FRAModelsFromDatabase.m revision 55abfb9b58693eddac5205e74aac84f50c9798d2
* The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the Common Development and
* Distribution License (the License). You may not use this file except in compliance with the
* License.
* You can obtain a copy of the License at legal/CDDLv1.0.txt. See the License for the
* specific language governing permission and limitations under the License.
* When distributing Covered Software, include this CDDL Header Notice in each file and include
* the License file at legal/CDDLv1.0.txt. If applicable, add the following below the CDDL
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* Copyright 2016 ForgeRock AS.
#import "FMDatabase.h"
#import "FRAError.h"
#import "FRAFMDatabaseConnectionHelper.h"
#import "FRAHMACAlgorithm.h"
#import "FRAIdentity.h"
#import "FRAModelObjectProtected.h"
#import "FRAModelsFromDatabase.h"
#import "FRANotification.h"
#import "FRAOathMechanism.h"
#import "FRAPushMechanism.h"
#import "FRASerialization.h"
@implementation FRAModelsFromDatabase
* The parsing logic operates as follows:
* Perform SQL query to fetch all Identities, Mechanisms and Notifications where each
* Identity may have multiple associated Mechanisms and PushMechanisms may have multiple
* associated Notifications.
* The function will re-use matching Identities and Push Mechanisms as appropriate.
* TODO: Split into smaller functions.
+ (NSArray<FRAIdentity*> *)getAllIdentitiesFrom:(FRAFMDatabaseConnectionHelper *)sqlDatabase including:(FRAIdentityDatabase *)identityDatabase catchingErrorsWith:(NSError *__autoreleasing *)error {
NSString *sql = [FRAFMDatabaseConnectionHelper readSchema:@"read_all" withError:error];
if (!sql) {
return nil;
// Open Database
FMDatabase *database;
@try {
database = [sqlDatabase getConnectionWithError:error];
if (!database) {
return nil;
// Perform update
FMResultSet *results = [database executeQuery:sql];
if (!results) {
[FRAError createErrorForLastFailure:database withError:error];
return nil;
// Output rows for debugging purposes.
// TODO: Sanitise data.
NSLog(@"Reading all rows from the database:");
NSMutableArray* identities = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
int row = 0;
while ([results next]) {
// Identity
NSString *issuer = [FRASerialization nullToEmpty:[results stringForColumn:@"issuer"]];
NSString *accountName = [FRASerialization nullToEmpty:[results stringForColumn:@"accountName"]];
NSString *imageURL = [FRASerialization nullToEmpty:[results stringForColumn:@"imageURL"]];
NSString *bgColor = [FRASerialization nullToEmpty:[results stringForColumn:@"bgColor"]];
// Mechanism
NSString *type = [FRASerialization nullToEmpty:[results stringForColumn:@"type"]];
NSInteger version = [results intForColumn:@"version"];
NSString *mechanismUID = [FRASerialization nullToEmpty:[results stringForColumn:@"mechanismUID"]];
NSString *optionsJSON = [FRASerialization nullToEmpty:[results stringForColumn:@"options"]];
// Notification
NSString *timeReceived = [FRASerialization nullToEmpty:[results stringForColumn:@"timeReceived"]];
NSString *timeExpired = [FRASerialization nullToEmpty:[results stringForColumn:@"timeExpired"]];
NSString *data = [FRASerialization nullToEmpty:[results stringForColumn:@"data"]];
int pending = [results intForColumn:@"pending"];
int approved = [results intForColumn:@"approved"];
NSLog(@"[%d] %@ %@ %@ %@ %@ %ld %@ %@ %@ %d %d",
// Create an Identity
FRAIdentity* newIdentity = [FRAIdentity
image:[[NSURL alloc]initWithString:imageURL]
// Check if we already have generated this identity, in which case re-use.
BOOL add = true;
for (FRAIdentity *identity in identities) {
if ([newIdentity.issuer isEqualToString:identity.issuer] && [newIdentity.accountName isEqualToString:identity.accountName]) {
newIdentity = identity;
add = false;
if (add) {
[identities addObject:newIdentity];
// Formatter for parsing numbers from Strings.
NSNumberFormatter *numberFormatter = [[NSNumberFormatter alloc] init];
numberFormatter.numberStyle = NSNumberFormatterDecimalStyle;
// Create the Mechanism
if ([type isEqualToString:@"hotp"] || [type isEqualToString:@"totp"]) {
// TODO: Null checking on errors.
// Options Map is a String to String mapping stored in JSON.
NSDictionary *optionsMap;
if (![FRASerialization deserializeJSON:optionsJSON intoDictionary:&optionsMap error:error]) {
return nil;
// Secret Key - Base 64 encoded bytes
NSString *secretValue = [optionsMap objectForKey:OATH_MECHANISM_SECRET];
NSData* secret = [FRASerialization deserializeBytes:secretValue];
// Algorithm - String enumeration
NSString *algorithmValue = [optionsMap objectForKey:OATH_MECHANISM_ALGORITHM];
CCHmacAlgorithm algorithm = [FRAHMACAlgorithm fromString:algorithmValue];
// Digits - String value of Integer
NSString *digitsValue = [optionsMap objectForKey:OATH_MECHANISM_DIGITS];
int digits = [[numberFormatter numberFromString:digitsValue] intValue];
// Period - String value of unsigned Integer
NSString *periodValue = [optionsMap objectForKey:OATH_MECHANISM_PERIOD];
u_int32_t period = [[numberFormatter numberFromString:periodValue] unsignedIntValue];
// Counter - String value of unsigned Long Long
NSString *counterValue = [optionsMap objectForKey:OATH_MECHANISM_COUNTER];
u_int64_t counter = [[numberFormatter numberFromString:counterValue] unsignedLongLongValue];
FRAOathMechanism *newMechanism = [FRAOathMechanism
// Note: We are not de-duplicating OATH Mechanism becuase they will not be duplicated in the SQL results.
if (![newIdentity addMechanism:newMechanism error:error]) {
return nil;
} else if ([type isEqualToString:@"push"]) {
// Options Map is a String to String mapping stored in JSON.
NSDictionary *optionsMap;
if (![FRASerialization deserializeJSON:optionsJSON intoDictionary:&optionsMap error:error]) {
return nil;
// Secret stored as String (Base64?)
NSString *secretValue = [optionsMap objectForKey:PUSH_MECHANISM_SECRET];
// Auth Endpoint as string
NSString *authEndpointValue = [optionsMap objectForKey:PUSH_MECHANISM_AUTH_END_POINT];
// Version as string
NSString *versionString = [optionsMap objectForKey:PUSH_MECHANISM_VERSION];
NSInteger version = [[numberFormatter numberFromString:versionString] integerValue];
FRAPushMechanism *newMechanism = [FRAPushMechanism pushMechanismWithDatabase:identityDatabase authEndpoint:authEndpointValue secret:secretValue version:version];
// Check to see if we already have this PushMechanism present, otherwise add it in.
BOOL add = true;
for (FRAMechanism *mechanism in newIdentity.mechanisms) {
if ([mechanism isKindOfClass:[FRAPushMechanism class]]) {
FRAPushMechanism *pushMechanism = (FRAPushMechanism *)mechanism;
if ([pushMechanism.mechanismUID isEqualToString:newMechanism.mechanismUID]) {
newMechanism = pushMechanism;
add = false;
if (add) {
if (![newIdentity addMechanism:newMechanism error:error]) {
return nil;
// If we have a notification, parse and create the Notification for the Push Mechanism.
// Note: Notifications can only currently exist for PushMechanisms.
if (timeReceived != nil && [timeReceived length] > 0) {
// Time stamp of the notification
NSDate *received = [NSDate dateWithTimeIntervalSince1970:[timeReceived doubleValue]];
// Data map
NSDictionary *dataMap;
if (![FRASerialization deserializeJSON:data intoDictionary:&dataMap error:error]) {
return nil;
// Data: Message ID
NSString *messageId = [dataMap valueForKey:NOTIFICATION_MESSAGE_ID];
// Data: Challenge
NSString *challenge = [[NSString alloc] initWithData:[FRASerialization deserializeBytes:[dataMap valueForKey:NOTIFICATION_PUSH_CHALLENGE]] encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
// Data: TTL
NSTimeInterval ttl = [[dataMap valueForKey:NOTIFICATION_TIME_TO_LIVE] doubleValue];
FRANotification *notification = [FRANotification notificationWithDatabase:identityDatabase
if (![newMechanism addNotification:notification error:error]) {
return nil;
} else {
@throw [FRAError createIllegalStateException:@"Invalid mechanism"];
// As we have read the objects from the database, marked them as stored.
for (FRAIdentity* identity in identities) {
identity.stored = YES;
for (FRAMechanism *mechanism in identity.mechanisms) {
mechanism.stored = YES;
for (FRANotification *notification in mechanism.notifications) {
notification.stored = YES;
return identities;
@finally {
[sqlDatabase closeConnectionToDatabase:database];