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package org.forgerock.openam.cts.api.tokens;
* This wrapper class wraps up the various fields of the SAML tokens and contains them in a single class.
* This allows the SAML use-case of the Core Token Service to be modelled via the TokenAdapter interface.
* The SAML tokens do not follow any hierarchy and so are of type Object. This doesn't cause a problem
* for the Core Token Service as the class information is persisted alongside the object.
* @author
public class SAMLToken {
private String primaryKey;
private String secondaryKey;
private long expiryTime;
private Object token;
* Create a new instance of the SAMLToken.
* @param primaryKey Primary key used as the Token ID.
* @param secondaryKey Secondary key, used for searching over SAML Tokens.
* @param expiryTime Expiry time mapped to Token Expiry Time in seconds from epoch.
* @param token Object to be stored.
* @see org.forgerock.openam.cts.utils.LDAPDataConversion
public SAMLToken(String primaryKey, String secondaryKey, long expiryTime, Object token) {
this.primaryKey = primaryKey;
this.secondaryKey = secondaryKey;
this.expiryTime = expiryTime;
this.token = token;
public String getPrimaryKey() {
return primaryKey;
public String getSecondaryKey() {
return secondaryKey;
* @return The timestamp in 'epoched seconds'.
public long getExpiryTime() {
return expiryTime;
public Object getToken() {
return token;