FRADateUtilsTests.m revision 4d3e11a2177a45225341ff99c71d168f23ef3b98
* The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the Common Development and
* Distribution License (the License). You may not use this file except in compliance with the
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* You can obtain a copy of the License at legal/CDDLv1.0.txt. See the License for the
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* When distributing Covered Software, include this CDDL Header Notice in each file and include
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* Copyright 2016 ForgeRock AS.
#import <OCMock/OCMock.h>
#import <XCTest/XCTest.h>
#import "FRADateUtils.h"
static NSString * const CURRENT_TIME = @"1982-10-25 15:23:12";
static NSString * const TIME_TEN_MINUTES_AGO = @"1982-10-25 15:13:12";
static NSString * const TIME_END_OF_YESTERDAY = @"1982-10-24 23:59:12";
static NSString * const TIME_2_DAYS_AGO = @"1982-10-23 23:59:12";
static NSString * const TIME_3_DAYS_AGO = @"1982-10-22 23:59:12";
static NSString * const TIME_4_DAYS_AGO = @"1982-10-21 23:59:12";
static NSString * const TIME_5_DAYS_AGO = @"1982-10-20 23:59:12";
static NSString * const TIME_6_DAYS_AGO = @"1982-10-19 23:59:12";
static NSString * const TIME_7_DAYS_AGO = @"1982-10-18 23:59:12";
static NSString * const TIME_8_DAYS_AGO = @"1982-10-17 23:59:12";
static NSString * const EN_GB_LOCALE = @"en_GB";
static NSString * const EN_US_LOCALE = @"en_US";
static NSString * const IT_IT_LOCALE = @"it_IT";
@interface FRADateUtilsTests : XCTestCase
@implementation FRADateUtilsTests {
FRADateUtils *dateTools;
NSDateFormatter *formatter;
NSLocale *enGBLocale;
id mockLocale;
id mockDate;
- (void)setUp {
[super setUp];
dateTools = [[FRADateUtils alloc] init];
formatter = [[NSDateFormatter alloc] init];
[formatter setDateFormat:@"yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"];
enGBLocale = [NSLocale localeWithLocaleIdentifier:@"en_GB"];
mockLocale = OCMClassMock([NSLocale class]);
mockDate = OCMClassMock([NSDate class]);
- (void)tearDown {
[mockLocale stopMocking];
[mockDate stopMocking];
[super tearDown];
- (void)testAgeOfNotificationReceivedTodayIsReportedAsTimeUsing24HourClock {
[self ageOfEventTime:TIME_TEN_MINUTES_AGO inLocale:EN_GB_LOCALE],
@"Notifications received today should be displayed in hours and minutes");
- (void)testAgeOfNotificationReceivedTodayIsReportedAsTimeUsing24HourClockInCurrentLocale {
// This test could be improved by identifying a locale that uses a different format to HH:mm for short time
[self ageOfEventTime:TIME_TEN_MINUTES_AGO inLocale:IT_IT_LOCALE],
@"Notifications received today should be displayed in hours and minutes formatted for current locale");
- (void)testAgeOfNotificationReceivedYesterdayIsReportedAsYesterday {
[self ageOfEventTime:TIME_END_OF_YESTERDAY inLocale:EN_GB_LOCALE],
@"Notifications received yesterday should be displayed as \"Yesterday\"");
- (void)testAgeOfNotificationReceivedYesterdayIsReportedAsYesterdayInCurrentLanguage {
// This test can be improved when we have a translation for Localizable.strings
[self ageOfEventTime:TIME_END_OF_YESTERDAY inLocale:IT_IT_LOCALE],
@"Notifications received yesterday should be displayed as \"Yesterday\" in current language");
- (void)testAgeOfNotificationReceivedBetweenTwoAndSevenDaysAgoIsReportedAsDayOfTheWeek {
[self ageOfEventTime:TIME_2_DAYS_AGO inLocale:EN_GB_LOCALE],
@"Notifications received two days ago should be displayed as day of week");
[self ageOfEventTime:TIME_3_DAYS_AGO inLocale:EN_GB_LOCALE],
@"Notifications received three days ago should be displayed as day of week");
[self ageOfEventTime:TIME_4_DAYS_AGO inLocale:EN_GB_LOCALE],
@"Notifications received four days ago should be displayed as day of week");
[self ageOfEventTime:TIME_5_DAYS_AGO inLocale:EN_GB_LOCALE],
@"Notifications received five days ago should be displayed as day of week");
[self ageOfEventTime:TIME_6_DAYS_AGO inLocale:EN_GB_LOCALE],
@"Notifications received six days ago should be displayed as day of week");
[self ageOfEventTime:TIME_7_DAYS_AGO inLocale:EN_GB_LOCALE],
@"Notifications received seven days ago should be displayed as day of week");
- (void)testAgeOfNotificationReceivedBetweenTwoAndSevenDaysAgoIsReportedAsDayOfTheWeekInCurrentLanguage {
// This test can be improved when we have a translation for Localizable.strings
[self ageOfEventTime:TIME_2_DAYS_AGO inLocale:IT_IT_LOCALE],
@"Notifications received two days ago should be displayed as day of week");
[self ageOfEventTime:TIME_3_DAYS_AGO inLocale:IT_IT_LOCALE],
@"Notifications received three days ago should be displayed as day of week");
[self ageOfEventTime:TIME_4_DAYS_AGO inLocale:IT_IT_LOCALE],
@"Notifications received four days ago should be displayed as day of week");
[self ageOfEventTime:TIME_5_DAYS_AGO inLocale:IT_IT_LOCALE],
@"Notifications received five days ago should be displayed as day of week");
[self ageOfEventTime:TIME_6_DAYS_AGO inLocale:IT_IT_LOCALE],
@"Notifications received six days ago should be displayed as day of week");
[self ageOfEventTime:TIME_7_DAYS_AGO inLocale:IT_IT_LOCALE],
@"Notifications received seven days ago should be displayed as day of week");
- (void)testAgeOfNotificationReceivedEightOrMoreDaysAgoIsReportedAsShortDate {
[self ageOfEventTime:TIME_8_DAYS_AGO inLocale:EN_GB_LOCALE],
@"Notifications received eight or more days ago should be displayed as locale formatted short date");
- (void)testAgeOfNotificationReceivedEightOrMoreDaysAgoIsReportedAsShortDateInCurrentLocale {
[self ageOfEventTime:TIME_8_DAYS_AGO inLocale:EN_US_LOCALE],
@"Notifications received eight or more days ago should be displayed as locale formatted short date");
- (NSString *)ageOfEventTime:(NSString *)timestamp inLocale:(NSString *)locale {
OCMStub([mockLocale currentLocale]).andReturn([NSLocale localeWithLocaleIdentifier:locale]);
OCMStub([mockDate date]).andReturn([formatter dateFromString:CURRENT_TIME]);
return [dateTools ageOfEventTime:[formatter dateFromString:timestamp]];