revision 129a713a2d90627eb4c69da95a507a541b15c9b5
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# $Id:,v 1.11 2008/08/19 19:13:39 veiming Exp $
# Portions Copyrighted 2010-2014 ForgeRock AS
# Locale resources for Tools for Agent for Application Server 8.1/9.0/9.1/10
# ------------------------ INST FINDER INTERACTIONS ----------------------------
INT_CONFIG_DIR_DESC= Enter the complete path to the directory \
which is used by Application Server to store \
its configuration Files. This directory uniquely \
identifies the Application Server instance that \
is secured by this Agent.
INT_CONFIG_DIR_PROMPT= Enter the Application Server Config Directory \
INT_CONFIG_DIR_SUMMARY_DESC=Application Server Config Directory
INT_CONFIG_DIR_HELP= The configuration directory of Application \
Server is a unique directory per instance of \
the Application Server where configuration \
files associated with that instance of the \
application server are stored. This directory \
contains files like domain.xml, login.conf \
etc., which govern the runtime behavior of \
your Application Server.
INT_CONFIG_DIR_ERROR= ERROR: Invalid Application Server Config \
directory . Please try again.
INT_INSTANCE_NAME_DESC= Enter the name of the Application Server \
instance that is secured by this Agent.
INT_INSTANCE_NAME_PROMPT=Enter the Application Server Instance name
INT_INSTANCE_NAME_SUMMARY_DESC= Application Server Instance name
INT_INSTANCE_NAME_HELP= This name identifies the Application Server \
instance that is secured by the Policy Agent.
INT_INSTANCE_NAME_ERROR=ERROR: Invalid instance name valid. Please \
try again.
INT_MIGRATE_INSTANCE_NAME_DESC= Confirm the name of the Application Server \
remote instance that is secured by this Agent.
INT_MIGRATE_INSTANCE_NAME_PROMPT = Found the remote Application Server Instance name
INT_MIGRATE_INSTANCE_NAME_SUMMARY_DESC= Remote Application Server Instance name
INT_MIGRATE_INSTANCE_NAME_HELP= This name identifies the Application Server \
remote instance that is secured by the Policy Agent.
INT_MIGRATE_INSTANCE_NAME_ERROR=ERROR: Invalid instance name valid. Please \
try again.
INT_DAS_HOST_IS_REMOTE_DESC= Enable this field only when the agent is being \
installed on a remote server instance host.
INT_DAS_HOST_IS_REMOTE_PROMPT= Is Domain administration server host remote ?
INT_DAS_HOST_IS_REMOTE_SUMMARY_DESC= Domain Administration Server Host is remote
INT_DAS_HOST_IS_REMOTE_HELP= For all instances located on the DAS host, the value \
is false. Enable this field only when the agent is \
being installed on a remote server instance.
INT_DAS_HOST_IS_REMOTE_ERROR= ERROR: Invalid input. Please enter true or false.
INT_REMOTE_INSTANCE_LOCAL_DAS_DESC= Enter true only if agent is being installed on a remote \
instance from the Domain Administration server host.
INT_REMOTE_INSTANCE_LOCAL_DAS_PROMPT= Is the agent being installed on the DAS host for a remote instance ?
INT_REMOTE_INSTANCE_LOCAL_DAS_SUMMARY_DESC= Agent installed on the DAS host for a remote instance
INT_REMOTE_INSTANCE_LOCAL_DAS_HELP= For all installations on the DAS host: \
The value is true when the application server instance \
being configured is on a remote host. \
The value is false, when the application server instance \
being configured is on the DAS host.
INT_REMOTE_INSTANCE_LOCAL_DAS_ERROR= ERROR: Invalid input. Please enter true or false.
INT_AGENT_INSTANCE_NAME_DESC= Enter the value of the agent instance name provided by the \
agent installation on the remote instance.
INT_AGENT_INSTANCE_NAME_HELP= For remote instances, the agent should first be installed on \
the remote instance host. The agent installation generates an \
agent instance name which is displayed at the end of installation \
and is also available in the install log. Please enter the \
agent instance name provided by the remote agent installation.
INT_AGENT_INSTANCE_NAME_ERROR= ERROR: Invalid Entry. Please verify the agent instance name.
INT_MIGRATE_AGENT_INSTANCE_NAME_DESC= Enter the value of the agent instance name generated by the \
agent migration on the above remote instance on the remote host
INT_MIGRATE_AGENT_INSTANCE_NAME_PROMPT= Agent instance name to be migrated to
INT_MIGRATE_AGENT_INSTANCE_NAME_SUMMARY_DESC= This agent instance name is associated with above Appserver server remote instance.
INT_MIGRATE_AGENT_INSTANCE_NAME_HELP= For remote instances, the agent should first be migrated on \
the remote instance host. The agent migration generates an \
new agent instance name which could be different from previous instance name before \
migration. Please confirm/enter the new agent instance name provided by \
running agentadmin --listAgents on remote host.
INT_MIGRATE_AGENT_INSTANCE_NAME_ERROR= ERROR: Invalid Entry. Please verify the remote agent instance name.
INT_REMOTE_AGENT_INSTALL_DIR_DESC= Enter the value of the agent install directory on the \
remote instance host.
INT_REMOTE_AGENT_INSTALL_DIR_PROMPT= Agent install directory on remote instance host
INT_REMOTE_AGENT_INSTALL_DIR_SUMMARY_DESC= Agent install directory on remote instance host
INT_REMOTE_AGENT_INSTALL_DIR_HELP= Enter the directory where the agent has been installed \
on the remote instance host.
INT_REMOTE_AGENT_INSTALL_DIR_ERROR= ERROR: Invalid Entry. Please verify the agent install directory.
INT_MIGRATE_REMOTE_AGENT_INSTALL_DIR_DESC= Enter the value of the new agent install directory due to migration on the \
remote instance host.
INT_MIGRATE_REMOTE_AGENT_INSTALL_DIR_PROMPT= New agent install directory due to migration on remote instance host
INT_MIGRATE_REMOTE_AGENT_INSTALL_DIR_SUMMARY_DESC= New agent install directory due to migration on remote instance host
INT_MIGRATE_REMOTE_AGENT_INSTALL_DIR_HELP= Enter the new directory where the agent has been migrated to \
on the remote instance host. This new agent install directory \
is associated with above Application server remote instance.
INT_MIGRATE_REMOTE_AGENT_INSTALL_DIR_ERROR= ERROR: Invalid Entry. Please verify the agent install directory.
# Welcome message for the installer
WELCOME_MESSAGE= Welcome to the OpenAM Policy Agent for \
Sun Java System Application Server 8.1/8.2/9.0/9.1/10.
# Exit message for the installer
EXIT_MESSAGE= Thank you for using OpenAM Policy Agent
# Other resources
AS_ERR_HOME_DIR_NOT_FOUND= Home Directory for AppServer could not be calculated :
AS_ERR_IN_VALID_HOME_DIR= Invalid Home Directory for AppServer :
# ******************************************************************************
VA_MSG_AS_VAL_CONFIG_DIR=Valid Application Server Config directory : {0}
VA_WRN_AS_IN_VAL_CONFIG_DIR=Invalid Application Server Config directory : {0}
# Locale messages for Tasks
# There will be 2 message definitions. 1 for executing and 2 for rollback
# Example Case 1:
# TSK_MSG_COPY_FILE_EXECUTE= Copying file {0} to {1} ...
# The Driver will format this & print as one of the following.
# Copying file to /opt/SUNWam/config ...DONE
# Copying file to /opt/SUNWam/config ...FAILED
# Example Case 2:
# TSK_MSG_COPY_FILE_ROLLBACK= Removing file {0} from {1} ...
# The Driver will format this & print as one of the following.
# Removing file from /opt/SUNWam/config ...DONE
# Removing file from /opt/SUNWam/config ...FAILED
TSK_MSG_CONFIGURE_DOMAIN_XML_EXECUTE= Adding Agent parameters to {0} file ...
TSK_MSG_CONFIGURE_DOMAIN_XML_ROLLBACK= Removing Agent parameters from {0} \
file ...
TSK_MSG_UNCONFIGURE_DOMAIN_XML_EXECUTE= Removing Agent parameters from {0} \
file ...
TSK_MSG_COPY_AGENT_FILES_EXECUTE=Copying the Agent jar/locale files into the classloader directory ...
TSK_MSG_COPY_AGENT_FILES_ROLLBACK=Removing the Agent jar/locale files from the classloader directory ...
TSK_MSG_REMOVE_AGENT_FILES_EXECUTE=Removing the Agent jar/locale files from the classloader directory ...