OPTIONS=" --noinform --disable-debugger --no-sysinit --no-userinit "
# Explanation of SBCL command-line flags in use:
# --disable-debugger
# By default, a Common Lisp system tries to ask the programmer for
# help when it gets in trouble (by printing a debug prompt, then
# listening, on *DEBUG-IO*). However, this is not useful behavior
# for a system running with no programmer available, and this
# option tries to set up more appropriate behavior for that
# situation
# --noinform
# Suppresses the startup banner text.
# --no-sysinit
# Don't load any system-wide initialization files.
# --no-userinit
# Don't load any user initialization file.
# --load file
# Loads file after SBCL starts.
# --eval "(quit)"
# Quit after executing the loaded file.
trap 'kill $! && trap - TERM && kill $$' TERM
wait %%