FRAIdentityDatabase.m revision 91f0e3cb60de3eba8cbb70c7e36cc0df22d71f5b
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* Distribution License (the License). You may not use this file except in compliance with the
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* You can obtain a copy of the License at legal/CDDLv1.0.txt. See the License for the
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* Copyright 2016 ForgeRock AS.
#import "FRAIdentity.h"
#import "FRAIdentityDatabase.h"
#import "FRAMechanismFactory.h"
#import "FRAOathMechanism.h"
@interface FRAIdentityDatabase ()
- (BOOL)isIdentityStored:(FRAIdentity*)identity;
- (void)onDatabaseChange;
* Provides methods for persisting model objects to the database layer.
* Understands how to talk to the underlying SQLite database.
@implementation FRAIdentityDatabase {
NSMutableArray* identitiesList;
NSMutableArray* mechanismsList;
NSMutableArray* listeners;
NSInteger nextIdentityId;
NSInteger nextMechanismId;
- (instancetype)init {
if (self = [super init]) {
identitiesList = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
mechanismsList = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init]; // TODO: Might be redundant
listeners = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
nextIdentityId = 0;
nextMechanismId = 0;
return self;
- (NSArray*)identities {
return [[NSArray alloc] initWithArray:identitiesList];
- (FRAOathMechanism*)mechanismWithId:(NSInteger)uid {
for (FRAOathMechanism* mechanism in mechanismsList) {
if (mechanism.uid == uid) {
return mechanism;
return nil;
- (FRAIdentity*)identityWithId:(NSInteger)uid {
for (FRAIdentity* identity in identitiesList) {
if (identity.uid == uid) {
return identity;
return nil;
- (FRAIdentity*)identityWithIssuer:(NSString*)issuer accountName:(NSString*)accountName {
for (FRAIdentity* identity in identitiesList) {
if ([identity.issuer isEqualToString:issuer] && [identity.accountName isEqualToString:accountName]) {
return identity;
return nil;
#pragma mark --
#pragma mark Idenitity Functions
- (BOOL)isIdentityStored:(FRAIdentity*)identity {
for (FRAIdentity* identity in identitiesList) {
if ([identity uid] == [identity uid]) {
return YES;
return NO;
- (void)addIdentity:(FRAIdentity*)identity {
if ([self isIdentityStored:identity]) {
// throw exception or update error parameter?
[identitiesList addObject:identity];
if (identity.uid == -1) {
identity.uid = nextIdentityId;
[self onDatabaseChange];
- (void)removeIdentityWithId:(NSInteger)uid {
FRAIdentity* identity = [self identityWithId:uid];
if (identity) {
NSArray* mechanisms = [identity mechanisms];
[mechanismsList removeObjectsInArray:mechanisms];
[identitiesList removeObject:identity];
-(void) removeIdentity:(FRAIdentity *)identity {
// Remove all attached Mechanisms
for (FRAMechanism* mechanism in [identity mechanisms]) {
[self removeMechanism:mechanism];
// Remove the identity from the top level list.
[identitiesList removeObject:identity];
[self onDatabaseChange];
#pragma mark --
#pragma mark Mechanism Functions
- (void)addMechanism:(FRAMechanism*)mechanism {
FRAIdentity* identity = [mechanism parent];
if (![self isIdentityStored:identity]) {
[self addIdentity:identity];
[mechanismsList addObject:mechanism];
if (mechanism.uid == -1) {
mechanism.uid = nextMechanismId;
[self onDatabaseChange];
- (void)updateMechanism:(FRAMechanism*)mechanism {
if ([mechanism isKindOfClass:[FRAOathMechanism class]]) {
FRAOathMechanism* oathMechanism = (FRAOathMechanism *)mechanism;
// TODO: database save for mechanism.
} // else if mechanism is type of Push Mechanism
[self onDatabaseChange];
- (void)removeMechanism:(FRAMechanism*)mechanism {
// Remove reference from parent Identity.
FRAIdentity* identity = [mechanism parent];
[identity removeMechanism:mechanism];
// Remove any Notifications on the Mechanism
for (FRANotification* notification in [mechanism notifications]) {
[self removeNotification:notification];
// Automatically remove Identity if it it no longer has any mechanisms.
if ([[identity mechanisms] count] == 0) {
[self removeIdentityWithId:[identity uid]];
// Maintain Mechanisms list
[mechanismsList removeObject:mechanism];
[self onDatabaseChange];
#pragma mark --
#pragma mark Notification Functions
- (void) removeNotification:(FRANotification*) notification {
- (void)addListener:(id<FRADatabaseListener>)listener {
[listeners addObject:listener];
- (void)onDatabaseChange {
for (id<FRADatabaseListener> listener in listeners) {
[listener onUpdate];