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$Id: readme.txt,v 1.17 2008/08/19 19:14:50 veiming Exp $
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J2EE Policy Agent Sample Application
This document describes how to use the agent sample application in conjunction
with the Weblogic 10 Application Server and the J2EE Agent. Please note that
the agent needs to be installed first before deploying this sample application.
* Overview
* Configure the OpenAM server
* Configure the agent properties
* Deploying the Sample Application
* Running the Sample Application
* Troubleshooting
* Optional Steps
** Compiling and Assembling the Application
The sample application is a collection of servlets, JSPs and EJB's that
demonstrate the salient features of the J2EE policy Agent. These features
include SSO, web-tier declarative security, programmatic security, URL policy
evaluation and session/policy/profile attribute fetch. The web.xml deployment
descriptor has already been edited to include the Agent Filter. The
deployment descriptors and source code are available in the sampleapp/src
The sample application is supported for Policy Agent 3.0.
The application is already built and ready to be deployed. It is available at
Note, the instructions here assume that you have installed the agent
successfully and have followed the steps outlined in the OpenAM
Policy Agent 3.0 Guide for BEA WebLogic Server/Portal 10.0, including the
post-installation steps.
Configure the OpenAM server
This agent sample application requires that the OpenAM server is configured
with the subjects and policies required by the sample application.
On OpenAM admin console, do the following configuration.
1. Create the following users:
Here is the following list of users with username/password :
* andy/andy
* bob/bob
* chris/chris
* dave/dave
* ellen/ellen
* frank/frank
* gina/gina
2. Assign Users to Groups
Create new groups for employee, manager, everyone, and customer. Then assign
the users to the groups as follows:
* employee:
o andy, bob, chris, dave, ellen, frank
* manager:
o andy, bob, chris
* everyone:
o andy, bob, chris, dave, ellen, frank, gina
* customer:
o chris, ellen
3. Create the following URL Policies:
In the following URLs, replace the <hostname> and <port> with the
actual fully qualified host name and port on which the sample
application will be running.
* Policy 1:
o allow:
+ http://<hostname>:<port>/agentsample/jsp/*
+ http://<hostname>:<port>/agentsample/invokerservlet
+ http://<hostname>:<port>/agentsample/protectedservlet
+ http://<hostname>:<port>/agentsample/securityawareservlet
+ http://<hostname>:<port>/agentsample/unprotectedservlet
o Subject: all authenticated users.
* Policy 2:
o allow:
+ http://<hostname>:<port>/agentsample/urlpolicyservlet
o Subject: Group: customer
Configure the agent properties
If the agent configuration is centralized, then do the following steps.
1). login to OpenAM console as amadmin user
2). navigate to Access Control/realm/Agents/J2EE, and click on the agent
instance link (assume the agent instance is already created, otherwise
refer to the agent doc to create the agent instance).
3). in tab "Application", section "Access Denied URI Processing", property
"Resource Access Denied URI", enter agentsample in the Map Key field,
/agentsample/authentication/accessdenied.html in the Map Value field, and
SAVE the change.
4). in tab "Application", section "Login Processing", property "Login Form URI",
add /agentsample/authentication/login.html, and SAVE the change.
5). in tab "Application", section "Not Enforced URI Processing", property
"Not Enforced URIs", add the following entries:
and SAVE the change.
6). in tab "Application", section "Privilege Attributes Processing", property
"Privileged Attribute Mapping",
add the following entries:
a) add the UUID of group employee in the Map Key field of the UI
add am_employee_role in the Corresponding Map Value field of the UI
and click the Add button.
b) add the UUID of group manager in the Map Key field of the UI
add am_manager_role in the Corresponding Map Value field of the UI
and click the Add button.
c) then SAVE the change.
Note you can find the UUID (Universal User ID) of the groups employee
and manager from the OpenAM console group page.
For example, if the UUID of employee is id=employee,ou=group,dc=openam,dc=forgerock,dc=org
and the UUID of manager is id=manager,ou=group,dc=openam,dc=forgerock,dc=org
then you need to add the following entries in the "Privileged Attribute Mapping".
a) add id=employee,ou=group,dc=openam,dc=forgerock,dc=org in the Map Key
field of the UI.
add am_employee_role in the Corresponding Map Value field of the UI
and click the Add button.
b) add id=manager,ou=group,dc=openam,dc=forgerock,dc=org in the Map Key
field of the UI.
add am_manager_role in the Corresponding Map Value field of the UI
and click the Add button.
If the agent configuration is local, then edit the local agent configuration
file located at the directory
<agent_install_root>/Agent_<instance_number>/config with following changes:
* Not enforced List:
com.sun.identity.agents.config.notenforced.uri[0] = /agentsample/public/*
com.sun.identity.agents.config.notenforced.uri[1] = /agentsample/images/*
com.sun.identity.agents.config.notenforced.uri[2] = /agentsample/styles/*
com.sun.identity.agents.config.notenforced.uri[3] = /agentsample/index.html
com.sun.identity.agents.config.notenforced.uri[4] = /agentsample
* Access Denied URI:
com.sun.identity.agents.config.access.denied.uri[agentsample] = /agentsample/authentication/accessdenied.html
* Form List:
com.sun.identity.agents.config.login.form[0] = /agentsample/authentication/login.html
* Privileged Attribute Mapping:
com.sun.identity.agents.config.privileged.attribute.mapping[id\=employee,ou\=group,dc\=openam,dc\=forgerock,dc\=org] = am_employee_role.
com.sun.identity.agents.config.privileged.attribute.mapping[id\=manager,ou\=group,dc\=openam,dc\=forgerock,dc\=org] = am_manager_role.
Note the above settings assume the UUIDs of group employee and manager are
"id=employee,ou=group,dc=openam,dc=forgerock,dc=org" and
"id=manager,ou=group,dc=openam,dc=forgerock,dc=org" respectively. Change to
the appropriate UUIDs accordingly.
Optionally, you can try out the fetch mode features that allow the agent to
fetch some values and make them available to your application. For example,
you can fetch user profile values(like email or full name) from the user data
store of your OpenAM setup and make them available to your application code
(through cookies, headers, or request attributes) for application
customization. See the Policy Agent 3.0 for details about the fetching
attributes for details on using this feature. If you change the agent's
configuration for the attribute fetching, the showHttpHeaders.jsp page of the
sample application will show all the attributes being fetched. You can choose
to try this later after you have already installed and deployed the agent and
sample application in order to learn about this feature.
Deploying the Sample Application
Note, before deploying the sample application, please be sure that you have
deployed the Agent Application, which should have been done after installing
the agent. This is explained in the OpenAM Policy Agent 3.0 Guide for
BEA WebLogic Server/Portal 10.0 in the chapter which
outlined the post-installation tasks.
To deploy the application, do the following:
Go to BEA WebLogic server console and deploy the sample application.
Running the Sample Application
You can run the application through the following URL:
Traverse the various links to understand each agent feature.
If you encounter problems when running the application, review the log files to
learn what exactly went wrong. J2EE Agent logs can be found at
<agent_install_root>/Agent_<instance_number>/logs/debug directory.
Also, see the OpenAM Policy Agent 3.0 Guide for BEA WebLogic
Server/Portal 10.0.
Optional Steps
Compiling and Assembling the Application (Optional)
The application is already built and ready to be deployed, so you could skip
this section. If you want to change something or get familiar with the build
details, then this section is useful.
This section contains instructions to build and assemble the sample application
using a Command Line Interface (CLI).
To rebuild the entire application from scratch, follow these steps:
1. This requires that you have downloaded and installed Apache Ant, at least
Ant version 1.6.5. Also be sure to have ant/bin in your path.
1. Set your JAVA_HOME to include JDK1.5 or above. Also, include the
JAVA_HOME/bin directory in your path.
2. Replace 'APPSERV_LIB_DIR' in build.xml with the directory where
weblogic.jar and api.jar are located.
For Example: Replace APPSERV_LIB_DIR with
/usr/local/bea/wlserver_10.0/server/lib where /usr/local/bea is
where you installed WebLogic BEA 10
3. Compile and assemble the application.
For example: execute the command ant
under <agent_install_root>/sampleapp/ to execute the default target build
and rebuild the EAR file.
The build target creates a built and dist directory with the EAR file.
Note that you can also run 'ant rebuild' to clean the application project
area and run a new build.
Now you are ready to use the dist/agentsample.ear file for deployment.