# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# $Id: base.py 245805 2011-10-23 19:08:23Z amelung $
# Copyright © 2004-2011 Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg
# This file is part of ECQuiz.
# ECQuiz is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# ECQuiz is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with ECQuiz; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
# Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
"""Base class for integration tests, based on ZopeTestCase and PloneTestCase.
Note that importing this module has various side-effects: it registers a set of
products with Zope, and it sets up a sandbox Plone site with the appropriate
products installed.
from Testing import ZopeTestCase
# Let Zope know about the products we require above and beyond a basic
# Plone install (PloneTestCase takes care of these).
# Import PloneTestCase - this registers more products with Zope as a side effect
from Products.PloneTestCase.PloneTestCase import PloneTestCase
from Products.PloneTestCase.PloneTestCase import FunctionalTestCase
from Products.PloneTestCase.PloneTestCase import setupPloneSite
# Set up a Plone site, and apply the membrane and borg extension profiles
# to make sure they are installed.
#setupPloneSite(extension_profiles=('membrane:default', 'borg:default'))
from Products.ECQuiz.tools import createObject
def getAccessor(obj, prop_name, getter_p):
if getter_p:
prefix = 'get'
prefix = 'set'
name = prefix + prop_name[0].upper() + prop_name[1:]
return getattr(obj, name)
def setProp(obj, prop_name, value):
f = getAccessor(obj, prop_name, False)
def getProp(obj, prop_name):
f = getAccessor(obj, prop_name, True)
return f()
def setProps(obj, props_values):
for p, v in props_values:
setProp(obj, p, v)
class ECQTestCase(PloneTestCase):
"""Base class for integration tests for the 'ECQuiz' product.
This may provide specific set-up and tear-down operations, or
provide convenience methods.
def createEmptyQuiz(self):
""" currently logged-in user must be manager level
portal = self.portal
dummy = createObject(self.portal, 'ECQuiz', 'dummy')
portal.dummy = dummy
# Set up the test's properties
setProps(dummy, (('instantFeedback', False),
('allowRepetition', False),
('onePerPage', False),
('onePerPageNav', False),
('scoringFunction', 'cruel'),
#('gradingScale', ()),
('directions', 'Please answer these questions!'),
('randomOrder', False),
('numberOfRandomQuestions', 0),))
return dummy
def createDummy(self):
""" currently logged-in user must be manager level
portal = self.portal
# dummy = ECQuiz(oid='dummy')
# # put dummy in context of portal
# dummy = dummy.__of__(portal)
# portal.dummy = dummy
# dummy.initializeArchetype()
# return dummy
dummy = self.createEmptyQuiz()
# Create an MC question
mcq = createObject(dummy, 'ECQMCQuestion', 'mcq')
# Set up the question's properties
setProps(mcq, (('allowMultipleSelection', False),
('randomOrder', False),
('numberOfRandomAnswers', 0),
('points', 666),
('tutorGraded', False),
# Create MC answers
for uid, comm, corr, answ in (('mca1', 'Correct comment', True, 'This is correct.'),
('mca2', 'Wrong comment', False, 'This is wrong.' ),
mca = createObject(mcq, 'ECQMCAnswer', uid)
# Set up the answer's properties
setProps(mca, (('comment', comm),
('correct', corr),
('answer', answ),
# publish the thing
wtool = portal.portal_workflow
wtool.doActionFor(dummy, 'publish')
return dummy
class ECQFunctionalTestCase(FunctionalTestCase):
"""Base class for functional integration tests for the 'ECQuiz'
product. This may provide specific set-up and tear-down
operations, or provide convenience methods.