all.js revision 0dd7db90ddc84e1fe5b102a52f8966faa923c124
* Created by craig on 07/07/2014.
// ============================================================================================================
// TDD framework
getTestDetails = function() {
function getErrorObject() {
try { throw Error('') } catch(err) { return err; }
var err = getErrorObject();
var caller_line = err.stack.split("\n")[6];
// e.g. at shouldCreateComparisonResultWithZeroPenaltyPoints (eval at <anonymous> (eval at <anonymous> (, <anonymous>:247:73)
var index = caller_line.indexOf("at ");
var callee_function = caller_line.slice(caller_line.indexOf("at ")+2, caller_line.indexOf("(eval"));
var callee_line_number = caller_line.slice(caller_line.indexOf("<anonymous>:")+12, caller_line.indexOf(":", caller_line.indexOf("<anonymous>:")+12));
return callee_function + " #" + callee_line_number;
logError = function(message) {
test_name_and_line_number = getTestDetails();
console.log("FAIL ["+ test_name_and_line_number + "]: " + message);
assertEquals = function(expected, actual) {
if (expected != actual) {
logError("expected " + expected + " but was " + actual);
assertTrue = function(value) {
if (value !== true) {
logError("expected true");
assertFalse = function(value) {
if (value !== false) {
logError("expected false");
assertArrayEquals = function(expected, actual) {
if (expected.length != actual.length) {
logError("expected " + expected + " but was " + actual);
for (var i = 0; i < expected.length; i++) {
if (expected[i] != actual[i]) {
logError("expected " + expected + " but was " + actual);
// ============================================================================================================
// Dummy Data
var ldapDevicePrintProfiles =[
"installedPlugins":"QuickTime Plugin.plugin;Default Browser.plugin;googletalkbrowserplugin.plugin;o1dbrowserplugin.plugin;AdobePDFViewerNPAPI.plugin;JavaAppletPlugin.plugin;CitrixOnlineWebDeploymentPlugin.plugin"
"installedFonts":"cursive;monospace;serif;sans-serif;fantasy;default;Arial;Arial Black;Arial Narrow;Arial Rounded MT Bold;Comic Sans MS;Courier;Courier New;Georgia;Impact;Papyrus;Tahoma;Times;Times New Roman;Trebuchet MS;Verdana;"
"userAgent":"Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.9; rv:30.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/30.0",
"appVersion":"5.0 (Macintosh)",
"oscpu":"Intel Mac OS X 10.9",
"installedPlugins":"QuickTime Plugin.plugin;Default Browser.plugin;googletalkbrowserplugin.plugin;o1dbrowserplugin.plugin;AdobePDFViewerNPAPI.plugin;JavaAppletPlugin.plugin;CitrixOnlineWebDeploymentPlugin.plugin"
"installedFonts":"cursive;monospace;serif;sans-serif;fantasy;default;Arial;Arial Black;Arial Narrow;Arial Rounded MT Bold;Comic Sans MS;Courier;Courier New;Georgia;Impact;Papyrus;Tahoma;Times;Times New Roman;Trebuchet MS;Verdana;"
"userAgent":"Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.9; rv:30.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/30.0",
"appVersion":"5.0 (Macintosh)",
"oscpu":"Intel Mac OS X 10.9",
"installedPlugins":"QuickTime Plugin.plugin;Default Browser.plugin;googletalkbrowserplugin.plugin;o1dbrowserplugin.plugin;AdobePDFViewerNPAPI.plugin;JavaAppletPlugin.plugin;CitrixOnlineWebDeploymentPlugin.plugin"
"installedFonts":"cursive;monospace;serif;sans-serif;fantasy;default;Arial;Arial Black;Arial Narrow;Arial Rounded MT Bold;Comic Sans MS;Courier;Courier New;Georgia;Impact;Papyrus;Tahoma;Times;Times New Roman;Trebuchet MS;Verdana;"
"userAgent":"Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.9; rv:30.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/30.0",
"appVersion":"5.0 (Macintosh)",
"oscpu":"Intel Mac OS X 10.9",
clientDevicePrint = {
"installedPlugins":"QuickTime Plugin.plugin;Default Browser.plugin;googletalkbrowserplugin.plugin;o1dbrowserplugin.plugin;AdobePDFViewerNPAPI.plugin;JavaAppletPlugin.plugin;CitrixOnlineWebDeploymentPlugin.plugin"
"installedFonts":"cursive;monospace;serif;sans-serif;fantasy;default;Arial;Arial Black;Arial Narrow;Arial Rounded MT Bold;Comic Sans MS;Courier;Courier New;Georgia;Impact;Papyrus;Tahoma;Times;Times New Roman;Trebuchet MS;Verdana;"
"userAgent":"Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.9; rv:30.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/30.0",
"appVersion":"5.0 (Macintosh)",
"oscpu":"Intel Mac OS X 10.9",
// ComparisonResult.js
* Constructs an instance of a ComparisonResult with the given penalty points.
* @param penaltyPoints The penalty points for the comparison (defaults to 0).
* @param additionalInfoInCurrentValue Whether the current value contains more information than the stored value (defaults to false).
function ComparisonResult() {
penaltyPoints = 0;
additionalInfoInCurrentValue = false;
// TODO: Simplfiy constructor overloading copied from Java
if (arguments[0] !== undefined && arguments[1] !== undefined) {
penaltyPoints = arguments[0];
additionalInfoInCurrentValue = arguments[1];
if (arguments[0] !== undefined && arguments[1] === undefined) {
if (typeof(arguments[0]) == "boolean") {
additionalInfoInCurrentValue = arguments[0];
} else {
penaltyPoints = arguments[0];
this.penaltyPoints = penaltyPoints;
this.additionalInfoInCurrentValue = additionalInfoInCurrentValue;
ComparisonResult.ZERO_PENALTY_POINTS = new ComparisonResult(0);
* Comparison function that can be provided as an argument to array.sort
*/ = function(first, second) {
if (first === null && second === null) {
return 0;
} else if (first === null) {
return -1;
} else if (second === null) {
return 1;
} else {
if (first.penaltyPoints !== second.penaltyPoints) {
return first.penaltyPoints - second.penaltyPoints;
} else {
return (first.additionalInfoInCurrentValue ? 1 : 0) - (second.additionalInfoInCurrentValue ? 1 : 0);
* Amalgamates the given ComparisonResult into this ComparisonResult.
* @param comparisonResult The ComparisonResult to include.
ComparisonResult.prototype.addComparisonResult = function(comparisonResult) {
this.penaltyPoints += comparisonResult.penaltyPoints;
if (comparisonResult.additionalInfoInCurrentValue) {
this.additionalInfoInCurrentValue = comparisonResult.additionalInfoInCurrentValue;
* Returns true if no penalty points have been assigned for the comparison.
* @return If the comparison was successful.
ComparisonResult.prototype.isSuccessful = function() {
return this.penaltyPoints === null || this.penaltyPoints === 0;
// ColocationComparator.js
* Constructs an instance of a ColocationComparator
function ColocationComparator() {
* Compares two locations, taking into account a degree of difference.
* @param currentLatitude (double) The current latitude.
* @param currentLongitude (double) The current longitude.
* @param storedLatitude (double) The stored latitude.
* @param storedLongitude (double) The current longitude.
* @param maxToleratedDistance (long) The max difference allowed in the two locations, before the penalty is assigned.
* @param differencePenaltyPoints(long) The number of penalty points.
* @return A ComparisonResult.
*/ = function(currentLatitude, currentLongitude, storedLatitude,
storedLongitude, maxToleratedDistance, differencePenaltyPoints) {
if (this.bothNull(currentLatitude, currentLongitude, storedLatitude, storedLongitude)) {
return ComparisonResult.ZERO_PENALTY_POINTS;
if (this.currentNullStoredNotNull(currentLatitude, currentLongitude, storedLatitude, storedLongitude)) {
return new ComparisonResult(differencePenaltyPoints);
if (this.storedNullCurrentNotNull(currentLatitude, currentLongitude, storedLatitude, storedLongitude)) {
return new ComparisonResult(differencePenaltyPoints, true);
distance = this.calculateDistance(currentLatitude, currentLongitude, storedLatitude, storedLongitude);
// if (DEBUG.messageEnabled()) {
// DEBUG.message("Distance between (" + currentLatitude + "," + currentLongitude + ") and (" + storedLatitude
// + "," + storedLongitude + ") is " + distance + " miles");
// }
if (Number.parseFloat(distance.toPrecision(5)) === 0) {
// if (DEBUG.messageEnabled()) {
// DEBUG.message("Location is the same");
// }
return ComparisonResult.ZERO_PENALTY_POINTS;
inMaxToleratedRange = this.isInMaxToleratedRange(distance, maxToleratedDistance);
if (inMaxToleratedRange) {
// if (DEBUG.messageEnabled()) {
// DEBUG.message("Tolerated because distance not more then "+maxToleratedDistance);
// }
return new ComparisonResult(true);
} else {
// if (DEBUG.messageEnabled()) {
// DEBUG.message("Would be ignored if distance not more then "+maxToleratedDistance);
// }
return new ComparisonResult(differencePenaltyPoints);
* Checks if the stored location is null and the current location is null.
* @param currentLatitude (double) The current latitude.
* @param currentLongitude (double) The current longitude.
* @param storedLatitude (double) The stored latitude.
* @param storedLongitude (double) The current longitude.
* @return If the check passes true, otherwise false.
ColocationComparator.prototype.bothNull = function(currentLatitude, currentLongitude, storedLatitude, storedLongitude) {
return this.atLeastOneNull(currentLatitude, currentLongitude) && this.atLeastOneNull(storedLatitude, storedLongitude);
* Checks to see if the x or y co-ordinates is null.
* @param first (double) The x co-ordinates.
* @param second (double) The y co-ordinates.
* @return If either are null.
ColocationComparator.prototype.atLeastOneNull = function(first, second) {
return first === null || second === null;
* Checks if the current location is null and the stored location is not null.
* @param currentLatitude (double) The current latitude.
* @param currentLongitude (double) The current longitude.
* @param storedLatitude (double) The stored latitude.
* @param storedLongitude (double) The current longitude.
* @return If the check passes true, otherwise false.
ColocationComparator.prototype.currentNullStoredNotNull = function(currentLatitude, currentLongitude, storedLatitude, storedLongitude) {
return this.atLeastOneNull(currentLatitude, currentLongitude) && !this.atLeastOneNull(storedLatitude, storedLongitude);
* Checks if the stored location is null and the current location is not null.
* @param currentLatitude (double) The current latitude.
* @param currentLongitude (double) The current longitude.
* @param storedLatitude (double) The stored latitude.
* @param storedLongitude (double) The current longitude.
* @return If the check passes true, otherwise false.
ColocationComparator.prototype.storedNullCurrentNotNull = function(currentLatitude, currentLongitude, storedLatitude, storedLongitude) {
return !this.atLeastOneNull(currentLatitude, currentLongitude) && this.atLeastOneNull(storedLatitude, storedLongitude);
* Calculates the distances between the two locations.
* @param currentLatitude The current latitude.
* @param currentLongitude The current longitude.
* @param storedLatitude The stored latitude.
* @param storedLongitude The stored longitude.
* @return The distance between the two locations.
ColocationComparator.prototype.calculateDistance = function(currentLatitude, currentLongitude, storedLatitude, storedLongitude) {
var factor = (Math.PI / 180);
function degreesToRadians(degrees) {
return degrees * factor;
function radiansToDegrees(radians) {
return radians / factor;
theta = currentLongitude - storedLongitude;
dist = Math.sin(degreesToRadians(currentLatitude)) * Math.sin(degreesToRadians(storedLatitude))
+ Math.cos(degreesToRadians(currentLatitude)) * Math.cos(degreesToRadians(storedLatitude))
* Math.cos(degreesToRadians(theta));
dist = Math.acos(dist);
dist = radiansToDegrees(dist);
dist = dist * 60 * 1.1515;
return dist;
* Whether the distance between the two locations is within the allowed difference.
* @param distance (double) The actual distance between the locations.
* @param maxToleratedDistance (long) The max difference allowed between the locations.
* @return True is the check passes, otherwise false.
ColocationComparator.prototype.isInMaxToleratedRange = function(distance, maxToleratedDistance) {
return distance <= maxToleratedDistance;
// MultiValueAttrComparator.js
* Compares two Strings of comma separated values.
function MultiValueAttributeComparator() {
* Splits both attributes using delimiter, trims every value and compares collections of values.
* Returns zero-result for same multi-value attributes.
* If collections are not same checks if number of differences is less or equal maxToleratedNumberOfDifferences or
* percentage of difference is less or equal maxToleratedPercentageToMarkAsDifferent.
* If yes then returns zero-result with additional info, else returns penaltyPoints-result.
* @param currentAttribute The current value.
* @param storedAttribute The stored value.
* @param maxToleratedNumberOfDifferences The max number of differences in the values, before the penalty points
* are assigned.
* @param maxToleratedPercentageToMarkAsDifferent The max difference percentage in the values, before the penalty
* is assigned.
* @param penaltyPoints The number of penalty points.
* @return A ComparisonResult.
*/ = function(currentAttribute, storedAttribute,
maxToleratedPercentageToMarkAsDifferent, maxToleratedNumberOfDifferences,
penaltyPoints) {
currentAttributes = this.convertAttributesToList(currentAttribute);
storedAttributes = this.convertAttributesToList(storedAttribute);
if (storedAttribute === null && currentAttribute !== null && currentAttributes.length === 0) {
return new ComparisonResult(true);
var maxToleratedDifferences = maxToleratedNumberOfDifferences;
var maxToleratedPercentage = maxToleratedPercentageToMarkAsDifferent;
var maxNumberOfElements = Math.max(currentAttributes.length, storedAttributes.length);
var numberOfTheSameElements = this.getNumberOfSameElements(currentAttributes, storedAttributes);
var numberOfDifferences = this.getNumberOfDifferences(numberOfTheSameElements, maxNumberOfElements);
var percentageOfDifferences = this.getPercentageOfDifferences(numberOfDifferences, maxNumberOfElements);
// if (DEBUG.messageEnabled()) {
// DEBUG.message(numberOfTheSameElements + " of " + maxNumberOfElements + " are same");
// }
if (maxNumberOfElements === 0) {
// if (DEBUG.messageEnabled()) {
// DEBUG.message("Ignored because no attributes found in both profiles");
// }
return ComparisonResult.ZERO_PENALTY_POINTS;
if (numberOfTheSameElements === maxNumberOfElements) {
// if (DEBUG.messageEnabled()) {
// DEBUG.message("Ignored because all attributes are same");
// }
return ComparisonResult.ZERO_PENALTY_POINTS;
if (numberOfDifferences > maxToleratedDifferences) {
// if (DEBUG.messageEnabled()) {
// DEBUG.message("Would be ignored if not more than " + maxToleratedDifferences + " differences");
// }
return new ComparisonResult(penaltyPoints);
if (percentageOfDifferences > maxToleratedPercentage) {
// if (DEBUG.messageEnabled()) {
// DEBUG.message(percentageOfDifferences + " percents are different");
// DEBUG.message("Would be ignored if not more than " + maxToleratedPercentage + " percent");
// }
return new ComparisonResult(penaltyPoints);
// if (DEBUG.messageEnabled()) {
// DEBUG.message("Ignored because number of differences(" + numberOfDifferences + ") not more than "
// + maxToleratedDifferences);
// DEBUG.message(percentageOfDifferences + " percents are different");
// DEBUG.message("Ignored because not more than " + maxToleratedPercentage + " percent");
// }
return new ComparisonResult(true);
MultiValueAttributeComparator.DELIMITER = ";";
* Converts a comma separated String into a List.
* @param multiAttribute The comma separated String.
* @return A list of the comma separated values.
MultiValueAttributeComparator.prototype.convertAttributesToList = function(multiAttribute) {
results = [];
if (multiAttribute === null) {
return results;
var attributes = multiAttribute.split(MultiValueAttributeComparator.DELIMITER);
for (i = 0; i < attributes.length; i++) {
var attribute = attributes[i];
if (attribute.trim() !== "") {
return results;
* Gets the percentage of the differences between the two values.
* @param numberOfDifferences The actual number of differences.
* @param maxNumberOfElements The number of values in the largest multi-value.
* @return The percentage of differences.
MultiValueAttributeComparator.prototype.getPercentageOfDifferences = function(numberOfDifferences, maxNumberOfElements) {
if (maxNumberOfElements === 0) {
return 0;
// divide by 2, keeping result to 2 decimal places then multiply by 100
return Number.parseFloat((numberOfDifferences / maxNumberOfElements).toPrecision(2)) * 100;
// return this.numberOfDifferences.divide(maxNumberOfElements, 2, RoundingMode.HALF_UP).multiply(HUNDRED);
* Gets the number of differences between the two values.
* @param numberOfSameElements The number of elements that are equal.
* @param maxNumberOfElements The number of values in the largest multi-value.
* @return The number of differences.
MultiValueAttributeComparator.prototype.getNumberOfDifferences = function(numberOfSameElements, maxNumberOfElements) {
return maxNumberOfElements - numberOfSameElements;
* Gets the number of elements that are equal between the two lists of values.
* @param currentAttributes The current values.
* @param storedAttributes The stored values.
* @return The number of elements that are equal.
MultiValueAttributeComparator.prototype.getNumberOfSameElements = function(currentAttributes, storedAttributes) {
var union = currentAttributes.filter(function(element) {
return storedAttributes.indexOf(element) !== -1;
return union.length;
// DevicePrintComparator.js
* Comparator for comparing two Device Print objects to determine how similar they are based
* from the penalty points assigned to each attribute on the Device Print object.
* @param multiValueAttributeComparator An instance of the MultiValueAttributeComparator.
* @param colocationComparator An instance of the ColocationComparator.
function DevicePrintComparator(multiValueAttributeComparator, colocationComparator) {
this.multiValueAttributeComparator = multiValueAttributeComparator;
this.colocationComparator = colocationComparator;
* Compares two Device Print objects to determine how similar they are based from the penalty points
* assigned to each attribute on the Device Print object.
* @param currentDevicePrint The latest Device Print object.
* @param storedDevicePrint A previously stored Device Print object.
* @param config An instance of the DevicePrintAuthenticationConfig.
* @return A ComparisonResult detailing the number of penalty points assigned to this comparison.
*/ = function(currentDevicePrint, storedDevicePrint, config) {
var aggregatedComparisonResult = new ComparisonResult();
var userAgentComparisonResult = this.compareUserAgent(
currentDevicePrint.userAgent, storedDevicePrint.userAgent,
config.userAgentPenaltyPoints, config.ignoreVersionInUserAgent);
var installedFontsComparisonResult =
currentDevicePrint.fonts.installedFonts, storedDevicePrint.fonts.installedFonts,
var installedPluginsComparisonResult =
currentDevicePrint.plugins.installedPlugins, storedDevicePrint.plugins.installedPlugins,
var colorDepthComparisonResult = this.compareStrings( // XXX: Should be numeric comparison?
currentDevicePrint.screen.screenColourDepth, storedDevicePrint.screen.screenColourDepth,
var timezoneComparisonResult = this.compareStrings(
currentDevicePrint.timezone.timezone, storedDevicePrint.timezone.timezone,
var screenResolutionComparisonResult = this.compareScreenResolution(
currentDevicePrint.screen.screenWidth, currentDevicePrint.screen.screenHeight,
storedDevicePrint.screen.screenWidth, storedDevicePrint.screen.screenHeight,
var locationComparisonResult =
currentDevicePrint.geolocation.latitude, currentDevicePrint.geolocation.longitude,
storedDevicePrint.geolocation.latitude, storedDevicePrint.geolocation.longitude,
config.locationAllowedRange, config.locationPenaltyPoints);
// if (DEBUG.messageEnabled()) {
// DEBUG.message("Compared device current print: " + currentDevicePrint);
// DEBUG.message("Compared stored device print: " + storedDevicePrint);
// DEBUG.message("Penalty points: " + aggregatedComparisonResult.getPenaltyPoints());
// DEBUG.message("UserAgent: " + userAgentComparisonResult + ", fonts: " + installedFontsComparisonResult
// + ", plugins: " + installedPluginsComparisonResult + ", colourDepth: " + colorDepthComparisonResult
// + ", timezone: " + timezoneComparisonResult + ", screenRes: " + screenResolutionComparisonResult
// + ", location: " + locationComparisonResult);
// }
return aggregatedComparisonResult;
* Compares two Strings and if they are equal then returns a ComparisonResult with zero penalty points assigned,
* otherwise returns a ComparisonResult with the given number of penalty points assigned.
* @param currentValue The current value.
* @param storedValue The stored value.
* @param penaltyPoints The number of penalty points.
* @return A ComparisonResult.
DevicePrintComparator.prototype.compareStrings = function(currentValue, storedValue, penaltyPoints) {
if (penaltyPoints === 0) {
return ComparisonResult.ZERO_PENALTY_POINTS;
if (storedValue !== null) {
if (currentValue === null || currentValue !== storedValue) {
return new ComparisonResult(penaltyPoints);
} else if (currentValue !== null) {
return new ComparisonResult(true);
return ComparisonResult.ZERO_PENALTY_POINTS;
* Compares two User Agent Strings and if they are equal then returns a ComparisonResult with zero penalty
* points assigned, otherwise returns a ComparisonResult with the given number of penalty points assigned.
* @param currentValue The current value.
* @param storedValue The stored value.
* @param penaltyPoints The number of penalty points.
* @param ignoreVersion If the version numbers in the User Agent Strings should be ignore in the comparison.
* @return A ComparisonResult.
DevicePrintComparator.prototype.compareUserAgent = function(currentValue, storedValue, penaltyPoints, ignoreVersion) {
if (ignoreVersion) {
// remove version number
currentValue = currentValue.replace(/[\d\.]+/g, "").trim();
storedValue = storedValue.replace(/[\d\.]+/g, "").trim();
return this.compareStrings(currentValue, storedValue, penaltyPoints);
* Compares two Screen resolution Strings and if they are equal then returns a ComparisonResult with zero penalty
* points assigned, otherwise returns a ComparisonResult with the given number of penalty points assigned.
* @param currentWidth The current width.
* @param currentHeight The current height.
* @param storedWidth The stored width.
* @param storedHeight The stored height.
* @param penaltyPoints The number of penalty points.
* @return A ComparisonResult.
DevicePrintComparator.prototype.compareScreenResolution = function(currentWidth, currentHeight, storedWidth, storedHeight, penaltyPoints) {
var widthComparisonResult = this.compareStrings(currentWidth, storedWidth, penaltyPoints);
var heightComparisonResult = this.compareStrings(currentHeight, storedHeight, penaltyPoints);
if (widthComparisonResult.isSuccessful() && heightComparisonResult.isSuccessful()) {
return new ComparisonResult(widthComparisonResult.additionalInfoInCurrentValue || heightComparisonResult.additionalInfoInCurrentValue);
} else {
return new ComparisonResult(penaltyPoints);
// UserProfilesDao.js
function UserProfilesDao() {
* Gets the list of device print profiles that have been saved for the user.
* @returns a JavaScript array of JSON strings.
UserProfilesDao.prototype.getProfiles = function() {
return idRepository.getAttribute(username, "devicePrintProfiles");
* Sets the list of device print profiles for the user.
* NOTE: will completely replace the current value.
* @param profiles expected to be a JavaScript array of JSON strings.
UserProfilesDao.prototype.updateProfile = function(profiles) {
idRepository.setAttribute(username, "devicePrintProfiles", profiles);
// DevicePrintService.js
* This class exposes services to parse Device Print information from the client, find matches against stored user
* profiles, and update the user profiles in LDAP.
* @param config JSON object storing configuration attributes.
* @param userProfilesDao An instance of the UserProfilesDao.
* @param extractorFactory An instance of the DevicePrintExtractorFactory.
* @param devicePrintComparator An instance of the DevicePrintComparator.
function DevicePrintService(config, userProfilesDao, extractorFactory, devicePrintComparator) {
this.config = config;
this.userProfilesDao = userProfilesDao;
this.extractorFactory = extractorFactory;
this.devicePrintComparator = devicePrintComparator;
DevicePrintService.prototype.hasRequiredAttributes = function(devicePrint) {
for (var requiredAttribute in this.config.requiredAttributes) {
if (this.config.requiredAttributes.hasOwnProperty(requiredAttribute)) {
if (this.config.requiredAttributes[requiredAttribute] && devicePrint[requiredAttribute] === undefined) {
console.warn("Device Print profile missing required attribute, " + requiredAttribute);
return false;
return true;
DevicePrintService.prototype.hasValidProfile = function(devicePrint) {
var selectedProfile = this.getBestMatchingUserProfile(devicePrint);
if (selectedProfile != null) {
selectedProfile.lastSelectedDate = new Date();
selectedProfile.selectionCounter = selectedProfile.selectionCounter + 1;
selectedProfile.devicePrint = devicePrint;
return true;
return false;
* Uses the given Device Print information to find the best matching stored Device Print information from stored
* User Profiles. It uses the penalty points set in the authentication module settings to determine whether a stored
* Device print matches the given one.
* If no match is found null is returned.
* @param devicePrint The Device Print to find a match for.
* @return The matching User Profile or null.
DevicePrintService.prototype.getBestMatchingUserProfile = function(devicePrint) {
var results = [];
var notExpiredProfiles = this.getNotExpiredProfiles();
for (var i = 0; i < notExpiredProfiles.length; i++) {
var userProfile = notExpiredProfiles[i];
var storedDevicePrint = userProfile.devicePrint;
var comparisonResult =, storedDevicePrint, this.config);
key: comparisonResult,
value: userProfile
if (results.length === 0) {
return null;
results.sort(function(first, second) {
return, second.key);
var selectedComparisonResult = results[0].key;
var selectedProfile = null;
if (selectedComparisonResult.penaltyPoints <= this.config.maxToleratedPenaltyPoints) {
selectedProfile = results[0].value;
return selectedProfile;
* Gets the list of valid, non-expired User's profiles.
* @return The valid User profiles.
DevicePrintService.prototype.getNotExpiredProfiles = function() {
var results = [];
var profiles = this.userProfilesDao.getProfiles();
for (var i = 0; i < profiles.length; i++) {
if (!this.isExpiredProfile(profiles[i])) {
return results;
* Determines whether a User's profile has expired due to it not being accessed within the profile expiration
* authentication module setting.
* @param userProfile The User profile to check if has expired.
* @return If the user profile has expired or not.
DevicePrintService.prototype.isExpiredProfile = function(devicePrintProfile) {
var expirationDate = new Date();
expirationDate.setDate(expirationDate.getDate() - this.config.profileExpirationDays);
var lastSelectedDate = new Date(devicePrintProfile.lastSelectedDate);
return lastSelectedDate < expirationDate;
// ============================================================================================================
// DevicePrintService.js
// @BeforeMethod
// public void setUpMethod() {
// devicePrintAuthenticationConfig = mock(DevicePrintAuthenticationConfig.class);
// userProfilesDao = mock(UserProfilesDao.class);
// extractorFactory = mock(DevicePrintExtractorFactory.class);
// devicePrintComparator = mock(DevicePrintComparator.class);
// given(devicePrintAuthenticationConfig.getInt(
// DevicePrintAuthenticationConfig.PROFILE_EXPIRATION_DAYS)).willReturn(30);
// given(devicePrintAuthenticationConfig.getInt(
// DevicePrintAuthenticationConfig.MAX_STORED_PROFILES)).willReturn(2);
// devicePrintService = new DevicePrintService(devicePrintAuthenticationConfig, userProfilesDao, extractorFactory,
// devicePrintComparator);
// }
// @Test
// public void shouldCheckHasRequiredAttributes() {
// //Given
// DevicePrint devicePrint = mock(DevicePrint.class);
// //When
// devicePrintService.hasRequiredAttributes(devicePrint);
// //Then
// verify(devicePrintAuthenticationConfig).hasRequiredAttributes(devicePrint);
// }
// @Test
// public void shouldGetCurrentDevicePrint() {
// //Given
// HttpServletRequest request = mock(HttpServletRequest.class);
// Set<Extractor> extractors = new HashSet<Extractor>();
// Extractor extractorOne = mock(Extractor.class);
// Extractor extractorTwo = mock(Extractor.class);
// given(extractorFactory.getExtractors()).willReturn(extractors);
// extractors.add(extractorOne);
// extractors.add(extractorTwo);
// //When
// DevicePrint devicePrint = devicePrintService.getDevicePrint(request);
// //Then
// verify(extractorOne).extractData(Matchers.<DevicePrint>anyObject(), eq(request));
// verify(extractorTwo).extractData(Matchers.<DevicePrint>anyObject(), eq(request));
// assertNotNull(devicePrint);
// }
// XXX: Flaky test: replace hard-coded string with getDate()
function testIsExpired() {
// Given
var config = {
profileExpirationDays: 7
var devicePrintService = new DevicePrintService(config, null, null, null);
// When
// Then
// TODO: handle bad input? in Java?
// XXX: Flaky test
function testGetNotExpiredProfiles() {
// Given
var config = {
profileExpirationDays: 7
var mockUserProfilesDao = {
getProfiles: function() { return ldapDevicePrintProfiles; }
var devicePrintService = new DevicePrintService(config, mockUserProfilesDao, null, null);
// When
var notExpiredProfiles = devicePrintService.getNotExpiredProfiles();
// Then
[ldapDevicePrintProfiles[0], ldapDevicePrintProfiles[2]],
function shouldGetBestMatchingUserProfileWithNoStoredProfiles() {
var config = {};
var devicePrint = {}; // mock(DevicePrint.class);
var mockUserProfilesDao = {
getProfiles: function() { return []; }
var devicePrintService = new DevicePrintService(config, mockUserProfilesDao, null, null);
var selectedUserProfile = devicePrintService.getBestMatchingUserProfile(devicePrint);
assertEquals(null, selectedUserProfile);
function shouldGetBestMatchingUserProfile() {
function getDate(daysAgo) {
var result = new Date();
result.setDate(result.getDate() - daysAgo);
return result;
var mockConfig = {
maxStoredProfiles: 2,
maxToleratedPenaltyPoints: 50,
profileExpirationDays: 30
var devicePrint = {}; // mock(DevicePrint.class);
var userProfileOneDevicePrint = {};
var userProfileTwoDevicePrint = {};
var userProfileThreeDevicePrint = {};
var userProfileOne = {
lastSelectedDate: getDate(10),
devicePrint: userProfileOneDevicePrint
var userProfileTwo = {
lastSelectedDate: getDate(31),
devicePrint: userProfileTwoDevicePrint
var userProfileThree = {
lastSelectedDate: getDate(20),
devicePrint: userProfileThreeDevicePrint
var userProfileOneResult = new ComparisonResult(30);
var userProfileThreeResult = new ComparisonResult(20);
var userProfiles = [userProfileOne, userProfileTwo, userProfileThree];
var mockUserProfilesDao = {
getProfiles: function() {
return [userProfileOne, userProfileTwo, userProfileThree];
var mockDevicePrintComparator = {
compare: function(currentDevicePrint, storedDevicePrint, config) {
if (storedDevicePrint === userProfileOneDevicePrint) {
return userProfileOneResult;
} else if (storedDevicePrint === userProfileThreeDevicePrint) {
return userProfileThreeResult;
var devicePrintService = new DevicePrintService(mockConfig, mockUserProfilesDao, null, mockDevicePrintComparator);
var selectedUserProfile = devicePrintService.getBestMatchingUserProfile(devicePrint);
assertEquals(userProfileThree, selectedUserProfile);
// private Date getDate(int daysAgo) {
// Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance();
// calendar.add(Calendar.DAY_OF_YEAR, -daysAgo);
// return calendar.getTime();
// }
// @Test
// public void shouldCreateNewProfile() throws NotUniqueUserProfileException {
// //Given
// DevicePrint devicePrint = mock(DevicePrint.class);
// given(userProfilesDao.getProfiles()).willReturn(new ArrayList<UserProfile>());
// //When
// devicePrintService.createNewProfile(devicePrint);
// //Then
// verify(userProfilesDao).removeProfile(anyString());
// ArgumentCaptor<UserProfile> userProfileCaptor = ArgumentCaptor.forClass(UserProfile.class);
// verify(userProfilesDao).addProfile(userProfileCaptor.capture());
// UserProfile userProfile = userProfileCaptor.getValue();
// assertEquals(userProfile.getDevicePrint(), devicePrint);
// verify(userProfilesDao).saveProfiles();
// }
// @Test
// public void shouldCreateNewProfileAndDeleteOlderOnes() throws NotUniqueUserProfileException {
// //Given
// DevicePrint devicePrint = mock(DevicePrint.class);
// List<UserProfile> userProfiles = spy(new ArrayList<UserProfile>());
// UserProfile userProfileOne = mock(UserProfile.class);
// UserProfile userProfileTwo = mock(UserProfile.class);
// UserProfile userProfileThree = mock(UserProfile.class);
// userProfiles.add(userProfileOne);
// userProfiles.add(userProfileTwo);
// userProfiles.add(userProfileThree);
// given(userProfilesDao.getProfiles()).willReturn(userProfiles);
// given(userProfileOne.getLastSelectedDate()).willReturn(getDate(10));
// given(userProfileTwo.getLastSelectedDate()).willReturn(getDate(31));
// given(userProfileThree.getLastSelectedDate()).willReturn(getDate(30));
// //When
// devicePrintService.createNewProfile(devicePrint);
// //Then
// verify(userProfilesDao).removeProfile(anyString());
// verify(userProfiles).remove(userProfileTwo);
// verify(userProfiles).remove(userProfileThree);
// ArgumentCaptor<UserProfile> userProfileCaptor = ArgumentCaptor.forClass(UserProfile.class);
// verify(userProfilesDao).addProfile(userProfileCaptor.capture());
// UserProfile userProfile = userProfileCaptor.getValue();
// assertEquals(userProfile.getDevicePrint(), devicePrint);
// verify(userProfilesDao).saveProfiles();
// }
// @Test
// public void shouldUpdateProfile() throws NotUniqueUserProfileException {
// //Given
// UserProfile userProfile = mock(UserProfile.class);
// DevicePrint devicePrint = mock(DevicePrint.class);
// given(userProfile.getUuid()).willReturn("USER_PROFILE_UUID");
// given(userProfilesDao.getProfiles()).willReturn(new ArrayList<UserProfile>());
// //When
// devicePrintService.updateProfile(userProfile, devicePrint);
// //Then
// verify(userProfile).setSelectionCounter(anyLong());
// verify(userProfile).setLastSelectedDate(Matchers.<Date>anyObject());
// verify(userProfile).setDevicePrint(devicePrint);
// verify(userProfilesDao).removeProfile(anyString());
// verify(userProfilesDao).addProfile(userProfile);
// verify(userProfilesDao).saveProfiles();
// }
// DevicePrintComparator.js
function shouldCompareDevicePrints() {
var currentDevicePrint = {
"screenWidth": "SCREEN_WIDTH", // XXX: integer?
"screenHeight": "SCREEN_HEIGHT", // XXX: integer?
"screenColourDepth": "SCREEN_COLOUR_DEPTH" // XXX: integer?
"timezone": "TIMEZONE" // XXX: integer?
"longitude": 2.0,
"latitude": 3.0
var storedDevicePrint = {
"screenWidth": "SCREEN_WIDTH",
"screenHeight": "SCREEN_HEIGHT",
"screenColourDepth": "SCREEN_COLOUR_DEPTH"
"timezone": "TIMEZONE"
"longitude": 2.0,
"latitude": 3.0
var config = {
requiredAttributes: {
fonts: true,
plugins: true,
screen: true,
geolocation: false,
timezone: true
userAgentPenaltyPoints: 100,
ignoreVersionInUserAgent: false,
maxToleratedDiffsInInstalledFonts: 5,
maxToleratedPercentageToMarkAsDifferentInstalledFonts: 10,
installedFontsPenaltyPoints: 100,
maxToleratedDiffsInInstalledPlugins: 5,
maxToleratedPercentageToMarkAsDifferentPlugins: 10,
installedPluginsPenaltyPoints: 100,
screenColourDepthPenaltyPoints: 100,
timezonePenaltyPoints: 100,
screenResolutionPenaltyPoints: 100,
locationAllowedRange: 100,
locationPenaltyPoints: 100,
var cr = new ComparisonResult(10);
var mockMultiValueAttributeComparator = {
compare: function(currentAttribute, storedAttribute,
maxToleratedPercentageToMarkAsDifferent, maxToleratedNumberOfDifferences,
penaltyPoints) {
this.compareCallCount = this.compareCallCount + 1;
return cr;
compareCallCount: 0
var mockColocationComparator = {
compare: function(currentLatitude, currentLongitude, storedLatitude,
storedLongitude, maxToleratedDistance, differencePenaltyPoints) {
this.compareCallCount = this.compareCallCount + 1;
return cr;
compareCallCount: 0
var devicePrintComparator = new DevicePrintComparator(mockMultiValueAttributeComparator, mockColocationComparator);
var comparisonResult =, storedDevicePrint, config);
assertEquals(2, mockMultiValueAttributeComparator.compareCallCount);
assertEquals(1, mockColocationComparator.compareCallCount);
assertEquals(30, comparisonResult.penaltyPoints);
function shouldCompareWithNoPenaltyPoints() {
var devicePrintComparator = new DevicePrintComparator(null, null);
var comparisonResult = devicePrintComparator.compareStrings("CURRENT_VALUE", "STORED_VALUE", 0);
assertEquals(0, comparisonResult.penaltyPoints);
function shouldCompareWhenStoredValueIsDifferentToCurrentValue() {
var devicePrintComparator = new DevicePrintComparator(null, null);
var comparisonResult = devicePrintComparator.compareStrings("CURRENT_VALUE", "STORED_VALUE", 10);
assertEquals(10, comparisonResult.penaltyPoints);
function shouldCompareWhenStoredValueIsNotNullAndCurrentValueIsNull() {
var devicePrintComparator = new DevicePrintComparator(null, null);
var comparisonResult = devicePrintComparator.compareStrings(null, "STORED_VALUE", 10);
assertEquals(10, comparisonResult.penaltyPoints);
function shouldCompareWhenStoredValueIsNullAndCurrentValueIsNotNull() {
var devicePrintComparator = new DevicePrintComparator(null, null);
var comparisonResult = devicePrintComparator.compareStrings("CURRENT_VALUE", null, 10);
assertEquals(0, comparisonResult.penaltyPoints);
function shouldCompareUserAgentsIgnoringVersionNumbers() {
var devicePrintComparator = new DevicePrintComparator(null, null);
var comparisonResult = devicePrintComparator.compareUserAgent("USER_AGENT_1234567890.",
"1234USER_.567890AGENT_", 10, true);
assertEquals(0, comparisonResult.penaltyPoints);
function shouldCompareScreenResolutionWhenNotTheSame() {
var devicePrintComparator = new DevicePrintComparator(null, null);
var comparisonResult = devicePrintComparator.compareScreenResolution("CURRENT_WIDTH",
assertEquals(10, comparisonResult.penaltyPoints);
// MultiValueAttributeComparator.js
function shouldCompareMultiValueStringsWhenStoredValueIsNullAndCurrentValueIsEmpty() {
var multiValueAttrComparator = new MultiValueAttributeComparator();
var currentValue = "";
var storedValue = null;
var comparisonResult =, storedValue, 20, 1, 111);
assertEquals(comparisonResult.penaltyPoints, 0);
function shouldCompareMultiValueStringsWhenBothAreEmpty() {
var multiValueAttrComparator = new MultiValueAttributeComparator();
var currentValue = "";
var storedValue = "";
var comparisonResult =, storedValue, 20, 1, 111);
assertEquals(0, comparisonResult.penaltyPoints);
function shouldCompareMultiValueStringsWhenBothAreEqual() {
var multiValueAttrComparator = new MultiValueAttributeComparator();
var currentValue = "VALUE_A; VALUE_B; VALUE_C; VALUE_D; VALUE_E";
var storedValue = "VALUE_A; VALUE_B; VALUE_C; VALUE_D; VALUE_E";
var comparisonResult =, storedValue, 20, 1, 111);
assertEquals(0, comparisonResult.penaltyPoints);
function shouldCompareMultiValueStringWhenThereAreLessDifferencesThanMax() {
var multiValueAttrComparator = new MultiValueAttributeComparator();
var currentValue = "VALUE_AA; VALUE_B; VALUE_C; VALUE_D; VALUE_E";
var storedValue = "VALUE_B; VALUE_C; VALUE_D; VALUE_E";
var comparisonResult =, storedValue, 20, 1, 111);
assertEquals(0, comparisonResult.penaltyPoints);
function shouldCompareMultiValueStringWhenThereAreMoreDifferencesThanMax() {
var multiValueAttrComparator = new MultiValueAttributeComparator();
var currentValue = "VALUE_AA; VALUE_BB; VALUE_C; VALUE_D; VALUE_E";
var storedValue = "VALUE_B; VALUE_C; VALUE_D; VALUE_E";
var comparisonResult =, storedValue, 20, 1, 111);
assertEquals(111, comparisonResult.penaltyPoints);
function shouldCompareMultiValueStringWhenThereIsLessPercentageDiffThanMax() {
var multiValueAttrComparator = new MultiValueAttributeComparator();
var currentValue = "VALUE_AA; VALUE_B; VALUE_C; VALUE_D; VALUE_E";
var storedValue = "VALUE_B; VALUE_C; VALUE_D; VALUE_E";
var comparisonResult =, storedValue, 20, 1, 111);
assertEquals(0, comparisonResult.penaltyPoints);
function shouldCompareMultiValueStringWhenThereIsMorePercentageDiffThanMax() {
var multiValueAttrComparator = new MultiValueAttributeComparator();
var currentValue = "VALUE_AA; VALUE_BB; VALUE_C; VALUE_D; VALUE_E";
var storedValue = "VALUE_B; VALUE_C; VALUE_D; VALUE_E";
var comparisonResult =, storedValue, 20, 1, 111);
assertEquals(111, comparisonResult.penaltyPoints);
// ColocationComparator.js
function shouldCompareLocationWhenBothXsAreNull() {
var colocationComparator = new ColocationComparator();
var comparisonResult =, 2.0, null, 2.0, 100, 111);
function shouldCompareLocationWhenBothYsAreNull() {
var colocationComparator = new ColocationComparator();
var comparisonResult =, null, 2.0, null, 100, 111);
function shouldCompareLocationWhenCurrentXIsNull() {
var comparisonResult =, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 100, 111);
assertEquals(111, comparisonResult.penaltyPoints);
function shouldCompareLocationWhenCurrentYIsNull() {
var colocationComparator = new ColocationComparator();
var comparisonResult =, null, 2.0, 2.0, 100, 111);
assertEquals(111, comparisonResult.penaltyPoints);
function shouldCompareLocationWhenStoredXIsNull() {
var colocationComparator = new ColocationComparator();
var comparisonResult =, 2.0, null, 2.0, 100, 111);
assertEquals(111, comparisonResult.penaltyPoints);
function shouldCompareLocationWhenStoredYIsNull() {
var colocationComparator = new ColocationComparator();
var comparisonResult =, 2.0, 2.0, null, 100, 111);
assertEquals(111, comparisonResult.penaltyPoints);
function shouldCompareLocationsThatAreEqual() {
var colocationComparator = new ColocationComparator();
var comparisonResult =, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 100, 111);
function shouldCompareLocationsThatAreWithinTolerableRange() {
var colocationComparator = new ColocationComparator();
var comparisonResult =, 3.0, 2.0, 2.0, 100, 111);
function shouldCompareLocationsThatAreOutsideTolerableRange() {
var colocationComparator = new ColocationComparator();
var comparisonResult =, 20.0, 2.0, 2.0, 100, 111);
assertEquals(comparisonResult.penaltyPoints, 111);
// ComparisonResult.js
function shouldCreateComparisonResultWithZeroPenaltyPoints() {
var comparisonResult = new ComparisonResult();
assertEquals(0, comparisonResult.penaltyPoints);
function shouldCreateComparisonResultWithZeroPenaltyPointsUsingConstant() {
var comparisonResult = ComparisonResult.ZERO_PENALTY_POINTS;
assertEquals(0, comparisonResult.penaltyPoints);
function shouldCreateComparisonResultWithPenaltyPointsAndAdditionalInfo() {
var comparisonResult = new ComparisonResult(11, true);
assertEquals(11, comparisonResult.penaltyPoints);
function shouldCreateComparisonResultWithPenaltyPoints() {
var comparisonResult = new ComparisonResult(111);
assertEquals(comparisonResult.penaltyPoints, 111);
function shouldCreateComparisonResultWithAdditionalInfo() {
var comparisonResult = new ComparisonResult(true);
assertEquals(comparisonResult.penaltyPoints, 0);
function shouldAddComparisonResult() {
// Given
var comparisonResult = new ComparisonResult(111);
var anotherComparisonResult = new ComparisonResult(321);
assertEquals(comparisonResult.penaltyPoints, 432);
function shouldGetComparisonResultSuccessful() {
var comparisonResult = new ComparisonResult(0);
var isSuccessful = comparisonResult.isSuccessful();
function shouldGetComparisonResultUnsuccessful() {
var comparisonResult = new ComparisonResult(1);
var isSuccessful = comparisonResult.isSuccessful();
function shouldCompareComparisonResultsEqually() {
var comparisonResult = new ComparisonResult(111);
var anotherComparisonResult = new ComparisonResult(111);
var result = comparisonResult.compareTo(anotherComparisonResult);
assertEquals(0, result);
function shouldCompareComparisonResultsEqually() {
var comparisonResult = new ComparisonResult(111);
var anotherComparisonResult = new ComparisonResult(111);
var result =, anotherComparisonResult);
assertEquals(0, result);
function shouldCompareComparisonResultsNotEqualPenaltyPoints() {
var comparisonResult = new ComparisonResult(110);
var anotherComparisonResult = new ComparisonResult(111);
var result =, anotherComparisonResult);
assertEquals(-1, result);
function shouldCompareComparisonResultsWithEqualPenaltyPointsButOneWithAdditionalInfo() {
var comparisonResult = new ComparisonResult(111, true);
var anotherComparisonResult = new ComparisonResult(111);
var result =, anotherComparisonResult);
assertEquals(1, result);
function shouldCompareComparisonResultsWithNull() {
var comparisonResult = new ComparisonResult(111);
anotherComparisonResult = null;
var result =, anotherComparisonResult);
assertEquals(1, result);