#include "array-decl.h"
struct message_address;
enum smtp_address_parse_flags {
/* Strictly enforce the RFC 5321 syntax */
/* Allow an empty/NULL address */
/* Allow an address without a domain part */
/* Allow omission of the <...> brackets in a path */
struct smtp_address {
const char *localpart;
const char *domain;
ARRAY_DEFINE_TYPE(smtp_address, struct smtp_address *);
ARRAY_DEFINE_TYPE(smtp_address_const, const struct smtp_address *);
/* Not const! Never return this as a result directly! */
#define SMTP_ADDRESS_LITERAL(localpart, domain) \
&((struct smtp_address){ (localpart), (domain) })
* SMTP address parsing
int smtp_address_parse_mailbox(pool_t pool,
const char *mailbox, enum smtp_address_parse_flags flags,
struct smtp_address **address_r, const char **error_r)
ATTR_NULL(4, 5);
int smtp_address_parse_path_full(pool_t pool, const char *path,
enum smtp_address_parse_flags flags,
struct smtp_address **address_r, const char **error_r,
const char **endp_r) ATTR_NULL(4, 5, 6);
int smtp_address_parse_path(pool_t pool, const char *path,
enum smtp_address_parse_flags flags,
struct smtp_address **address_r, const char **error_r)
ATTR_NULL(4, 5);
int smtp_address_parse_username(pool_t pool, const char *username,
struct smtp_address **address_r, const char **error_r)
ATTR_NULL(3, 4);
/* Parse address+detail@domain into address@domain and detail
using given delimiters. Returns used delimiter. */
void smtp_address_detail_parse(pool_t pool, const char *delimiters,
struct smtp_address *address, const char **username_r,
char *delim_r, const char **detail_r);
void smtp_address_detail_parse_temp(const char *delimiters,
struct smtp_address *address, const char **username_r,
char *delim_r, const char **detail_r);
* SMTP address construction
void smtp_address_write(string_t *out,
const struct smtp_address *address) ATTR_NULL(2);
void smtp_address_write_path(string_t *out,
const struct smtp_address *address) ATTR_NULL(2);
const char *
smtp_address_encode(const struct smtp_address *address)
const char *
smtp_address_encode_path(const struct smtp_address *address)
* SMTP address manipulation
void smtp_address_init(struct smtp_address *address,
const char *localpart, const char *domain) ATTR_NULL(2,3);
void smtp_address_init_from_msg(struct smtp_address *address,
const struct message_address *msg_addr);
struct smtp_address *
smtp_address_clone(pool_t pool, const struct smtp_address *address)
struct smtp_address *
smtp_address_create(pool_t pool, const char *localpart, const char *domain)
ATTR_NULL(2, 3);
struct smtp_address *
smtp_address_create_from_msg(pool_t pool,
const struct message_address *msg_addr);
struct smtp_address *
smtp_address_clone_temp(const struct smtp_address *address)
struct smtp_address *
smtp_address_create_temp(const char *localpart, const char *domain)
ATTR_NULL(2, 3);
struct smtp_address *
smtp_address_create_from_msg_temp(const struct message_address *msg_addr);
struct smtp_address *
smtp_address_add_detail(pool_t pool, const struct smtp_address *address,
const char *detail, char delim_c);
struct smtp_address *
smtp_address_add_detail_temp(const struct smtp_address *address,
const char *detail, char delim_c);
int smtp_address_cmp(const struct smtp_address *address1,
const struct smtp_address *address2)
ATTR_NULL(1, 2);
static inline bool ATTR_NULL(1, 2)
smtp_address_equals(const struct smtp_address *address1,
const struct smtp_address *address2)
return (smtp_address_cmp(address1, address2) == 0);
static inline bool ATTR_NULL(1) ATTR_PURE
smtp_address_isnull(const struct smtp_address *address)
return (address == NULL || address->localpart == NULL ||
*address->localpart == '\0');