LogConstants.java revision 5f4d6070f856d0de82c1d16459b89233e2e81ff2
* Copyright (c) 2005 Sun Microsystems Inc. All Rights Reserved
* The contents of this file are subject to the terms
* of the Common Development and Distribution License
* (the License). You may not use this file except in
* compliance with the License.
* You can obtain a copy of the License at
* https://opensso.dev.java.net/public/CDDLv1.0.html or
* opensso/legal/CDDLv1.0.txt
* See the License for the specific language governing
* permission and limitations under the License.
* When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL
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* $Id: LogConstants.java,v 1.16 2008/09/18 22:56:31 veiming Exp $
* Portions Copyrighted 2011-2014 ForgeRock AS
* Portions Copyrighted 2014 Nomura Research Institute, Ltd
package com.sun.identity.log;
import java.util.logging.Level;
* Defines constants used in the Logging service. <tt> LogConstants </TT>
* helps in maintaining a central repository of all the constants used in the
* package.
* @supported.api
public class LogConstants {
* Attribute defining the maximum (flat) file size, above which
* the files are either archived or rotated.
* @supported.api
public static final String MAX_FILE_SIZE =
* Attribute defining the location where the logs go.
* @supported.api
public static final String LOG_LOCATION = "iplanet-am-logging-location";
* Constant for the default base directory "prefix"
* for Flat File logging, indicating that the instance's
* Configuration directory + server URI should be used.
public static final String DEF_FF_LOG_LOC_BASE = "CONFIG_DIR_SERVER_URI";
* Attribute defining whether the logs to be stored in
* flat-files or to a Database.
* @supported.api
public static final String BACKEND = "iplanet-am-logging-type";
* Attribute defining the user name of the database (for
* authenticating to the Database)
public static final String DB_USER = "iplanet-am-logging-db-user";
* Attribute defining the password for the user of the db
* (for authenticating to DB)
public static final String DB_PASSWORD = "iplanet-am-logging-db-password";
* Attribute defining the Database Driver.
* @supported.api
public static final String DB_DRIVER = "iplanet-am-logging-db-driver";
* Attribute defining the currently present list of logs in the Directory.
public static final String LOG_LIST = "iplanet-am-logging-log-list";
* Attribute defining the set of all fields being logged. These fields are
* predefined to be time, Date, LoginID, Domain, LogLevel, Data, IPAddr,
* and HostName.
* @supported.api
public static final String ALL_FIELDS = "iplanet-am-logging-allfields";
* Attribute defining the fields currently selected by the administrator
* to be logged.
* @supported.api
public static final String LOG_FIELDS = "iplanet-am-logging-logfields";
* Attribute defining the FileHandler class
public static final String FILE_HANDLER =
* Attribute defining the Database Handler class
public static final String DB_HANDLER = "iplanet-am-logging-jdbc-handler";
* Attribute defining the number of history files a (flat file)
* log should have.
* @supported.api
public static final String NUM_HISTORY_FILES =
* Attribute defining the RemoteHandler class
public static final String REMOTE_HANDLER =
* Default value for remote handler class
public static final String DEFAULT_REMOTE_HANDER =
* Attribute defining the ELFFormatter class.
* (OpenSSO ELF Formatting. Hence FHandler
* should be associated with a ELFFormatter).
public static final String ELF_FORMATTER =
* Attribute defining the RemoteFormatter class which creates a
* xml string for a log action and sends it across to the remote
* OpenSSO.
public static final String REMOTE_FORMATTER =
* Default value for remote formatter class
public static final String DEFAULT_REMOTE_FORMATTER =
* Attribute defining the DBFormatter class
public static final String DB_FORMATTER =
* Attribute defining the Authorization class used to see if a particular
* user is authorized to perform a particular task.
public static final String AUTHZ = "iplanet-am-logging-authz-class";
* Attribute defining the Token Class used to generate a Token internally
* for use within the logging components.
public static final String TOKEN_PROVIDER =
* Attribute defining the Archiver class
public static final String ARCHIVER = "iplanet-am-logging-archiver-class";
* Platform attribute defining the locale
public static final String LOCALE =
* Naming attribute defining the logging service url.
public static final String LOGGING_SERVICE_URL =
* Defines CarriageReturn/LineFeed characters.
* @supported.api
public static final String CRLF = "\r\n";
* Defines the LoggingService name.
* @supported.api
public static final String LOGGING_SERVICE = "Logging";
* Defines the LoggingService name.
public static final String MAC_FIELDNAME = "MAC";
* Defines the LoggingService name.
public static final String SIGNATURE_FIELDNAME = "Signature";
* Defines the secure LoggingService log verify period.
public static final String LOGVERIFY_PERIODINSECONDS =
public static final long LOGVERIFY_PERIODINSECONDS_DEFAULT = 3600;
* Defines the LogSign period in seconds.
public static final String LOGSIGN_PERIODINSECONDS =
public static final long LOGSIGN_PERIODINSECONDS_DEFAULT = 600;
* Attribute defining the Log Security status; ON or OFF.
public static final String SECURITY_STATUS =
* Defines the File Read Handler class.
public static final String FILE_READ_HANDLER =
* Defines the Secure File Handler class.
public static final String SECURE_FILE_HANDLER =
* Defines the Secure ELF Formatter class.
public static final String SECURE_ELF_FORMATTER =
* Defines the DB Read Handler class.
public static final String DB_READ_HANDLER =
* Attribute defining the maximum records for flat file logs.
* Also the default number of maximum records to be read.
public static final String MAX_RECORDS = "iplanet-am-logging-max-records";
* Default max records if none entered
public static final String MAX_RECORDS_DEFAULT = "500";
* Default max records, int version
public static final int MAX_RECORDS_DEFAULT_INT = 500;
* Attribute defining the number of files per keystore after which
* the keystore should be reinitialized.
public static final String FILES_PER_KEYSTORE =
* Attribute defining the Class that implements what the
* Verifier does when verification fails
public static final String VERIFIER_ACTION_CLASS =
* Attribute defining the Directory where the logger certificate
* store is stored.
public static final String LOGGER_CERT_STORE =
* Attribute defining the Class that implements the custom
* debug method in the case of log failure.
* @supported.api
public static final String DEBUG_IMPL_CLASS =
* Logging property prefix.
public static final String LOG_PROP_PREFIX =
* Attribute defining the Buffer size.
* @supported.api
public static final String BUFFER_SIZE = "iplanet-am-logging-buffer-size";
* Attribute defining the Maximum LogRecords held in memory if
* DB logging fails.
* @supported.api
public static final String DB_MEM_MAX_RECS =
* Attribute defining the Buffering time.
* @supported.api
public static final String BUFFER_TIME =
public static final long BUFFER_TIME_DEFAULT = 3600;
* Attribute defining the Time Buffering Status; ON or OFF.
* @supported.api
public static final String TIME_BUFFERING_STATUS =
* Attribute defining the Filter Class Name
public static final String FILTER_CLASS_NAME =
* Attribute defining the Secure Timestamp generator class
public static final String SECURE_TIMESTAMP_GENERATOR =
* Attribute defining the secure log helper class
public static final String SECURE_LOG_HELPER =
* Attribute defining the default secure log helper class
public static final String SECURE_DEFAULT_LOG_HELPER =
* Attribute defining the security initializer class name
public static final String SECURITY_INITIALIZER =
* Attribute defining the security signing algorithm
public static final String SECURITY_SIGNING_ALGORITHM =
* Attribute defining the default security signing algorithm
* Attribute defining the log file logging level
public static final String LOGGING_LEVEL = "sun-am-log-level";
* Attribute defining the Oracle DB data type for the DATA field
public static final String ORA_DBDATA_FIELDTYPE =
* Attribute defining the MySQL DB data type for the DATA field
public static final String MYSQL_DBDATA_FIELDTYPE =
* Attribute defining the format for the Oracle DATE/TIME field
public static final String ORA_DBDATETIME_FORMAT =
* Attribute defining the format for the MySQL DATE/TIME field
public static final String MYSQL_DBDATETIME_FORMAT =
* Property defining whether logging is enabled
* @supported.api
public static final String LOG_STATUS =
* Property defining Logging subdirectory.
public static final String LOG_LOCATION_SUBDIR =
public static final String LOG_READ = "READ";
public static final String LOG_WRITE = "WRITE";
public static final String LOG_CREATE = "CREATE";
public static final String LOG_DELETE = "DELETE";
*logInfoMap keys
* The Date/Time field. This field is one of the two required in
* any log record.
* @supported.api
public static final String TIME = "TIME";
* The Data field. This field is one of the two required in
* any log record.
* @supported.api
public static final String DATA = "Data";
* The LogLevel field. The level at which the log record was
* logged.
* @supported.api
public static final String LOG_LEVEL = "LogLevel";
* The Domain field. The AM Domain pertaining to the log record's
* Data field.
* @supported.api
public static final String DOMAIN = "Domain";
* The LoginID field. The AM Login ID pertaining to the log record's
* Data field.
* @supported.api
public static final String LOGIN_ID = "LoginID";
* The IPAddr field. The IP Address pertaining to the log record's
* Data field.
* @supported.api
public static final String IP_ADDR = "IPAddr";
* The HostName field. The HostName pertaining to the log record's
* Data field.
* @supported.api
public static final String HOST_NAME = "HostName";
* The ModuleName field. The AM Module pertaining to the log record's
* Data field.
* @supported.api
public static final String MODULE_NAME = "ModuleName";
* The LoggedBy field. The ID associated with who logged the record.
* @supported.api
public static final String LOGGED_BY = "LoggedBy";
* The ContextID field. The ID associated with the user's session
* that is the subject of this log record.
* @supported.api
public static final String CONTEXT_ID = "ContextID";
* The NoSession field. Whether the authentication request was made with the noSession query parameter
* and that no permanent session was created when the authentication was successful.
public static final String NO_SESSION = "NoSession";
* The MessageID field. The unique Message Identifier associated with
* this particular log record data field.
* @supported.api
public static final String MESSAGE_ID = "MessageID";
* The NameID field. The Name Identifier associated with
* this particular log record data field.
* @supported.api
public static final String NAME_ID = "NameID";
* The maximum number of fields in a "regular" record.
* Includes Time, Data, LogLevel, Domain, LoginID, IPAddr,
* HostName, ModuleName, LoggedBy, ContextID, MessageID, NameID.
* Be sure to increment if more fields are added.
* @supported.api
public static final int MAX_FIELDS = 12;
public static final String LOGIN_ID_SID = "LoginIDSid";
public static final String LOGGED_BY_SID = "LoggedBySid";
public static final String DEFAULT_AGENT_FILE = "amAuthLog";
public static final String POLICY_ACCESS = "amPolicy.access";
public static final String CONSOLE_ACCESS = "amConsole.access";
public static final String AUTHENTICATION_ACCESS =
public static final String AUTHENTICATION_ERROR =
public static final String PASSWORDRESET_ACCESS =
public static final String SSO_ACCESS = "amSSO.access";
public static final String ADMIN_ACCESS = "amAdmin.access";
public static final String ADMIN_ERROR = "amAdmin.error";
public static final String [] LOGFILENAMES = {
public static final int NUM_RECORDS = 0;
public static final int NUM_BYTES = 1;
* Key name for enable/disable Hostname resolution
public static final String LOG_RESOLVE_HOSTNAME =
* Attribute name for enable/disable Hostname resolution
public static final String LOG_RESOLVE_HOSTNAME_ATTR =
* Attribute name for logging status
public static final String LOG_STATUS_ATTR =
* the "Not Available" String for when a field is not provided
public static final String NOTAVAIL = "Not Available";
* default logging level
public static final String DEFAULT_LOGGING_LEVEL_STR = "INFO";
public static final Level DEFAULT_LOGGING_LEVEL = Level.INFO;
* logging start due to container starting
public static final String START_LOG_NEW_LOGGER_NAME =
* logging ending due to container terminating
public static final String END_LOG_NAME = "LOG_END";
* logging start due to logging configuration change
public static final String START_LOG_CONFIG_NAME = "LOG_START_CONFIG";
* logging termination due to logging configuration change
public static final String END_LOG_CONFIG_NAME = "LOG_END_CONFIG";
* System properties which specifies the log directory.
public static final String SYS_PROP_LOG_DIR = "com.sun.identity.log.dir";
* Attribute defining the prefix for the logfiles
public static final String LOGFILE_PREFIX = "openam-logging-file-prefix";
* Attribute defining the suffix for the logfiles. This should be a valid
* dateformat string.
public static final String LOGFILE_SUFFIX = "openam-logging-file-suffix";
* Attribute defining the rotation interval in minutes.
public static final String LOGFILE_ROTATION = "openam-logging-file-rotation";
* Key name for enable/disable log rotation.
public static final String ENABLE_ROTATION = "openam-logging-file-rotation-enabled";