriptor</literal> element
that contains child <literal>SPSSODescriptor</literal> or
<literal>IDPSSODescriptor</literal> elements.</para>
<para>When importing remote entity metadata with signatures, OpenAM does
not modify the signatures, but instead returns them as they were when they
were imported.</para>
<para>When OpenAM imports remote entity metadata that has no signature and
signed metadata is requested on export, OpenAM signs the metadata with
the <literal>metadataSigningKey</literal>.</para>
<para>The default policy evaluation mode for new policy agent profiles is
now self rather than subtree, in order to better scale for large numbers of
policy rules.</para>
<para>Upgrade does not change existing policy agent profile configurations,
however. If you want to adopt the new default setting for existing policy
agents, you must change the setting manually.</para>
<para>To do so for Java EE policy agents, set
<para>For web policy agents, set
<section xml:id="deprecated">
<title>Deprecated Functionality</title>
<para>The following functionality is deprecated in OpenAM
<?eval ${serverDocTargetVersion}?>, and is likely to be removed in a future
<para>With the implementation of OAuth 2.0 in this release, OAuth 1.0 has been
deprecated. OAuth 1.0 support was originally provided in OpenAM 9.</para>
<para>The Netscape LDAP API is to be removed from OpenAM, with OpenAM
using the OpenDJ LDAP SDK instead. This affects all classes in
<literal>com.sun.identity.shared.ldap.*</literal> packages.</para>
<para>OpenAM currently uses Sun Java System Application Framework (JATO).
JATO is deprecated and is likely to be replaced in a future release.</para>
<para>Older REST services relying on the following end points are
<simplelist type="vert" columns="2">
<!-- Pending replacement <member>/identity/authorize</member> -->
<!-- Pending replacement <member>/identity/isTokenValid</member>
<member>/identity/log</member> -->
<!-- Pending replacement <member>/ws/1/entitlement/decision</member>
<member>/ws/1/entitlement/entitlement</member> -->
<para>The following table shows how legacy and newer end points
<title>REST End Points</title>
<tgroup cols="2">
<colspec colnum="1" colwidth="1*"/>
<colspec colnum="2" colwidth="1*"/>
<entry><link xlink:show="new" xlink:href="admin-guide#interface-stability"
xlink:role="">Deprecated</link> URIs</entry>
<entry>Newer <link xlink:show="new" xlink:href="admin-guide#interface-stability"
xlink:role="">Evolving</link> URIs</entry>
<entry>Pending replacement</entry>
<entry>/identity/create, /identity/delete, /identity/read,
/identity/search, /identity/update</entry>
<entry>/json/agents, /json/groups, /json/realms, /json/users</entry>
<entry>Pending replacement</entry>
<entry>Pending replacement</entry>
<entry>/ws/1/entitlement/decision, /ws/1/entitlement/decisions,
<entry>Pending replacement</entry>
<para>Find examples in the <citetitle>Developer Guide</citetitle> chapter on <link
xlink:href="dev-guide#chap-rest" xlink:role=""
xlink:show="new"><citetitle>Using RESTful Web Services</citetitle></link> in
<para>Support for the older REST services is likely to be removed in a
future release in favor of the newer REST services, but not before
replacement REST services are introduced.</para>
<section xml:id="removed">
<title>Removed Functionality</title>
<para>For OpenAM <?eval ${serverDocTargetVersion}?>, the use of the
previous session failover implementation has been removed.</para>
<para>With the updated session failover, SAML 2 and session persistence have
changed. The methods used prior to OpenAM 10.1.0 are no longer
<!-- Fix for OpenAM-837 -->
<para>Support for Liberty Identity Web Services Framework (ID-WSF) has been
<para>The <literal>iplanet-am-auth-ldap-server-check</literal> property for
LDAP and Active Directory authentication modules has been removed and
replaced with a heartbeat mechanism configurable through the LDAP Connection
Heartbeat Interval (<literal>openam-auth-ldap-heartbeat-interval</literal>)
and LDAP Connection Heartbeat Time Unit
(<literal>openam-auth-ldap-heartbeat-interval</literal>) properties for the
<para>Set these new properties as necessary when you have firewalls or
load balancers that drop connections that remain idle for too long.</para>
<para>The advanced server property,
<literal>openam.session.destroy_all_sessions</literal>, has been replaced
by the built-in Global Session Service setting,
<para>Resources for integrating OpenAM with third-party access and identity
management software are not delivered with the distribution.</para>
<para>Javadoc for the client SDK is no longer delivered with the
distribution, but instead is <link xlink:show="new"
xlink:href="">available online</link>.</para>