guid.h revision fea53234804e75bb8f0b87ab0a0b1cc1c9770031
#ifndef GUID_H
#define GUID_H
#define GUID_128_SIZE 16
typedef uint8_t guid_128_t[GUID_128_SIZE];
#define GUID_128_HOST_HASH_SIZE 4
ARRAY_DEFINE_TYPE(guid_128_t, guid_128_t);
/* Generate a GUID (contains host name) */
const char *guid_generate(void);
/* Generate 128 bit GUID */
void guid_128_generate(guid_128_t guid_r);
/* Returns TRUE if GUID is empty (not set / unknown). */
bool guid_128_is_empty(const guid_128_t guid) ATTR_PURE;
static inline void guid_128_empty(guid_128_t guid)
memset(guid, 0, GUID_128_SIZE);
/* Returns TRUE if two GUIDs are equal. */
bool guid_128_equals(const guid_128_t guid1, const guid_128_t guid2) ATTR_PURE;
/* Copy GUID */
static inline void guid_128_copy(guid_128_t dest, const guid_128_t src)
memcpy(dest, src, GUID_128_SIZE);
/* Returns GUID as a hex string. */
const char *guid_128_to_string(const guid_128_t guid);
/* Parse GUID from a string. Returns 0 if ok, -1 if GUID isn't valid. */
int guid_128_from_string(const char *str, guid_128_t guid_r);
/* guid_128 hash/cmp functions for hash.h */
unsigned int guid_128_hash(const guid_128_t guid) ATTR_PURE;
int guid_128_cmp(const guid_128_t guid1, const guid_128_t guid2) ATTR_PURE;
/* Return the hash of host used by guid_128_generate(). */
void guid_128_host_hash_get(const char *host,
unsigned char hash_r[GUID_128_HOST_HASH_SIZE]);