OpenSSOAgentConfiguration.template revision 0595fb660c93faf1fdbaad7e1300eb342b5baf31
bb11271068ff34434f5b8cefd0c2c0bae5ed7fd1Holger Hans Peter Freyther# DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS HEADER.
bb11271068ff34434f5b8cefd0c2c0bae5ed7fd1Holger Hans Peter Freyther# Copyright (c) 2008 Sun Microsystems Inc. All Rights Reserved
bb11271068ff34434f5b8cefd0c2c0bae5ed7fd1Holger Hans Peter Freyther# The contents of this file are subject to the terms
# $Id: OpenSSOAgentConfiguration.template,v 1.7 2009/10/15 23:36:06 leiming Exp $
# BEA WebLogic 10.0 Server/Portal
# com.sun.identity.agents.config.example[0] = value0
# com.sun.identity.agents.config.example[1] = value1
# com.sun.identity.agents.config.example[2] = value2
# com.sun.identity.agents.config.example[AL] = ALABAMA
# com.sun.identity.agents.config.example[AK] = ALASKA
# com.sun.identity.agents.config.example[AZ] = ARIZONA
# com.sun.identity.agents.config.example[Portal] = value1
# com.sun.identity.agents.config.example[DefaultWebApp] = value2
# com.sun.identity.agents.config.example = value3
# com.sun.identity.agents.config.example[Portal] = value1
# com.sun.identity.agents.config.example[BankApp] = value2
# com.sun.identity.agents.config.example[DefaultWebApp] = value3
# com.sun.identity.agents.config.filter.mode[BankApp] = URL_POLICY
# - user.mapping.mode: Specifies the mechanism by which the user-ID
# - Specifies the name of the profile attribute,
# property is not used if the value of user.mapping.mode is set to
# - user.principal: A flag that indicates that the principal of the
# applicable if the user.mapping.mode is set to USER_ID.
# - user.token: Specifies a session property name which contains the
# com.sun.identity.agents.config.user.mapping.mode = PROFILE_ATTRIBUTE
# = employeenumber = employeenumber
com.sun.identity.agents.config.user.token = UserToken
# - client.ip.header: Specifies a HTTP header name that holds the IP
# - client.hostname.header: Specifies a HTTP header name that holds the
# com.sun.identity.agents.config.client.ip.header = X-Proxy-Client-IP
# com.sun.identity.agents.config.client.hostname.header = X-Proxy-Client-Host
# - locale.language: Specifies the language code for identifying the Locale
# - Specifies the country code for identifying the Locale of
# - audit.accesstype: Specifies the access type which will be logged by the
# - log.disposition: Specifies the audit log mode that the Agent will use
# - remote.logfile: Specifies the file name to be used on the remote server
# if the log.disposition is set to REMOTE or ALL.
# - local.log.rotate: A flag that indicates if the rotation of audit log
# - local.log.size: The size in bytes of the local audit log file, beyond
com.sun.identity.agents.config.remote.logfile = @AUDIT_LOG_FILENAME@
# - webservice.enable: A flag that specifies if Web Service processing is
# - webservice.endpoint: A list of Web Application end points that represent
# - webservice.process.get.enable: A flag that indicates if the processing
# - webservice.authenticator: An implementation class that can be used to
# - webservice.internalerror.content: The name of file that contains content
# - webservice.autherror.content: The name of file that contains content
# - webservice.responseprocessor: An implementation class that is used to do
# - login.form: A LIST property used by the Agent to identify login
# absolute URI of the resource specified in the web.xml deployment
# - login.error.uri: A LIST property used by the Agent to identify
# be the absolute URI of the resource specified in the web.xml
# - login.use.internal: A flag that specifies if the Agent should use
# - login.content.file: Specifies the name or complete path of the file
# the login.use.internal flag is set to true.
# - auth.handler: A MAP property that specifies application
# - logout.handler: A MAP property that specifies the application
# - verification.handler: A MAP property that specifies the application
# com.sun.identity.agents.config.auth.handler[BankApp] = BankAuthHandler
# com.sun.identity.agents.config.logout.handler[BankApp] = BankLogoutHandler
# com.sun.identity.agents.config.verification.handler[BankApp] = BankVerificationHandler
com.sun.identity.agents.config.login.url[0] = @AM_SERVICES_PROTO@://@AM_SERVICES_HOST@:@AM_SERVICES_PORT@@AM_SERVICES_DEPLOY_URI@/UI/Login
com.sun.identity.agents.config.logout.url[0] = @AM_SERVICES_PROTO@://@AM_SERVICES_HOST@:@AM_SERVICES_PORT@@AM_SERVICES_DEPLOY_URI@/UI/Logout
# - login.url.prioritized: specifies if the failover sequence for Login URLs
# - login.url.probe.enabled: specifies if agent will check the availability
# - login.url.probe.timeout: this is the connect timeout value in milliseconds
# when login.url.probe.enabled is set to true (or server will be checked).
# - logout.url.prioritized: specifies if the failover sequence for Logout
# - logout.url.probe.enabled: specifies if agent will check the availability
# - logout.url.probe.timeout: this is the connect timeout value in milliseconds
# when logout.url.probe.enabled is set to true (or server will be checked).
# - The host name identifying the Agent protected server to
# - agent.port: The port number identifying the Agent protected server
# - cookie.reset.enable: A flag that specifies if cookie reset processing
# - A list of cookie names that will be reset by the
# - cookie.reset.domain: A MAP property with the key being the cookie name
# specified in property and the value being the domain
# - cookie.reset.path: A MAP property with the key being the cookie name
# specified in property and the value being the path
# - cdsso.enable: A flag that specifies if CDSSO processing is
# - cdsso.redirect.uri: An intermediate URI that is used by the
# - cdsso.cdcservlet.url: A LIST of URLs of the available CDSSO controllers
# - cdsso.clock.skew: Specifies a time in seconds to be used by the
# - This property specifies the OpenAM
# Server/ID providers that should be trusted by the agent, when evaluating
# the CDC Liberty Responses. Used when a Load Balancer/Firewall is between
# - A flag that specifies if the SSO Token cookie
# - cdsso.domain: This property specifies the domains for which cookies have
com.sun.identity.agents.config.cdsso.redirect.uri = @AGENT_APP_URI@/sunwCDSSORedirectURI
com.sun.identity.agents.config.cdsso.cdcservlet.url[0] = @AM_SERVICES_PROTO@://@AM_SERVICES_HOST@:@AM_SERVICES_PORT@@AM_SERVICES_DEPLOY_URI@/cdcservlet[0] = @AM_SERVICES_PROTO@://@AM_SERVICES_HOST@:@AM_SERVICES_PORT@@AM_SERVICES_DEPLOY_URI@/cdcservlet
# - logout.application.handler: An application specific (MAP) property
# - logout.uri: An application specific (MAP) property that identifies
# - logout.request.param: An application specific (MAP) property that
# - logout.introspect.enabled: A flag that when set allows the Agent
# - logout.entry.uri: An application specific (MAP) property that identifies
# - fqdn.check.enable: A flag that indicates if FQDN checking is enabled
# - fqdn.default: A hostname that represents the default FQDN to be
# - fqdn.mapping: A MAP property that specifies a mapping from an invalid
# Examples of fqdn.mapping:
com.sun.identity.agents.config.fqdn.default = @AGENT_HOST@
# - A flag that specifies if legacy user agent
# - legacy.user.agent: A LIST of user agent header values that identify
# - legacy.redirect.uri: An intermediate URI used by the Agent to
com.sun.identity.agents.config.legacy.user.agent[0] = Mozilla/4.7*
com.sun.identity.agents.config.legacy.redirect.uri = @AGENT_APP_URI@/sunwLegacySupportURI
# com.sun.identity.agents.config.response.header[Cache-Control] = no-cache
# - port.check.enable: A flag that indicates if port check functionality
# - port.check.file: Specifies the name or complete path of a file that
# - port.check.setting: A MAP of port versus protocol entries with the
# Example of port.check.setting:
# com.sun.identity.agents.config.port.check.setting[80] = http
# com.sun.identity.agents.config.port.check.setting[443] = https
com.sun.identity.agents.config.port.check.setting[@AGENT_PREF_PORT@] = @AGENT_PREF_PROTO@
# - notenforced.uri: A LIST of URIs for which protection is not enforced
# - notenforced.uri.invert: A flag that specifies if the list of URIs
# specified by the property notenforced.uri should be inverted. When
# - notenforced.uri.cache.enable: A flag that specifies if the caching of
# - notenforced.uri.cache.size: The size of the cache to be used if
# - notenforced.refresh.session.idletime: A flag that specifies if the OpenAM
# Example of notenforced.uri:
# com.sun.identity.agents.config.notenforced.uri[1]=/public/*
# com.sun.identity.agents.config.notenforced.uri[2]=/images/*
# - notenforced.ip: A LIST of client IP addresses for which protection is
# - notenforced.ip.invert: A flag that specifies if the list of client IP
# addresses specified by the property notenforced.ip should be inverted.
# - notenforced.ip.cache.enable: A flag that specifies if the caching of
# - notenforced.ip.cache.size: The size of the cache to be used if
# Example of notenforced.ip:
# com.sun.identity.agents.config.notenforced.ip[0]=192.18.145.*
# com.sun.identity.agents.config.notenforced.ip[1]=
# - attribute.cookie.separator: A character that will be used to separate
# - attribute.cookie.encode: A flag that indicates if the value of the
# - The format of date attribute values to be used
# on the definition as provided in java.text.SimpleDateFormat. = EEE, d MMM yyyy hh:mm:ss z
# - profile.attribute.fetch.mode: The mode of fetching profile attributes.
# - profile.attribute.mapping: A MAP that specifies the profile attributes to
# Example of profile.attribute.mapping:
# com.sun.identity.agents.config.profile.attribute.mapping[cn]=CUSTOM-Common-Name
# com.sun.identity.agents.config.profile.attribute.mapping[mail]=CUSTOM-Email
# - session.attribute.fetch.mode: The mode of fetching session attributes.
# - session.attribute.mapping: A MAP that specifies the session attributes to
# Example of session.attribute.mapping:
# com.sun.identity.agents.config.session.attribute.mapping[UserToken]=CUSTOM-userid
# - response.attribute.fetch.mode: The mode of fetching policy response
# - response.attribute.mapping: A MAP that specifies the policy response
# com.sun.identity.agents.config.bypass.principal[0] = guest
# com.sun.identity.agents.config.bypass.principal[1] = testuser
# - default.privileged.attribute: A list of privileged attributes that will
# - privileged.attribute.type: A list of privileged attribute types that will
# - privileged.attribute.tolowercase : A MAP property that specifies if the
# - privileged.session.attribute: A list of session property names which
# - privileged.attribute.mapping.enable: A flag to specify whether
# - privileged.attribute.mapping: A map property that specifies the above
# com.sun.identity.agents.config.default.privileged.attribute[0] = AUTHENTICATED_USERS
# com.sun.identity.agents.config.privileged.attribute.tolowercase[Group] = false
# com.sun.identity.agents.config.privileged.session.attribute[0] = UserToken
# com.sun.identity.agents.config.privileged.attribute.mapping[id\=manager,ou\=group,dc\=openam,dc\=forgerock,dc\=org] = am_manager_role
# com.sun.identity.agents.config.privileged.attribute.mapping[id\=employee,ou\=group,dc\=openam,dc\=forgerock,dc\=org] = am_employee_role
com.sun.identity.agents.config.default.privileged.attribute[0] = AUTHENTICATED_USERS
# - A flag that specifies if
# - Specifies the time in
# notifications is com.sun.identity.client.notification.url
# - com.sun.identity.idm.remote.notification.enabled: A flag that is used to
# enable/disable the notifications for amsdk and IdRepo Caches. If set to
# - Cache update time in minutes for
# 'com.sun.identity.client.notification.url' or if notifications are
# - A flag that is used to
# enable/disable the notifications for service management caches. If set to
# - Cache update time in minutes for service
# 'com.sun.identity.client.notification.url' or if notifications are
# - com.sun.identity.agents.notification.enabled: A flag that specifies
# - com.sun.identity.agents.polling.interval: The duration in minutes
# - com.sun.identity.policy.client.cacheMode: The mode of caching to be
# - com.sun.identity.policy.client.booleanActionValues : boolean action
# - com.sun.identity.policy.client.resourceComparators: Resource Comparators
# - com.sun.identity.policy.client.clockSkew: Specifies time in seconds
# property com.sun.identity.client.notification.url.
# - com.sun.identity.agents.config.policy.env.get.param: A list of HTTP GET
# - A list of HTTP POST
# - com.sun.identity.agents.config.policy.env.jsession.param: A list of
# com.sun.identity.agents.config.policy.env.get.param[1]=phonenumber
# com.sun.identity.agents.config.policy.env.jsession.param[0]=cardnumber
# => [bob]
# GET.phonenumber => [1-800-123-4567]
# JSESSION.cardnumber => [12345678]
# -com.sun.identity.client.notification.url: URL for agent to receive
# - Specifies the debug level to be used.