message-part-data.h revision bc41d811809ca144922697333b78a857b97546c9
#include "message-part.h"
struct message_header_line;
struct message_part_param {
const char *name;
const char *value;
struct message_part_envelope {
const char *date, *subject;
struct message_address *from, *sender, *reply_to;
struct message_address *to, *cc, *bcc;
const char *in_reply_to, *message_id;
struct message_part_data {
const char *content_type, *content_subtype;
const struct message_part_param *content_type_params;
unsigned int content_type_params_count;
const char *content_transfer_encoding;
const char *content_id;
const char *content_description;
const char *content_disposition;
const struct message_part_param *content_disposition_params;
unsigned int content_disposition_params_count;
const char *content_md5;
const char *const *content_language;
const char *content_location;
struct message_part_envelope *envelope;
struct message_part_attachment_settings {
/* By default, all attachments with content-disposition=attachment
or content-disposition=inline;filename=... are consired as an
If content_type_filter is set to an array of masks, then
anything starting with ! is excluded, and anything without
is considered negating exclusion. Setting foo/bar alone will */
// not do anything, but setting !foo/*, foo/bar, will exclude
/* all attachments with foo/anything content type, but will
accept foo/bar.
Setting exclude_inlined, will exclude **any** inlined attachment
regardless of what content_type_filter is.
const char *const *content_type_filter;
bool exclude_inlined;
extern const char *message_part_envelope_headers[];
/* Returns TRUE if this message part has content-type "text/plain",
charset "us-ascii" and content-transfer-encoding "7bit" */
bool message_part_data_is_plain_7bit(const struct message_part *part)
/* Returns TRUE if this message part has a filename. The filename is
returned in filename_r. */
bool message_part_data_get_filename(const struct message_part *part,
const char **filename_r);
/* See message_part_attachment_settings */
bool message_part_has_content_types(struct message_part *part, const char *const *types);
/* Returns TRUE if message part has given parameter, and has non-empty
value if has_value is TRUE. */
bool message_part_has_parameter(struct message_part *part, const char *parameter,
bool has_value);
/* Check if part is attachment according to given settings */
bool message_part_is_attachment(struct message_part *part,
const struct message_part_attachment_settings *set);
* Header parsing
/* Update envelope data based from given header field */
void message_part_envelope_parse_from_header(pool_t pool,
struct message_part_envelope **_data,
struct message_header_line *hdr);
/* Parse a single header. Note that this modifies part->context. */
void message_part_data_parse_from_header(pool_t pool,
struct message_part *part,
struct message_header_line *hdr);