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package com.sun.identity.console.reststs.model;
* Model responses, particularly in the context of Rest STS instance creation, require a success flag, and a message.
* The success flag indicates whether the message will be displayed as in a success, or error, dialog.
public class RestSTSModelResponse {
private final boolean success;
private final String message;
private RestSTSModelResponse(boolean success, String message) {
this.success = success;
this.message = message;
public static RestSTSModelResponse failure(String failureMessage) {
return new RestSTSModelResponse(false, failureMessage);
public static RestSTSModelResponse success(String successMessage) {
return new RestSTSModelResponse(true, successMessage);
public static RestSTSModelResponse success() {
return new RestSTSModelResponse(true, null);
public boolean isSuccessful() {
return success;
public String getMessage() {
return message;