chap-oauth2-scopes.xml revision 7bc2a743f1c860eaeaa2a23d8981311d720d5004
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<chapter xml:id='chap-oauth2-scopes'
xmlns='' version='5.0' xml:lang='en'
<title>Customizing OAuth 2.0 Scope Handling</title>
<primary>OAuth 2.0</primary>
RFC 6749, <link xlink:href=""
xlink:show="new"><citetitle>The OAuth 2.0 Authorization Framework</citetitle></link>,
describes access token scopes as a set of case-sensitive strings
defined by the authorization server.
Clients can request scopes, and resource owners can authorize them.
The default scopes implementation in OpenAM treats scopes
as profile attributes for the resource owner.
When a resource server or other entity uses the access token
to get token information from OpenAM,
OpenAM populates the scopes with profile attribute values.
For example, if one of the scopes is <literal>mail</literal>,
OpenAM sets <literal>mail</literal> to the resource owner's email address
in the token information returned.
You can change this behavior by writing your own scopes plugin.
This chapter shows how to write a custom OAuth 2.0 scopes plugin
for use in an OAuth 2.0 provider (authorization server) configuration.
<section xml:id="design-oauth2-scopes-plugin">
<title>Designing an OAuth 2.0 Scopes Plugin</title>
A scopes plugin implements the
<literal>org.forgerock.openam.oauth2.provider.Scope</literal> interface.
As described in the API specification, the
<link xlink:href="${javadocBase}?org/forgerock/openam/oauth2/provider/Scope.html"
xlink:show="new"><literal>Scope</literal> interface</link> has seven methods
that your plugin overrides.
<programlisting language="java"
>/** Set values for scopes returned when token information is requested. */
public Map evaluateScope(CoreToken token);
/** Called before the authorize end point returns a response. */
public Map extraDataToReturnForAuthorizeEndpoint(
Map parameters,
Map tokens);
/** Called before the access_token end point returns a response. */
public Map extraDataToReturnForTokenEndpoint(
Map parameters,
CoreToken token);
/** Get user profile attribute values based on the scope values in the token. */
public Map getUserInfo(CoreToken token);
/** Called on token creation, and called when token scope is requested. */
public Set scopeRequestedForAccessToken(
Set requestedScope,
Set availableScopes,
Set defaultScopes);
/** Called on request to refresh an access token. */
public Set scopeRequestedForRefreshToken(
Set requestedScope,
Set availableScopes,
Set allScopes,
Set defaultScopes);
/** Called to determine the scopes to appear on the authorization page. */
public Set scopeToPresentOnAuthorizationPage(
Set requestedScope,
Set availableScopes,
Set defaultScopes);</programlisting>
The following example plugin sets whether <literal>read</literal>
and <literal>write</literal> permissions were granted.
<!-- See also -->
<programlisting language="java"
>package org.forgerock.openam.examples;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import org.forgerock.oauth2.core.CoreToken;
import org.forgerock.openam.oauth2.provider.Scope;
* Custom scope providers implement the
* {@link org.forgerock.openam.oauth2.provider.Scope} interface.
* This custom scope implementation does not support OpenID Connect 1.0,
* and implements the default mechanisms for the three {@code scope*} methods.
* This custom scope plugin instead implements simple versions
* of {@link #evaluateScope(org.forgerock.oauth2.core.CoreToken)}
* and of {@link #getUserInfo(org.forgerock.oauth2.core.CoreToken)}.
* The {@code evaluateScope} method populates scope values returned in the
* JSON with the token information.
* The {@code getUserInfo} method populates scope values and the user ID
* returned in the JSON.
public class CustomScope implements Scope {
private Map&lt;String,Object> mapScopes(CoreToken token) {
Set&lt;String> scopes = token.getScope();
Map&lt;String, Object> map = new HashMap&lt;String, Object>();
final String[] permissions = {"read", "write"};
for (String scope : permissions) {
if (scopes.contains(scope)) {
map.put(scope, true);
} else {
map.put(scope, false);
return map;
public Map&lt;String, Object> evaluateScope(CoreToken token) {
return mapScopes(token);
public Map&lt;String, String> extraDataToReturnForAuthorizeEndpoint(
Map parameters,
Map tokens) {
return new HashMap&lt;String, String>(); // No special handling
public Map&lt;String, Object> extraDataToReturnForTokenEndpoint(
Map parameters,
CoreToken token) {
return new HashMap&lt;String, Object>(); // No special handling
public Map&lt;String, Object> getUserInfo(CoreToken token) {
Map&lt;String, Object> response = mapScopes(token);
response.put("sub", token.getUserID());
return response;
public Set&lt;String> scopeToPresentOnAuthorizationPage(
Set&lt;String> requestedScope,
Set&lt;String> availableScopes,
Set&lt;String> defaultScopes) {
if (requestedScope == null || requestedScope.isEmpty()) {
return defaultScopes;
Set&lt;String> scopes = new HashSet&lt;String>(availableScopes);
return scopes;
public Set&lt;String> scopeRequestedForAccessToken(
Set&lt;String> requestedScope,
Set&lt;String> availableScopes,
Set&lt;String> defaultScopes) {
if (requestedScope == null || requestedScope.isEmpty()) {
return defaultScopes;
Set&lt;String> scopes = new HashSet&lt;String>(availableScopes);
return scopes;
public Set&lt;String> scopeRequestedForRefreshToken(
Set&lt;String> requestedScope,
Set&lt;String> availableScopes,
Set&lt;String> allScopes,
Set&lt;String> defaultScopes) {
if (requestedScope == null || requestedScope.isEmpty()) {
return availableScopes;
Set&lt;String> scopes = new HashSet&lt;String>(availableScopes);
return scopes;
<section xml:id="build-oauth2-scopes-plugin">
<title>Building the OAuth 2.0 Scopes Sample Plugin</title>
The <link xlink:href=""
xlink:show="new">sample scopes plugin source</link> is available online.
Get a local clone so that you can try the sample on your system.
In the sources you find the following files.
Apache Maven project file for the module
This file specifies how to build the sample OAuth 2.0 scopes plugin,
and also specifies its dependencies on OpenAM components.
Core class for the sample OAuth 2.0 scopes plugin
See <xref linkend="design-oauth2-scopes-plugin" /> for a listing.
Build the module using Apache Maven.
<screen>$ cd /path/to/openam-scope-sample
$ mvn install
[INFO] Scanning for projects...
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Building openam-scope-sample 1.0.0-SNAPSHOT
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] --- maven-jar-plugin:2.3.1:jar (default-jar) @ openam-scope-sample ---
[INFO] Building jar: .../target/openam-scope-sample-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Total time: 10.799s
[INFO] Finished at: Mon Nov 25 13:43:37 CET 2013
[INFO] Final Memory: 20M/162M
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------</screen>
After you successfully build the module,
you find the .jar in the <filename>target/</filename> directory of the project.
<section xml:id="configure-oauth2-scopes-plugin">
<title>Configuring OpenAM to Use the Plugin</title>
After building your plugin .jar file, copy the .jar file
under <filename>WEB-INF/lib/</filename> where you deployed OpenAM.
Restart OpenAM or the container in which it runs.
In OpenAM console, you can either
configure a specific OAuth 2.0 provider to use your plugin,
or configure your plugin as the default for new OAuth 2.0 providers.
In either case, you need the class name of your plugin.
The class name for the sample plugin is
To configure a specific OAuth 2.0 provider to use your plugin,
add the class name of your scopes plugin under Access Control &gt;
<replaceable>Realm Name</replaceable> &gt; Services &gt; <replaceable
>OAuth2 Provider Name</replaceable> &gt; Scope Implementation Class.
To configure your plugin as the default for new OAuth 2.0 providers,
add the class name of your scopes plugin under Configuration &gt;
Global &gt; OAuth2 Provider &gt; Scope Implementation Class.
<section xml:id="try-oauth2-scopes-plugin">
<title>Trying the Sample Plugin</title>
In order to try the sample plugin,
make sure you have configured an OAuth 2.0 provider to use the sample plugin.
Also, set up an OAuth 2.0 client of the provider
that takes scopes <literal>read</literal> and <literal>write</literal>.
Next try the provider as shown in the following example.
<screen>$ curl --request POST
--data "grant_type=client_credentials&amp;username=demo&amp;password=changeit
"scope": "read",
"expires_in": 59,
"token_type": "Bearer",
"access_token": "0d492486-11a7-4175-b116-2fc1cbff6d78"
$ curl
"scope": [
"realm": "/",
"write": false,
"read": true,
"token_type": "Bearer",
"expires_in": 22,
"access_token": "0d492486-11a7-4175-b116-2fc1cbff6d78"
As seen in this example, the requested scope <literal>read</literal> is
authorized, but the <literal>write</literal> scope has not been authorized.