jbossv7-tools.properties revision bfec2e8232d4446cd39d91570d43bce595511e67
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# Locale resources for JBoss Server 7.x agent installer
# Welcome message for the installer
WELCOME_MESSAGE = Welcome to the OpenAM Policy Agent for JBoss Server 7.x
# Interaction messages
INT_HOME_DIR_DESC = Enter the complete path to the home directory of the JBoss instance.
INT_HOME_DIR_PROMPT = Enter the path to the JBoss installation
INT_HOME_DIR_SUMMARY_DESC = JBoss home directory
INT_HOME_DIR_HELP = The home directory of JBoss server where the standalone/domain configurations can be found.
INT_HOME_DIR_ERROR = ERROR: Invalid JBoss home directory. Please try again.
HOME_DIR_INVALID = Invalid JBoss home directory: {0}
HOME_DIR_VALID = JBoss home directory is valid: {0}
INT_INSTANCE_NAME_DESC = Enter the name of the deployment mode of the JBoss installation that you wish to use with \
this agent. Supported values are: domain, standalone.
INT_INSTANCE_NAME_PROMPT = Enter the deployment mode of JBoss
INT_INSTANCE_NAME_HELP = Use domain only if you are using JBoss in clustered (domain) mode. Otherwise use standalone.
INT_INSTANCE_NAME_ERROR = ERROR: Invalid deployment mode provided.
VERSION_INVALID = ERROR: Unsupported JBoss version found under {0}, see installer logs for more detail.
VERSION_VALID = Supported JBoss version detected.
INT_GLOBAL_MODULE_DESC = Enter true if you'd like to deploy the policy agent as a global JBoss module.
INT_GLOBAL_MODULE_PROMPT = Install agent as global module?
INT_GLOBAL_MODULE_SUMMARY_DESC = Install agent as global module
INT_GLOBAL_MODULE_HELP = When the agent is installed as a global module, all applications will have access to the \
agent filter and to the ClientSDK as well. If the agent is not installed as a global module, then applications needs \
to depend on the agent either in the MANIFEST.MF file (Dependencies: org.forgerock.openam.agent), or through a \
jboss-deployment-structure.xml descriptor.
INT_GLOBAL_MODULE_ERROR = Invalid value provided.
# Task execution messages
UPDATE_CONFIG_XML_EXECUTE = Adding agent settings to {0} file ...
UPDATE_CONFIG_XML_ROLLBACK = Removing Agent settings from {0} file ...
ADD_AGENT_MODULE_EXECUTE = Adding agent module to JBoss installation ...
ADD_AGENT_MODULE_ROLLBACK = Removing agent module from JBoss installation ...
MODULE_MKDIR_FAIL = Unable to create agent module directory.
TSK_MSG_CONFIGURE_AGENT_APP_EXECUTE = Installing the agent application ...
TSK_MSG_CONFIGURE_AGENT_APP_ROLLBACK = Removing the agent application ...
# Exit message for the installer
EXIT_MESSAGE = Thank you for using OpenAM Policy Agent.