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4765N/A# $Id:,v 1.2 2008/06/25 05:40:36 qcheng Exp $
1094N/A# Portions Copyrighted 2011 ForgeRock Inc
1094N/A# Portions Copyrighted 2012 Open Source Solution Technology Corporation
1094N/Aiplanet-am-password-reset-service-description=Password Reset
1094N/Ap109=Password Reset
1094N/Ap101=User Validation
1094N/ naming attribute used to find the account where the password is being reset
5720N/Ap102=Secret Question
1094N/ of secret questions available to the user
1094N/ user can select from this list the question to which they would like to provide a password reset question.
1094N/Ap103=Search Filter
1094N/Ap104=Base DN
1094N/Ap105=Bind DN
1094N/Ap106=Bind Password
1094N/Ap107=Reset Password Creator
1094N/ class that generates the new password as part of password reset
1094N/ the user successfully answers their password reset question, they are emailed a new password. This class is used to \
1094N/Agenerate said password. The custom implementation can be used as must implement the following interface:<br/><br/>\
1094N/Ap108=Password Reset Notification Class
1094N/ class used to notify the user of their new password
1094N/ default implementation using email to notify the user of their new password. A custom implementation can be used \
1094N/A(perhaps to inform the user using SMS). A custom interface must implement the following interface:<br/><br/>\
1094N/Ap110=Personal Question
1094N/ users to have their own <i>personal</i> password reset question
1094N/Ap111=Maximum Number of Questions
1094N/ the maximum number of questions displayed on the password reset page.
1094N/Ap111.1=Force Change Password on Next Login
1094N/ user must change their password when they first login with their reset password.
1094N/Ap112=Password Reset Failure Lockout
1094N/ account lockout functionality for users using password reset
1094N/ can track the number of failed password reset questions answered by a user over time and if a pre-defined limit is \
1094N/Abreached, OpenAM can lockout the users account and perform additional functions.<br/><br/><i>NB </i>This functionality \
1094N/Ais in addition to any account lockout behaviour implemented by the LDAP Directory Server.
6114N/Ap113=Password Reset Failure Lockout Count
1094N/ maximum number of failed password reset question for a user before their account is locked.
1094N/ setting controls the maximum number of failed password reset questions a user can have during the lockout \
1094N/Ainterval before OpenAM locks the users account.
1094N/Ap114=Password Reset Failure Lockout Interval
1094N/ lockout interval time is in minutes.
1094N/ tracks the failed password reset question count for a user over the lockout interval.<br/><br/>For example: If \
1094N/Athe lockout interval is 5 minutes and the lockout count is 5; the user will have to have failed to answer a password reset question 5 times \
1094N/Aover the previous 5 minutes for the account to be locked. Failed attempts to answer a password reset question that occurred outside of the \
1094N/A5 minute interval are ignored.
1094N/Ap115=Email Address to Send Lockout Notification
1094N/ email address or set of email addresses that receive notifications about account lockout events.
1948N/ can be configured to send a localisable email message to a set of email addresses when account lockout \
1948N/Aevents occur. The contents of the email message is configured using the following properties in the \
1094N/A<code></code> file.<br/><ul><li><code>lockOutEmailFrom</code> : The "From" address of the email message</li>\
1094N/A<li><code>lockOutEmailSub</code> : The subject of the email message</li>\
1094N/A<li><code>lockOutEmailMsg</code> : The contents of the email message</li></ul><br/>\
1094N/AThe identity for whom the account has been locked is included in the email message.<br/><br/>\
1094N/AThe format of this property is:<br/>\
1094N/A<code>emailaddress|locale|charset</code>. Multiple email addresses are space-separated.<br/>\
1094N/AEmail addresses must include the domain name, such as <code></code>.
4765N/Ap116=Warn User After N Failures
4765N/ the user when they reach this level of failed authentications.
1094N/ user will be given a warning when they reach this level of failed password reset questions during the lockout interval.\
1094N/A<br/>The text of the lockout warning is configured using the <code>lockOutWarning</code> property in the <code></code> file.
1094N/Ap117=Password Reset Failure Lockout Duration
1094N/ duration of the users account lockout, in minutes.
1094N/ can either lockout the users account indefinitely (until administration action) by setting the duration to 0, \
1094N/A(the default) or OpenAM can lock the users account for a given number of minutes. After the lockout interval, the user will be able \
1094N/Ato successfully authenticate to OpenAM.
1094N/Ap118=Password Reset Lockout Attribute Name
1094N/ of custom lockout attribute
1094N/ OpenAM locks an account, the <code>inetuserstatus</code> attribute in the locked account is set to Inactive. \
1094N/AIn addition, OpenAM can set the value of another attribute in the users profile.
1094N/Ap119=Password Reset Lockout Attribute Value
1094N/ to set in custom lockout attribute
1094N/ is the value that will be set on the custom attribute in the users profile when they account is locked.
1094N/Ap120=Password Reset E-mail Attribute Name
1094N/ of the identity attribute that holds the e-mail address. Default value is <code>mail</code>.
1094N/ a password reset process initiated OpenAM will try to send out an e-mail about the attempt of resetting the password, and later on the new password value as well. This property will tell OpenAM which attribute holds the user's e-mail address in the data store.
1094N/Ap121=Invalid Character Check Regular Expression
1094N/ expression which is used to locate invalid characters in naming attribute
1094N/ will throw error when any of the invalid characters are found in naming attribute by running regular expression defined in this property. The defaults are <code>whitespace, parentheses, underscore, percent, asterisk</code>. This property can be changed to any regular expression to locate invalid characters.
1094N/Afavourite-restaurant=What is your favorite restaurant?