FRAUriMechanismReader.h revision 9ebd9a731316dfd624ce3bcc4ea6519d10899936
* The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the Common Development and
* Distribution License (the License). You may not use this file except in compliance with the
* License.
* You can obtain a copy of the License at legal/CDDLv1.0.txt. See the License for the
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* When distributing Covered Software, include this CDDL Header Notice in each file and include
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* Copyright 2016 ForgeRock AS.
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import "FRAMechanismFactory.h"
@class FRAIdentity;
@class FRAIdentityModel;
@class FRAMechanism;
* This Authenticator Application makes use of the existing OATH
* URL scheme for encoding Identity and Mechanism information.
* This is defined in detail here:
* This factory will also be able to parse a similar URL scheme
* Push Authentication when it is supported by this Application.
* Note: Only responsible for generating the instances of Identity and
* Mechanism. Will not be responsible for database persistence.
@interface FRAUriMechanismReader : NSObject
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark Lifecycle
* Init method.
* @param database The database to which this object can be persisted.
* @return The initialized object or nil if initialization failed.
- (instancetype)initWithDatabase:(FRAIdentityDatabase *)database identityModel:(FRAIdentityModel *)identityModel;
* Adds a mechanism factory to this Mechanism Readert.
* The added mechanism Factory adds the capability to decode a new type of message.
* @param factory The FRAMechanismFactory to add to this reader.
- (void)addMechanismFactory:(id<FRAMechanismFactory>)factory;
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark URL Reading Functions
* Given a URL, convert this into a FRAMechanism, complete with associated Identity.
* @param url The URL to parse, non-nil.
* @return non nil FRAMechanism initialsed with the values present in the URL.
- (FRAMechanism*)parseFromURL:(NSURL*)url;
* Convenience function which will call parseFromURL.
* @param string the String uri to parse a mechanism from
* @return the FRAMechanism object extracted from the string.
- (FRAMechanism*)parseFromString:(NSString*)string;