revision 6a490d4b01fde313651d02ca8d6ac8db32266d03
* Copyright (c) 2008 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* The contents of this file are subject to the terms
* of the Common Development and Distribution License
* (the License). You may not use this file except in
* compliance with the License.
* You can obtain a copy of the License at
* or
* opensso/legal/CDDLv1.0.txt
* See the License for the specific language governing
* permission and limitations under the License.
* When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL
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* $Id:,v 1.13 2010/01/06 01:58:27 veiming Exp $
* Portions Copyrighted 2011-2013 ForgeRock AS
package com.sun.identity.idm.server;
import java.rmi.RemoteException;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import com.iplanet.sso.SSOException;
import com.iplanet.sso.SSOToken;
import com.iplanet.sso.SSOTokenManager;
import com.sun.identity.common.CaseInsensitiveHashMap;
import com.sun.identity.idm.AMIdentity;
import com.sun.identity.idm.IdOperation;
import com.sun.identity.idm.IdRepo;
import com.sun.identity.idm.IdRepoException;
import com.sun.identity.idm.IdSearchControl;
import com.sun.identity.idm.IdSearchOpModifier;
import com.sun.identity.idm.IdSearchResults;
import com.sun.identity.idm.IdServices;
import com.sun.identity.idm.IdServicesFactory;
import com.sun.identity.idm.IdType;
import com.sun.identity.idm.IdUtils;
import com.sun.identity.idm.remote.IdRemoteServicesImpl;
import com.sun.identity.session.util.RestrictedTokenAction;
import com.sun.identity.session.util.RestrictedTokenContext;
import com.sun.identity.shared.Constants;
import com.sun.identity.shared.debug.Debug;
import com.sun.identity.shared.encode.Base64;
import com.sun.identity.shared.xml.XMLUtils;
* Provides service side implementation of IdRepo for JAX-RPC interface
* <class>DirectoryManagerIF</class>. Does not provide implementation for
* deprecated AMSDK interfaces.
* Remote clients using openssoclientsdk.jar would be calling these
* methods using SOAP.
* Implements identity changes notifications via PLL and also stores
* notifications changes for polling clients.
public abstract class IdRepoJAXRPCObjectImpl implements DirectoryManagerIF {
protected static Debug idRepoDebug = Debug.getInstance("amIdmJAXRPCServer");
protected static SSOTokenManager tokenManager;
protected static IdServices idServices;
protected static final String IDREPO_SERVICE = "IdRepoServiceIF";
// Cache of modifications for last 30 minutes & notification URLs
protected static int cacheSize = -1;
static LinkedList idrepoCacheIndices = new LinkedList();
static HashMap idrepoCache = null;
protected static Map<String, URL> idRepoNotificationURLs = new HashMap<String, URL>();
protected static String serverURL ;
protected static URL urlServer;
protected static String serverPort;
protected static void initialize_cacheSize() {
if (cacheSize > -1) {
// Obtain the cache size, if configured
String cacheSizeStr = SystemProperties.get(
try {
cacheSize = Integer.parseInt(cacheSizeStr);
if (cacheSize < 0) {
cacheSize = 30;
} catch(NumberFormatException e) {
cacheSize = 30;
if (idRepoDebug.messageEnabled()) {
idRepoDebug.message("IdRepoJAXRPCObjectImpl.static " +
"EventNotification cache size is set to " + cacheSize);
private static void initialize_cache() {
if (idrepoCache == null && cacheSize > 0) {
idrepoCache = new HashMap(cacheSize);
* Initializes this class with system properties.
* Called only by getSSOToken() method. Hence all other methods
* must call either getSSOToken() or initialize() directly.
protected static void initialize_idrepo() {
// Construct serverURL
serverPort = SystemProperties.get(Constants.AM_SERVER_PORT);
serverURL = SystemProperties.get(Constants.AM_SERVER_PROTOCOL) +
"://" + SystemProperties.get(Constants.AM_SERVER_HOST) +
":" + serverPort;
if (idRepoDebug.messageEnabled()) {
idRepoDebug.message("IdRepoJAXRPCObjectImpl.static server URL " +
// Initialize IdRepo Service Factory
if (idServices == null) {
idServices = IdServicesFactory.getDataStoreServices();
protected boolean isClientOnSameServer(String clientURL) {
// Check URL is not the local server
boolean success = true;
URL urlClient = null;
try {
urlClient = new URL(clientURL);
if (urlServer == null) {
urlServer = new URL(serverURL);
} catch (MalformedURLException e) {
if (idRepoDebug.warningEnabled()) {
idRepoDebug.warning("IdRepoJAXRPCObjectImpl." +
"isClientOnSameServer() - clientURL is malformed " +
success = false;
if (success) { // check if it is the same server
int port = urlClient.getPort();
if (port == -1) {
// If it is Port 80, and is not explicilty in the URL
port = urlClient.getDefaultPort();
String clientPort = Integer.toString(port);
// Protocol is same - http, so no need to check that
boolean sameServer = ((urlServer.getHost().equalsIgnoreCase(
urlClient.getHost())) && serverPort.equals(clientPort));
idRepoDebug.message("IdRepoJAXRPCObjectImpl:" +
"checkIfClientOnSameServer() "
+ "Received registerNotification request from client: "
+ clientURL + " Server URL " + serverURL
+ " Port determined as: " + clientPort + " Check is: "
+ sameServer);
return sameServer;
} else {
return false;
public void assignService_idrepo(
String token,
String type,
String name,
String serviceName,
String stype,
Map attrMap,
String amOrgName,
String amsdkDN
) throws RemoteException, IdRepoException, SSOException {
SSOToken ssoToken = getSSOToken(token);
IdType idtype = IdUtils.getType(type);
SchemaType schemaType = new SchemaType(stype);
idServices.assignService(ssoToken, idtype, name, serviceName,
schemaType, attrMap, amOrgName, amsdkDN);
public String create_idrepo(
String token,
String type,
String name,
Map attrMap,
String amOrgName
) throws RemoteException, IdRepoException, SSOException {
SSOToken ssoToken = getSSOToken(token);
IdType idtype = IdUtils.getType(type);
return IdUtils.getUniversalId(idServices.create(ssoToken, idtype, name,
attrMap, amOrgName));
public void delete_idrepo(
String token,
String type,
String name,
String orgName,
String amsdkDN
) throws RemoteException, IdRepoException, SSOException {
SSOToken ssoToken = getSSOToken(token);
IdType idtype = IdUtils.getType(type);
idServices.delete(ssoToken, idtype, name, orgName, amsdkDN);
public Set getAssignedServices_idrepo(
String token,
String type,
String name,
Map mapOfServiceNamesAndOCs,
String amOrgName,
String amsdkDN
) throws RemoteException, IdRepoException,
SSOException {
SSOToken ssoToken = getSSOToken(token);
IdType idtype = IdUtils.getType(type);
return idServices.getAssignedServices(ssoToken, idtype, name,
mapOfServiceNamesAndOCs, amOrgName, amsdkDN);
public Map getAttributes1_idrepo(
String token,
String type,
String name,
Set attrNames,
String amOrgName,
String amsdkDN
) throws RemoteException, IdRepoException, SSOException {
SSOToken ssoToken = getSSOToken(token);
IdType idtype = IdUtils.getType(type);
Map res = idServices.getAttributes(ssoToken, idtype, name, attrNames,
amOrgName, amsdkDN, true);
if (res != null && res instanceof CaseInsensitiveHashMap) {
Map res2 = new HashMap();
Iterator it = res.keySet().iterator();
while (it.hasNext()) {
Object attr =;
Set set = (Set)res.get(attr);
set = XMLUtils.encodeAttributeSet(set, idRepoDebug);
res2.put(attr, set);
res = res2;
return res;
public Map getAttributes2_idrepo(
String token,
String type,
String name,
String amOrgName,
String amsdkDN
) throws RemoteException, IdRepoException, SSOException {
SSOToken ssoToken = getSSOToken(token);
IdType idtype = IdUtils.getType(type);
Map res = idServices.getAttributes(ssoToken, idtype, name, amOrgName,
if (res != null && res instanceof CaseInsensitiveHashMap) {
Map res2 = new HashMap();
Iterator it = res.keySet().iterator();
while (it.hasNext()) {
Object attr =;
Set set = (Set)res.get(attr);
set = XMLUtils.encodeAttributeSet(set, idRepoDebug);
res2.put(attr, set);
res = res2;
return res;
public Map<String, Set<String>> getBinaryAttributes_idrepo(String token, String type, String name,
Set<String> attrNames, String amOrgName, String amsdkDN)
throws RemoteException, IdRepoException, SSOException {
SSOToken ssoToken = getSSOToken(token);
IdType idType = IdUtils.getType(type);
Map<String, byte[][]> binaryAttributes =
idServices.getAttributes(ssoToken, idType, name, attrNames, amOrgName, amsdkDN, false);
Map<String, Set<String>> ret = new HashMap<String, Set<String>>();
if (binaryAttributes != null) {
//shuffle around the data so we can send it across the wire
for (Map.Entry<String, byte[][]> entry : binaryAttributes.entrySet()) {
String attrName = entry.getKey();
byte[][] values = entry.getValue();
Set<String> stringValues = new HashSet<String>(values.length);
for (byte[] bytes : values) {
ret.put(attrName, XMLUtils.encodeAttributeSet(stringValues, idRepoDebug));
return ret;
public Set getMembers_idrepo(
String token,
String type,
String name,
String amOrgName,
String membersType,
String amsdkDN
) throws RemoteException, IdRepoException, SSOException {
SSOToken ssoToken = getSSOToken(token);
Set results = new HashSet();
IdType idtype = IdUtils.getType(type);
IdType mtype = IdUtils.getType(membersType);
Set idSet = idServices.getMembers(ssoToken, idtype, name, amOrgName,
mtype, amsdkDN);
if (idSet != null) {
Iterator it = idSet.iterator();
while (it.hasNext()) {
AMIdentity id = (AMIdentity);
return results;
public Set getMemberships_idrepo(
String token,
String type,
String name,
String membershipType,
String amOrgName,
String amsdkDN
) throws RemoteException, IdRepoException, SSOException {
SSOToken ssoToken = getSSOToken(token);
Set results = new HashSet();
IdType idtype = IdUtils.getType(type);
IdType mtype = IdUtils.getType(membershipType);
Set idSet = idServices.getMemberships(ssoToken, idtype, name, mtype,
amOrgName, amsdkDN);
if (idSet != null) {
Iterator it = idSet.iterator();
while (it.hasNext()) {
AMIdentity id = (AMIdentity);
return results;
public Map getServiceAttributes_idrepo(
String token,
String type,
String name,
String serviceName,
Set attrNames,
String amOrgName,
String amsdkDN
) throws RemoteException, IdRepoException, SSOException {
SSOToken ssoToken = getSSOToken(token);
IdType idtype = IdUtils.getType(type);
return idServices.getServiceAttributes(ssoToken, idtype, name,
serviceName, attrNames, amOrgName, amsdkDN);
public Map getBinaryServiceAttributes_idrepo(
String token, String type,
String name,
String serviceName,
Set attrNames,
String amOrgName,
String amsdkDN
) throws RemoteException, IdRepoException, SSOException {
SSOToken stoken = getSSOToken(token);
IdType idtype = IdUtils.getType(type);
return idServices.getBinaryServiceAttributes(stoken, idtype, name,
serviceName, attrNames, amOrgName, amsdkDN);
public Map getServiceAttributesAscending_idrepo(
String token,
String type,
String name,
String serviceName,
Set attrNames,
String amOrgName,
String amsdkDN
) throws RemoteException, IdRepoException, SSOException {
SSOToken ssoToken = getSSOToken(token);
IdType idtype = IdUtils.getType(type);
return idServices.getServiceAttributesAscending(ssoToken, idtype,
name, serviceName, attrNames, amOrgName, amsdkDN);
public Set getSupportedOperations_idrepo(
String token,
String type,
String amOrgName
) throws RemoteException, IdRepoException, SSOException {
SSOToken ssoToken = getSSOToken(token);
IdType idtype = IdUtils.getType(type);
Set opSet = idServices
.getSupportedOperations(ssoToken, idtype, amOrgName);
Set resSet = new HashSet();
if (opSet != null) {
Iterator it = opSet.iterator();
while (it.hasNext()) {
IdOperation thisop = (IdOperation);
String opStr = thisop.getName();
return resSet;
public Set getSupportedTypes_idrepo(String token, String amOrgName)
throws RemoteException, IdRepoException, SSOException {
SSOToken ssoToken = getSSOToken(token);
Set typeSet = idServices.getSupportedTypes(ssoToken, amOrgName);
Set resTypes = new HashSet();
if (typeSet != null) {
Iterator it = typeSet.iterator();
while (it.hasNext()) {
IdType thistype = (IdType);
String typeStr = thistype.getName();
return resTypes;
public Set getFullyQualifiedNames_idrepo(String token, String type,
String name, String amOrgName)
throws RemoteException, IdRepoException, SSOException {
SSOToken stoken = getSSOToken(token);
IdType idtype = IdUtils.getType(type);
Set opSet = idServices.getFullyQualifiedNames(stoken, idtype,
name, amOrgName);
Set resSet = null;
if (opSet != null) {
// Convert CaseInsensitiveHashSet to HashSet
resSet = new HashSet();
Iterator it = opSet.iterator();
while (it.hasNext()) {
String opStr = (String);
return resSet;
public boolean isExists_idrepo(
String token,
String type,
String name,
String amOrgName
) throws RemoteException, SSOException, IdRepoException {
SSOToken ssoToken = getSSOToken(token);
IdType idtype = IdUtils.getType(type);
return idServices.isExists(ssoToken, idtype, name, amOrgName);
public boolean isActive_idrepo(
String token,
String type,
String name,
String amOrgName,
String amsdkDN
) throws RemoteException, IdRepoException, SSOException {
SSOToken ssoToken = getSSOToken(token);
IdType idtype = IdUtils.getType(type);
return idServices.isActive(ssoToken, idtype, name, amOrgName, amsdkDN);
public void setActiveStatus_idrepo(
String token,
String type,
String name,
String amOrgName,
String amsdkDN,
boolean active
) throws RemoteException, IdRepoException, SSOException {
SSOToken ssoToken = getSSOToken(token);
IdType idtype = IdUtils.getType(type);
ssoToken, idtype, name, amOrgName, amsdkDN, active);
public void modifyMemberShip_idrepo(
String token,
String type,
String name,
Set members,
String membersType,
int operation,
String amOrgName
) throws RemoteException, IdRepoException, SSOException {
SSOToken ssoToken = getSSOToken(token);
IdType idtype = IdUtils.getType(type);
IdType mtype = IdUtils.getType(membersType);
idServices.modifyMemberShip(ssoToken, idtype, name, members, mtype,
operation, amOrgName);
public void modifyService_idrepo(
String token,
String type,
String name,
String serviceName,
String stype,
Map attrMap,
String amOrgName,
String amsdkDN
) throws RemoteException, IdRepoException, SSOException {
SSOToken ssoToken = getSSOToken(token);
IdType idtype = IdUtils.getType(type);
SchemaType schematype = new SchemaType(stype);
idServices.modifyService(ssoToken, idtype, name, serviceName,
schematype, attrMap, amOrgName, amsdkDN);
public void removeAttributes_idrepo(
String token,
String type,
String name,
Set attrNames,
String amOrgName,
String amsdkDN
) throws RemoteException, IdRepoException, SSOException {
SSOToken ssoToken = getSSOToken(token);
IdType idtype = IdUtils.getType(type);
idServices.removeAttributes(ssoToken, idtype, name, attrNames,
amOrgName, amsdkDN);
public Map search1_idrepo(
String token,
String type,
String pattern,
Map avPairs,
boolean recursive,
int maxResults,
int maxTime,
Set returnAttrs,
String amOrgName
) throws RemoteException, IdRepoException, SSOException {
SSOToken ssoToken = getSSOToken(token);
IdType idtype = IdUtils.getType(type);
return search2_idrepo(token, type, pattern, maxTime, maxResults,
returnAttrs, (returnAttrs == null), 0, avPairs, recursive,
public Map search2_idrepo(
String token,
String type,
String pattern,
int maxTime,
int maxResults,
Set returnAttrs,
boolean returnAllAttrs,
int filterOp,
Map avPairs,
boolean recursive,
String amOrgName
) throws RemoteException, IdRepoException, SSOException {
SSOToken ssoToken = getSSOToken(token);
IdType idtype = IdUtils.getType(type);
IdSearchControl ctrl = new IdSearchControl();
IdSearchOpModifier modifier = (filterOp == IdRepo.OR_MOD) ?
IdSearchOpModifier.OR : IdSearchOpModifier.AND;
ctrl.setSearchModifiers(modifier, avPairs);
IdSearchResults idres =, idtype, pattern,
ctrl, amOrgName);
return IdSearchResultsToMap(idres);
public void setAttributes_idrepo(
String token,
String type,
String name,
Map attributes,
boolean isAdd,
String amOrgName,
String amsdkDN
) throws RemoteException, IdRepoException, SSOException {
SSOToken ssoToken = getSSOToken(token);
IdType idtype = IdUtils.getType(type);
idServices.setAttributes(ssoToken, idtype, name, attributes, isAdd,
amOrgName, amsdkDN, true);
public void setAttributes2_idrepo(
String token,
String type,
String name,
Map attributes,
boolean isAdd,
String amOrgName,
String amsdkDN,
boolean isString
) throws RemoteException, IdRepoException, SSOException {
SSOToken ssoToken = getSSOToken(token);
IdType idtype = IdUtils.getType(type);
if (!isString) {
Map<String, byte[][]> binaryAttributes = new HashMap<String, byte[][]>(attributes.size());
for (Map.Entry<String, Set<String>> entry : ((Map<String, Set<String>>) attributes).entrySet()) {
Set<String> stringValues = entry.getValue();
byte[][] values = new byte[stringValues.size()][];
int counter = 0;
for (String value : stringValues) {
values[counter++] = Base64.decode(value);
binaryAttributes.put(entry.getKey(), values);
attributes = binaryAttributes;
idServices.setAttributes(ssoToken, idtype, name, attributes, isAdd,
amOrgName, amsdkDN, isString);
public void changePassword_idrepo(
String token,
String type,
String name,
String oldPassword,
String newPassword,
String amOrgName,
String amsdkDN
) throws RemoteException, IdRepoException, SSOException {
SSOToken ssoToken = getSSOToken(token);
IdType idtype = IdUtils.getType(type);
idServices.changePassword(ssoToken, idtype, name, oldPassword,
newPassword, amOrgName, amsdkDN);
public void unassignService_idrepo(
String token,
String type,
String name,
String serviceName,
Map attrMap,
String amOrgName,
String amsdkDN
) throws RemoteException, IdRepoException, SSOException {
SSOToken ssoToken = getSSOToken(token);
IdType idtype = IdUtils.getType(type);
idServices.unassignService(ssoToken, idtype, name, serviceName,
attrMap, amOrgName, amsdkDN);
public void deRegisterNotificationURL_idrepo(String notificationID) throws RemoteException {
synchronized (idRepoNotificationURLs) {
URL url = idRepoNotificationURLs.remove(notificationID);
if (url != null && idRepoDebug.messageEnabled()) {
idRepoDebug.message("IdRepoJAXRPCObjectImpl.deRegisterNotificationURL_idrepo() - URL "
+ url + " de-registered for ID " + notificationID);
public Set objectsChanged_idrepo(int time) throws RemoteException {
Set answer = new HashSet();
// Get the cache index for times upto time+2
long cacheIndex = System.currentTimeMillis() / 60000;
for (int i = 0; i < time + 3; i++) {
Set modDNs = (Set)idrepoCache.get(Long.toString(cacheIndex));
if (modDNs != null) {
if (idRepoDebug.messageEnabled()) {
idRepoDebug.message("IdRepoJAXRPCObjectImpl.objectsChanged " +
"in time: " + time + " minutes:\n" + answer);
return (answer);
public String registerNotificationURL_idrepo(String url) throws RemoteException {
return registerNotificationURL(url, idRepoNotificationURLs);
protected String registerNotificationURL(String url, Map<String, URL> notificationURLs) {
// Default value if there are any issues with the registration process.
String id = "0";
try {
// Check URL is not the local server
if (!isClientOnSameServer(url)) {
synchronized (notificationURLs) {
URL notificationUrl = new URL(url);
// Don't add the URL again if we already have it registered
boolean alreadyRegistered = false;
for (Map.Entry<String, URL> entry : notificationURLs.entrySet()) {
if (notificationUrl.equals(entry.getValue())) {
// This allows us to return the existing entry ID to support clients being able to
// de-register the correct entry.
id = entry.getKey();
alreadyRegistered = true;
if (idRepoDebug.messageEnabled()) {
idRepoDebug.message("IdRepoJAXRPCObjectImpl.registerNotificationURL() - URL "
+ url + " already registered, returning existing ID " + id);
// If we didn't find the url in our list, add it
if (!alreadyRegistered) {
String serverID = "";
try {
serverID = WebtopNaming.getAMServerID();
} catch (ServerEntryNotFoundException e) {
if (idRepoDebug.messageEnabled()) {
idRepoDebug.message("IdRepoJAXRPCObjectImpl.registerNotificationURL - " +
"had a problem getting our serverID ", e);
// Generate a unique value that includes the serverID to have a better chance of being unique
// in a cluster should a de-register request end up on the wrong server.
id = SMSUtils.getUniqueID() + "_" + serverID;
notificationURLs.put(id, notificationUrl);
if (idRepoDebug.messageEnabled()) {
idRepoDebug.message("IdRepoJAXRPCObjectImpl.registerNotificationURL - " +
"registered notification URL: " + url + " with ID " + id);
} else {
// Cannot add this server for notifications
if (idRepoDebug.warningEnabled()) {
idRepoDebug.warning("IdRepoJAXRPCObjectImpl.registerNotificationURL "
+ "cannot add local server: " + url);
} catch (MalformedURLException e) {
if (idRepoDebug.warningEnabled()) {
idRepoDebug.warning("IdRepoJAXRPCObjectImpl." +
"registerNotificationURL invalid URL: " + url, e);
return id;
public Map getSpecialIdentities_idrepo(
String token,
String type,
String amOrgName
) throws RemoteException, IdRepoException, SSOException {
SSOToken ssoToken = getSSOToken(token);
IdType idtype = IdUtils.getType(type);
IdSearchResults result = idServices.getSpecialIdentities(
ssoToken, idtype, amOrgName);
return IdSearchResultsToMap(result);
// Implementation to process entry changed events
protected static void processEntryChanged_idrepo(
String method, String name, int type, Set attrNames) {
if (idRepoDebug.messageEnabled()) {
idRepoDebug.message("IdRepoJAXRPCObjectImpl.processEntryChaged "
+ "method processing method: " + method + " name: " + name +
" type: " + type + " attrName: " + attrNames);
// Return if cache size is 0 or there are no remote clients
if ((cacheSize == 0) && idRepoNotificationURLs.isEmpty()) {
if (idRepoDebug.messageEnabled()) {
idRepoDebug.message("IdRepoJAXRPCObjectImpl." +
"processEntryChaged No registered notification URLs: " +
idRepoNotificationURLs + " and cache size is: " +
// Construct the XML document for the event change
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(100);
.append("<Attribute name=\"method\" /><Value>").append(method)
.append("<AttributeValuePair><Attribute name=\"entityName\" />")
if (method.equalsIgnoreCase("objectChanged") ||
method.equalsIgnoreCase("objectsChanged")) {
sb.append("<AttributeValuePair><Attribute name=\"eventType\" />")
if (method.equalsIgnoreCase("objectsChanged")) {
sb.append("<AttributeValuePair><Attribute ").append(
for (Iterator items = attrNames.iterator(); items.hasNext();) {
String attr = (String);
// Update cache for polling by remote clients
if (cacheSize > 0) {
// Obtain the cache index
long currentTime = System.currentTimeMillis() / 60000;
String cacheIndex = Long.toString(currentTime);
Set modDNs = (Set)idrepoCache.get(cacheIndex);
if (modDNs == null) {
modDNs = new HashSet();
idrepoCache.put(cacheIndex, modDNs);
// Maintain cacheIndex
cleanupCache(idrepoCacheIndices, idrepoCache, currentTime);
// Add to cache
if (idRepoDebug.messageEnabled()) {
idRepoDebug.message("IdRepoJAXRPCObjectImpl.processing " +
"entry change:" + sb.toString());
// If notification URLs are present, send notifications
if (idRepoDebug.messageEnabled()) {
idRepoDebug.message("IdRepoJAXRPCObjectImpl.processEntryChaged =" +
" notificationURLS " + idRepoNotificationURLs.values());
NotificationSet ns = null;
synchronized (idRepoNotificationURLs) {
for (Map.Entry<String, URL> entry : idRepoNotificationURLs.entrySet()) {
String id = entry.getKey();
URL url = entry.getValue();
// Construct NotificationSet
if (ns == null) {
Notification notification =
new Notification(sb.toString());
ns = new NotificationSet(IDREPO_SERVICE);
try {
PLLServer.send(url, ns);
if (idRepoDebug.messageEnabled()) {
idRepoDebug.message("IdRepoJAXRPCObjectImpl:" +
"sentNotification URL: " + url + " Data: " + ns);
} catch (SendNotificationException ne) {
if (idRepoDebug.warningEnabled()) {
idRepoDebug.warning("IdRepoJAXRPCObjectImpl: failed "
+ "sending notification to: " + url + "\nRemoving "
+ "URL from notification list.", ne);
// Remove the URL from Notification List
protected static void cleanupCache(LinkedList cIndices, HashMap thisCache,
long currentTime) {
// remove the last cache entries
if (cIndices.size() > cacheSize) {
String removedIndex = (String)cIndices.removeLast();
if (idRepoDebug.messageEnabled()) {
idRepoDebug.message("IdRepoJAXRPCObjectImpl:cleanupCache last "
+ removedIndex);
// remove expired cache entries
long lastIndex = Long.parseLong((String)cIndices.getLast());
while ((currentTime - cacheSize) > lastIndex) {
String removedIndex = (String)cIndices.removeLast();
if (idRepoDebug.messageEnabled()) {
idRepoDebug.message("IdRepoJAXRPCObjectImpl:cleanupCache expired "
+ removedIndex);
lastIndex = Long.parseLong((String)cIndices.getLast());
private Map IdSearchResultsToMap(IdSearchResults res) {
// TODO ..check if the Map gets properly populated and sent.
Map answer = new HashMap();
Map attrMaps = new HashMap();
Set idStrings = new HashSet();
Map answer1 = res.getResultAttributes();
Set ids = res.getSearchResults();
if (ids != null) {
Iterator it = ids.iterator();
while (it.hasNext()) {
AMIdentity id = (AMIdentity);
String idStr = IdUtils.getUniversalId(id);
Map attrMap = (Map) answer1.get(id);
if (attrMap != null) {
Map cattrMap = new HashMap();
for (Iterator items = attrMap.keySet().iterator();
items.hasNext();) {
Object item =;
Set values = (Set)attrMap.get(item);
values = XMLUtils.encodeAttributeSet(values,
cattrMap.put(item.toString(), values);
attrMaps.put(idStr, cattrMap);
answer.put(IdRemoteServicesImpl.AMSR_RESULTS, idStrings);
new Integer(res.getErrorCode()));
answer.put(IdRemoteServicesImpl.AMSR_ATTRS, attrMaps);
return (answer);
* Check if agent token ID is appended to the token string.
* if yes, we use it as a restriction context. This is meant
* for cookie hijacking feature where agent appends the agent token ID
* to the user sso token before sending it over to the server for
* validation.
protected SSOToken getSSOToken(String token) throws SSOException {
// Initalize the class variables
int index = token.indexOf(" ");
if (tokenManager == null) {
tokenManager = SSOTokenManager.getInstance();
if (index == -1) {
return tokenManager.createSSOToken(token);
SSOToken stoken = null;
String agentTokenStr = token.substring(index +1);
String tokenStr = token.substring(0,index);
final String ftoken = tokenStr;
try {
* for 7.0 patch-4 agent, IP address maybe send back to server.
* this is a very simple check for IP Address
Object context = null;
if (agentTokenStr.indexOf('.') != -1) {
try {
context = InetAddress.getByName(agentTokenStr);
} catch (Exception e) {
context = tokenManager.createSSOToken(agentTokenStr);
} else {
context = tokenManager.createSSOToken(agentTokenStr);
stoken = (SSOToken)RestrictedTokenContext.doUsing(context,
new RestrictedTokenAction() {
public Object run() throws Exception {
return tokenManager.createSSOToken(ftoken);
} catch (SSOException e) {
idRepoDebug.error("IdRepoJAXRPCObjectImpl:getSSOToken", e);
return tokenManager.createSSOToken(tokenStr);
} catch (Exception e) {
idRepoDebug.error("IdRepoJAXRPCObjectImpl:getSSOToken", e);
return stoken;