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package com.sun.identity.console.reststs.model;
import com.sun.identity.console.base.model.AMConsoleException;
import com.sun.identity.console.base.model.AMModel;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
* Provides the data necessary for the RestSTSHomeViewBean, the UI display element which displays published Rest STS
* instances.
public interface RestSTSModel extends AMModel {
* Returns the set of rest sts instances in the SMS under the given realm.
* @param realm the realm to consult for the rest sts instances.
* @return The names of rest sts instances in the SMS
* @throws AMConsoleException if the SMS cannot be successfully consulted
Set<String> getPublishedInstances(String realm) throws AMConsoleException;
* Performs DELETEs against the rest-sts publish endpoint to remove the published instances
* @param instanceNames the set of instances to be deleted
* @throws AMConsoleException If an IOException occurs in making the DELETE
void deleteInstances(Set<String> instanceNames) throws AMConsoleException;
* Publishes a rest sts instance by POSTing to the rest-sts publish endpoint.
* @param configurationState the configuration state defining the published instance
* @param realm the realm in which the instance should be published. Necessary to add the realm state
* to the configuration state, as the end-user should not be able to set this directly (i.e. it is
* implicit in the ViewBean display)
* @return A RestSTSModelResonse instance, which encapsulates success or failure, and a optional success/failure message
* @throws AMConsoleException If an IOException occurs in making the POST
RestSTSModelResponse createInstance(Map<String, Set<String>> configurationState, String realm) throws AMConsoleException;
* Updates a rest sts instance by PUTing to the rest-sts publish endpoint.
* @param configurationState the configuration state defining the updated instance
* @param realm the realm in which the instance should be published. Necessary to add the realm state
* to the configuration state, as the end-user should not be able to set this directly (i.e. it is
* implicit in the ViewBean display)
* @param instanceName The name of the instance, as set by the ViewBean. Used to constitute the PUT url.
* @return A RestSTSModelResonse instance, which encapsulates success or failure, and optional success/failure messages
* @throws AMConsoleException If an IOException occurs in making the PUT
RestSTSModelResponse updateInstance(Map<String, Set<String>> configurationState, String realm, String instanceName)
throws AMConsoleException;
* Called by the RestSTSEditViewBean to obtain the instance state necessary to edit an existing rest sts instance.
* @param realm the realm to which the instance has been published
* @param instanceName the instance name
* @return The state corresponding to the rest sts instance which is used to constitute the property-sheet displayed
* by the RestSTSEditViewBean
* @throws AMConsoleException If the SMS cannot be consulted.
Map<String, Set<String>> getInstanceState(String realm, String instanceName) throws AMConsoleException;
* Called by the ViewBean context prior to updating or publishing a rest sts instance.
* @param configurationState the to-be-validated configuration state
* @return A RestSTSModelResponse indicating validation success or failure. If validation was not successful, the
* message will indicate the validation error.
RestSTSModelResponse validateConfigurationState(Map<String, Set<String>> configurationState);