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authentication=Authentication Modules
iPlanetAMAuthOATHServiceDescription=Two Step Verification
a500=Authentication Level authentication level associated with this module. authentication module has an authentication level that can be used to indicate the level of security \
associated with the module; 0 is the lowest (and the default).
a501=One Time Password Length length of the generated OTP in digits. Must be 6 digits or longer.
a502=Minimum Secret Key Length of hexadecimal characters allowed for the Secret Key.
a503=Secret Key Attribute Name name of the attribute in the user profile to store the user secret key.
a504=OATH Algorithm to Use the algorithm your device uses to generate the OTP. HOTP uses a counter value that is incremented every time a new OTP is generated. TOTP generates a new OTP every few seconds as specified by the time step interval.
a505=HOTP Window Size size of the window to resynchronize with the client. sets the window that the OTP device and the server counter can be out of sync. For example, if the window size is 100 and the servers last successful login was at counter value 2, then the server will accept a OTP from the OTP device that is from device counter 3 to 102.
a506=Counter Attribute Name name of the attribute in the user profile to store the user counter. This is required if HOTP is chosen as the OATH algorithm.
a507=Add Checksum Digit adds a checksum digit to the OTP. adds a digit to the end of the OTP generated to be used as a checksum to verify the OTP was generated correctly. This is in addition to the actual password length. You should only set this if your device supports it.
a508=Truncation Offset adds an offset to the generation of the OTP. is an option used by the HOTP algorithm that not all devices support. This should be left default unless you know your device uses a offset.
a509=TOTP Time Step Interval The TOTP time step in seconds that the OTP device uses to generate the OTP. is the time interval that one OTP is valid for. For example, if the time step is 30 seconds, then a new OTP will be generated every 30 seconds. This makes a single OTP valid for only 30 seconds.
a510=TOTP Time Steps number of time steps to check before and after receiving a OTP. is the number of time step intervals to check the received OTP against both forward in time and back in time. For example, with 2 time steps and a time step interval of 30 seconds the server will allow a clock drift between client and server of 89 seconds. (2-30 second steps and 29 seconds for the interval that the OTP arrived in)
a511=Last Login Time Attribute to store the time of the users last login. This is required if TOTP is chosen as the OATH algorithm. attribute stores the last time a user logged in to prevent time based attacks. The value is stored as a number (Unix Time).
a514=Maximum Allowed Clock Drift of time steps a client is allowed to get out of sync with the server before manual resynchronisation\
is required.
authFailed=Authentication Failed
outOfSync=Device has exceeded maximum clock drift. Please re-register your device.