# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# $Id: Spooler.py 1634 2013-04-12 15:36:36Z amelung $
# Copyright (c) 2007-2011 Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg
# This file is part of ECSpooler.
import os
import sys
import time
import thread
import threading
import xmlrpclib
import traceback
import logging
from types import StringTypes
from types import DictionaryType
# local imports
import config
# define a default logger for spooler classes
LOG = logging.getLogger()
from lib.Service import Service
from lib.data.BackendJob import BackendJob
from lib.data.BackendResult import BackendResult
from lib.util import auth
from lib.util import errorcodes
from lib.util.SpoolerQueue import SpoolerQueue
class Spooler(Service):
The Spooler manages incomming jobs and backends. Each job will be turned
over to a backend.
# resourcestring
DEFAULT_DOQUEUE_WAKEUP = 2 # 2 == 2000 ms
def __init__(self, host, port):
Creates a new spooler instance at the given host and port.
@param: host: host name
@param: port: port number
@param: pwd_file: absolute path to password file
Service.__init__(self, host, port)
pwd_file = config.PASSWD_FILE
assert pwd_file and type(pwd_file) in StringTypes,\
"%s requires a correct 'pwd_file' option" % self._className
# a dictionary for backends
self._backends = {}
# q queue to managing incomming jobs
LOG.debug('Using job store %s' % config.JOB_QUEUE_STORAGE)
self._queue = SpoolerQueue(config.JOB_QUEUE_STORAGE)
# a queue for managing backend results
LOG.debug("Using result store %s" % config.RESULT_QUEUE_STORAGE)
self._results = SpoolerQueue(config.RESULT_QUEUE_STORAGE)
# a queue for managing jobs which cannot executed because backend was busy
LOG.debug("Using retry store %s" % config.RETRY_QUEUE_STORAGE)
self._retries = SpoolerQueue(config.RETRY_QUEUE_STORAGE)
# using md5 encrypted passwords in file etc/passwd for authentification
self._auth = auth.UserAuthMD5(pwd_file)
# doqueue thread (we will use only one thread)
self._doqueueThread = None
self._doqueueThreadExit = False
self._doqueueThreadLock = thread.allocate_lock()
#self._doqueueThreadCond = threading.Condition()
def _registerFunctions(self):
Register all methods/function which can be accessed from a client.
def _manageBeforeStart(self):
Starts a thread which checks the queue for new jobs.
# start a new thread which runs the doqueue-method
LOG.info('Starting scheduler thread (%s)...' % self._className)
self._doqueueThread = threading.Thread(target=self._doqueue)
return True
def _manageBeforeStop(self):
Stops the scheduler thread and all backends before shutting down
the spooler itself.
# stop doqueue thread
LOG.info('Stopping scheduler thread (%s)...' % self._className)
self._doqueueThreadExit = True
while self._doqueueThread and self._doqueueThread.isAlive():
LOG.debug('Scheduler thread is still alive, waiting %ds' %
LOG.info('Stopping backends...')
# We make a copy of self._backends because it will change during
# iteration: backends call removeBackend in their shutdown method,
# which will change self._backends.
backends = self._backends.copy()
# TODO: Don't if SMF is enabled, since the backend would be respawned
# automatically by SMF (self healing) - env var SMF_METHOD
# is an indicator, that the service is running under SMF
# just unregister it and perhaps send a message to the backend to
# give a hint to free resources/unbind
for grp in backends.itervalues():
for backend in grp:
self._callBackend(backend['url'], 'shutdown', backend['id'])
# wait a moment so that backends have enough time to unregister
# def stopBackend(self, authdata, uid):
# """
# Stopps the backend with the given name by invoking the
# shutdown method for this backend. The backend itself then
# invokes the removeBackend method in the spooler.
# @param: authdata: username and password for authentication
# @param: uid: a backend's unique ID
# @return: (code, msg) with
# code == 1, stopping backend succeeded
# code != 1, stopping backend failed; msg contains further information
# """
# if not self._auth.test(authdata, auth.STOP_BACKEND):
# return (-110, self.ERROR_AUTH_FAILED)
# if uid in self._backends:
# grp = self._backends[uid]
# for backend in grp:
# LOG.info("Stopping backend '%s' at '%s'" % (uid, backend['url']))
# # TODO: don't if SMF is enabled - self healing - see above
# self._callBackend(backend["url"], "shutdown")
# return (1, '')
# else:
# return (-120, "Backend '%s' is not registered" % uid)
# xmlrpc
def addBackend(self, authdata, backendId, name, version, url):
Adds a backend to the spooler's list of available backends.
Each backend calls the spooler on being started, and tells
the server its ID, name and URL. The spooler returns
a specific ID, which is a random number created at server
startup. This ID is sent to the backend on each request and
thus authorizes the request. Only the spooler to which the
backend is attached can perform requests to this backend.
@param: authdata: username and password for authentication
@param: backendId: a backend's unique ID
@param: name: a backend's name
@param: version: a backend's version
@param: url: a backend's URL
@return: this server's ID (for further communication)
if not self._auth.test(authdata, auth.ADD_BACKEND):
#return (-110, self.ERROR_AUTH_FAILED)
raise Exception(errorcodes.ERROR_AUTH_FAILED)
if backendId not in self._backends:
# 1st backend of this type
self._backends[backendId] = list()
self._backends[backendId].append({'id': backendId,
'name': name,
'version': version,
'url': url,
'isBusy': False})
LOG.info("Backend '%s %s (%s) (%s)' registered" %
(name, version, backendId, url))
return self._srvId
def removeBackend(self, authdata, backendId, url):
Removes a backend from the list of available backends in this spooler.
@param: authdata: username and password for authentication
@param: backendId: a backend's ID
@return: (code, msg) with
code == 1, removing backend succeeded
code != 1, removing backend failed; msg contains further information
if not self._auth.test(authdata, auth.REMOVE_BACKEND):
#return (-110, self.ERROR_AUTH_FAILED)
raise Exception(errorcodes.ERROR_AUTH_FAILED)
if backendId in self._backends:
grp = self._backends[backendId]
for backend in grp:
#backend = self._backends[backendId]
if url == backend['url']:
LOG.info("Unregistering backend '%s %s (%s) (%s)'..." %
# end if
# end for
if len(grp) == 0:
LOG.info("Backend '%s (%s)' unregistered" % (backendId, url))
return True
raise Exception(errorcodes.NO_SUCH_BACKEND)
def push(self, authdata, jobdata):
@see: appendJob
return self.appendJob(authdata, jobdata)
def appendJob(self, authdata, jobdata):
Adds a new test to the queue
@param: authdata: username and password for authentication
@param: jobdata: relevant job data (see also class CheckJob)
@return: (code, msg) with
code == 1, enqueue succeeded and msg contains the job id
code < 0, enqueue failed and msg contains further information
if not self._auth.test(authdata, auth.PUT):
#return (-110, self.ERROR_AUTH_FAILED)
raise Exception(errorcodes.ERROR_AUTH_FAILED)
# create a new BackenJob instance
job = BackendJob(data=jobdata)
# get the backend from the job
backenId = job['backend']
# if no backend with the backendId is currently registered to this
# spooler an appropriate message will be returned
if not backenId in self._backends.keys():
LOG.warn("No such backend: %s" % backenId)
raise Exception(errorcodes.NO_SUCH_BACKEND)
# append the job
LOG.info("Enqueueing job '%s'" % job.getId())
return job.getId()
except Exception, e:
msg = 'Invalid or insufficient data: %s: %s' % (sys.exc_info()[0], e)
raise Exception(msg)
def getResults(self, authdata):
Returns a dictionary with the results of all performed jobs. Once the
results are polled, they are no longer stored.
@param: authdata: username and password for authentication
@return: a dictionary
if not self._auth.test(authdata, auth.POP):
#return (-110, self.ERROR_AUTH_FAILED)
raise Exception(errorcodes.ERROR_AUTH_FAILED)
result = {}
LOG.debug("Dequeuing results for all jobs (%d)" % self._results.getSize())
while (not self._results.isEmpty()):
item = self._results.dequeue()
LOG.info("Returning result for job '%s'" % item.getId())
result[item.getId()] = item.getData()
return result
def pull(self, authdata, jobId):
@see: getResult
return self.getResult(authdata, jobId)
def getResult(self, authdata, jobId):
Returns a dictionary { jobID: QueueItem.getData() } with
the result of the performed check job for the given ID.
Once the result is polled, it is no longer stored.
@param: authdata: username and password for authentication
@param: jobId: a valid job ID
@return: a dictionary with 'id' as key and another dictionary with keys
'value', 'message', etc. representing the test results
if not self._auth.test(authdata, auth.POP):
#return {'value':-110, 'message':self.ERROR_AUTH_FAILED}
raise Exception(errorcodes.ERROR_AUTH_FAILED)
result = {}
LOG.debug("Dequeuing result for job '%s'" % jobId)
item = self._results.dequeue(jobId)
if item:
LOG.info("Returning result for job '%s'" % jobId)
result[item.getId()] = item.getData()
LOG.info("No result for job '%s'" % jobId)
return result
def getStatus(self, authdata):
Returns a dict with some status information:
"pid": the process ID
"backends": a list of the attached backends
"queue": the number of items in the queue
"results": the number of cached result data
@param: authdata: username and password for authentication
LOG.debug('Returning spooler status information')
if not self._auth.test(authdata, auth.GET_STATUS):
#return (-110, self.ERROR_AUTH_FAILED)
raise Exception(errorcodes.ERROR_AUTH_FAILED)
return {
#"pid": os.getpid(),
"backends": ["%s:%s" % (key, len(self._backends[key])) for key in self._backends],
"queue": self._queue.getSize(),
"results": self._results.getSize(),
def getPID(self, authdata):
Returns the process ID
@param authdata: username and password for authentication
@return: current process ID
LOG.debug('Returning spooler PID')
if not self._auth.test(authdata, auth.SHUTDOWN):
#return (-110, self.ERROR_AUTH_FAILED)
raise Exception(errorcodes.ERROR_AUTH_FAILED)
return os.getpid()
def getBackends(self, authdata):
Returns a dict with all currently available backends.
@param: authdata: username and password for authentication
@return: dict with backend names as keys
LOG.debug('Returning all available backends')
if not self._auth.test(authdata, auth.GET_STATUS):
#return (-110, self.ERROR_AUTH_FAILED)
raise Exception(errorcodes.ERROR_AUTH_FAILED)
result = {}
for grpId in self._backends:
# get backend group
grp = self._backends[grpId]
if len(grp) > 0:
# if group has at least one backend instance, add it
# to result
result[grpId] = grp[0]
return result
def getBackendStatus(self, authdata, backendId):
Returns a dict with status information of a single backend.
@param: authdata: username and password for authentication
@param: backendId: a backend's unique ID
LOG.debug("Trying to return status information for backend '%s'" % backendId)
if not self._auth.test(authdata, auth.GET_BACKEND_INFO):
#return (-110, self.ERROR_AUTH_FAILED)
raise Exception(errorcodes.ERROR_AUTH_FAILED)
if not self._hasBackend(backendId):
#return (-112, "No such backend: %s" % backendId)
raise Exception(errorcodes.NO_SUCH_BACKEND)
grp = self._backends.get(backendId)
if len(grp) > 0:
# if group has at least one backend instance, we will use the first entry
backend = grp[0]
return self._callBackend(backend['url'], 'getStatus', backend['id'])
#return (-112, "No such backend: %s" % backendId)
raise Exception(errorcodes.NO_SUCH_BACKEND)
def getBackendInputFields(self, authdata, backendId):
Returns information about additional fields required by this backend.
@param: authdata: username and password for authentication
@param: backendId: a backend's unique ID
@see: Backend.getInputFields
LOG.debug("Trying to return input fields for backend '%s'" % backendId)
if not self._auth.test(authdata, auth.GET_BACKEND_INFO):
#return (-110, self.ERROR_AUTH_FAILED)
raise Exception(errorcodes.ERROR_AUTH_FAILED)
if not self._hasBackend(backendId):
#return (-112, "No such backend: %s" % backendId)
raise Exception(errorcodes.NO_SUCH_BACKEND)
grp = self._backends.get(backendId)
if len(grp) > 0:
# if group has at least one backend instance, add it
# to result
backend = grp[0]
return self._callBackend(backend['url'], 'getInputFields')
#return (-112, "No such backend: %s" % backendId)
raise Exception(errorcodes.NO_SUCH_BACKEND)
def getBackendTestFields(self, authdata, backendId):
Returns informationen about test scenarios available by this backend.
@param: authdata: username and password for authentication
@param: backendId: a backend's unique ID
@see. Backend.getTestFields
LOG.debug("Trying to return test specs for backend '%s'" % backendId)
if not self._auth.test(authdata, auth.GET_BACKEND_INFO):
#return (-110, self.ERROR_AUTH_FAILED)
raise Exception(errorcodes.ERROR_AUTH_FAILED)
if not self._hasBackend(backendId):
#return (-112, "No such backend: %s" % backendId)
raise Exception(errorcodes.NO_SUCH_BACKEND)
grp = self._backends.get(backendId)
if len(grp) > 0:
# if group has at least one backend instance, add it
# to result
backend = grp[0]
return self._callBackend(backend['url'], 'getTestFields')
#return (-112, "No such backend: %s" % backendId)
raise Exception(errorcodes.NO_SUCH_BACKEND)
def _hasBackend(self, backendId):
@return: True if a backend with the given backendId is registered,
otherwise False
if self._backends.has_key(backendId):
return True
msg = "No such backend: %s" % backendId
return False
def _doqueue(self):
Performs the dispatching of a job to a backend.
This method is called in a separate thread, which is opened
and managed by the threading.Thread class. _doqueue() runs in a
loop until _doqueue_thread_stop is True.
while not self._doqueueThreadExit:
# is the queue empty?
if not self._queue.isEmpty():
# get next job from the queue and the selected backend
job = self._queue.dequeue()
backendId = job['backend']
if backendId in self._backends:
# backend groups
grp = self._backends[backendId]
backend = None
for b in grp:
# backend busy?
if not b.get('isBusy', False):
backend = b
# end for
if backend == None:
# backend is bussy, try again later
LOG.info('Backend %s is busy (%s)' %
(backendId, job.getId(),))
# try later
# put this job in retry-queue
LOG.info("Adding job to retry queue: %s" % job.getId())
# process job
# dont block - continue to service other backends
threading.Thread(target=self._processJob, args=(backend, job)).start()
# end if
LOG.warn("Job %s can not be executed, no such "
"backend: %s" % (job.getId(), backendId))
# enqueue the job so maybe later, if the backend
# is available, we can process it
# end if
#LOG.debug('_doqueue: self._queue is empty');
except Exception, e:
msg = '%s: %s' % (sys.exc_info()[0], e)
# wait a defined time before resuming
# end while loop
def _processJob(self, backend, job):
Processing the job by dispatching it to the backend.
@param: backend: a dict with backend attributes (such as id, name, url,)
@param: job: a job instance
backend['isBusy'] = True
LOG.info("Dispatching job '%s' to backend '%s'" %
(job.getId(), job['backend']))
# invoke remote method call
rd = self._callBackend(backend['url'], 'execute', job.getData())
# result from backend must be of type dict
if type(rd) == DictionaryType:
# this should be normal case
result = BackendResult(data=rd, id=job.getId())
elif type(rd) in StringTypes:
# probably some kind of error in the backend
result = BackendResult(-152, rd, id=job.getId())
# unexpected or unhandled result
msg = 'Unexpected result type: %s' % repr(type(rd))
result = BackendResult(-151, msg, id=job.getId())
except Exception, e:
msg = '%s: %s' % (sys.exc_info()[0], e)
result = BackendResult(-153, msg, id=job.getId())
LOG.info("Result of job '%s' added to result queue" % (result.getId(),))
backend['isBusy'] = False
# move jobs from retry queue back to default queue
#LOG.debug('jobId: %s' % job.getId())
#LOG.debug('data: %s' % result.getData())
return result
def _restoreRetryJobs(self):
Move jobs from retry queue back to default queue
size = self._retries.getSize()
if size > 0:
LOG.debug("Moving %d job(s) back from 'retry queue' to 'default queue'."
% size)
while not self._retries.isEmpty():
item = self._retries.dequeue()
def _callBackend(self, url, method, *kw, **args):
Executes an xmlrpc call.
@param: url: backend's URL
@param: method: name of method that will be invoked
@return: a tuple with code and result or an error message
#LOG.debug('xxx: %s' % repr(kw))
#LOG.debug("xmlrpclib.Server('%s')" % (url))
s = xmlrpclib.Server(url)
result = getattr(s, method)({"srv_id": self._srvId}, *kw, **args)
#LOG.debug('_callBackend: %s' % repr(result))
return result
#except (socket.error, xmlrpclib.Fault, xmlrpclib.ProtocolError), exc:
except Exception, e:
msg = 'Server error: %s: %s (%s)' % (sys.exc_info()[0], e, method)
raise Exception(msg)