chap-javaee-agents.xml revision b6cd10668830bc4a7a7f794b703dc98929b4e3a2
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<chapter xml:id='chap-javaee-agents'
xmlns='' version='5.0' xml:lang='en'
<title>Java EE Policy Agents <?eval ${agentsDocTargetVersion}?></title>
<para>This chapter concerns OpenAM Java EE policy agents. Java EE policy
agents run in web application containers and protect Java EE
<para>OpenAM Java EE Policy Agents <?eval ${agentsDocTargetVersion}?> Xpress
is a milestone release from the main development branch of the product. The
Xpress release contains selected key features and all current fixed issues.
An Xpress release undergoes important functional testing but not the complete
testing cycle that is done for a full Enterprise release.</para>
<para>Xpress releases are supported through ForgeRock subscriptions and are
upgradeable to the Enterprise version, which has long term support.</para>
<para>The goal of an Xpress release is to enable you to start build phases
earlier, with the most recent features, instead of having to wait for the
Enterprise release date. Fixes to issues that are discovered in an Xpress
release are delivered as patches to ForgeRock customers, and are guaranteed
to be delivered in the Enterprise release that follows. Xpress releases are
supported for a grace period after the Enterprise version has been
<para>With the exception of these Release Notes, the official documentation
for this release is still in progress, and is accessible at
<link xlink:href="" xlink:show="new"
></link>. The complete, validated
documentation set will be available with the Enterprise release.</para>
<section xml:id="what-new-javaee-agents">
<title>New in JavaEE Policy Agents <?eval ${javaEEAgentsDocTargetVersion}?></title>
<para>The Java EE agent goto URL can now be modified (<link
<para>The Apache Tomcat policy agent now supports Tomcat 7 as well (<link
<para>Java EE policy agents can now conditionally redirect users based on
the incoming request URL (<link
<para>The auto-submitting form in <filename>FormLoginContent.txt</filename>
now parses as valid XML (<link
<section xml:id="before-you-start-javaee-agents">
<title>Before You Install OpenAM Java EE Policy Agents</title>
<para>This section covers software and hardware prerequisites for installing
and running OpenAM Java EE Policy Agents.</para>
<para>If you have a special request to support a combination not listed here,
contact ForgeRock at <link xlink:href=""
<section xml:id="java-requirements-javaee-agents">
<title>Java EE Agents Java Requirements</title>
<para>Java EE policy agents run in a container using Java 6 or later.
ForgeRock recommends the most recent release of Java 6 or later to ensure
you have the latest security fixes.</para>
<para>ForgeRock has tested this release with Oracle Java SE JDK.</para>
<section xml:id="browser-requirements-javaee-agents">
<title>Java EE Agents Browsers Tested</title>
<para>ForgeRock has tested this policy agent release with the following web
<listitem><para>Chrome release 16 and later</para></listitem>
<listitem><para>Firefox 3.6 and later</para></listitem>
<listitem><para>Internet Explorer 7 and later</para></listitem>
<section xml:id="web-container-requirements-javaee-agents">
<title>Web Application Container Requirements</title>
<para>Java EE policy agents support the following Java EE application
<para><?eval ${agentTomcatSupport}?></para>
<para><?eval ${agentGlassFishSupport}?></para>
<para><?eval ${agentWebSphereSupport}?></para>
<para><?eval ${agentJBossSupport}?></para>
<para><?eval ${agentJettySupport}?></para>
<para><?eval ${agentWebLogicSupport}?></para>
<section xml:id="platform-requirements-javaee-agents">
<title>Java EE Agents Platform Requirements</title>
<para>Apache Tomcat Java EE policy agents have been tested on Linux 2.6 or
later, and on Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2.</para>
<para>GlassFish Java EE policy agents have been tested on Oracle Solaris 10
or later.</para>
<para>Other Java EE policy agents have been tested on Linux 2.6 or
<para>Testing has focused on 64-bit operating systems.</para>
<section xml:id="hardware-requirements-javaee-agents">
<title>Java EE Agents Hardware Requirements</title>
<para>You can deploy OpenAM Java EE policy agents on any hardware supported
for the combination of software required.</para>
<para>ForgeRock has tested this release on x86 and x64 based systems.</para>
<section xml:id="javaee-agent-compatibility">
<title>Java EE Policy Agent Compatibility</title>
<para>This section concerns OpenAM Java EE Policy Agents
<?eval ${javaEEAgentsDocTargetVersion}?>.</para>
<section xml:id="javaee-agent-major-changes">
<title>Major Changes to Java EE Policy Agent Functionality</title>
<para>No major changes affecting compatibility have been made to the OpenAM
Java EE Policy Agents in this release.</para>
<section xml:id="javaee-agent-deprecated">
<title>Deprecated Functionality</title>
<para>No functionality has been deprecated in this release.</para>
<!-- Keep the wording here for use in a future release:
<para>The following functionality is deprecated in OpenAM Java EE Policy
Agents <?eval ${javaEEAgentsDocTargetVersion}?>, and is likely to be removed
in a future release.</para>
<para>Functionality, description...</para>
<section xml:id="javaee-agent-removed">
<title>Removed Functionality</title>
<para>No functionality has been removed in OpenAM Java EE Policy Agents
<?eval ${javaEEAgentsDocTargetVersion}?>.</para>
<section xml:id="javaee-agent-issues">
<title>Java EE Policy Agents Fixes, Limitations, &amp; Known Issues</title>
<para>OpenAM Java EE policy agent issues are tracked at <link xlink:show="new"
<section xml:id="javaee-agent-fixes">
<title>Key Fixes</title>
<para>The following bugs were fixed in release
<?eval ${javaEEAgentsDocTargetVersion}?>. For details, see the <link
xlink:show="new" xlink:href=""
>OpenAM issue tracker</link>.</para>
<section xml:id="javaee-agent-limitations">
<para>Not all features of OpenAM Java EE policy agents work with IPv6.</para>
<!-- For OPENAM-1991 TODO: Remove when this is fixed after 3.1.0-Xpress -->
<para>Apache Tomcat can fail to shut down properly when the Java EE policy
agent for Tomcat is deployed. To work around this limitation, add the
following to your Tomcat configuration in the <literal>&lt;Server port="8005"
shutdown="SHUTDOWN"&gt;</literal> section.</para>
<literallayout class="monospaced"
className="org.forgerock.agents.tomcat.v6.TomcatLifeCycleListener" /&gt;</literallayout>
<section xml:id="javaee-agent-known-issues">
<title>Known Issues</title>
<para>The following important known issues remained open at the time
release <?eval ${javaEEAgentsDocTargetVersion}?> became available. For
details and information on other issues, see the <link xlink:show="new"
xlink:href="">OpenAM issue