rfc822-tokenize.h revision 43ae45b90718684dbbd67a240e60c52cbc6496ba
#ifndef __RFC822_TOKENIZE_H
#define __RFC822_TOKENIZE_H
typedef struct _Rfc822Token Rfc822Token;
#define IS_TOKEN_STRING(token) \
((token) == 'A' || (token) == '"' || (token) == '(' || (token) == '[')
#define IS_LWSP(c) \
((c) == ' ' || (c) == '\t')
struct _Rfc822Token {
0 = last token
'A' = atom
'"' = quoted string
'(' = comment
'[' = domain literal
RFC822 specials:
'<', '>', '@', ',', ';', ':', '\', '.'
RFC2045 tspecials:
'/', '?', '='
int token;
/* - not including enclosing "", () or []
- '\' isn't expanded
- [CR+]LF+LWSP (continued header) isn't removed */
const char *ptr;
size_t len;
/* Parsing is aborted if returns FALSE. There's two kinds of errors:
missing_char == '\0': unexpected character at str[pos]
missing_char != '\0': missing character */
typedef int (*Rfc822TokenizeErrorFunc)(const char *str, int pos,
char missing_char, void *context);
/* Tokenize the string. Returns NULL if string is empty. Memory for
returned array is allocated from data stack. You don't have to use
the tokens_count, since last token is always 0. */
const Rfc822Token *rfc822_tokenize(const char *str, int *tokens_count,
Rfc822TokenizeErrorFunc error_func,
void *context);
/* Returns the tokens as a string. Tokens are merged together, except
spaces are added between atoms. */
const char *rfc822_tokens_get_value(const Rfc822Token *tokens, int count);
/* Returns the tokens as a "string". */
const char *rfc822_tokens_get_value_quoted(const Rfc822Token *tokens,
int count);