FRAError.h revision 6a2ae9c7fb4d2c40d75cab0edaf940f22c18224f
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* Copyright 2016 ForgeRock AS.
@class FMDatabase;
typedef NS_ENUM(NSInteger, FRAErrorCodes) {
FRAFileError = 1000,
FRAApplicationError = 2000,
@interface FRAError : NSObject
* Creates an error based on the last detected error from the FMDatabase.
* @param database The FMDatabase instance to query for its error.
* @return The error created.
+ (NSError *)createErrorForLastFailure:(FMDatabase *)database;
* Creates an error based on a file system error for a given path.
* @param path The file system path the error occured against.
* @return The error created.
+ (NSError *)createErrorForFilePath:(NSString *)path reason:(NSString *)reason;
* Creates a general application error with a defined reason.
* @param reason The cause of the error.
* @return The error created.
+ (NSError *)createError:(NSString *)reason;
* Creates a specific application error with a defined reason and a code.
* @param reason The cause of the error.
* @param code The error code.
* @return The error created.
+ (NSError *)createError:(NSString *)reason code:(enum FRAErrorCodes)code;
* Creates a specific application error with a defined reason, a code and any additional info.
* @param reason The cause of the error.
* @param code The error code.
* @param userInfo Any additional info.
* @return The error created.
+ (NSError *)createError:(NSString *)reason code:(enum FRAErrorCodes)code userInfo:(NSDictionary *)userInfo;
* Creates a specific application error with a defined reason, a code and the underlying error.
* @param reason The cause of the error.
* @param code The error code.
* @param underlyingError The underlying error.
* @return The error created.
+ (NSError *)createError:(NSString *)reason code:(enum FRAErrorCodes)code underlyingError:(NSError *)underlyingError;
* Creates a runtime exception for indicating an illegal state.
* @param reason The cause of the exception.
* @return NSException The exception which can be thrown by the caller.
+ (NSException *)createIllegalStateException:(NSString *)reason;