chap-federation.xml revision 465f72de451e042e7e1459979a0434bdadbd75ed
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<chapter xml:id='chap-federation'
version='5.0' xml:lang='en'
<title>Managing SAML 2.0 Federation</title>
<para>This chapter addresses how to set up and manage SAML 2.0 SSO for
single sign on and single log out across resources belonging to
organizations participating in a circle of trust.</para>
<section xml:id="about-federation">
<title>About SAML 2.0 SSO &amp; Federation</title>
<para>SAML 2.0 SSO is part of federated access management. Federation lets
access management cross organizational boundaries. Federation helps
organizations share identities and services without giving away their
identity information, or the services they provide.</para>
<para>To bridge heterogeneous systems, federation requires interoperability,
and thus depends on standards for orchestrating interaction and exchanging
information between providers. OpenAM federation relies on standards such as
<link xlink:href="">Security Assertion
Markup Language (SAML) 2.0</link>. SAML 2.0 describes the messages, how they
are relayed, how they are exchanged, and common use cases.</para>
<para>To achieve SAML 2.0 SSO, OpenAM separates <firstterm>identity
providers</firstterm> from <firstterm>service providers</firstterm>,
lets you include them them in a <firstterm>circle of trust</firstterm>, and
has you configure how the providers in the circle of trust interact.</para>
<para>An identity provider stores and serves identity profiles, and
handles authentication.</para>
<para>A service provider offers services that access protected
resources, and handles authorization.</para>
<para>A circle of trust groups at least one identity provider and at least
one service provider who agree to share authentication information, with
assertions about authenticated users that let service providers make
authorization decisions.</para>
<para>Providers in a circle of trust share <firstterm>metadata</firstterm>,
configuration information that federation partners require to access each
others' services.</para>
<para>SAML 2.0 SSO maps attributes from accounts at the identity provider to
attributes on accounts at the service provider. The identity provider makes
assertions to the service provider, for example to attest that a user has
authenticated with the identity provider. The service provider then
consumes assertions from the identity provider to make authorization
decisions, for example to let an authenticated user complete a purchase
that gets charged to the user's account at the identity provider.</para>
<para>In federation deployments where not all providers support SAML 2.0,
OpenAM can act as a multi-protocol hub, translating for providers who rely
on other and older standards such as SAML 1.x, Liberty Alliance Project
frameworks, and WS-Federation (for integration with Active Directory
Federation Services, for example).</para>
<section xml:id="set-up-federation">
<title>Setting Up SAML 2.0 SSO</title>
<para>Before you set up SAML 2.0 SSO in OpenAM, you must:</para>
<para>Know which providers participate in the circle of trust.</para>
<para>Know how your OpenAM installations act as identity providers, or
service providers.</para>
<para>Agree with other providers on a synchronized clock or time service
to share for provider systems.</para>
<para>Processing messages you exchange requires synchronized time
<para>For identity information exchanged with other participants in a
circle of trust, define how to map user attributes you share. Your user
profile attribute names map to user profile attribute names at other
<para>For example, if you exchange user identifiers with your partners, and
you call it <literal>uid</literal> whereas another partner calls it
<literal>userid</literal>, then you map your <literal>uid</literal> to
your partner's <literal>userid</literal>.</para>
<para>Import the keys used to sign assertions into the JKS key store in
your OpenAM configuration directory. You can use the Java
<command>keytool</command> command.</para>
<para>The OpenAM configuration key store is located at the top level of
the configuration directory, such as
<filename>$HOME/openam/keystore.jks</filename>. The password,
stored in <filename>$HOME/openam/.keypass</filename>, is
<literal>changeit</literal> by default. Also by default the only key
available is for a self-signed certificate (alias: test) installed with
<para>During set up, you must share metadata for providers that you host
with other providers in the circle of trust. You must also configure
remote providers, connecting to other providers by importing their
<para>In OpenAM terms, a hosted provider is one served by the current
OpenAM server, whereas a remote provider is one hosted elsewhere.</para>
<procedure xml:id="create-hosted-idp">
<title>To Create a Hosted Identity Provider</title>
<para>On the OpenAM console Common Tasks page, click Create Hosted Identity
<para>Unless you already have metadata for the provider, accept the
Name for this identity provider in the field provided, or provide your
own unique identifier.</para>
<para>The default name is the URL to the current server which hosts the
identity provider.</para>
<para>Select the Signing Key you imported into the OpenAM key store.</para>
<para>Either add the provider to the circle of trust you already created,
or select Add to new and provide a New Circle of Trust name.</para>
<para>For the attributes you share, map service provider attribute names
(Name in Assertion), to user profile names from your identity repository
(Local Attribute Name).</para>
<para>Click Configure to save your configuration.</para>
<para>Export the XML-based metadata from your provider to share
with other providers in your circle of trust.</para>
<screen>$ curl -o metadata.xml
<para>When you have configured only the top-level realm,
<literal>/</literal>, you can omit the query string.</para>
<para>Alternatively, provide the URL, to other providers so they can load
the metadata.</para>
<procedure xml:id="create-hosted-sp">
<title>To Create a Hosted Service Provider</title>
<para>On the OpenAM console Common Tasks page, click Create Hosted Service
<para>Unless you already have metadata for the provider, accept the
Name for this service provider in the field provided, or provide your
own unique identifier.</para>
<para>The default name is the URL to the current server which hosts the
service provider.</para>
<para>Either add the provider to the circle of trust you already created,
or select Add to new and provide a New Circle of Trust name.</para>
<step performance="optional">
<para>If the identity provider has not already mapped the attributes you
share, map identity provider attribute names (Name in Assertion), to user
profile names from your identity repository (Local Attribute Name).</para>
<para>Click Configure to save your configuration.</para>
<para>Export the XML-based metadata from your provider to share
with other providers in your circle of trust.</para>
<screen>$ curl -o metadata.xml
<para>When you have configured only the top-level realm,
<literal>/</literal>, you can omit the query string.</para>
<para>Alternatively, provide the URL, to other providers so they can load
the metadata.</para>
<procedure xml:id="create-remote-idp">
<title>To Create a Remote Identity Provider</title>
<para>Obtain the identity provider metadata, or the URL where you can
obtain it.</para>
<para>On the OpenAM console Common Tasks page, click Register Remote
Identity Provider.</para>
<para>Provide the identity provider metadata or link to obtain
<para>Either add the provider to the circle of trust you already created,
or select Add to new and provide a New Circle of Trust name.</para>
<para>Click Configure to save your configuration.</para>
<procedure xml:id="create-remote-sp">
<title>To Create a Remote Service Provider</title>
<para>Obtain the service provider metadata, or the URL where you can
obtain it.</para>
<para>On the OpenAM console Common Tasks page, click Register Remote Service
<para>Provide the identity provider metadata or link to obtain
<step performance="optional">
<para>If the identity provider has not already mapped the attributes you
share, map identity provider attribute names (Name in Assertion), to user
profile names from your identity repository (Local Attribute Name).</para>
<para>Either add the provider to the circle of trust you already created,
or select Add to new and provide a New Circle of Trust name.</para>
<para>Click Configure to save your configuration.</para>
<procedure xml:id="create-fedlet">
<title>To Create a Fedlet for Service Providers</title>
<para>When your organization acts as the identity provider, and you want
quickly to enable service providers to federate their services with yours,
you can provide them with a <firstterm>fedlet</firstterm>. A fedlet is
a small Java or .NET web application that can act as a service provider for
a specific identity provider without requiring that you install all of
<para>Fedlets support the following SAML 2.0 features.</para>
<table xml:id="fedlet-saml2-features">
<title>Fedlet Support for SAML 2.0 Features</title>
<tgroup cols="3">
<colspec colnum="1" colwidth="4*"/>
<colspec colnum="2" colwidth="1*"/>
<colspec colnum="3" colwidth="1*"/>
<entry>SAML 2.0 Feature</entry>
<entry>Java Fedlet</entry>
<entry>.NET Fedlet</entry>
<entry>IDP &amp; SP-initiated Single Sign-On (HTTP Artifact)</entry>
<entry>IDP &amp; SP-initiated Single Sign-On (HTTP POST)</entry>
<entry>IDP &amp; SP-initiated Single Logout (HTTP POST)</entry>
<entry>IDP &amp; SP-initiated Single Logout (HTTP Redirect)</entry>
<entry>Sign Requests &amp; Responses</entry>
<entry>Encrypt Assertion, Attribute, &amp; NameID Elements</entry>
<entry>Export SP Metadata</entry>
<entry>Attribute Queries</entry>
<entry>XACML Requests</entry>
<entry>Not supported</entry>
<entry>Multiple IDPs</entry>
<entry>External IDP Discovery Service</entry>
<entry>Bundled IDP Reader Service for Discovery</entry>
<entry>Not supported</entry>
<para>For more information on using fedlets, see <link xlink:show="new"
xlink:role=""><citetitle>Using Fedlets in
Java Web Applications</citetitle></link> and <link xlink:show="new"
xlink:role=""><citetitle>Using Fedlets in
.NET Applications</citetitle></link> in the <citetitle>Developer's
<para>The following procedure describes how to create a Java Fedlet.</para>
<step performance="optional">
<para>If you have not done so already, set up your identity provider.</para>
<para>Enter the URL where the service provider will deploy the fedlet you
create, and name the fedlet. If you create multiple fedlets, use the URL
as a unique name that shows who has deployed the fedlet.</para>
<para>For the attributes you share, map service provider attribute names
(Name in Assertion), to user profile names from your identity repository
(Local Attribute Name).</para>
<para>Click Create to generate the <filename></filename>
file under the OpenAM configuration directory, such as
<para>Give the <filename></filename> file to the service
provider for deployment.</para>
<section xml:id="deploy-idp-discovery">
<title>Deploying the Identity Provider Discovery Service</title>
<para>When your circle of trust includes multiple identity providers, then
service providers must discover which identity provider corresponds to a
request. You can deploy the identity provider discovery service for this
purpose as a separate web application.</para>
<para>Browsers only send cookies for the originating domain. Therefore
when a browser accesses the service provider in the <literal>www.sp.example</literal>
domain, the service provider has no way of knowing whether the user has
perhaps already authenticated at <literal>www.this-idp.example</literal> or at
<literal>www.that-idp.example</literal>. The providers therefore host an identity
provider discovery service in a common domain, such as
<literal>www.disco.example</literal>, and use that service to discover where
the user logged in. The identity provider discover service essentially
writes and reads cookies from the common domain. The providers configure
their circle of trust to use the identity provider discovery service
as part of SAML 2.0 federation.</para>
<para>Deploying the identity provider discovery service involves the
following stages.</para>
<para>Deploy the .war file into your web application container.</para>
<para>Configure the discovery service.</para>
<para>Add the identity provider discovery service endpoints for writing
cookies to and reading cookies from the common domain to the circle of
trust configurations for the providers.</para>
<para>Share metadata between identity providers and the service
<procedure xml:id="deploy-idpdisco-on-tomcat">
<title>To Deploy the Discovery Service on Tomcat</title>
<para>How you deploy the discovery service .war file depends on your web
application container. The procedure in this section shows how to deploy
on Apache Tomcat.</para>
<para>Copy the <filename><?eval ${ipdiscoWarFile}?></filename> file to
the <filename>webapps/</filename> directory.</para>
<screen>$ ~/Downloads/openam/<?eval ${ipdiscoWarFile}?> /path/to/tomcat/webapps/disco.war</screen>
<para>Access the configuration screen through your browser.</para>
<para>In this example, Apache Tomcat listens for HTTP requests on
<literal>www.disco.example:8080</literal>, and Tomcat has unpacked the
application under <literal>/disco</literal>, so the URL is
<literal>http://www.disco.example:8080/disco</literal>, which redirects to
<procedure xml:id="configure-idpdisco-deployed">
<title>To Configure the Discovery Service</title>
<para>Configure the identity provider discovery service.</para>
<mediaobject xml:id="figure-idp-disco-config">
<alt>Completed discovery service configuration screen</alt>
<imagedata fileref="images/idp-disco-config.png" format="PNG" />
<para>Configure the identity provider discovery service.</para>
<para>Hints for discovery service configuration parameters follow.</para>
<term>Debug Directory</term>
<para>The discovery service logs to flat files in this directory.</para>
<term>Debug Level</term>
<para>Default is <literal>error</literal>. Other options include
<literal>error</literal>, <literal>warning</literal>,
<literal>message</literal>, and <literal>off</literal>.</para>
<para>Set this to <literal>message</literal> in order to see the
service working when you run your initial tests.</para>
<term>Cookie Type</term>
<para>Set to PERSISTENT if you have configured OpenAM to use persistent
cookies, meaning single sign on cookies that can continue to be valid
after the browser is closed.</para>
<term>Cookie Domain</term>
<para>The cookie domain is the common cookie domain used in your circle
of trust for identity provider discovery, in this case
<term>Secure Cookie</term>
<para>Set this to true if clients should only return cookies when
a secure connection is used.</para>
<term>Encode Cookie</term>
<para>Leave this true unless your OpenAM installation requires that you
do not encode cookies. Normally cookies are encoded such that cookies
remain valid in HTTP.</para>
<term>HTTP-Only Cookie</term>
<para>Set to true to use HTTPOnly cookies if needed to help prevent
third-party programs and scripts from accessing the cookies.</para>
<para>Restrict permissions to the discovery service configuration file in
<filename>$HOME/</filename>, where $HOME
corresponds to the user who runs the web container where you deployed the
<procedure xml:id="add-idpdisco-to-circle-of-trust">
<title>To Add the Discovery Service to Your Circles of Trust</title>
<para>Each provider has a circle of trust including itself. You configure
each of these circles of trust to use the identity provider discovery
service as described in the following steps.</para>
<para>On the service provider console, login as OpenAM
<para>On the service provider console, under Federation &gt; Circle of
Trust Configuration &gt; <replaceable>Circle of Trust Name</replaceable>
add SAML2 Writer and Reader Service URLs for the identity provider
discovery service endpoints, and Save your work.</para>
<para>In this example, the writer URL is
<literal>http://www.disco.example:8080/disco/saml2writer</literal>, and the
reader URL is
<para>On each identity provider console, login as OpenAM
<para>On the identity provider console, under Federation &gt; Circle of
Trust Configuration &gt; <replaceable>Circle of Trust Name</replaceable>
also add SAML2 Writer and Reader Service URLs for the identity provider
discovery service endpoints, and Save your work.</para>
<procedure xml:id="share-idpdisco-sp-metadata">
<title>To Share Identity &amp; Service Provider Metadata</title>
<para>Before performing these steps, install the administration tools
for each provider as described in <link
xlink:role=""><citetitle>To Set Up
Administration Tools</citetitle></link>. The administration tools include
the <command>ssoadm</command> tool that you need to export metadata.</para>
<para>On each identity provider console, register the service provider as
a remote service provider adding to the circle of trust you configured
to use the identity provider discovery service.</para>
<para>The URL to the service provider metadata is something like
<para>Obtain metadata for each identity provider.</para>
<screen>$ ssh www.this-idp.example
$ cd /path/to/openam-tools/admin/openam/bin
$ /ssoadm create-metadata-templ -y "http://www.this-idp.example:8080/openam"
-u amadmin -f /tmp/pwd.txt -i /idp -m this-standard.xml -x this-extended.xml
Hosted entity configuration was written to this-extended.xml.
Hosted entity descriptor was written to this-standard.xml.
$ ssh www.that-idp.example
$ cd /path/to/openam-tools/admin/openam/bin
$ /ssoadm create-metadata-templ -y "http://www.that-idp.example:8080/openam"
-u amadmin -f /tmp/pwd.txt -i /idp -m that-standard.xml -x that-extended.xml
Hosted entity configuration was written to that-extended.xml.
Hosted entity descriptor was written to that-standard.xml.</screen>
<para>For each identity provider extended metadata file, change the value
of the <literal>hosted</literal> attribute to <literal>0</literal>,
meaning the identity provider is remote.</para>
<para>On the service provider, add the identity providers to the circle of
trust using the identity provider metadata.</para>
<screen>$ ssh www.sp.example
$ cd /path/to/openam-tools/admin/openam/bin
$ /ssoadm import-entity -t discocot -m ~/Downloads/this-standard.xml
-x ~/Downloads/this-extended.xml -u amadmin -f /tmp/pwd.txt
Import file, /Users/mark/Downloads/this-standard.xml.
Import file, /Users/mark/Downloads/this-extended.xml.
$ /ssoadm import-entity -t discocot -m ~/Downloads/that-standard.xml
-x ~/Downloads/that-extended.xml -u amadmin -f /tmp/pwd.txt
Import file, /Users/mark/Downloads/that-standard.xml.
Import file, /Users/mark/Downloads/that-extended.xml.</screen>
<para>Test your work by using the Federation Connectivity Test that
you start from the service provider console under Common Tasks &gt;
Test Federation Connectivity.</para>
<para>When the test is done, you can see messages from the
<literal>CookieWriterServlet</literal> in the
<filename>libIDPDiscovery</filename> log file where you set up
logging when you configured the identity provider discovery
service, such as <filename>/tmp/debug/libIDPDiscovery</filename>.
Output generated during a test follows, with some lines folded to fit
on the printed page.</para>
<screen>08/08/2012 11:43:38:341 AM CEST: Thread[http-bio-8080-exec-4,5,main]
CookieUtils.init : idpDiscoveryOnlyWar=true
08/08/2012 11:43:38:341 AM CEST: Thread[http-bio-8080-exec-4,5,main]
CookieWriterServlet Initializing...
08/08/2012 11:43:38:341 AM CEST: Thread[http-bio-8080-exec-4,5,main]
CookieWriterServlet.doGetPost: Preferred Cookie Name is _saml_idp
08/08/2012 11:43:38:341 AM CEST: Thread[http-bio-8080-exec-4,5,main]
CookieWriterServlet.doGetPost: URL Scheme is null, set to https.
08/08/2012 11:43:38:341 AM CEST: Thread[http-bio-8080-exec-4,5,main]
CookieWriterServlet.doGetPost: Preferred IDP Cookie Not found
08/08/2012 11:43:38:342 AM CEST: Thread[http-bio-8080-exec-4,5,main]
CookieWriterServlet.doGetPost: Cookie Type is PERSISTENT
08/08/2012 11:43:38:342 AM CEST: Thread[http-bio-8080-exec-4,5,main]
CookieWriterServlet.doGetPost: Cookie value is
08/08/2012 11:43:38:342 AM CEST: Thread[http-bio-8080-exec-4,5,main]
CookieWriterServlet.doGetPost: Preferred Cookie Name _saml_idp
08/08/2012 11:43:38:343 AM CEST: Thread[http-bio-8080-exec-4,5,main]
CookieWriterServlet.doGetPost: Redirect to
08/08/2012 11:43:46:957 AM CEST: Thread[http-bio-8080-exec-4,5,main]
CookieWriterServlet.doGetPost: Preferred Cookie Name is _saml_idp
08/08/2012 11:43:46:957 AM CEST: Thread[http-bio-8080-exec-4,5,main]
08/08/2012 11:43:46:957 AM CEST: Thread[http-bio-8080-exec-4,5,main]
CookieWriterServlet.doGetPost: Cookie Type is PERSISTENT
08/08/2012 11:43:46:957 AM CEST: Thread[http-bio-8080-exec-4,5,main]
CookieWriterServlet.doGetPost: Cookie value is
08/08/2012 11:43:46:957 AM CEST: Thread[http-bio-8080-exec-4,5,main]
CookieWriterServlet.doGetPost: Preferred Cookie Name _saml_idp
08/08/2012 11:43:46:957 AM CEST: Thread[http-bio-8080-exec-4,5,main]
CookieWriterServlet.doGetPost: Redirect to
<section xml:id="configure-idp">
<title>Configuring Identity Providers</title>
<para>Once you have set up an identity provider, you can configure it
through the OpenAM console under Federation &gt; Entity Providers &gt;
<replaceable>Provider Name</replaceable>.</para>
<section xml:id="idp-assertion-content">
<title>Hints for Assertion Content</title>
<para>Use the following hints to adjust settings on the Assertion Content
tab page.</para>
<variablelist xml:id="idp-signing-encryption">
<title>Signing and Encryption</title>
<term>Request/Response Signing</term>
<para>Specifies what parts of messages the identity provider requires
the service provider to sign digitally.</para>
<para>When selected, the service provider must encrypt NameID
<term>Certificate Aliases</term>
<para>Specifies aliases for certificates in the OpenAM key store that are
used to handle digital signatures, and to handle encrypted messages.</para>
<variablelist xml:id="idp-nameid-format">
<title>NameID Format</title>
<term>NameID Format List</term>
<para>Specifies the supported name identifiers for users that are shared
between providers for single sign on. If no name identifier is specified
when initiating single sign on, then the identity provider uses the first
one in the list.</para>
<term>NameID Value List</term>
<para>Maps name identifier formats to user profile attributes. The
<literal>persistent</literal> and <literal>transient</literal> name
identifiers need not be mapped.</para>
<variablelist xml:id="idp-authentication-context">
<title>Authentication Context</title>
<para>Specifies a class that implements the
<literal>IDPAuthnContextMapper</literal> interface and sets up the
authentication context.</para>
<term>Default Authentication Context</term>
<para>Specifies the authentication context used if no authentication
context specified in the request.</para>
<term>Supported Contexts</term>
<para>Specifies the supported authentication contexts, where the Key
and Value can specify a corresponding OpenAM authentication method,
and the Level corresponds to an authentication module authentication
<variablelist xml:id="idp-assertion-time">
<title>Assertion Time</title>
<term>Not-Before Time Skew</term>
<para>Grace period in seconds for the <literal>NotBefore</literal> time
in assertions.</para>
<term>Effective Time</term>
<para>Validity in seconds of an assertion.</para>
<variablelist xml:id="idp-basic-authentication">
<title>Basic Authentication</title>
<term>Enabled, User Name, Password</term>
<para>When enabled, authenticate with the specified user name and
password at SOAP end points.</para>
<variablelist xml:id="idp-assertion-cache">
<title>Assertion Cache</title>
<para>When enabled, cache assertions.</para>
<variablelist xml:id="idp-bootstrapping">
<term>Discovery Bootstrapping</term>
<para>When enabled, generate a Discovery Service Resource Offering
during the Liberty-based single sign on.</para>
<section xml:id="idp-assertion-processing">
<title>Hints for Assertion Processing</title>
<para>Use the following hints to adjust settings on the Assertion Processing
tab page.</para>
<variablelist xml:id="idp-attribute-mapper">
<title>Attribute Mapper</title>
<term>Attribute Mapper</term>
<para>Specifies a class that implements the attribute mapping.</para>
<term>Attribute Map</term>
<para>Maps SAML attributes to user profile attributes.</para>
<variablelist xml:id="idp-account-mapper">
<title>Account Mapper</title>
<term>Account Mapper</term>
<para>Specifies a class that implements <literal>AccountMapper</literal>
to map remote users to local user profiles.</para>
<variablelist xml:id="idp-local-configuration">
<title>Local Configuration</title>
<term>Auth URL</term>
<para>URL where users are redirected to authenticate.</para>
<term>External Application Logout URL</term>
<para>URL to which to send an HTTP POST including all cookies when
receiving a logout request. To add a user session property as a POST
parameter, include it in the URL query string as a
<literal>appsessionproperty</literal> parameter.</para>
<section xml:id="idp-services">
<title>Hints for Services</title>
<para>Use the following hints to adjust settings on the Services tab
<variablelist xml:id="idp-meta-alias">
<para>Used to locate the providers entity identifier, specified as
>provider-name</replaceable></literal>, where neither
<replaceable>realm-name</replaceable> nor
<replaceable>provider-name</replaceable> can contain slash characters
(<literal>/</literal>). For example:
<variablelist xml:id="idp-service-attibutes">
<title>IDP Service Attributes</title>
<term>Artifact Resolution Service</term>
<para>Specifies the end point to handle artifact resolution. The Index
is a unique number identifier for the end point.</para>
<term>Single Logout Service</term>
<para>Specifies the end points to handle single logout, depending on
the SAML binding selected.</para>
<term>Manage NameID Service</term>
<para>Specifies the end points to handle name identifiers, depending on
the SAML binding selected.</para>
<term>Single SignOn Service</term>
<para>Specifies the end points to handle single sign on.</para>
<variablelist xml:id="idp-nameid-mapping">
<title>NameID Mapping</title>
<para>Specifies the end point to handle name identifier mapping.</para>
<section xml:id="idp-advanced">
<title>Hints for Advanced Settings</title>
<para>Use the following hints to adjust settings on the Advanced tab
<variablelist xml:id="idp-sae-configuration">
<title>SAE Configuration</title>
<term>IDP URL</term>
<para>Specifies the end point to handle Secure Attribute Exchange
<term>Application Security Configuration</term>
<para>Specifies how to handle encryption for Secure Attribute Exchange
<variablelist xml:id="idp-ecp-configuration">
<title>ECP Configuration</title>
<term>IDP Session Mapper</term>
<para>Specifies the class that finds a valid session from an HTTP
servlet request to an identity provider with a SAML Enhanced Client or
Proxy profile.</para>
<variablelist xml:id="idp-session-synchronization">
<title>Session Synchronization</title>
<para>When enabled, the identity provider notifies service providers
to log the user out when a session expires.</para>
<variablelist xml:id="idp-finder-implementation">
<title>IDP Finder Implementation</title>
<term>IDP Finder Implementation Class</term>
<para>Specifies a class that finds the preferred identity provider to
handle a proxied authentication request.</para>
<term>IDP Finder JSP</term>
<para>Specifies a JSP that presents the list of identity providers to
the user.</para>
<term>Enable Proxy IDP Finder For All SPs</term>
<para>When enabled, apply the finder for all remote service
<variablelist xml:id="idp-relay-state-url-list">
<title>Relay State URL List</title>
<term>Relay State URL List</term>
<para>List of URLs to which to redirect users after the request has
been handled. Used if not specified in the service provider extended
<variablelist xml:id="idp-adapter">
<title>IDP Adapter</title>
<term>IDP Adapter Class</term>
<para>Specifies a class to invoke immediately before sending a
SAML 2.0 response.</para>
<section xml:id="configure-sp">
<title>Configuring Service Providers</title>
<para>Once you have set up a service provider, you can configure it
through the OpenAM console under Federation &gt; Entity Providers &gt;
<replaceable>Provider Name</replaceable>.</para>
<section xml:id="sp-assertion-content">
<title>Hints for Assertion Content</title>
<para>Use the following hints to adjust settings on the Assertion Content
tab page.</para>
<variablelist xml:id="sp-signing-encryption">
<title>Signing and Encryption</title>
<term>Request/Response Signing</term>
<para>Specifies what parts of messages the service provider requires
the identity provider to sign digitally.</para>
<para>The identity provider must encrypt selected elements.</para>
<term>Certificate Aliases</term>
<para>Specifies aliases for certificates in the OpenAM key store that are
used to handle digital signatures, and to handle encrypted messages.</para>
<variablelist xml:id="sp-nameid-format">
<title>NameID Format</title>
<term>NameID Format List</term>
<para>Specifies the supported name identifiers for users that are shared
between providers for single sign on. If no name identifier is specified
when initiating single sign on, then the service provider uses the first
one in the list supported by the identity provider.</para>
<term>Disable Federation persistence if NameID Format is unspecified</term>
<para>When enabled, the NameID Format in the authentication response is
and the Account Mapper has identified the local user, the service provider
does not persist federation information in the user profile.</para>
<variablelist xml:id="sp-authentication-context">
<title>Authentication Context</title>
<para>Specifies a class that implements the
<literal>SPAuthnContextMapper</literal> interface and sets up the
authentication context.</para>
<term>Default Authentication Context</term>
<para>Specifies the authentication context used if no authentication
context specified in the request.</para>
<term>Supported Contexts</term>
<para>Specifies the supported authentication contexts. The Level
corresponds to an authentication module authentication level.</para>
<term>Comparison Type</term>
<para>How the authentication context in the assertion response must
compare to the supported contexts.</para>
<variablelist xml:id="sp-assertion-time">
<title>Assertion Time</title>
<term>Assertion Time Skew</term>
<para>Grace period in seconds for the <literal>NotBefore</literal> time
in assertions.</para>
<variablelist xml:id="sp-basic-authentication">
<title>Basic Authentication</title>
<term>Enabled, User Name, Password</term>
<para>When enabled, authenticate with the specified user name and
password at SOAP end points.</para>
<section xml:id="sp-assertion-processing">
<title>Hints for Assertion Processing</title>
<para>Use the following hints to adjust settings on the Assertion Processing
tab page.</para>
<variablelist xml:id="sp-attribute-mapper">
<title>Attribute Mapper</title>
<term>Attribute Mapper</term>
<para>Specifies a class that implements the attribute mapping.</para>
<term>Attribute Map</term>
<para>Maps SAML attributes to user profile attributes.</para>
<variablelist xml:id="sp-auto-federation">
<title>Auto Federation</title>
<para>When enabled, automatically federate user's accounts at different
providers based on the specified profile attribute.</para>
<para>Specifies the user profile attribute to match accounts at different
<variablelist xml:id="sp-account-mapper">
<title>Account Mapper</title>
<term>Account Mapper</term>
<para>Specifies a class that implements <literal>AccountMapper</literal>
to map remote users to local user profiles.</para>
<term>Use Name ID as User ID</term>
<para>When selected, fall back to using the name identifier from the
assertion to find the user.</para>
<variablelist xml:id="sp-artifact-message-encoding">
<title>Artifact Message Encoding</title>
<para>Specifies the message encoding format for artifacts.</para>
<variablelist xml:id="sp-transient-user">
<title>Transient User</title>
<term>Transient User</term>
<para>Specifies the user profile to which to map all identity provider
users when sending transient name identifiers.</para>
<variablelist xml:id="sp-url">
<term>Local Authentication URL</term>
<para>Specifies the local login URL.</para>
<term>Intermediate URL</term>
<para>Specifies a URL to which the user is redirected after
authentication but before the original URL requested.</para>
<term>External Application Logout URL</term>
<para>Specifies the URL to which to send an HTTP POST including all
cookies when receiving a logout request. To add a user session property
as a POST parameter, include it in the URL query string as a
<literal>appsessionproperty</literal> parameter.</para>
<variablelist xml:id="sp-default-relay-state-url">
<title>Default Relay State URL</title>
<term>Default Relay State URL</term>
<para>Specifies the URL to which to redirect users after the request has
been handled. Used if not specified in the response.</para>
<variablelist xml:id="sp-adapter">
<para>Specifies a class that implements the
<literal>FederationSPAdapter</literal> interface and performs application
specific processing during the federation process.</para>
<term>Adapter Environment</term>
<para>Specifies environment variables passed to the adapter class.</para>
<section xml:id="sp-services">
<title>Hints for Services</title>
<para>Use the following hints to adjust settings on the Services tab
<variablelist xml:id="sp-meta-alias">
<para>Used to locate the providers entity identifier, specified as
>provider-name</replaceable></literal>, where neither
<replaceable>realm-name</replaceable> nor
<replaceable>provider-name</replaceable> can contain slash characters
(<literal>/</literal>). For example:
<variablelist xml:id="sp-service-attibutes">
<title>SP Service Attributes</title>
<term>Single Logout Service</term>
<para>Specifies the end points to handle single logout, depending on
the SAML binding selected.</para>
<term>Manage NameID Service</term>
<para>Specifies the end points to handle name identifiers, depending on
the SAML binding selected.</para>
<term>Assertion Consumer Service</term>
<para>Specifies the end points to consume assertions, with Index
corresponding to the index of the URL in the standard metadata.</para>
<section xml:id="sp-advanced">
<title>Hints for Advanced Settings</title>
<para>Use the following hints to adjust settings on the Advanced tab
<variablelist xml:id="sp-sae-configuration">
<title>SAE Configuration</title>
<term>SP URL</term>
<para>Specifies the end point to handle Secure Attribute Exchange
<term>SP Logout URL</term>
<para>Specifies the end point of the service provider that can handle
global logout requests.</para>
<term>Application Security Configuration</term>
<para>Specifies how to handle encryption for Secure Attribute Exchange
<variablelist xml:id="sp-ecp-configuration">
<title>ECP Configuration</title>
<term>Request IDP List Finder Implementation</term>
<para>Specifies a class that returns a list of preferred identity
providers trusted by the SAML Enhanced Client or Proxy profile.</para>
<term>Request IDP List Get Complete</term>
<para>Specifies a URI reference used to retrieve the complete identity
provider list if the <literal>IDPList</literal> element is not
<term>Request IDP List</term>
<para>Specifies a list of identity providers for the SAML Enhanced Client
or Proxy to contact, used by the default implementation of the IDP
<variablelist xml:id="sp-idp-proxy">
<title>IDP Proxy</title>
<term>IDP Proxy</term>
<para>When enabled, allow proxied authentication for this service
<para>When enabled, use introductions to find the proxy identity
<term>Proxy Count</term>
<para>Specifies the maximum number of proxy identity providers.</para>
<term>IDP Proxy List</term>
<para>Specifies a list of URIs identifying preferred proxy identity
<variablelist xml:id="sp-session-synchronization">
<title>Session Synchronization</title>
<para>When enabled, the service provider notifies identity providers
to log the user out when a session expires.</para>
<variablelist xml:id="sp-relay-state-url-list">
<title>Relay State URL List</title>
<term>Relay State URL List</term>
<para>List of URLs to which to redirect users after the request has
been handled. Used if not specified in the service provider extended
<section xml:id="configure-cot">
<title>Configuring Circles of Trust</title>
<para>Once you have set up a circle of trust, you can configure it
through the OpenAM console under Federation &gt; Circle of Trust &gt;
<replaceable>Circle of Trust Name</replaceable>.</para>
<para>String to refer to the circle of trust.</para>
<para>Short description of the circle of trust.</para>
<term>IDFF Writer Service URL</term>
<para>Liberty Identity Federation Framework service that writes identity
provider entity identifiers to Common Domain cookies after successful
authentication, used in identity provider discovery. Example:
<term>IDFF Reader Service URL</term>
<para>Liberty Identity Federation Framework service that reads identity
provider entity identifiers from Common Domain cookies, used in identity
provider discovery. Example:
<term>SAML2 Writer Service URL</term>
<para>SAML 2.0 service that writes identity provider entity identifiers
to Common Domain cookies after successful authentication, used in identity
provider discovery. Example:
<term>SAML2 Reader Service URL</term>
<para>SAML 2.0 service that reads identity provider entity identifiers
from Common Domain cookies, used in identity provider discovery. Example:
<para>Whether this circle of trust is operational.</para>
<para>Name of the realm participating in this circle of trust.</para>
<term>Entity Providers</term>
<para>Known hosted and remote identity and service providers participating
in this circle of trust.</para>
<section xml:id="google-apps-as-sp">
<title>Configuring Google Apps as a Remote Service Provider</title>
<indexterm><primary>Google Apps</primary></indexterm>
<para>OpenAM can serve as the identity provider when you use <link
xlink:show="new" xlink:href="">Google
Apps</link> as a service provider, allowing users to have single sign-on
with their Google Apps account.</para>
<para>In order to use this service, you must have a Google Apps account for
at least one of your domains, such as <literal></literal>.</para>
<procedure xml:id="integrate-google-apps">
<title>To Integrate With Google Apps</title>
<para>If you have not yet done so, set up OpenAM as described in
<xref linkend="create-hosted-idp" />, using a signing certificate
that is needed by Google Apps.</para>
<para>See the procedure <link xlink:href="admin-guide#change-signing-key"
xlink:role=""><citetitle>To Change the
Signing Key for Federation</citetitle></link> for details regarding the
signing certificate.</para>
<para>On the OpenAM console Common Tasks page, click Configure Google
<para>On the first Configure Google Apps for Single Sign-On page, add your
domain name(s) such as <literal></literal> to the list, and then
click Create.</para>
<para>On the second Configure Google Apps for Single Sign-On page, save
the OpenAM verification certificate to a text file, such as
<para>Follow the instructions under To Enable Access to the Google Apps API
before clicking Finish.</para>
<para>Access the Google Apps administration page for the first of your
domains in a new browser tab or window.</para>
<para>Login as Google Apps administrator.</para>
<para>Select Enable Single Sign-On.</para>
<para>Copy the URLs from the OpenAM page into the Google Apps setup
<para>Upload the certificate file you saved such as
<filename>OpenAM.pem</filename> as the Google Apps Verification
<para>Select Use a domain specific issuer.</para>
<para>Save changes in Google Apps setup.</para>
<para>Repeat the steps above for each domain you have configured.</para>
<para>Click Finish to complete the process.</para>
<section xml:id="salesforce-as-sp">
<title>Configuring Salesforce CRM as a Remote Service Provider</title>
<indexterm><primary>Salesforce CRM</primary></indexterm>
<para>OpenAM can serve as the identity provider when you use <link
xlink:show="new" xlink:href="">Salesforce CRM</link>
as a service provider, allowing users to have single sign-on with their
Salesforce CRM account.</para>
<para>In order to use this service, you must have Salesforce CRM accounts
for your organization.</para>
<procedure xml:id="integrate-salesforce">
<title>To Integrate With Salesforce CRM</title>
<para>If you have not yet done so, set up OpenAM as described in
<xref linkend="create-hosted-idp" />, using a signing certificate
that is needed by Salesforce CRM.</para>
<para>See the procedure <link xlink:href="admin-guide#change-signing-key"
xlink:role=""><citetitle>To Change the
Signing Key for Federation</citetitle></link> for details regarding the
signing certificate.</para>
<para>Enter the EntityID for your Salesforce service provider.</para>
<para>This ID is used as the persistent EntityDescriptor metadata
element so that users can have multiple service provider instances.
This field is used for the EntityDescriptor on the next page.</para>
<para>On the OpenAM console Common Tasks page, click Configure Salesforce
<para>On the first Salesforce CRM Single Sign-On Configuration page,
configure attribute mapping to associate the appropriate attribute
from Salesforce CRM with the user profile attribute on your IDP.</para>
<para>For example, add a mapping for <literal>IDPEmail</literal> to
<literal>mail</literal>, and then click Create. Make sure the attribute mapper
is sending the correct attribute to be used for the federated identity.</para>
<para>On the second Salesforce CRM Single Sign-On Configuration page, follow
the instructions below before clicking Finish.</para>
<para>In a new browser tab or window, login to <link xlink:show="new"
xlink:href="">Salesforce CRM</link> with
your administrator credentials.</para>
<para>Create an administrator account if none exists, yet.</para>
<para>If your users go directly to Salesforce to access services, then
their single sign-on is SP-initiated from the Salesforce side. Salesforce
provides a "My Domain" feature to facilitate SP-initiated single sign-on
for desktop and device users.</para>
<para>When you have completed configuring Salesforce as a service
provider, users can then browse to your domain at Salesforce, such as
<literal></literal>, and be redirected to
OpenAM to authenticate before being redirected to Salesforce.</para>
<para>Select Administration Setup &gt; Company Profile &gt; My
<para>Choose the domain name, and then register the domain.</para>
<para>Wait until the domain is ready for testing to proceed.</para>
<para>In Salesforce CRM, browse to Setup &gt; Administration Setup &gt;
Security Controls &gt; Single Sign-On Settings, and then click Edit for
Single Sign-On Settings.</para>
<para>Select SAML Enabled.</para>
<para>Set the SAML Version to 2.0.</para>
<para>Copy the issuer name from the OpenAM page to the Issuer field on the
Salesforce CRM page.</para>
<para>Copy or download the OpenAM verification certificate to a text file, such
as <filename>OpenAMCert.pem</filename> or <filename>OpenAMCert.txt</filename>.</para>
<para>Upload the certificate file as Identity Provider Certificate on the
Salesforce CRM page.</para>
<para>For SAML Identity Type in Salesforce CRM, choose Assertion contains
the Federation ID from the User object.</para>
<para>For SAML Identity Location in Salesforce CRM, choose Identity is in an
Attribute element.</para>
<para>If you require specific login or logout pages, enter them in the next
two fields.</para>
<para>Enter the URL of your page specific error page if you have a page where
you would like users redirected to when they encounter an error.</para>
<para>Copy the attribute name such as <literal>IDPEmail</literal> from
the OpenAM page to the Attribute Name field on the Salesforce CRM
<para>Leave the NameID Format field empty.</para>
<para>Select the Entity ID corresponding to the "My Domain" that you set
<para>Save your work in Salesforce CRM.</para>
<para>Salesforce CRM displays a Salesforce Login URL.</para>
<para>Copy the Salesforce Login URL to the field provided on the OpenAM
<para>Salesforce CRM returns to the Single Sign-On Settings form.</para>
<para>Click Download Metadata to download the Salesforce CRM SP
<para>After you complete the configuration, you must import the
SP metadata you download in this step.</para>
<para>In Salesforce CRM, browse to Administration Setup &gt; Manage Users,
and then click Users.</para>
<para>Add users as necessary, making sure the attribute chosen as the
Federation ID matches the local attribute you mapped to the remote
attribute in the previous page in OpenAM.</para>
<para>Click Finish to complete the process.</para>
<para>After you finish, import the metadata for Salesforce CRM as SP.</para>
<para>Browse in OpenAM console to the Federation tab.</para>
<para>If the remote SP entity for Salesforce CRM is already in the Entity
Providers list, delete the existing configuration.</para>
<para>Click Import Entity..., and then use the Import Entity Provider
page to import the Salesforce CRM metadata.</para>
<para>Update the <literal>Realm Name</literal> to the appropriate realm.</para>
<para>Select the location where the metadata file is.</para>
<para>Enter the path for the metadata file.</para>
<para>If you have an extended data file, select the location where the file
<para>If you have an extended data file, enter the path for the metadata
<para>At this point, when a user browses to the Salesforce domain you set
up, they should be redirected to OpenAM for authentication. Upon successful
authentication, they should be logged in to Salesforce.</para>
<section xml:id="using-saml2-sso-slo">
<title>Using SAML 2.0 Single Sign-On &amp; Single Logout</title>
<secondary>SAML 2.0 Single Sign-On (SSO)</secondary>
<secondary>SAML 2.0 Single Logout (SLO)</secondary>
<para>OpenAM SAML 2.0 Federation provides JSPs where you can direct
users to do single sign-on (SSO) and single logout (SLO) across providers
in a circle of trust. OpenAM has two JSPs for SSO and two JSPs for
SLO, allowing you to initiate both processes either from the identity
provider side, or from the service provider side.</para>
<para>SSO lets users sign in once and remain authenticated as they access
services in the circle of trust.</para>
<para>SLO attempts to log a user out of all providers in the circle of
<para>The JSP pages are found under the context root where you deployed
OpenAM, in <filename>saml2/jsp/</filename>.</para>
<para>Used to initiate SSO from the service provider side, so call this
on the service provider not the identity provider. This is also mapped
to the endpoint <literal>spssoinit</literal> under the
context root.</para>
<para>Used to initiate SSO from the identity provider side, so call this
on the identity provider not the service provider. This is also mapped to
the endpoint <literal>idpssoinit</literal> under the
context root.</para>
<para>Used to initiate SLO from the service provider side, so call this
on the service provider not the identity provider.</para>
<para>Used to initiate SLO from the identity provider side, so call this
on the identity provider not the service provider.</para>
<para>When you invoke these JSPs, there are several parameters to
specify. Which parameters you can use depends on the JSP.</para>
<variablelist xml:id="idpssoinit-parameters">
<title><filename>idpSSOInit.jsp</filename> Parameters</title>
<para>(Required) Use this parameter to specify the local alias for the
provider, such as <literal>metaAlias=/myRealm/idp</literal>. This
parameter takes the format
>provider-name</replaceable></literal> as described in <xref
linkend="idp-meta-alias"/>. You do not repeat the slash for
the top level realm, for example <literal>metaAlias=/idp</literal>.</para>
<para>(Required) Use this parameter to indicate the remote service
provider. Make sure you URL encode the value. For example, specify
<literal>spEntityID=http://www.sp.example:8080/openam</literal> as
<para>(Optional) Use this parameter to specify a SAML affiliation
<para>(Optional) Use this parameter to indicate what binding to use for the
operation. For example, specify <literal>binding=HTTP-POST</literal> to
use HTTP POST binding with a self-submitting form. In addition to
<literal>binding=HTTP-POST</literal>, you can also use
<para>(Optional) Use this parameter to specify a SAML Name Identifier
format identifier such as
<literal>urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:nameid-format:persistent</literal>, or
<para>(Optional) Use this parameter to specify where to redirect the user
when the process is complete. Make sure you URL encode the value. For
example, <literal></literal>
takes the user to <literal></literal>.</para>
<para>(Optional) Use this parameter to specify the parameter to use as the
<literal>RelayState</literal>. For example, if your query string has
this is like setting
<variablelist xml:id="spssoinit-parameters">
<title><filename>spSSOInit.jsp</filename> Parameters</title>
<para>(Required) Use this parameter to indicate the remote identity
provider. Make sure you URL encode the value. For example, specify
<literal>idpEntityID=http://www.idp.example:8080/openam</literal> as
<para>(Required) Use this parameter to specify the local alias for the
provider, such as <literal>metaAlias=/myRealm/sp</literal>. This parameter
takes the format <literal>/<replaceable>realm-name</replaceable>/<replaceable
>provider-name</replaceable></literal> as described in <xref
linkend="sp-meta-alias"/>. You do not repeat the slash for the
top level realm, <literal>metaAlias=/sp</literal>.</para>
<para>(Optional) Use this parameter to specify a SAML affiliation
<para>(Optional) Use this parameter to indicate whether the identity
provider can create a new identifier for the principal if none exists
(<literal>true</literal>) or not (<literal>false</literal>).</para>
<para>(Optional) Use this parameter to specify an integer that indicates
the location to which the Response message should be returned to the
<para>(Optional) Use this parameter to specify a comparison method to
evaluate the requested context classes or statements. OpenAM accepts the
following values: <literal>better</literal>, <literal>exact</literal>,
<literal>maximum</literal>, and <literal>minimum</literal>.</para>
<para>(Optional) Use this parameter to specify authentication context
class references. Separate multiple values with pipe characters
<para>(Optional) Use this parameter to specify authentication context
declaration references. Separate multiple values with pipe characters
<para>(Optional) Use this parameter to specify the authentication level
of the authentication context that OpenAM should use to authenticate the
<!-- Supported currently in OpenAM?
<para>(Optional) Use this parameter to specify information associated with
the requester, describing the SAML attributes the identity provider is
requested to supply in the Response message.</para>
<para>(Optional) Use this parameter to indicate what binding to use for the
operation. For example, specify <literal>binding=HTTP-POST</literal> to
use HTTP POST binding with a self-submitting form. In addition to
<literal>binding=HTTP-POST</literal>, you can also use
<!-- Supported currently in OpenAM?
<para>(Optional) Use this parameter to specify a URI that is a SAML Consent
<para>(Optional) Use this parameter to specify a URI Reference indicating
the address to which the request is sent.</para>
<para>(Optional) Use this parameter to indicate whether the identity
provider should force authentication (<literal>true</literal>) or can
reuse existing security contexts (<literal>false</literal>).</para>
<para>(Optional) Use this parameter to indicate whether the identity
provider should authenticate passively (<literal>true</literal>) or not
<para>(Optional) Use this parameter to specify a SAML Name Identifier
format identifier such as
or <literal>urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:nameid-format:transient</literal>.</para>
<para>(Optional) Use this parameter to specify where to redirect the user
when the process is complete. Make sure you URL encode the value. For
example, <literal></literal>
takes the user to <literal></literal>.</para>
<para>(Optional) Use this parameter to specify the parameter to use as the
<literal>RelayState</literal>. For example, if your query string has
this is like setting
<para>(Optional) Use this parameter to indicate what binding to use for the
authentication request. Valid values in include
(default) and
<para>(Optional) Use this parameter to specify a URL encoded XML blob that
specifies the authentication level advice. For example, the following XML
indicates a requested authentication level of 1. Notice the required
<literal>:</literal> before the 1.</para>
<programlisting language="xml">&lt;Advice&gt;
&lt;Attribute name=&quot;AuthLevelConditionAdvice&quot;/&gt;
<variablelist xml:id="idpsloinit-parameters">
<title><filename>idpSingleLogoutInit.jsp</filename> Parameters</title>
<para>(Required) Use this parameter to indicate what binding to use for the
operation. The full, long name format is required for this parameter to work.
For example, specify <literal>urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:bindings:HTTP-POST</literal>
to use HTTP POST binding with a self-submitting form rather than the default
HTTP redirect binding. In addition, you can use
<para>(Optional) Use this parameter to specify a URI that is a SAML Consent
<para>(Optional) Use this parameter to specify a URI Reference indicating
the address to which the request is sent.</para>
<para>(Optional) Use this parameter to specify a list of Extensions as
string objects.</para>
<para>(Optional) Use this parameter to specify where to redirect the user
when the process is complete. <literal>RelayState</literal> takes
precedence over this parameter.</para>
<para>(Optional) Use this parameter to specify that the identity provider
should send single logout requests to service providers without indicating
a session index.</para>
<para>(Optional) Use this parameter to specify where to redirect the user
when the process is complete. Make sure you URL encode the value. For
example, <literal></literal>
takes the user to <literal></literal>.</para>
<variablelist xml:id="spsloinit-parameters">
<title><filename>spSingleLogoutInit.jsp</filename> Parameters</title>
<para>(Required) Use this parameter to indicate what binding to use for the
operation. The full, long name format is required for this parameter to work.
For example, specify <literal>binding=urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:bindings:HTTP-POST</literal>
to use HTTP POST binding with a self-submitting form rather than the default
HTTP redirect binding. In addition, you can use
<para>(Required for Fedlets) Use this parameter to indicate the remote
identity provider. If the <literal>binding</literal> is not set, then
OpenAM uses this parameter to find the default binding. Make sure you URL
encode the value. For example, specify
<literal>idpEntityID=http://www.sp.example:8080/openam</literal> as
<para>(Required for Fedlets) Use this parameter to indicate the SAML Name
Identifier for the user.</para>
<para>(Required for Fedlets) Use this parameter to indicate the
<literal>sessionIndex</literal> of the user session to terminate.</para>
<para>(Optional) Use this parameter to specify a URI that is a SAML Consent
<para>(Optional) Use this parameter to specify a URI Reference indicating
the address to which the request is sent.</para>
<para>(Optional) Use this parameter to specify a list of Extensions as
string objects.</para>
<para>(Optional) Use this parameter to specify where to redirect the user
when the process is complete. <literal>RelayState</literal> takes
precedence over this parameter.</para>
<para>(Optional) Use this parameter to specify where to redirect the user
when the process is complete. Make sure you URL encode the value. For
example, <literal></literal>
takes the user to <literal></literal>.</para>
<para>(Optional, for Fedlets) Use this parameter to indicate the Fedlet
entity ID. When missing, OpenAM uses the first entity ID in the
<example xml:id="example-saml2-sso-slo"><?dbfo keep-together="auto"?>
<title>SSO &amp; SLO From the Service Provider</title>
<para>The following URL takes the user from the service provider side to
authenticate at the identity provider and then come back to the end user
profile page at the service provider after successful SSO. Lines are folded
to show you the query string parameters.</para>
<programlisting language="none"
<para>The following URL initiates SLO from the service provider side,
leaving the user at <literal></literal>.</para>
<programlisting language="none"
<procedure xml:id="show-saml2-sso-login-progress">
<title>To Indicate Progress During SSO</title>
<para>During SSO log in, OpenAM presents users with a self-submitting form
when access has been validated. This page is otherwise blank. If you want to
present users with something to indicate that the operation is in progress,
then customize the necessary templates.</para>
<para>Modify the templates to add a clue that SSO is in progress, such as
an image.</para>
<para>Edit the templates found in OpenAM sources, <link xlink:show="new"
><filename>saml2login.template</filename></link> and <link xlink:show="new"
<para>When you add an image or other presentation element, make sure that
you retain the form and JavaScript as is. Also, as the files are templates,
what you add must be static HTML.</para>
<para>Unpack <?eval ${coreWarFile}?>, and add your modified template files
under <filename>WEB-INF/classes/</filename> where you unpacked the .war.</para>
<para>Also include any images you reference in the page.</para>
<para>Pack up your custom version of OpenAM, and then deploy it in your
web container.</para>
<section xml:id="saml2-ecp-config">
<title>Configuring OpenAM For the ECP Profile</title>
<para>The SAML 2.0 Enhanced Client or Proxy (ECP) profile is intended for use
when accessing services over devices like simple phones, medical devices, and
set-top boxes that lack the capabilities needed to use the more widely used
SAML 2.0 Web Browser SSO profile.</para>
<para>The ECP knows which identity provider to contact for the user, and is
able to use the reverse SOAP (PAOS) SAML 2.0 binding for the authentication
request and response. The PAOS binding uses HTTP and SOAP headers to pass
information about processing SOAP requests and responses, starting with a
PAOS HTTP header that the ECP sends in its initial request to the server.
The PAOS messages continue with a SOAP authentication request in the server's
HTTP response to the ECP's request for a resource, followed by a SOAP
response in an HTTP request from the ECP.</para>
<para>An enhanced client, such as a browser with a plugin or an extension,
can handle these communications on its own. An enhanced proxy is an HTTP
server such as a WAP gateway that can support the ECP profile on behalf of
client applications.</para>
<para>OpenAM supports the SAML 2.0 ECP profile on the server side for
identity providers and service providers. You must build the ECP.</para>
<para>By default an OpenAM identity provider uses the
class to find a user session for requests to the IDP from the ECP. The
default session mapper uses OpenAM cookies as it would for any other client
application. If for some reason you must change the mapping after writing
and installing your own session mapper, you can change the class under
Federation &gt; Entity Providers &gt; <replaceable>idp-name</replaceable>
&gt; IDP &gt; Advanced &gt; ECP Configuration.</para>
<para>By default an OpenAM service provider uses the
<literal>com.sun.identity.saml2.plugins.ECPIDPFinder</literal> class to
return identity providers from the list under Federation &gt; Entity
Providers &gt; <replaceable>sp-name</replaceable> &gt; SP &gt; Advanced
&gt; ECP Configuration &gt; Request IDP List. You must populate the list
with identity provider entity IDs.</para>
<para>The endpoint for the ECP to contact on the OpenAM service provider is
<literal>/SPECP</literal> as in
<literal>http://www.sp.example:8080/openam/SPECP</literal>. The ECP provides
two query string parameters to identify the service provider and to specify
the URL of the resource to access.</para>
<para>This specifies the service provider, by default
as described in <xref linkend="sp-meta-alias" />.</para>
<para>This specifies the resource the client aims to access such as
<para>For example, the URL to access the service provider and finally
the resource at <literal></literal>
could be
<section xml:id="federation-linking-accounts">
<title>Managing Federated Accounts</title>
<secondary>Linking accounts</secondary>
<para>Identity providers and service providers must be able to communicate
about users. Yet in some cases the identity provider can choose to communicate
a minimum of information about an authenticated user, with no user account
maintained on the service provider side. In other cases the identity provider
and service provider can choose to link user accounts in a persistent way, in
a more permanent way, or even in automatic fashion by using some shared value
in the user's profiles such as an email address or by dynamically creating
accounts on the service provider when necessary. OpenAM supports all these
<section xml:id="transient-federation">
<title>Using Transient Federation Identifiers</title>
<para>OpenAM allows you to link accounts using transient name identifiers,
where the identity provider shares a temporary identifier with the service
provider for the duration of the user session. Nothing is written to the
user profile.</para>
<para>Transient identifiers are useful where the service is anonymous, and
all users have similar access on the service provider side.</para>
<para>To use transient name identifiers, specify the name ID format
<literal>urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:nameid-format:transient</literal> when
initiating single sign on.</para>
<para>The examples below work in an environment where the identity provider
is <literal>www.idp.example</literal> and the service provider is
<literal>www.sp.example</literal>. Both providers have deployed OpenAM on port
8080 under deployment URI <literal>/openam</literal>.</para>
<para>To initiate single sign on from the service provider, access the
following URL with at least the query parameters shown.</para>
<literallayout class="monospaced"
<para>For a complete list of query parameters, see <xref
linkend="spssoinit-parameters" />.</para>
<para>To initiate single sign on from the identity provider, access the
following URL with at least the query parameters shown.</para>
<literallayout class="monospaced"
<para>For a complete list of query parameters, see <xref
linkend="idpssoinit-parameters" />.</para>
<para>The accounts are only linked for the duration of the session. Once the
user logs out for example the accounts are no longer linked.</para>
<section xml:id="persistent-federation">
<title>Using Persistent Federation Identifiers</title>
<para>OpenAM lets you use persistent pseudonym identifiers to federate user
identities, linking accounts on the identity provider and service provider
with a SAML persistent identifier.</para>
<para>Persistent identifiers are useful for establishing links between
otherwise unrelated accounts.</para>
<para>The examples below work in an environment where the identity provider
is <literal>www.idp.example</literal> and the service provider is
<literal>www.sp.example</literal>. Both providers have deployed OpenAM on port
8080 under deployment URI <literal>/openam</literal>.</para>
<para>To initiate single sign on from the service provider, access the
following URL with at least the query parameters shown.</para>
<literallayout class="monospaced"
<para>For a complete list of query parameters, see <xref
linkend="spssoinit-parameters" />.</para>
<para>To initiate single sign on from the identity provider, access the
following URL with at least the query parameters shown.</para>
<literallayout class="monospaced"
<para>For a complete list of query parameters, see <xref
linkend="idpssoinit-parameters" />.</para>
<para>On successful login, the accounts are persistently linked, with
persistent identifiers stored in the user's accounts on the identity provider
and the service provider.</para>
<section xml:id="change-federation">
<title>Changing Federation of Persistently Linked Accounts</title>
<para>OpenAM implements the SAML 2.0 Name Identifier Management profile,
allowing you to change a persistent identifier that has been set to federate
accounts, and also to terminate federation for an account.</para>
<para>When user accounts are stored in an LDAP directory server, name
identifier information is stored on the
<literal>sun-fm-saml2-nameid-info</literal> and
<literal>sun-fm-saml2-nameid-infokey</literal> attributes of a user's
entry.<footnote><para>These attribute types are configurable in the OpenAM
console under Configuration &gt; Global &gt; SAMLv2 Service
Configuration.</para></footnote> You can retrieve the name identifier value
by checking the value of
<para>For example, if the user's entry in the directory shows
XyfFEsr6Vixbnt0BSqIglLFMGjR2</literal>, then the name identifier is
<para>You can use this identifier to initiate a change request from the
service provider as in the following example.</para>
<literallayout class="monospaced"
<para>You can also initiate the change request from the identity provider
as in the following example.</para>
<literallayout class="monospaced"
<variablelist xml:id="idpmnirequestinit-parameters">
<title><filename>idpMNIRequestInit.jsp</filename> Parameters</title>
<para>(Required) Use this parameter to indicate the remote service
provider. Make sure you URL encode the value. For example, specify
<literal>spEntityID=http://www.sp.example:8080/openam</literal> as
<para>(Required) Use this parameter to specify the local alias for the
provider, such as <literal>metaAlias=/myRealm/idp</literal>. This
parameter takes the format
>provider-name</replaceable></literal> as described in <xref
linkend="idp-meta-alias"/>. You do not repeat the slash for
the top level realm, for example <literal>metaAlias=/idp</literal>.</para>
<para>(Required) Type of manage name ID request, either
<literal>NewID</literal> to change the ID, or <literal>Terminate</literal>
to remove the information that links the accounts on the identity provider
and service provider.</para>
<para>(Required if <literal>requestType=NewID</literal>) Name identifier
in use as described above.</para>
<para>(Optional) Use this parameter to specify a SAML affiliation
<para>(Optional) Use this parameter to specify where to redirect the user
when the process is complete. Make sure you URL encode the value. For
example, <literal></literal>
takes the user to <literal></literal>.</para>
<variablelist xml:id="spmnirequestinit-parameters">
<title><filename>spMNIRequestInit.jsp</filename> Parameters</title>
<para>(Required) Use this parameter to indicate the remote identity
provider. Make sure you URL encode the value. For example, specify
<literal>idpEntityID=http://www.idp.example:8080/openam</literal> as
<para>(Required) Use this parameter to specify the local alias for the
provider, such as <literal>metaAlias=/myRealm/sp</literal>. This parameter
takes the format <literal>/<replaceable>realm-name</replaceable>/<replaceable
>provider-name</replaceable></literal> as described in <xref
linkend="sp-meta-alias"/>. You do not repeat the slash for the
top level realm, <literal>metaAlias=/sp</literal>.</para>
<para>(Required) Type of manage name ID request, either
<literal>NewID</literal> to change the ID, or <literal>Terminate</literal>
to remove the information that links the accounts on the identity provider
and service provider.</para>
<para>(Required if <literal>requestType=NewID</literal>) Name identifier
in use as described above.</para>
<para>(Optional) Use this parameter to specify a SAML affiliation
<para>(Optional) Use this parameter to specify where to redirect the user
when the process is complete. Make sure you URL encode the value. For
example, <literal></literal>
takes the user to <literal></literal>.</para>
<para>You can terminate federation as described in <xref
linkend="terminate-federation" />.</para>
<section xml:id="terminate-federation">
<title>Terminating Federation of Persistently Linked Accounts</title>
<para>OpenAM lets you terminate account federation, where the accounts have
been linked with a persistent identifier as described in <xref
linkend="persistent-federation" />.</para>
<para>The examples below work in an environment where the identity provider
is <literal>www.idp.example</literal> and the service provider is
<literal>www.sp.example</literal>. Both providers have deployed OpenAM on port
8080 under deployment URI <literal>/openam</literal>.</para>
<para>To initiate the process of terminating account federation from the
service provider, access the following URL with at least the query
parameters shown.</para>
<literallayout class="monospaced"
<para>To initiate the process of terminating account federation from the
identity provider, access the following URL with at least the query
parameters shown.</para>
<literallayout class="monospaced"
<section xml:id="auto-federation">
<title>Configuring Auto-Federation</title>
<para>OpenAM lets you configure the service provider to link an account
based on an attribute value from the identity provider. When you know
the user accounts on both the identity provider and the service provider
share a common attribute value, such as an email address or other unique
user identifier, you can use this method to link accounts without user
interaction. See <xref linkend="auto-federate-based-on-attribute"
<para>OpenAM also lets you map users on the identity provider temporarily to
a single anonymous user account on the service provider, in order to
exchange attributes about the user without a user-specific account on the
service provider. This approach can be useful when the service provider
either needs no user-specific account to provide a service, or when you
do not want to retain a user profile on the service provider but instead
you make authorization decisions based on attribute values from the identity
provider. See <xref linkend="auto-federate-using-anonymous" />.</para>
<para>OpenAM further allows you to use attributes from the identity provider
to create accounts dynamically on the service provider. When using this
method, you should inform the user and obtain consent to create the account
if necessary. See <xref linkend="auto-federate-with-dynamic-creation"
<procedure xml:id="auto-federate-based-on-attribute">
<title>To Auto-Federate Accounts Based on an Attribute Value</title>
<para>The following steps demonstrate how to auto-federate accounts based
on an attribute value that is the same in both accounts.</para>
<para>Perform the following steps on the hosted identity provider(s), and
again on the hosted service provider(s).</para>
<para>Login to the OpenAM console as administrator.</para>
<para>Browse to Federation &gt; <replaceable
>hosted-provider-name</replaceable> &gt; Assertion Processing.</para>
<step performance="optional">
<para>If the attribute to use for auto-federation is not yet in the
attribute map, add the attribute mapping, and then Save your work.</para>
<para>On the hosted service provider, under Auto Federation, select
Enabled and enter the local attribute name in the Attribute field, and
then Save your work.</para>
<procedure xml:id="auto-federate-using-anonymous">
<title>To Auto-Federate Using a Single Service Provider Account</title>
<para>The following steps demonstrate how to auto-federate using a single
anonymous user account on the service provider.</para>
<para>Perform the following steps on the hosted identity provider(s), and
again on the hosted service provider(s).</para>
<para>Login to the OpenAM console as administrator.</para>
<para>Browse to Federation &gt; <replaceable
>hosted-provider-name</replaceable> &gt; Assertion Processing.</para>
<step performance="optional">
<para>If you want to get attributes from the identity provider and the
attributes are is not yet in the attribute map, add the attribute mapping,
and then Save your work.</para>
<para>On the hosted service provider, under Transient User, set the
single account to which to map all users, such as
<literal>anonymous</literal>, and then Save your work.</para>
<para>After completing configuration on the providers, use transient
identifiers to federate as described in <xref
linkend="transient-federation" />.</para>
<procedure xml:id="auto-federate-with-dynamic-creation">
<title>To Auto-Federate With Dynamic Service Provider Account Creation</title>
<para>The following steps demonstrate how to auto-federate, dynamically
creating an account on the service provider if necessary.</para>
<para>Set up auto-federation as described in <xref
linkend="auto-federate-based-on-attribute" />. The attributes you map
from the identity provider are those that the service provider sets on
the dynamically created accounts.</para>
<para>On the service provider console, browse to Access Control &gt;
<replaceable>realm-name</replaceable> &gt; Authentication &gt; All Core
Settings..., and Dynamic or Dynamic with User Alias, which are described
in <link xlink:href="admin-guide#core-module-conf-hints"
xlink:role=""><citetitle>Hints For the
Core Authentication Module</citetitle></link>, and then Save your
<para>To test your work, create a user on the identity provider, log
out of the console, and initiate SSO logging in as the user you
<para>To initiate SSO, browse to one of the OpenAM SAML 2.0 JSPs with the
appropriate query parameters. The following is an example URL for service
provider initiated SSO.</para>
<literallayout class="monospaced"
<para>On success, check <literal
>http://www.sp.example:8080/openam/idm/EndUser</literal> to see the new user
<section xml:id="bulk-federation">
<title>Linking Federated Accounts in Bulk</title>
<para>If you manage both the identity provider and service provider, you
can link accounts out-of-band, in bulk. You make permanent connections for a
list of identity provider and service provider by using the
<command>ssoadm</command> bulk federation commands.</para>
<para>Before you can run the bulk federation commands, first establish the
relationship between accounts, set up the providers as described in
<xref linkend="set-up-federation" />, and install the
<command>ssoadm</command> command as described in <link
xlink:role=""><citetitle>To Set Up
Administration Tools</citetitle></link>.</para>
<para>To understand the relationships between accounts, consider an example
where the identity provider is at <literal></literal> and the
service provider is at <literal>sp.example</literal>. A demo user
account has the Universal ID,
<literal>id=demo,ou=user,dc=example,dc=org</literal>, on the identity
provider. That maps to the Universal ID,
<literal>id=demo,ou=user,dc=example,dc=com</literal>, on the service
<para>The <command>ssoadm</command> command then needs a file that maps
local user IDs to remote user IDs, one per line, separated by the vertical
bar character <literal>|</literal>. Each line of the file appears as
<literallayout class="monospaced"><replaceable>local-user-ID</replaceable
<para>In the example, starting on the service provider side, the line for
the demo user reads as follows.</para>
<literallayout class="monospaced"
<para>All the users’ accounts mapped in your file must exist at the identity
provider and the service provider when you run the commands to link
<para>Link the accounts using the <command>ssoadm</command> bulk federation
<para>Prepare the data with the
<command>ssoadm do-bulk-federation</command> command.</para>
<para>The following example starts on the service provider side.</para>
<screen>$ cat /tmp/user-map.txt
$ ssoadm do-bulk-federation --metaalias /sp
--useridmapping /tmp/user-map.txt
--nameidmapping /tmp/name-map.txt
--adminid amadmin --password-file /tmp/pwd.txt
--spec saml2
Bulk Federation for this host was completed. To complete the
federation, name Id mapping file should be loaded to remote
<para>Copy the name ID mapping output file to the other provider.</para>
<screen>$ scp /tmp/name-map.txt's password:
name-map.txt 100% 177 0.2KB/s 00:00</screen>
<para>Import the name ID mapping file with the
<command>ssoadm import-bulk-fed-data</command> command.</para>
<para>The following example is performed on the identity provider
<screen>$ ssoadm import-bulk-fed-data
--adminid amadmin --password-file /tmp/pwd.txt
--metaalias /idp --bulk-data-file /tmp/name-map.txt
Bulk Federation for this host was completed.</screen>
<para>At this point the accounts are linked.</para>
<section xml:id="using-saml2-artifacts">
<title>Using SAML 2.0 Artifacts</title>
<para>By default OpenAM transmits SAML messages by value. This makes it
possible to access the SAML messages in the user agent. You can instead
request that OpenAM transmit SAML messages by reference using SAML artifacts,
which are small values that reference a SAML message. Providers then
communicate directly to resolve artifacts, rather than sending the messages
through the user agent.</para>
<para>When initiating single sign-on using <filename>idpSSOInit.jsp</filename>
or <filename>spSSOInit.jsp</filename> for example, add
<literal>binding=HTTP-Artifact</literal> to the list of query parameters.
The following example works in an environment where the identity provider is
<literal>www.idp.example</literal> and the service provider is
<literal>www.sp.example</literal>. Both providers have deployed OpenAM on port
8080 under deployment URI <literal>/openam</literal>.</para>
<literallayout class="monospaced"