message-header-decode.c revision 7c424aa51c956c628e3512055841aa2f9eef4833
/* Copyright (C) 2002 Timo Sirainen */
#include "lib.h"
#include "base64.h"
#include "buffer.h"
#include "quoted-printable.h"
#include "message-header-decode.h"
static int split_encoded(const unsigned char *data, size_t *size_p,
const char **charset, const char **encoding,
const unsigned char **text, size_t *text_size_r)
size_t size, pos, textpos;
size = *size_p;
/* get charset */
for (pos = 0; pos < size && data[pos] != '?'; pos++) ;
if (data[pos] != '?') return FALSE;
*charset = t_strndup(data, pos);
/* get encoding */
if (pos+2 >= size || data[pos+1] != '?')
return FALSE;
if (data[pos] == 'Q' || data[pos] == 'q')
*encoding = "Q";
else if (data[pos] == 'B' || data[pos] == 'b')
*encoding = "B";
return FALSE;
/* get text */
pos += 2;
textpos = pos;
while (pos < size && data[pos] != '?') pos++;
if (data[pos] != '?' || pos+1 >= size || data[pos+1] != '=')
return FALSE;
*text = data + textpos;
*text_size_r = pos - textpos;
*size_p = pos+2;
return TRUE;
static int
message_header_decode_encoded(const unsigned char *data, size_t *size,
message_header_decode_callback_t *callback,
void *context)
const unsigned char *text;
const char *charset, *encoding;
buffer_t *decodebuf;
size_t text_size;
int ret;
/* first split the string charset?encoding?text?= */
if (!split_encoded(data, size, &charset, &encoding,
&text, &text_size)) {
return TRUE;
decodebuf = buffer_create_static_hard(data_stack_pool, text_size);
if (*encoding == 'Q')
quoted_printable_decode(text, text_size, NULL, decodebuf);
else {
if (base64_decode(text, text_size, NULL, decodebuf) < 0) {
/* corrupted encoding */
return TRUE;
ret = callback(buffer_get_data(decodebuf, NULL),
buffer_get_used_size(decodebuf), charset, context);
return ret;
void message_header_decode(const unsigned char *data, size_t size,
message_header_decode_callback_t *callback,
void *context)
size_t pos, start_pos, subsize;
start_pos = pos = 0;
while (pos < size) {
if (data[pos] == '=' && pos+1 < size && data[pos+1] == '?') {
/* encoded string beginning */
if (pos != start_pos) {
/* send the unencoded data so far */
if (!callback(data + start_pos, pos - start_pos,
NULL, context))
pos += 2;
subsize = size - pos;
if (!message_header_decode_encoded(data + pos, &subsize,
callback, context))
pos += subsize;
start_pos = pos;
} else {
(void)callback(data + start_pos, size - start_pos, NULL, context);