CTSReaperMonitoringStore.java revision 8f643b425003d922f5007d0cda90822527256bdc
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* Copyright 2013 ForgeRock AS.
package org.forgerock.openam.cts.monitoring;
* A data structure for storing monitoring information about the CTS Reaper.
* The CTS Reaper will use an instance of this data structure to store information about runs as and when they
* occur and then the CTS monitoring framework will us the same instance to pull information out to send to clients
* as monitoring requests are made.
* @since 12.0.0
public interface CTSReaperMonitoringStore {
* Adds a CTS Reaper run to the monitoring store.
* @param startTime The start time of the reaper run.
* @param runTime The end time of the reaper run.
* @param numberOfDeletedSessions The total number of deleted sessions.
void addReaperRun(long startTime, long runTime, long numberOfDeletedSessions);
* Gets the average rate of deletion based from all of the reaper runs since server start up.
* @return The rate of session deletion by the CTS Reaper.
double getRateOfDeletedSessions();