FRAIdentityModel.h revision 2ff6fc247a59e7bebd6f71595469a511fe7456ef
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* Copyright 2016 ForgeRock AS.
@class FRAIdentity;
@class FRAIdentityDatabase;
@class FRAMechanism;
@class FRANotification;
@class FRASqlDatabase;
* Root of the Authenticator data model containing a listing of identities and methods for querying them.
@interface FRAIdentityModel : NSObject
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark Lifecycle
- (instancetype)initWithDatabase:(FRAIdentityDatabase *)database sqlDatabase:(FRASqlDatabase*) sql;
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark Identity Functions
* Gets all of the identities which are stored.
* @return The list of identities.
- (NSArray *)identities;
* Gets the identity uniquely identified by the specified issuer and accountName.
* @param issuer The issuer of the identity.
* @param accountName The name of the identity.
* @return The identity that was stored.
- (FRAIdentity *)identityWithIssuer:(NSString *)issuer accountName:(NSString *)accountName;
* Add the identity to the database.
* @param identity The identity to add.
- (BOOL)addIdentity:(FRAIdentity *)identity error:(NSError *__autoreleasing *)error;
* Remove the provided Identity from the model.
* @param identity The identity to remove.
- (BOOL)removeIdentity:(FRAIdentity *)identity error:(NSError *__autoreleasing *)error;
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark Mechanism Functions
* Gets the mechanism identified uniquely by the provided ID.
* @param uid The storage id of the mechanism to get.
* @return The mechanism with the specified storage ID.
- (FRAMechanism *)mechanismWithId:(NSString *)uid;
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark Notification Functions
* Count of notifications that have not yet been dealt with.
* @return The number of pending notifications.
- (NSInteger)pendingNotificationsCount;