Policy.java revision 6636284dd99df27fda992fb77fb6236657269ec9
d0da70ccbba38b773e7a7cc71bc124b06206d201Robert Wapshott/**
d0da70ccbba38b773e7a7cc71bc124b06206d201Robert Wapshott * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS HEADER.
d0da70ccbba38b773e7a7cc71bc124b06206d201Robert Wapshott *
d0da70ccbba38b773e7a7cc71bc124b06206d201Robert Wapshott * Copyright (c) 2006 Sun Microsystems Inc. All Rights Reserved
d0da70ccbba38b773e7a7cc71bc124b06206d201Robert Wapshott *
d0da70ccbba38b773e7a7cc71bc124b06206d201Robert Wapshott * The contents of this file are subject to the terms
d0da70ccbba38b773e7a7cc71bc124b06206d201Robert Wapshott * of the Common Development and Distribution License
d0da70ccbba38b773e7a7cc71bc124b06206d201Robert Wapshott * (the License). You may not use this file except in
d0da70ccbba38b773e7a7cc71bc124b06206d201Robert Wapshott * compliance with the License.
d0da70ccbba38b773e7a7cc71bc124b06206d201Robert Wapshott *
d0da70ccbba38b773e7a7cc71bc124b06206d201Robert Wapshott * You can obtain a copy of the License at
d0da70ccbba38b773e7a7cc71bc124b06206d201Robert Wapshott * https://opensso.dev.java.net/public/CDDLv1.0.html or
d0da70ccbba38b773e7a7cc71bc124b06206d201Robert Wapshott * opensso/legal/CDDLv1.0.txt
d0da70ccbba38b773e7a7cc71bc124b06206d201Robert Wapshott * See the License for the specific language governing
d0da70ccbba38b773e7a7cc71bc124b06206d201Robert Wapshott * permission and limitations under the License.
d0da70ccbba38b773e7a7cc71bc124b06206d201Robert Wapshott *
d0da70ccbba38b773e7a7cc71bc124b06206d201Robert Wapshott * When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL
d0da70ccbba38b773e7a7cc71bc124b06206d201Robert Wapshott * Header Notice in each file and include the License file
d0da70ccbba38b773e7a7cc71bc124b06206d201Robert Wapshott * at opensso/legal/CDDLv1.0.txt.
d0da70ccbba38b773e7a7cc71bc124b06206d201Robert Wapshott * If applicable, add the following below the CDDL Header,
d0da70ccbba38b773e7a7cc71bc124b06206d201Robert Wapshott * with the fields enclosed by brackets [] replaced by
d0da70ccbba38b773e7a7cc71bc124b06206d201Robert Wapshott * your own identifying information:
d0da70ccbba38b773e7a7cc71bc124b06206d201Robert Wapshott * "Portions Copyrighted [year] [name of copyright owner]"
d0da70ccbba38b773e7a7cc71bc124b06206d201Robert Wapshott *
d0da70ccbba38b773e7a7cc71bc124b06206d201Robert Wapshott * $Id: Policy.java,v 1.9 2010/01/10 01:19:35 veiming Exp $
d0da70ccbba38b773e7a7cc71bc124b06206d201Robert Wapshott *
d0da70ccbba38b773e7a7cc71bc124b06206d201Robert Wapshott * Portions Copyrighted 2011-2014 ForgeRock AS.
d0da70ccbba38b773e7a7cc71bc124b06206d201Robert Wapshott */
d0da70ccbba38b773e7a7cc71bc124b06206d201Robert Wapshottpackage com.sun.identity.policy;
d0da70ccbba38b773e7a7cc71bc124b06206d201Robert Wapshott
d0da70ccbba38b773e7a7cc71bc124b06206d201Robert Wapshottimport com.sun.identity.policy.interfaces.Subject;
d0da70ccbba38b773e7a7cc71bc124b06206d201Robert Wapshottimport com.sun.identity.policy.interfaces.Condition;
d0da70ccbba38b773e7a7cc71bc124b06206d201Robert Wapshottimport com.sun.identity.policy.interfaces.ResponseProvider;
d0da70ccbba38b773e7a7cc71bc124b06206d201Robert Wapshottimport com.sun.identity.policy.interfaces.Referral;
d0da70ccbba38b773e7a7cc71bc124b06206d201Robert Wapshott
d0da70ccbba38b773e7a7cc71bc124b06206d201Robert Wapshottimport java.util.*;
d0da70ccbba38b773e7a7cc71bc124b06206d201Robert Wapshottimport com.sun.identity.shared.ldap.util.DN;
d0da70ccbba38b773e7a7cc71bc124b06206d201Robert Wapshott
d0da70ccbba38b773e7a7cc71bc124b06206d201Robert Wapshottimport org.w3c.dom.*;
d0da70ccbba38b773e7a7cc71bc124b06206d201Robert Wapshott
d0da70ccbba38b773e7a7cc71bc124b06206d201Robert Wapshottimport com.iplanet.sso.*;
d0da70ccbba38b773e7a7cc71bc124b06206d201Robert Wapshottimport com.sun.identity.shared.debug.Debug;
d0da70ccbba38b773e7a7cc71bc124b06206d201Robert Wapshottimport com.iplanet.am.util.Cache;
d0da70ccbba38b773e7a7cc71bc124b06206d201Robert Wapshottimport com.sun.identity.shared.xml.XMLUtils;
d0da70ccbba38b773e7a7cc71bc124b06206d201Robert Wapshottimport com.sun.identity.sm.AttributeSchema;
d0da70ccbba38b773e7a7cc71bc124b06206d201Robert Wapshottimport com.sun.identity.policy.plugins.OrgReferral;
d0da70ccbba38b773e7a7cc71bc124b06206d201Robert Wapshott
d0da70ccbba38b773e7a7cc71bc124b06206d201Robert Wapshott/**
d0da70ccbba38b773e7a7cc71bc124b06206d201Robert Wapshott * The class <code>Policy</code> represents a policy definition.
d0da70ccbba38b773e7a7cc71bc124b06206d201Robert Wapshott * A policy contains a set of rules associated with a collection of
d0da70ccbba38b773e7a7cc71bc124b06206d201Robert Wapshott * users and conditions. The policy object is saved in the data store
d0da70ccbba38b773e7a7cc71bc124b06206d201Robert Wapshott * only when the <code>store</code> method of the <code>Policy</code> is
d0da70ccbba38b773e7a7cc71bc124b06206d201Robert Wapshott * called, or if the methods <code>addPolicy</code> or <code>replacePolicy
d0da70ccbba38b773e7a7cc71bc124b06206d201Robert Wapshott * </code> of <code>PolicyManager</code> instance is invoked with this policy.
d0da70ccbba38b773e7a7cc71bc124b06206d201Robert Wapshott * The <code>Policy</code> object is accessible to policy evaluation and
d0da70ccbba38b773e7a7cc71bc124b06206d201Robert Wapshott * enforcement points only after it is saved in data store.
d0da70ccbba38b773e7a7cc71bc124b06206d201Robert Wapshott *
d0da70ccbba38b773e7a7cc71bc124b06206d201Robert Wapshott * @supported.api
d0da70ccbba38b773e7a7cc71bc124b06206d201Robert Wapshott * @deprecated since 12.0.0
d0da70ccbba38b773e7a7cc71bc124b06206d201Robert Wapshott */
d0da70ccbba38b773e7a7cc71bc124b06206d201Robert Wapshott@Deprecated
d0da70ccbba38b773e7a7cc71bc124b06206d201Robert Wapshottpublic class Policy implements Cloneable {
d0da70ccbba38b773e7a7cc71bc124b06206d201Robert Wapshott
d0da70ccbba38b773e7a7cc71bc124b06206d201Robert Wapshott static final String REFERRAL_POLICY = "referralPolicy";
d0da70ccbba38b773e7a7cc71bc124b06206d201Robert Wapshott static final String ACTIVE_FLAG = "active";
d0da70ccbba38b773e7a7cc71bc124b06206d201Robert Wapshott
private static final int SUBJECTS_CONDITIONS_RULES = 1;
private static final int CONDITIONS_SUBJECTS_RULES = 2;
private static final int RULES_SUBJECTS_CONDITIONS = 3;
private static final int RULES_CONDITIONS_SUBJECTS = 4;
private static final int SUBJECTS_RULES_CONDITIONS = 5;
private static final int CONDITIONS_RULES_SUBJECTS = 6;
private static String EVALUATION_WEIGHTS = null;
private static String DEFAULT_EVALUATION_WEIGHTS = "10:10:10";
private final static String EVALUATION_WEIGHTS_KEY
= "com.sun.identity.policy.Policy.policy_evaluation_weights";
private static final Debug DEBUG = PolicyManager.debug;
private int evaluationOrder = RULES_SUBJECTS_CONDITIONS;
private static int ruleWeight;
private static int conditionWeight;
private static int subjectWeight;
private int prWeight;
private int pcWeight;
private int psWeight;
static {
private String origPolicyName;
private String policyName;
private String description = "";
private String createdBy;
private String lastModifiedBy;
private long creationDate;
private long lastModifiedDate;
private boolean referralPolicy=false;
private boolean active = true;
private int priority;
private Map rules = new HashMap();
private Subjects users = new Subjects();
private Conditions conditions = new Conditions();
private ResponseProviders respProviders = new ResponseProviders();
private Referrals referrals = new Referrals();
private String organizationName;
private final static int MATCHED_RULE_RESULTS_CACHE_SIZE = 1000;
private final static int MATCHED_REFERRAL_RULES_CACHE_SIZE = 100;
private Cache matchRulesResultsCache
private String subjectRealm;
* No-arg constructor.
private Policy() {
// do nothing
* Constructs a policy given the policy name.
* @param policyName name of the policy
* @exception InvalidNameException if policy name is not valid
* @supported.api
public Policy(String policyName) throws InvalidNameException {
this(policyName, null);
* Constructs a policy given the policy name and priority.
* @param policyName name of the policy
* @param priority priority assigned to the policy
* @exception InvalidNameException if policy name is not valid
private Policy(String policyName, int priority) throws InvalidNameException
this.policyName = policyName;
// Set the policy priority
this.priority = priority;
* Constructs a policy given the policy name and description.
* @param policyName name of the policy
* @param description description for the policy
* @exception InvalidNameException if policy name is not valid
* @supported.api
public Policy(String policyName, String description)
throws InvalidNameException {
this(policyName, description, false, true);
* Constructs a policy given the policy name,description and a
* referralPolicy flag.
* @param policyName name of the policy
* @param description description for the policy
* @param referralPolicy indicates whether the policy is a
* referral policy or a standard policy.
* A referral policy is used only to delegate policy definitions to
* sub/peer organizations. A referral policy does not make use of any
* action values
* @exception InvalidNameException if policy name is not valid
* @supported.api
public Policy(String policyName, String description,
boolean referralPolicy) throws InvalidNameException
this(policyName, description, referralPolicy, true);
* Constructs a policy given the policy name , description,
* referralPolicy flag, and active flag
* @param policyName name of the policy
* @param description description for the policy
* @param referralPolicy indicates whether the policy is a
* referral policy or a standard policy.
* @param active indicates if the policy is active or not.
* A referral policy is used only to delegate policy definitions to
* sub/peer organizations. A referral policy does not make use of any
* action values
* @exception InvalidNameException if policy name is not valid
* @supported.api
public Policy(String policyName, String description,
boolean referralPolicy, boolean active) throws InvalidNameException
this.policyName = policyName;
if (description != null) {
this.description = description;
this.referralPolicy = referralPolicy;
this.active = active;
* Constructs a policy given the Policy Node.
* This is used by PolicyManager
* @param pm <code>PolicyManager</code> requesting the operation
* @param policyNode XML node in W3C DOM format representing
* the policy object which needs to be created.
* @exception InvalidFormatException, InvalidNameException,
* NameNotFoundException, PolicyException
public Policy(PolicyManager pm, Node policyNode)
throws InvalidFormatException, InvalidNameException,
NameNotFoundException, PolicyException {
// Check if the node name is PolicyManager.POLICY_ROOT_NODE
if (!policyNode.getNodeName().equalsIgnoreCase(
PolicyManager.POLICY_ROOT_NODE)) {
if (PolicyManager.debug.warningEnabled()) {
"invalid policy xml blob given to construct policy");
throw (new InvalidFormatException(ResBundleUtils.rbName,
"invalid_xml_policy_root_node", null, "",
// Get the policy name
policyName = XMLUtils.getNodeAttributeValue(policyNode,
// Get descrition, can be null
description = XMLUtils.getNodeAttributeValue(policyNode,
// Get referralPolicy flag
String referralPolicy = XMLUtils.getNodeAttributeValue(policyNode,
if ( (referralPolicy != null) &&
(referralPolicy.equalsIgnoreCase("true")) ) {
this.referralPolicy = true;
// Get active flag
String active = XMLUtils.getNodeAttributeValue(policyNode,
if ( (active != null) &&
(active.equalsIgnoreCase("false")) ) {
this.active = false;
// Get priority
String pri = XMLUtils.getNodeAttributeValue(policyNode,
if (pri != null) {
try {
priority = Integer.parseInt(pri);
} catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
// write to debug and continue
PolicyManager.debug.error("Number format exception in " +
"determining policy's priority: " + pri, nfe);
// Get the rule nodes and instantiate them
Set ruleNodes = XMLUtils.getChildNodes(policyNode,
if ( ruleNodes != null ) {
Iterator items = ruleNodes.iterator();
while (items.hasNext()) {
Node ruleNode = (Node) items.next();
Rule rule = new Rule(ruleNode);
if (!this.referralPolicy) {
// Get the users collection and instantiate Subjects
Node subjectsNode = XMLUtils.getChildNode(policyNode,
if ( subjectsNode != null ) {
users = new Subjects(pm, subjectsNode);
// Get the conditions collection and instantiate Conditions
Node conditionsNode = XMLUtils.getChildNode(policyNode,
if ( conditionsNode != null ) {
conditions = new Conditions(pm.getConditionTypeManager(),
// Get the respProviders collection and instantiate
// ResponseProviders
Node respProvidersNode = XMLUtils.getChildNode(policyNode,
if ( respProvidersNode != null ) {
respProviders = new ResponseProviders(
} else {
// Get the referrals collection and instantiate Referrals
Node referralsNode = XMLUtils.getChildNode(policyNode,
if ( referralsNode != null ) {
referrals = new Referrals(pm, referralsNode);
private void getModificationInfo(Node policyNode) {
String strCreationDate = XMLUtils.getNodeAttributeValue(policyNode,
if ((strCreationDate != null) && (strCreationDate.length() > 0)) {
try {
creationDate = Long.parseLong(strCreationDate);
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
String strLastModifiediDate = XMLUtils.getNodeAttributeValue(
policyNode, PolicyManager.LAST_MODIFIED_DATE_ATTRIBUTE);
if ((strLastModifiediDate != null) &&
(strLastModifiediDate.length() > 0)
) {
try {
lastModifiedDate = Long.parseLong(strLastModifiediDate);
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
createdBy = XMLUtils.getNodeAttributeValue(policyNode,
lastModifiedBy = XMLUtils.getNodeAttributeValue(policyNode,
* Gets the name of the policy.
* @return name of the policy
* @supported.api
public String getName() {
return (policyName);
* Sets the name of the policy.
* @param policyName name of the policy.
* @exception InvalidNameException if <code>policyName</code> is an invalid
* name.
* @supported.api
public void setName(String policyName) throws InvalidNameException {
if (this.policyName.equals(policyName)) {
if (origPolicyName == null) {
origPolicyName = this.policyName;
this.policyName = policyName;
* Gets the original policy name.
* This is used to track policies called via
* <code>PolicyManager::replacePolicy()</code>
* with the changed policy name.
* @return the policy name that was present when
* the object was instantiated
protected String getOriginalName() {
return (origPolicyName);
* Sets the organization name under which the policy is created
* This would be set only for policies that have been read from data store.
* Otherwise this would be <code>null</code>
* @param organizationName name of the organization name in which the
* policy is created.
void setOrganizationName(String organizationName) {
this.organizationName = organizationName;
* Gets the organization name under which the policy is created
* This would be set only for policies that have been read from data store.
* Otherwise this would be <code>null</code>
* @return the organization name under which the policy is created
* @supported.api
public String getOrganizationName() {
return organizationName;
* Resets the original policy name
protected void resetOriginalName() {
origPolicyName = null;
* Gets the description for the policy.
* If the description for the policy has not been set
* the method will return an empty string; not <code>
* null</code>.
* @return description of the policy
* @supported.api
public String getDescription() {
return description;
* Sets the description for the policy.
* @param description description for the policy
* @exception InvalidNameException if the description is invalid
* @supported.api
public void setDescription(String description)
throws InvalidNameException {
if (description != null) {
this.description = description;
* Checks whether the policy is a referral policy.
* A referral policy is used only to delegate policy definitions to
* sub/peer organizations. A referral policy does not make use of any
* action values
* @return <code>true</code> if this is a referral policy.
* Otherwise returns <code>false</code>
* @supported.api
public boolean isReferralPolicy() {
return referralPolicy;
* Checks whether the policy is active or inactive
* An inactive policy is not used to make policy evaluations.
* @return <code>true</code> if this is an active policy.
* Otherwise returns <code>false</code>
* @supported.api
public boolean isActive() {
return active;
* Set the active flag for policy.
* An inactive policy is not used to make policy evaluations.
* @param active <code>boolean</code> representing active or inactive.
* @supported.api
public void setActive(boolean active) {
this.active = active;
* Gets the priority of the policy.
* @return priority of the policy
public int getPriority() {
return (priority);
* Sets a priority of the policy.
* @param priority priority of the policy
public void setPriority(int priority) {
this.priority = priority;
* Gets the set of rule names associated with the policy.
* @return <code>Set</code> of rule names
* @supported.api
public Set getRuleNames() {
return (new HashSet(rules.keySet()));
* Gets the rule object identified by name.
* @param ruleName name of rule.
* @return <code>Rule</code> object.
* @exception NameNotFoundException if a <code>Rule</code> with the given
* name does not exist
* @supported.api
public Rule getRule(String ruleName) throws NameNotFoundException {
Rule rule = (Rule) rules.get(ruleName);
if (rule == null) {
throw (new NameNotFoundException(ResBundleUtils.rbName,
"rule_not_found", null, ruleName, PolicyException.RULE));
return (rule);
* Adds a new policy rule.
* @param rule rule object to be added to the policy
* @exception NameAlreadyExistsException a rule with the given name
* already exists
* @exception InvalidNameException if the rule name is invalid
* same service name as the policy
* @supported.api
public void addRule(Rule rule) throws NameAlreadyExistsException ,
InvalidNameException {
// Since 5.0 does not support rule name, it can be null
if (rule.getName() == null) {
// Assign a name dynamically
rule.setName("rule" + ServiceTypeManager.generateRandomName());
// Check if the rule name or rule itself already exists
if (rules.containsKey(rule.getName())) {
throw (new NameAlreadyExistsException(ResBundleUtils.rbName,
"rule_name_already_present", null, rule.getName(),
} else if (rules.containsValue(rule)) {
throw (new NameAlreadyExistsException(ResBundleUtils.rbName,
"rule_already_present", null, rule.getName(),
rules.put(rule.getName(), rule);
* Replaces an existing rule with the same name by the
* current one. If a <code>Rule</code> with the same name does not exist,
* it will be added.
* @param rule <code>Rule</code> that will replace an existing rule
* with the same name
* @exception InvalidNameException if <code>Rule</code> name is invalid
* @supported.api
public void replaceRule(Rule rule) throws InvalidNameException {
// Since 5.0 does not support rule name, it can be null
if (rule.getName() == null) {
// Assign a name dynamically
rule.setName("rule" + ServiceTypeManager.generateRandomName());
rules.put(rule.getName(), rule);
* Removes the <code>Rule</code> with the given name.
* @param ruleName name of the rule
* @return returns the <code>Rule</code> object being removed;
* if not present returns <code>null</code>
* @supported.api
public Rule removeRule(String ruleName) {
return ((Rule) rules.remove(ruleName));
* Returns a <code>Subjects</code> object that contains
* a set of <code>Subject</code> instances for which the
* policy is applied.
* @return Subjects object of the policy
Subjects getSubjects() {
return (users);
* Get the <code>Set</code> of subject names associated with the policy.
* @return <code>Set</code> of String objects representing subject names
* @supported.api
public Set getSubjectNames() {
return users.getSubjectNames();
* Gets the Subject object identified by name.
* @param subjectName name of subject.
* @return <code>Subject</code> object
* @exception NameNotFoundException if a Subject with the given name
* does not exist
* @supported.api
public Subject getSubject(String subjectName) throws NameNotFoundException {
return users.getSubject(subjectName);
* Adds a new policy subject.
* The subject is added as a normal (non exclusive) subject.
* So, policy will apply to members of the subject.
* The policy will apply to a user if he is a member of
* any normal (non exclusive) subject in the policy
* or not a member of any exclusive subject in the policy.
* @param name name of the Subject instance
* @param subject Subject object to be added to the policy
* @exception NameAlreadyExistsException if a Subject with the given name
* already exists
* @exception InvalidNameException if the subject name is invalid
* @supported.api
public void addSubject(String name, Subject subject)
throws NameAlreadyExistsException, InvalidNameException {
users.addSubject(name, subject, false);
* Adds a reference in the policy to a Subject defined at the realm.
* @param token SSOToken of the user adding the subject
* @param subjectName name of the Subject as defined at the realm
* @param realmName name of the realm in which the subject is defined
* @exception NameAlreadyExistsException if a Subject with the given name
* already exists in the policy
* @exception InvalidNameException if the subject name is invalid
* or the subject is not found at the realm
* @exception SSOException if the SSO token is invalid
* @exception PolicyException if the subject could not be added
* for any other reason
* @supported.api
public void addRealmSubject(SSOToken token, String subjectName,
String realmName, boolean exclusive)
throws NameAlreadyExistsException, InvalidNameException,
PolicyException, SSOException {
PolicyManager pm = new PolicyManager(token, realmName);
SubjectTypeManager stm = pm.getSubjectTypeManager();
addRealmSubject(subjectName, stm, exclusive);
* Adds a reference in the policy to a Subject defined at the realm.
* @param subjectName name of the Subject as defined at the realm
* @param stm <code>SubjectTypeManager<code> of the realm.
* You have to pass the SubjectTypeManager of realm in which
* you would save the policy. Trying to save the policy at
* a different realm would throw PolicyException.
* @exception NameAlreadyExistsException if a Subject with the given name
* already exists in the policy
* @exception InvalidNameException if the subject name is invalid
* or the subject is not found at the realm
* @exception SSOException if the SSO token is invalid
* @exception PolicyException if the subject could not be added
* for any other reason
* @supported.api
public void addRealmSubject(String subjectName, SubjectTypeManager stm,
boolean exclusive)
throws NameAlreadyExistsException, InvalidNameException,
PolicyException, SSOException {
String realmName = stm.getPolicyManager().getOrganizationDN();
realmName = new DN(realmName).toRFCString().toLowerCase();
if ((subjectRealm != null) && !subjectRealm.equals(realmName)) {
String[] objs = {realmName, subjectRealm};
if (DEBUG.messageEnabled()) {
DEBUG.message("Policy.addRealmSubject():can not add"
+ " realm subject " + subjectName
+ " , from realm : " + realmName
+ " , policy already has subject from different realm:"
+ subjectRealm);
throw (new InvalidNameException(ResBundleUtils.rbName,
"policy_realms_do_not_match", objs, null, realmName,
if (subjectRealm == null) {
subjectRealm = realmName;
* would result in NameNotFoundException if the subject does not exist
* we would propogate the exception without catching
users.addSubject(subjectName, stm.getSharedSubject(subjectName),
if (DEBUG.messageEnabled()) {
DEBUG.message("Policy.addRealmSubject():added "
+ " realm subject " + subjectName
+ " , from realm : " + realmName);
* Adds a new policy subject.
* The policy will apply to a user if he is a member of
* any normal (non exclusive) subject in the policy
* or not a member of any exclusive subject in the policy.
* @param name name of the Subject instance
* @param subject Subject object to be added to the policy
* @param exclusive boolean flag indicating whether the subject
* is to be exclusive subject. If subject is exclusive,
* policy applies to users who are not members of the
* subject. Otherwise, policy applies to members of the subject.
* @exception NameAlreadyExistsException if a Subject with the given name
* already exists
* @exception InvalidNameException if the subject name is invalid
* @supported.api
public void addSubject(String name, Subject subject, boolean exclusive)
throws NameAlreadyExistsException, InvalidNameException {
users.addSubject(name, subject, exclusive);
* Replaces an existing subject with the same name by the
* current one. If a subject with the same name does not exist,
* it will be added.
* The subject is replaced as a normal (non exclusive) subject.
* So, policy will apply to members of the subject.
* The policy will apply to a user if he is a member of
* any normal (non exclusive) subject subject in the policy
* or not a member of any exclusive subject subject in the policy.
* @param name name of the Subject instance
* @param subject Subject that will replace an existing Subject
* with the same name
* @exception NameNotFoundException if a Subject instance
* with the given name is not present
* @supported.api
public void replaceSubject(String name, Subject subject)
throws NameNotFoundException {
users.replaceSubject(name, subject, false);
* Replaces an existing subject with the same name by the
* current one. If a subject with the same name does not exist,
* it will be added.
* The policy will apply to a user if he is a member of
* any normal (non exclusive) subject in the policy
* or not a member of any exclusive subject in the policy.
* @param name name of the Subject instance
* @param subject Subject that will replace an existing Subject
* with the same name
* @param exclusive boolean flag indicating whether the subject
* is to be exclusive subject. If subject is exclusive,
* policy applies to users who are not members of the
* subject. Otherwise, policy applies to members of the subject.
* @exception NameNotFoundException if a Subject instance
* with the given name is not present
* @supported.api
public void replaceSubject(String name, Subject subject, boolean exclusive)
throws NameNotFoundException {
users.replaceSubject(name, subject, exclusive);
* Removes the subject with the given name.
* @param subjectName name of the Subject
* @return returns the Subject object being removed.
* if not present returns <code>null</code>
* @supported.api
public Subject removeSubject(String subjectName) {
return users.removeSubject(subjectName);
* Removes the <code>Subject</code> object identified by
* object's <code>equals</code> method. If a Subject instance
* does not exist, the method will return silently.
* @param subject Subject object that
* will be removed from the user collection
* @supported.api
public void removeSubject(Subject subject) {
String subjectName = users.getSubjectName(subject);
if (subjectName != null) {
* Checks if the subject is exclusive.
* If subject is exclusive, policy applies to users who are not members of
* the subject. Otherwise, policy applies to members of the subject.
* The policy will apply to a user if he is a member of
* any normal (non exclusive) subject in the policy
* or not a member of any exclusive subject in the policy.
* @param subjectName name of the subject
* @return <code>true</code> if the subject is exclusive, <code>false</code>
* otherwise.
* @exception NameNotFoundException if the subject with the given
* <code>subjectName</code> does not exist in the policy.
* @supported.api
public boolean isSubjectExclusive(String subjectName)
throws NameNotFoundException {
return users.isSubjectExclusive(subjectName);
* Checks if the subjectName is a reference to a Subject
* defined at the realm
* @param subjectName name of the subject
* @return <code>true</code> if the subject is a reference to a
* Subject defined at the realm, <code>false</code>
* otherwise.
* @exception NameNotFoundException if the subject with the given
* <code>subjectName</code> does not exist in the policy.
* @supported.api
public boolean isRealmSubject(String subjectName)
throws NameNotFoundException {
return users.isRealmSubject(subjectName);
* Returns a <code>Referrals</code> object that contains
* a set of <code>Referral</code> instances for whom the
* policy is applied.
* @return Referrals object of the policy
Referrals getReferrals() {
return (referrals);
* Get the <code>Set</code> of referral names associated with the policy.
* @return <code>Set</code> of referral names
* @supported.api
public Set getReferralNames() {
return referrals.getReferralNames();
* Gets the Referral object identified by name.
* @param referralName name of referral.
* @return <code>Referral</code> object
* @exception NameNotFoundException if a Referral with the given name
* does not exist
* @supported.api
public Referral getReferral(String referralName) throws
return referrals.getReferral(referralName);
* Adds a new policy referral.
* @param name name of the <code>Referral</code> instance
* @param referral <code>Referral</code> object to be added to the policy
* @exception NameAlreadyExistsException if a Referral with the given name
* already exists
* @exception InvalidNameException if the referral name is invalid
* @supported.api
public void addReferral(String name, Referral referral)
throws NameAlreadyExistsException, InvalidNameException {
referrals.addReferral(name, referral);
* Replaces an existing referral with the same name by the
* current one. If a referral with the same name does not exist,
* it will be added.
* @param name name of the <code>Referral</code> instance
* @param referral <code>Referral</code> that will replace an existing
* Referral with the same name
* @exception NameNotFoundException if a Referral instance
* with the given name is not present
* @supported.api
public void replaceReferral(String name, Referral referral)
throws NameNotFoundException {
referrals.replaceReferral(name, referral);
* Removes the referral with the given name.
* @param referralName name of the <code>Referral</code>
* @return returns the <code>Referral</code> object being removed;
* if not present returns <code>null</code>
* @supported.api
public Referral removeReferral(String referralName) {
return referrals.removeReferral(referralName);
* Removes the <code>Referral</code> object identified by
* object's <code>equals</code> method. If a Referral instance
* does not exist, the method will return silently.
* @param referral Referral object that will be removed
* @supported.api
public void removeReferral(Referral referral) {
String referralName = referrals.getReferralName(referral);
if (referralName != null) {
* Returns a <code>Conditions</code> object that contains
* a set of <code>Condition</code> objects that apply
* to the policy
* @return <code>Conditions</code> object of the policy
Conditions getConditions() {
return (conditions);
* Get the set of condition names associated with the policy.
* @return <code>Set</code> of condition names
* @supported.api
public Set getConditionNames() {
return conditions.getConditionNames();
* Gets the condition object identified by name.
* @param condition name of condition.
* @return <code>Condition</code> object.
* @exception NameNotFoundException if a Condition with the given name
* does not exist.
* @supported.api
public Condition getCondition(String condition) throws
return conditions.getCondition(condition);
* Adds a new policy condition.
* @param name name of the Condition instance
* @param condition Condition object to be added to the policy
* @exception NameAlreadyExistsException if a Condition with the given name
* already exists
* @exception InvalidNameException if the condition name is invalid
* @supported.api
public void addCondition(String name, Condition condition)
throws NameAlreadyExistsException, InvalidNameException {
conditions.addCondition(name, condition);
* Replaces an existing condition with the same name by the
* current one. If a condition with the same name does not exist,
* it will be added.
* @param name name of the <code>Condition</code> instance
* @param condition <code>Condition</code> that will replace an
* existing Condition with the same name
* @exception NameNotFoundException if a Condition instance
* with the given name is not present
* @supported.api
public void replaceCondition(String name, Condition condition)
throws NameNotFoundException {
conditions.replaceCondition(name, condition);
* Removes the condition with the given name.
* @param condition name of the <code>Condition</code>
* @return returns the Condition object being removed;
* if not present returns <code>null</code>
* @supported.api
public Condition removeCondition(String condition) {
return conditions.removeCondition(condition);
* Removes the <code>Condition</code> object identified by
* object's <code>equals</code> method. If a condition instance
* does not exist, the method will return silently.
* @param condition Condition object that will be removed
* @supported.api
public void removeCondition(Condition condition) {
String conditionName = conditions.getConditionName(condition);
if (conditionName != null) {
* Returns a <code>ResponseProviders</code> object that contains
* a set of <code>ResponseProvider</code> objects that apply
* to the policy
* @return <code>ResponseProviders</code> object found in the policy
ResponseProviders getResponseProviders() {
return (respProviders);
* Get a <code>Set</code> of <code>String</code> objects representing
* the responseProvider names associated with the policy.
* @return <code>Set</code> of responseProvider names
public Set getResponseProviderNames() {
return respProviders.getResponseProviderNames();
* Gets the <code>ResponseProvider</code> object identified by name.
* @param respProvider name of <code>ResponseProvider</code>.
* @return <code>ResponseProvider</code> object.
* @exception NameNotFoundException if a ResponseProvider with the given
* name does not exist.
public ResponseProvider getResponseProvider(String respProvider)
throws NameNotFoundException {
return respProviders.getResponseProvider(respProvider);
* Adds a new <code>ResponseProvider</code> to the policy.
* @param name name of the <code>ResponseProvider</code> instance
* @param respProvider <code>ResponseProvider</code> object to be added to
* the policy
* @exception NameAlreadyExistsException if a ResponseProvider with the
* given name already exists
* @exception InvalidNameException if the <code>respProvider</code>
* name is invalid
public void addResponseProvider(String name, ResponseProvider respProvider)
throws NameAlreadyExistsException {
respProviders.addResponseProvider(name, respProvider);
* Replaces an existing <code>ResponseProvider</code> with the same name
* by the current one. If a respProvider with the same name does not exist,
* it will be added.
* @param name name of the ResponseProvider instance
* @param respProvider ResponseProvider that will replace an existing
* ResponseProvider with the same name
* @exception NameNotFoundException if a ResponseProvider instance
* with the given name is not present.
public void replaceResponseProvider(String name,
ResponseProvider respProvider) throws NameNotFoundException {
respProviders.replaceResponseProvider(name, respProvider);
* Removes the <code>ResponseProvider</code> with the given name.
* @param respProvider name of the ResponseProvider
* @return returns the ResponseProvider object being removed;
* if not present returns null.
public ResponseProvider removeResponseProvider(String respProvider) {
return respProviders.removeResponseProvider(respProvider);
* Removes the <code>ResponseProvider</code> object.
* If a respProvider instance does not exist, the method will
* return silently.
* @param respProvider ResponseProvider object that
* will be removed
public void removeResponseProvider(ResponseProvider respProvider) {
String respProviderName = respProviders.getResponseProviderName(
if (respProviderName != null) {
* Stores the policy object in a persistent data store
* under the organization, sub-organization or a container
* object, specified as a parameter. The organization,
* sub-organization, or the container can be either
* a LDAP distinguished name (<code>dn</code>) or slash "/" separated
* as per SMS. This method
* uses the <code>SSOToken</code> provided to perform the store
* operation, and hence if the single sign token has expired
* <code>SSOException</code> will be thrown, and if the
* user does not have the required privileges
* <code>NoPermissionException</code> exception will be thrown.
* <p>
* If a policy with the same name exists for the organization
* the method will throw <code>NameAlreadyExistsException</code>.
* And if the organization name does not exist, the method
* will throw <code>NameNotFoundException</code>.
* @param token SSO token of the user managing policy
* @param name name of the organization, sub-organization or
* a container in which the policy will be stored.
* @exception SSOException invalid or expired single-sign-on token
* @exception NoPermissionException user does not have sufficient
* privileges to add policy
* @exception NameAlreadyExistsException a policy with the same
* name already exists
* @exception NameNotFoundException the given organization name
* does not exist
* @exception PolicyException for any other abnormal condition
* @supported.api
public void store(SSOToken token, String name) throws SSOException,
NoPermissionException, NameAlreadyExistsException,
NameNotFoundException, PolicyException {
PolicyManager pm = new PolicyManager(token, name);
* Checks if two policy objects are equal.
* This method does not check the policy name and description
* for equality.
* @param obj object againt which the policy object
* will be checked for equality
* @return <code>true</code> if policies are equal,
* <code>false</code> otherwise.
public boolean equals(Object obj) {
if (obj instanceof Policy) {
Policy p = (Policy) obj;
if (rules.equals(p.rules) && users.equals(p.users)
&& referrals.equals(p.referrals)
&& respProviders.equals(p.respProviders)
&& conditions.equals(p.conditions) ) {
return (true);
return (false);
* Creates and returns a copy of this object. The returned
* <code>Policy</code> object will have the same policy
* name, rules, subjects, referrals and conditions
* such that <code>x.clone().equals(x)</code> will be
* <code>true</code>. However <code>x.clone()</code>
* will not be the same as <code>x</code>, i.e.,
* <code>x.clone() != x</code>.
* @return a copy of this object
public Object clone() {
Policy answer = null;
try {
answer = (Policy) super.clone();
} catch (CloneNotSupportedException se) {
answer = new Policy();
// Copy state variables
answer.origPolicyName = origPolicyName;
answer.policyName = policyName;
answer.description = description;
answer.active = active;
// Copy rules
answer.rules = new HashMap();
Iterator items = rules.keySet().iterator();
while (items.hasNext()) {
Object o = items.next();
Rule rule = (Rule) rules.get(o);
answer.rules.put(o, rule.clone());
// Copy subjects
answer.users = (Subjects) users.clone();
// Copy referrals
answer.referrals = (Referrals) referrals.clone();
// Copy responseProviders
answer.respProviders = (ResponseProviders) respProviders.clone();
// Copy conditions
answer.conditions = (Conditions) conditions.clone();
return (answer);
* Returns the serialized policy in XML
* @return serialized policy in XML
* @supported.api
public String toXML() {
return toXML(true);
public String toXML(boolean withHeader) {
StringBuilder answer = new StringBuilder(200);
if (withHeader) {
answer.append("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n");
answer.append("<Policy name=\"");
if ((description != null) && (description.length() > 0)) {
answer.append("\" description=\"");
if ((createdBy != null) && (createdBy.length() > 0)) {
answer.append("\" ")
if ((lastModifiedBy != null) && (lastModifiedBy.length() > 0)) {
answer.append("\" ")
if (creationDate > 0) {
answer.append("\" ")
if (lastModifiedDate > 0) {
answer.append("\" ")
answer.append("\" referralPolicy=\"").append(referralPolicy);
answer.append("\" active=\"").append(active);
answer.append("\" >");
for (Iterator i = getRuleNames().iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
String ruleName = (String)i.next();
try {
Rule rule = getRule(ruleName);
} catch (Exception e) {
// Ignore the exception
DEBUG.error("Error in policy.toXML():" + e.getMessage());
if (!this.referralPolicy) {
// Add the users
if ( !(users.getSubjectNames().isEmpty()) ) {
// Add the conditions
if ( !(conditions.getConditionNames().isEmpty()) ) {
// Add the responseProviders
if ( !(respProviders.getResponseProviderNames().isEmpty()) ) {
} else {
// Add the referrals
if ( !(referrals.getReferralNames().isEmpty()) ) {
return (answer.toString());
* Gets string representation of the policy object.
* @return XML string representation of the policy object
* @supported.api
public String toString() {
return (toXML());
* Checks for the char <code>c</code> in the String
* @param name String in which the character needs to be checked for.
* @param c <code>char</code> which needs to be checked.
* @exception InvalidNameException if <code>c</code> does not occur
* anywhere in <code>name</code>.
static void checkForCharacter(String name, char c)
throws InvalidNameException {
if (name.indexOf(c) != -1) {
Character objs[] = { new Character(c) };
throw (new InvalidNameException(ResBundleUtils.rbName,
"invalid_char_in_name", objs, name,
* Gets policy decision
* @param token sso token identifying the user for who the policy has to
* be evaluated.
* @param resourceTypeName resourceType name
* @param resourceName resourceName
* @param actionNames a set of action names for which policy results
* are to be evaluated. Each element of the set should be a
* String
* @param envParameters a <code>Map</code> of environment parameters
* Each key of the <code>Map</code> is a String valued parameter name
* Each value of the map is a <code>Set</code> of String values
* @return a <code>PolicyDecision</code>
* @exception NameNotFoundException if the action name or resource name
* is not found
* @exception SSOException if token is invalid
* @exception PolicyException for any other exception condition
public PolicyDecision getPolicyDecision(SSOToken token,
String resourceTypeName,String resourceName, Set actionNames,
Map envParameters) throws SSOException, NameNotFoundException,
PolicyDecision policyDecision = new PolicyDecision();
ServiceTypeManager stm = ServiceTypeManager.getServiceTypeManager();
ServiceType resourceType
= stm.getServiceType(resourceTypeName);
* get the evaluation order that is likely to be least expensive
* in terms of cpu.
if (token != null) {
evaluationOrder = getEvaluationOrder(token);
} else {
if (DEBUG.messageEnabled()) {
DEBUG.message("Policy " + getName()
+ " is Using Policy evaluation order :" + evaluationOrder);
if (isReferralPolicy() && !referrals.isEmpty()) {
//process referrals irrespective subjects and conditions
PolicyDecision referralDecision
= referrals.getPolicyDecision(token,
resourceTypeName, resourceName, actionNames,
if (referralDecision != null) {
resourceType, referralDecision, policyDecision);
if (DEBUG.messageEnabled()) {
String tokenPrincipal =
(token != null) ? token.getPrincipal().getName()
: PolicyUtils.EMPTY_STRING;
new StringBuffer("at Policy.getPolicyDecision()")
.append(" after processing referrals only:")
.append(" principal, resource name, action names,")
.append(" policyName, referralResults = ")
.append(tokenPrincipal) .append(", ")
.append(resourceName) .append(", ")
.append(actionNames) .append(", ")
.append(this.getName()).append(", ")
} else if (evaluationOrder == SUBJECTS_CONDITIONS_RULES) {
if (DEBUG.messageEnabled()) {
DEBUG.message("Using policy evaluation order:"
getPolicyDecisionSCR(token, resourceType, resourceName,
actionNames, envParameters, policyDecision);
} else if (evaluationOrder == CONDITIONS_SUBJECTS_RULES) {
if (DEBUG.messageEnabled()) {
DEBUG.message("Using policy evaluation order:"
getPolicyDecisionCSR(token, resourceType, resourceName,
actionNames, envParameters, policyDecision);
} else if (evaluationOrder == RULES_SUBJECTS_CONDITIONS) {
if (DEBUG.messageEnabled()) {
DEBUG.message("Using policy evaluation order:"
getPolicyDecisionRSC(token, resourceType, resourceName,
actionNames, envParameters, policyDecision);
} else if (evaluationOrder == RULES_CONDITIONS_SUBJECTS) {
if (DEBUG.messageEnabled()) {
DEBUG.message("Using policy evaluation order:"
getPolicyDecisionRCS(token, resourceType, resourceName,
actionNames, envParameters, policyDecision);
} else if (evaluationOrder == SUBJECTS_RULES_CONDITIONS) {
if (DEBUG.messageEnabled()) {
DEBUG.message("Using policy evaluation order:"
getPolicyDecisionSRC(token, resourceType, resourceName,
actionNames, envParameters, policyDecision);
} else if (evaluationOrder == CONDITIONS_RULES_SUBJECTS) {
if (DEBUG.messageEnabled()) {
DEBUG.message("Using policy evaluation order:"
getPolicyDecisionCRS(token, resourceType, resourceName,
actionNames, envParameters, policyDecision);
if (DEBUG.messageEnabled()) {
DEBUG.message("Using default policy evaluation order:"
getPolicyDecisionRCS(token, resourceType, resourceName,
actionNames, envParameters, policyDecision);
if (DEBUG.messageEnabled()) {
String tokenPrincipal =
(token != null) ? token.getPrincipal().getName()
: PolicyUtils.EMPTY_STRING;
new StringBuffer("at Policy.getPolicyDecision()")
.append(" principal, resource name, action names,")
.append(" policyName, policyDecision = ")
.append(tokenPrincipal) .append(", ")
.append(resourceName) .append(", ")
.append(actionNames) .append(", ")
.append(this.getName()).append(", ")
Map actionDecisionMap = policyDecision.getActionDecisions();
if (actionDecisionMap != null && !actionDecisionMap.isEmpty())
Collection actionDecisions = null;
if ((actionDecisions = actionDecisionMap.values()) != null &&
!actionDecisions.isEmpty()) {
Iterator it = actionDecisions.iterator();
while (it.hasNext()) {
Set actionValues = ((ActionDecision)it.next()).getValues();
if (actionValues != null && !actionValues.isEmpty())
{ // put the response Attrs in the PolicyDecision
Map responseAttributes =
* even if one action Value found, set the
* resp attributes
return policyDecision;
/** Gets matched rule results given resource type, resource name and
* action names
* @param resourceType resource type(<code>ServiceType</code> of resource
* @param resourceName resource name for which to get action values
* @param actionNames action names for which to get values
* @return <code>Map</code> of action values keyed by action names
* @exception NameNotFoundException
private Map getMatchedRuleResults(ServiceType resourceType,
String resourceName, Set actionNames) throws NameNotFoundException {
String resourceTypeName = resourceType.getName();
Map answer = null;
StringBuilder cacheKeyBuffer = new StringBuilder(100);
String cacheKey = cacheKeyBuffer.append(resourceTypeName)
answer = (Map) matchRulesResultsCache.get(cacheKey);
if ( answer == null ) {
answer = new HashMap();
//Process rules
Iterator ruleIterator = rules.values().iterator();
while (ruleIterator.hasNext()) {
Rule rule = (Rule) ruleIterator.next();
Map actionResults = rule.getActionValues(resourceTypeName,
resourceName, actionNames);
PolicyUtils.appendMapToMap(actionResults, answer);
Iterator actions = answer.keySet().iterator();
while ( actions.hasNext() ) {
String action = (String) actions.next();
Set actionValues = (Set) answer.get(action);
if ( actionValues.size() == 2 ) {
ActionSchema actionSchema = null;
AttributeSchema.Syntax actionSyntax = null;
try {
actionSchema = resourceType.getActionSchema(action);
actionSyntax = actionSchema.getSyntax();
} catch(InvalidNameException e) {
"can not find action schmea for action = "
+ action, e );
if (AttributeSchema.Syntax.BOOLEAN.equals(
actionSyntax)) {
String trueValue = actionSchema.getTrueValue();
// Add to cache
matchRulesResultsCache.put(cacheKey, answer);
return cloneRuleResults(answer);
/**Gets resource names that are exact matches, sub resources or
* wild card matches of argument resource name.
* To determine whether to include a
* resource name of a resource, we compare argument resource name and
* policy resource name, treating wild characters in the policy
* resource name as wild. If the comparsion resulted in EXACT_MATCH,
* WILD_CARD_MATCH or SUB_RESOURCE_MATCH, the resource result would be
* included.
* @param token sso token
* @param serviceTypeName service type name
* @param resourceName resource name
* @param followReferrals indicates whether to follow the referrals to
* compute the resources
* @return resource names that match to be exact match, sub
* resource match or wild card match of the argument
* resourceName
* @exception PolicyException
* @exception SSOException
* @see ResourceMatch#EXACT_MATCH
* @see ResourceMatch#SUB_RESOURCE_MATCH
* @see ResourceMatch#WILDCARD_MATCH
Set getResourceNames(SSOToken token, String serviceTypeName,
String resourceName, boolean followReferrals)
throws PolicyException, SSOException {
Set resourceNames = new HashSet();
ServiceType st = ServiceTypeManager.getServiceTypeManager()
.getServiceType( serviceTypeName);
Iterator ruleIterator = rules.values().iterator();
while (ruleIterator.hasNext()) {
Rule rule = (Rule) ruleIterator.next();
if (rule.getServiceType().getName().equals(serviceTypeName)) {
String ruleResource = rule.getResourceName();
ResourceMatch resourceMatch = st.compare(resourceName,
ruleResource, true); // interpret wild char
if (resourceMatch.equals(ResourceMatch.SUB_RESOURCE_MATCH)
|| resourceMatch.equals(ResourceMatch.EXACT_MATCH)
|| resourceMatch.equals(ResourceMatch.WILDCARD_MATCH)) {
if ( DEBUG.messageEnabled() ) {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(200);
sb.append("at Policy.getResourceNames : ");
sb.append(" for policyName, serviceType, resourceName, ");
sb.append(" ruleResource, resourceMatch :");
sb.append(getName()).append( ",").append( serviceTypeName);
if (!resourceNames.isEmpty() && followReferrals) {
Set rResourceNames = referrals.getResourceNames(token,
serviceTypeName, resourceName);
if ( DEBUG.messageEnabled() ) {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(200);
sb.append("at Policy.getResourceNames : ");
sb.append(" for policyName, serviceType, resourceName, ");
sb.append(" followReferral, resourceNames :");
sb.append(getName()).append( ",").append( serviceTypeName);
return resourceNames;
/** Gets the resource names of a given serviceType managed by this
* policy.
* @param serviceTypeName name of service type for which to
* find resource names
* @return a set of resource names of serviceTypeName managed
* by this policy
* @exception SSOException
* @exception NameNotFoundException
Set getResourceNames(String serviceTypeName) throws SSOException,
NameNotFoundException {
Set resourceNames = new HashSet();
Iterator ruleIterator = rules.values().iterator();
while (ruleIterator.hasNext()) {
Rule rule = (Rule) ruleIterator.next();
String rSvcTypeName = (rule.getServiceType() == null) ?
rule.getServiceTypeName() : rule.getServiceType().getName();
if (rSvcTypeName.equals(serviceTypeName)) {
String ruleResource = rule.getResourceName();
return resourceNames;
// public String getServiceTypeName() {
/* com.iplanet.am.admin.cli uses this method.
* Need to clean up cli not to use this
* method. Without this method build breaks - 03/05/02 */
// return null;
// }
* Gets organizations referred to in this policy by OrgReferral(s)
* defined in this policy.
* @return names of organization (DNs) of organizations referred
* to in this policy via <code>OrgReferral</code>(s) defined in
* this policy.
* Please note that <code>PeerOrgReferral</code> and
* <code>SubOrgReferral</code> extend <code>OrgReferral</code>
* and hence qualify as OrgReferral.
* @exception PolicyException
Set getReferredToOrganizations() throws PolicyException {
Set referredToOrgs = new HashSet();
Iterator referralNames = referrals.getReferralNames().iterator();
while ( referralNames.hasNext() ) {
String referralName = (String) referralNames.next();
Referral referral = (Referral) referrals.getReferral(referralName);
if ( referral instanceof OrgReferral ) {
Set values = referral.getValues();
if ( (values != null) && (!values.isEmpty()) ) {
String orgName = (String) values.iterator().next();
return referredToOrgs;
/** Sets time to live for Subjects result.
* @param ttl time to live for Subjects result
void setSubjectsResultTtl(long ttl) {
* validates the String <code>name</code>.
* @param name String to be validated.
* @exception throws InvalidNameException is name is null or
* does contain invalid character "/".
private void validateName(String name) throws InvalidNameException {
if ( (name == null) || (name.length() == 0) ) {
DEBUG.message("Invalid policy name:" + name);
throw (new InvalidNameException(ResBundleUtils.rbName,
"null_name", null, "", PolicyException.POLICY));
/** Gets policy decision computing Subjects, Conditions and Rules
* in this order. Referrals in the policy are ignored.
* @param token sso token identifying the user for who the policy has to
* be evaluated.
* @param resourceType service type
* @param resourceName resource name
* @param actionNames a set of action names for which policy results
* are to be evaluated. Each element of the set should be a
* String
* @param envParameters a map of environment parameters
* Each key of the map is a String valued parameter name
* Each value of the map is a set of String values
* @param policyDecision a collecting argument. Computed policy decisions
* in this method are merged to this policy decision
* @return computed and merged policy decision
* @exception NameNotFoundException if the action name or resource name
* is not found
* @exception SSOException if token is invalid
* @exception PolicyException for any other exception condition
private PolicyDecision getPolicyDecisionSCR(SSOToken token,
ServiceType resourceType,
String resourceName, Set actionNames, Map envParameters,
PolicyDecision policyDecision)
throws SSOException, NameNotFoundException, PolicyException {
boolean resourceMatched = false;
ConditionDecision conditionDecision = null;
boolean allowedByConditions = false;
boolean allowedBySubjects = false;
Map advicesFromConditions = null;
long conditionsTtl = Long.MIN_VALUE;
long timeToLive = Long.MIN_VALUE;
Map actionResults = null;
if (token != null) {
allowedBySubjects = users.isMember(token);
timeToLive = users.getResultTtl(token);
} else {
allowedBySubjects = true;
timeToLive = Long.MAX_VALUE;
if (allowedBySubjects) { //subjects+
conditionDecision = conditions.getConditionDecision(
token, envParameters);
allowedByConditions = conditionDecision.isAllowed();
advicesFromConditions = conditionDecision.getAdvices();
conditionsTtl = conditionDecision.getTimeToLive();
if ( conditionsTtl < timeToLive ) {
timeToLive = conditionsTtl;
if (allowedByConditions) { //subjects+, conditions+
actionResults = getMatchedRuleResults(resourceType,
resourceName, actionNames);
resourceMatched = !actionResults.isEmpty();
if (resourceMatched) { //subjects+,conditions+,resourceMatch+
Iterator resultActionNames
= actionResults.keySet().iterator();
while ( resultActionNames.hasNext() ) {
String resultActionName
= (String) resultActionNames.next();
Set resultActionValues
= (Set)actionResults.get(resultActionName);
/* ActionDecision to include values, no advices
ActionDecision actionDecision
= new ActionDecision(resultActionName,
advicesFromConditions, timeToLive);
actionDecision, resourceType);
} else { // subjects+,conditions+,resourceMatch-
} else { //subjects+,conditions-
//ActionDecision to include advices only
if (!advicesFromConditions.isEmpty()) {
actionResults = getMatchedRuleResults(resourceType,
resourceName, actionNames);
Iterator resultActionNames
= actionResults.keySet().iterator();
while ( resultActionNames.hasNext() ) {
String resultActionName
= (String) resultActionNames.next();
/* ActionDecision to include advices, no values
ActionDecision actionDecision
= new ActionDecision(resultActionName,
advicesFromConditions, timeToLive);
actionDecision, resourceType);
} else {
} else { //subjects-
return policyDecision;
/** Gets policy decision computing Subjects, Rules and Conditions
* in this order. Referrals in the policy are ignored.
* @param token sso token identifying the user for who the policy has to
* be evaluated.
* @param resourceType service type
* @param resourceName resourceName
* @param actionNames a set of action names for which policy results
* are to be evaluated. Each element of the set should be a
* String
* @param envParameters a map of environment parameters
* Each key of the map is a String valued parameter name
* Each value of the map is a set of String values
* @param policyDecision a collecting argument. Computed policy decisions
* in this method are merged to this policy decision
* @return computed and merged policy decision
* @exception NameNotFoundException if the action name or resource name
* is not found
* @exception SSOException if token is invalid
* @exception PolicyException for any other exception condition
private PolicyDecision getPolicyDecisionSRC(SSOToken token,
ServiceType resourceType,
String resourceName, Set actionNames, Map envParameters,
PolicyDecision policyDecision)
throws SSOException, NameNotFoundException, PolicyException {
boolean resourceMatched = false;
ConditionDecision conditionDecision = null;
boolean allowedByConditions = false;
boolean allowedBySubjects = false;
Map advicesFromConditions = null;
long conditionsTtl = Long.MIN_VALUE;
long timeToLive = Long.MIN_VALUE;
Map actionResults = null;
if (token != null) {
allowedBySubjects = users.isMember(token);
timeToLive = users.getResultTtl(token);
} else {
allowedBySubjects = true;
timeToLive = Long.MAX_VALUE;
if (allowedBySubjects) { //subjects+
actionResults = getMatchedRuleResults(resourceType,
resourceName, actionNames);
resourceMatched = !actionResults.isEmpty();
if (resourceMatched) { //subjects+, resourceMatch+
conditionDecision = conditions.getConditionDecision(
token, envParameters);
allowedByConditions = conditionDecision.isAllowed();
advicesFromConditions = conditionDecision.getAdvices();
conditionsTtl = conditionDecision.getTimeToLive();
if ( conditionsTtl < timeToLive ) {
timeToLive = conditionsTtl;
if (allowedByConditions) {
//subjects+, resourceMatch+,conditions+
Iterator resultActionNames
= actionResults.keySet().iterator();
while ( resultActionNames.hasNext() ) {
String resultActionName
= (String) resultActionNames.next();
Set resultActionValues
= (Set)actionResults.get(resultActionName);
/* ActionDecision to include values, no advices
ActionDecision actionDecision
= new ActionDecision(resultActionName,
advicesFromConditions, timeToLive);
actionDecision, resourceType);
} else { //subjects+, resourceMatch+,conditions-
if (!advicesFromConditions.isEmpty()) {
Iterator resultActionNames
= actionResults.keySet().iterator();
while ( resultActionNames.hasNext() ) {
String resultActionName
= (String) resultActionNames.next();
/* ActionDecision to include advices, no values
ActionDecision actionDecision
= new ActionDecision(resultActionName,
advicesFromConditions, timeToLive);
actionDecision, resourceType);
} else {
} else { //subjects+,resourceMatch-
} else { //subjects-
return policyDecision;
/** Gets policy decision computing Conditions, Subject and Rules
* in this order. Referrals in the policy are ignored.
* @param token sso token identifying the user for who the policy has to
* be evaluated.
* @param resourceType service type
* @param resourceName resourceName
* @param actionNames a set of action names for which policy results
* are to be evaluated. Each element of the set should be a
* String
* @param envParameters a map of environment parameters
* Each key of the map is a String valued parameter name
* Each value of the map is a set of String values
* @param policyDecision a collecting arugment. Computed policy decisions
* in this method are merged to this policy decision
* @return computed and merged policy decision
* @exception NameNotFoundException if the action name or resource name
* is not found
* @exception SSOException if token is invalid
* @exception PolicyException for any other exception condition
private PolicyDecision getPolicyDecisionCSR(SSOToken token,
ServiceType resourceType,
String resourceName, Set actionNames, Map envParameters,
PolicyDecision policyDecision)
throws SSOException, NameNotFoundException, PolicyException {
boolean resourceMatched = false;
ConditionDecision conditionDecision = null;
boolean allowedByConditions = false;
boolean allowedBySubjects = false;
Map advicesFromConditions = null;
long timeToLive = Long.MIN_VALUE;
long subjectsTtl = Long.MIN_VALUE;
Map actionResults = null;
conditionDecision = conditions.getConditionDecision(
token, envParameters);
allowedByConditions = conditionDecision.isAllowed();
advicesFromConditions = conditionDecision.getAdvices();
timeToLive = conditionDecision.getTimeToLive();
if (allowedByConditions) { //conditions+
allowedBySubjects = users.isMember(token);
subjectsTtl = users.getResultTtl(token);
if (subjectsTtl < timeToLive) {
timeToLive = subjectsTtl;
if (allowedBySubjects) { //conditions+, subjects+
actionResults = getMatchedRuleResults(resourceType,
resourceName, actionNames);
resourceMatched = !actionResults.isEmpty();
if (resourceMatched) {
//conditions+, subjects+, resourceMatched+
Iterator resultActionNames
= actionResults.keySet().iterator();
while ( resultActionNames.hasNext() ) {
String resultActionName
= (String) resultActionNames.next();
Set resultActionValues
= (Set)actionResults.get(resultActionName);
/* ActionDecision to include values, no advices
ActionDecision actionDecision
= new ActionDecision(resultActionName,
advicesFromConditions, timeToLive);
actionDecision, resourceType);
} else { //conditions+, subjects+, resourceMatched-
} else { //conditions+,subjects-
} else { //conditions-
boolean reportAdvices = false;
if (!advicesFromConditions.isEmpty()) {
reportAdvices = users.isMember(token);
subjectsTtl = users.getResultTtl(token);
if (subjectsTtl < timeToLive) {
timeToLive = subjectsTtl;
if (reportAdvices) {
actionResults = getMatchedRuleResults(resourceType,
resourceName, actionNames);
Iterator resultActionNames
= actionResults.keySet().iterator();
while ( resultActionNames.hasNext() ) {
String resultActionName
= (String) resultActionNames.next();
/* ActionDecision to include advices, no values
ActionDecision actionDecision
= new ActionDecision(resultActionName,
advicesFromConditions, timeToLive);
actionDecision, resourceType);
} else { //no advices to report
return policyDecision;
/** Gets policy decision computing Conditions, Rules and Subjects
* in this order. Referrals in the policy are ignored.
* @param token sso token identifying the user for who the policy has to
* be evaluated.
* @param resourceType service type
* @param resourceName resourceName
* @param actionNames a set of action names for which policy results
* are to be evaluated. Each element of the set should be a
* String
* @param envParameters a map of environment parameters
* Each key of the map is a String valued parameter name
* Each value of the map is a set of String values
* @param policyDecision a collecting arugment. Computed policy decisions
* in this method are merged to this policy decision
* @return computed and merged policy decision
* @exception NameNotFoundException if the action name or resource name
* is not found
* @exception SSOException if token is invalid
* @exception PolicyException for any other exception condition
private PolicyDecision getPolicyDecisionCRS(SSOToken token,
ServiceType resourceType,
String resourceName, Set actionNames, Map envParameters,
PolicyDecision policyDecision)
throws SSOException, NameNotFoundException, PolicyException {
boolean resourceMatched = false;
ConditionDecision conditionDecision = null;
boolean allowedByConditions = false;
boolean allowedBySubjects = false;
Map advicesFromConditions = null;
long subjectsTtl = Long.MIN_VALUE;
long timeToLive = Long.MIN_VALUE;
Map actionResults = null;
conditionDecision = conditions.getConditionDecision(
token, envParameters);
allowedByConditions = conditionDecision.isAllowed();
advicesFromConditions = conditionDecision.getAdvices();
timeToLive = conditionDecision.getTimeToLive();
actionResults = getMatchedRuleResults(resourceType,
resourceName, actionNames);
if (allowedByConditions) { //conditions+
resourceMatched = !actionResults.isEmpty();
if (resourceMatched) { ///conditions+, resourceMatched+
allowedBySubjects = users.isMember(token);
subjectsTtl = users.getResultTtl(token);
if (subjectsTtl < timeToLive) {
timeToLive = subjectsTtl;
if (allowedBySubjects) {
//conditions+, resourceMatched+, subjects+
Iterator resultActionNames
= actionResults.keySet().iterator();
while ( resultActionNames.hasNext() ) {
String resultActionName
= (String) resultActionNames.next();
Set resultActionValues
= (Set)actionResults.get(resultActionName);
/* ActionDecision to include values, no advices
ActionDecision actionDecision
= new ActionDecision(resultActionName,
advicesFromConditions, timeToLive);
actionDecision, resourceType);
} else { //conditions+, resourceMatched+, subjects-
} else { //conditions+, resourceMatched-
} else { //conditions-
boolean reportAdvices = false;
if (!advicesFromConditions.isEmpty()) {
reportAdvices = users.isMember(token);
subjectsTtl = users.getResultTtl(token);
if (subjectsTtl < timeToLive) {
timeToLive = subjectsTtl;
if (reportAdvices) {
actionResults = getMatchedRuleResults(resourceType,
resourceName, actionNames);
Iterator resultActionNames
= actionResults.keySet().iterator();
while ( resultActionNames.hasNext() ) {
String resultActionName
= (String) resultActionNames.next();
/* ActionDecision to include advices, no values
ActionDecision actionDecision
= new ActionDecision(resultActionName,
advicesFromConditions, timeToLive);
actionDecision, resourceType);
} else { //no advices to report
return policyDecision;
/** Gets policy decision computing Rules, Subjects and Conditions
* in this order. Referrals in the policy are ignored.
* @param token sso token identifying the user for who the policy has to
* be evaluated.
* @param resourceType service type
* @param resourceName resourceName
* @param actionNames a set of action names for which policy results
* are to be evaluated. Each element of the set should be a
* String
* @param envParameters a map of environment parameters
* Each key of the map is a String valued parameter name
* Each value of the map is a set of String values
* @param policyDecision a collecting arugment. Computed policy decisions
* in this method are merged to this policy decision
* @return computed and merged policy decision
* @exception NameNotFoundException if the action name or resource name
* is not found
* @exception SSOException if token is invalid
* @exception PolicyException for any other exception condition
private PolicyDecision getPolicyDecisionRSC(SSOToken token,
ServiceType resourceType,
String resourceName, Set actionNames, Map envParameters,
PolicyDecision policyDecision)
throws SSOException, NameNotFoundException, PolicyException {
boolean resourceMatched = false;
ConditionDecision conditionDecision = null;
boolean allowedByConditions = false;
boolean allowedBySubjects = false;
Map advicesFromConditions = null;
long conditionsTtl = Long.MIN_VALUE;
long timeToLive = Long.MIN_VALUE;
Map actionResults = getMatchedRuleResults(resourceType,
resourceName, actionNames);
resourceMatched = !actionResults.isEmpty();
if (resourceMatched) { //resourceMatched+
allowedBySubjects = users.isMember(token);
timeToLive = users.getResultTtl(token);
if (allowedBySubjects) { //resourceMatched+, subjects+
conditionDecision = conditions.getConditionDecision(
token, envParameters);
allowedByConditions = conditionDecision.isAllowed();
advicesFromConditions = conditionDecision.getAdvices();
conditionsTtl = conditionDecision.getTimeToLive();
if (conditionsTtl < timeToLive) {
timeToLive = conditionsTtl;
if (allowedByConditions) {
//resourceMatched+, subjects+, conditions+
Iterator resultActionNames
= actionResults.keySet().iterator();
while ( resultActionNames.hasNext() ) {
String resultActionName
= (String) resultActionNames.next();
Set resultActionValues
= (Set)actionResults.get(resultActionName);
/* ActionDecision to include values, no advices
ActionDecision actionDecision
= new ActionDecision(resultActionName,
advicesFromConditions, timeToLive);
actionDecision, resourceType);
} else { //resourceMatched+, subjects+, conditions-
Iterator resultActionNames
= actionResults.keySet().iterator();
if (!advicesFromConditions.isEmpty()) {
while ( resultActionNames.hasNext() ) {
String resultActionName
= (String) resultActionNames.next();
/* ActionDecision to include advices, no values
ActionDecision actionDecision
= new ActionDecision(resultActionName,
advicesFromConditions, timeToLive);
actionDecision, resourceType);
} else {
} else { //resourceMatched+, subjects-
} else { //resourceMached-
return policyDecision;
/** Gets policy decision computing Rules, Conditions and Subjects
* in this order. Referrals in the policy are ignored.
* @param token sso token identifying the user for who the policy has to
* be evaluated.
* @param resourceType service type
* @param resourceName resourceName
* @param actionNames a set of action names for which policy results
* are to be evaluated. Each element of the set should be a
* String
* @param envParameters a map of environment parameters
* Each key of the map is a String valued parameter name
* Each value of the map is a set of String values
* @param policyDecision a collecting argument. Computed policy decisions
* in this method are merged to this policy decision
* @return computed and merged policy decision
* @exception NameNotFoundException if the action name or resource name
* is not found
* @exception SSOException if token is invalid
* @exception PolicyException for any other exception condition
private PolicyDecision getPolicyDecisionRCS(SSOToken token,
ServiceType resourceType,
String resourceName, Set actionNames, Map envParameters,
PolicyDecision policyDecision)
throws SSOException, NameNotFoundException, PolicyException {
boolean resourceMatched = false;
ConditionDecision conditionDecision = null;
boolean allowedByConditions = false;
boolean allowedBySubjects = false;
Map advicesFromConditions = null;
long conditionsTtl = Long.MIN_VALUE;
long subjectsTtl = Long.MIN_VALUE;
long timeToLive = Long.MIN_VALUE;
Map actionResults = getMatchedRuleResults(resourceType,
resourceName, actionNames);
resourceMatched = !actionResults.isEmpty();
if (resourceMatched) { //resourceMatch+
conditionDecision = conditions.getConditionDecision(
token, envParameters);
allowedByConditions = conditionDecision.isAllowed();
advicesFromConditions = conditionDecision.getAdvices();
conditionsTtl = conditionDecision.getTimeToLive();
timeToLive = conditionsTtl;
if (allowedByConditions) { //resourceMatch+, conditions+
allowedBySubjects = users.isMember(token);
subjectsTtl = users.getResultTtl(token);
if (subjectsTtl < timeToLive) {
timeToLive = subjectsTtl;
if (allowedBySubjects) {
//resourceMatch+, conditions+, subjects+
Iterator resultActionNames
= actionResults.keySet().iterator();
while ( resultActionNames.hasNext() ) {
String resultActionName
= (String) resultActionNames.next();
Set resultActionValues
= (Set)actionResults.get(resultActionName);
/* ActionDecision to include values, no advices
ActionDecision actionDecision
= new ActionDecision(resultActionName,
advicesFromConditions, timeToLive);
actionDecision, resourceType);
} else { //resourceMatch+, conditions+, subjects-
} else { //resourceMatch+, conditions-
boolean reportAdvices = false;
if (!advicesFromConditions.isEmpty()) {
reportAdvices = users.isMember(token);
subjectsTtl = users.getResultTtl(token);
if (subjectsTtl < timeToLive) {
timeToLive = subjectsTtl;
if (reportAdvices) {
Iterator resultActionNames
= actionResults.keySet().iterator();
while ( resultActionNames.hasNext() ) {
String resultActionName
= (String) resultActionNames.next();
/* ActionDecision to include advices, no values
ActionDecision actionDecision
= new ActionDecision(resultActionName,
advicesFromConditions, timeToLive);
actionDecision, resourceType);
} else { //no advices to report
} else { //resourceMatch-
return policyDecision;
/** Gets evaluation order of Subjects, Rules and Conditions for this policy
* that is likely to be least expensive in terms of cpu.
* @return int representing preferred evaluation order for this policy
private int getEvaluationOrder(SSOToken token) throws SSOException {
int evaluationOrder = RULES_CONDITIONS_SUBJECTS;
//treat subject weight as 0, if sub result is in cache
int mpsWeight = users.isSubjectResultCached(token) ? 0 : psWeight;
if (( mpsWeight <= pcWeight) && (pcWeight <= prWeight)) {
} else if (( pcWeight <= mpsWeight) && (mpsWeight <= prWeight)) {
} else if (( prWeight <= pcWeight) && (pcWeight <= mpsWeight)) {
} else if (( prWeight <= mpsWeight) && (mpsWeight <= pcWeight)) {
} else if (( mpsWeight <= prWeight) && (prWeight <= pcWeight)) {
} else if (( pcWeight <= prWeight) && (prWeight <= mpsWeight)) {
return evaluationOrder;
/** Initializes global values of evaluation weight
* per Subject, per Condition and per Rule element
* of the policies by reading value of property
* <code>EVALUATION_WEIGHTS_KEY</code> from AMConfig.properties.
* If the value is not defined in AMConfig.properties, the value defaults
private static void initializeStaticEvaluationWeights() {
EVALUATION_WEIGHTS = com.iplanet.am.util.SystemProperties.get(
StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(EVALUATION_WEIGHTS, ":");
int tokenCount = st.countTokens();
if ( tokenCount != 3) {
if (PolicyManager.debug.warningEnabled()) {
+ " invalid evaulationWeights defined, "
+ " defaulting to " + DEFAULT_EVALUATION_WEIGHTS);
} else {
String weight = st.nextToken();
try {
subjectWeight = Integer.parseInt(weight);
} catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
if (PolicyManager.debug.warningEnabled()) {
+ " invalid subjectWeight defined, defaulting to 0");
subjectWeight = 0;
weight = st.nextToken();
try {
ruleWeight = Integer.parseInt(weight);
} catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
if (PolicyManager.debug.warningEnabled()) {
+ " invalid ruleWeight defined, defaulting to 0");
ruleWeight = 0;
weight = st.nextToken();
try {
conditionWeight = Integer.parseInt(weight);
} catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
if (PolicyManager.debug.warningEnabled()) {
+ " invalid conditionWeight defined, defaulting to 0");
conditionWeight = 0;
/** Initializes evaluation weights for
* Subjects, Conditions and rules of this policy object.
void initializeEvaluationWeights() {
psWeight = users.size() * subjectWeight;
prWeight = rules.size() * ruleWeight;
pcWeight = conditions.size() * conditionWeight;
* Checks whether the policy is applicable to user identified by sso token
* @return <code>true</code> if the policy is applicable to the user
* identified by sso token, else <code>false</code>
boolean isApplicableToUser(SSOToken token)
throws PolicyException, SSOException
return users.isMember(token);
static Map cloneRuleResults(Map ruleResults) {
Map clonedResults = new HashMap();
if ( (ruleResults != null) && !ruleResults.isEmpty()) {
Iterator keys = ruleResults.keySet().iterator();
while (keys.hasNext()) {
String key = (String)keys.next();
Set values = (Set)ruleResults.get(key);
Set clonedValues = new HashSet();
clonedResults.put(key, clonedValues);
return clonedResults;
* We track the subject realm when a realm subject is added to the policy.
* We use this information to enforce that a policy has
* realm subjects only from one realm. We also use this information
* to enforce that policy is not saved into a different realm.
String getSubjectRealm() {
return subjectRealm;
* Clears the cached membership evaluation results corresponding
* to the <code>tokenIdString</code>. This is triggered through
* <code>PolicySSOTokenListener</code> and <code>PolicyCache</code>
* when session property
* of a logged in user is changed
* @param tokenIdString sessionId of the user whose session property changed
void clearSubjectResultCache(String tokenIdString) throws PolicyException {
if (DEBUG.messageEnabled()) {
DEBUG.message("Policy.clearSubjectResultCache(tokenIdString): "
+ " clearing cached subject evaluation result for "
+ " tokenId XXXXX");
* Returns creation date.
* @return creation date.
public long getCreationDate() {
return creationDate;
* Sets the creation date.
* @param creationDate creation date.
public void setCreationDate(long creationDate) {
this.creationDate = creationDate;
* Returns last modified date.
* @return last modified date.
public long getLastModifiedDate() {
return lastModifiedDate;
* Sets the last modified date.
* @param lastModifiedDate last modified date.
public void setLastModifiedDate(long lastModifiedDate) {
this.lastModifiedDate = lastModifiedDate;
* Returns the user ID who last modified the policy.
* @return user ID who last modified the policy.
public String getLastModifiedBy() {
return lastModifiedBy;
* Sets the user ID who last modified the policy.
* @param lastModifiedBy user ID who last modified the policy.
public void setLastModifiedBy(String lastModifiedBy) {
this.lastModifiedBy = lastModifiedBy;
* Returns the user ID who created the policy.
* @return user ID who created the policy.
public String getCreatedBy() {
return createdBy;
* Sets the user ID who created the policy.
* @param createdBy user ID who created the policy.
public void setCreatedBy(String createdBy) {
this.createdBy = createdBy;