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ECSpooler is a Python XML-RPC service, which provides the automatic
testing of submissions for ECAutoAssessmentBox. It manages a
submission queue and several backends.
* "Project page":http://wdok.cs.uni-magdeburg.de/software/ecspooler
* "Python":http://python.org
* A UNIX or UNIX-like operating system, e. g., NetBSD, Solaris, Mac
OS X, or Linux.
ECSpooler does run on Windows (with some restrictions), but this
is neither supported nor recommended.
* ECSpooler is primarily intended to be used via the
Plone product. So you will normally have a Plone installation
with ECAutoAssessmentBox.
* For use of SOAPWrapper for ECSpooler "Spyne":http://spyne.io and
"Suds":https://fedorahosted.org/suds/ is needed
* If necessary, edit the installation directories in 'setup.cfg'.
By default, ECSpooler will be installed in '/opt/ECSpooler'.
* Run 'python setup.py install' (installation may require
appropriate privileges for writing to the specified installation
* Be sure that 'ECSpooler/var' and 'ECSpooler/logs' are writeable by
the user who is starting the spooler (cf. below if you run the spooler
as root).
Quick Start
After installation, you should then be able to start the spooler (on
the default port 5050) using the command (you may have to specify
the path)::
spoolerctl start
and the Keywords backend using::
backendctl -u root -p bazquux Keywords start
If you check the status using::
spoolerctl -u root -p bazquux status
and get a response similar to::
{'queue': 0, 'backends': ['keywords'], 'pid': 26946, 'results': 0}
If you run these commands as root, the processes will be started
as user "nobody".
Once ECSpooler and the backend are running, go to your Plone site,
log in as Manager, and go to the "Site Setup", where you should
find "Auto Assessment Settings". Make the spooler connection
settings. You should the see the available backends; select the
Keywords backend.
You can then start to create Auto Assessment Boxes. See the
ECAutoAssessmentBox documentation for details.
ECSpooler provides automatic testing of submissions for
ECAutoAssessmentBox allows students to submit their assignments via
the Web at any time during the submission period. A typical case
are programming assignments, where students have to submit programs.
Submitted programs are automatically checked and students get
immediate feedback on whether their programs are syntactically
correct and yield the expected results.
When a student submits a program, it is first sent to ECSpooler.
ECSpooler is a Web service which manages a submission queue and
several backends. Backends provide syntax checking and testing for
a specific programming language, usually in conjunction with the
corresponding compiler and/or interpreter. The results of the tests
performed by the backend are immediately returned and are displayed
by ECAutoAssessmentBox.
We have implemented backends for Haskell (using Hugs), Scheme
(using MzScheme), Erlang, Prolog (using SWI-Prolog), Python, and
Java. Backends can also be used to implement different approaches
for testing: For example, we have implemented one backend for
Haskell which compares the output of the student solution with the
output of a model solution for a set of test data, and, as an
alternative, we have implemented another backend for Haskell which
uses QuickCheck for testing based on formal specifications of
properties required for a correct solution.
However, ECSpooler only ships with a demo backend, Keywords, which
checks whether a submission contains certain keywords specified by
the creator of the assignment. We do not include other backends
because, when executing student code, you have to take security
precautions, e.g., by using chroot, jails, or systrace. These
mechanisms are, however, system-dependent, so we cannot include
anything that runs out of the box *and* is secure. Furthermore,
paths to interpreters or compilers vary across installations. If
you are aware of the risks and if you are able to deal with the
configuration issues, we are happy provide you with our backends on
For job submissions and for administrative tasks authentication is
required. ECSpooler uses a simple user/password authentication
scheme. Note that a user normally corresponds to a Plone site, not
to an individual person.
ECSpooler ships with a password file ('etc/passwd') containing two
users: root (default password "bazquux") and demo (default password
The root user is only intended for administrative tasks. Only the
root user can start and stop backends, thus you have to provide the
username "root" and the corresponding password to spoolerctl and
The root user should not be used for job submissions. In a
production environment you should also definitely change the
To create a new user, add a new line into the password file,
consisting of the user name and an MD5 hash of the password,
separated by a colon. If your system doesn't provide an md5
command, you can use the following command line to create the hash::
python -c 'import md5; print md5.new("password").hexdigest()'
SOAP Wrapper
For questions and discussions about ECSpooler, please join the
"eduComponents mailing
ECSpooler was written by
"Mario Amelung":http://wdok.cs.uni-magdeburg.de/Members/amelung and
"Michael Piotrowski":http://wdok.cs.uni-magdeburg.de/Members/mxp.
Additional programming by Wolfram Fenske.
ECSpooler is licensed under the
Copyright © 2007-2011 Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg
ECSpooler is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at
your option) any later version.
ECSpooler is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with ECSpooler; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA