mail-index.h revision bb10ebcf076c959c752f583746d83805d7686df8
#ifndef __MAIL_INDEX_H
#define __MAIL_INDEX_H
#include "mail-types.h"
enum mail_index_open_flags {
/* Create index if it doesn't exist */
/* Open the index as fast as possible - do only minimal checks and
delay opening cache/log files unless they're needed. */
/* Don't try to mmap() index files */
/* Don't try to write() to mmap()ed index files. Required for the few
OSes that don't have unified buffer cache
(currently OpenBSD <= 3.5) */
enum mail_index_lock_method {
enum mail_index_header_compat_flags {
enum mail_index_header_flag {
/* Index file is corrupted, reopen or recreate it. */
enum mail_index_mail_flags {
enum mail_index_error {
/* No errors */
/* Internal error, see get_error_text() for more information. */
/* We ran out of available disk space. */
struct mail_index_header {
/* major version is increased only when you can't have backwards
compatibility. minor version is increased when header size is
increased to contain new non-critical fields. */
uint8_t major_version;
uint8_t minor_version;
uint16_t base_header_size;
uint32_t header_size; /* base + extended header size */
uint32_t record_size;
/* 0 = flags
1 = sizeof(uoff_t)
2 = sizeof(time_t)
3 = unused */
uint8_t compat_data[4];
uint32_t indexid;
uint32_t flags;
uint32_t uid_validity;
uint32_t next_uid;
uint32_t messages_count;
uint32_t recent_messages_count;
uint32_t seen_messages_count;
uint32_t deleted_messages_count;
/* these UIDs may not exist and may not even be unseen */
uint32_t first_recent_uid_lowwater;
uint32_t first_unseen_uid_lowwater;
uint32_t first_deleted_uid_lowwater;
/* We have internal and external sync offsets. External changes are
synced into index somewhat more often, so int_offset <= ext_offset */
uint32_t log_file_seq;
uint32_t log_file_int_offset;
uint32_t log_file_ext_offset;
uint64_t sync_size;
uint32_t sync_stamp;
/* daily first UIDs that have been added to index. */
uint32_t day_stamp;
uint32_t day_first_uid[8];
struct mail_index_record {
uint32_t uid;
uint8_t flags; /* enum mail_flags | enum mail_index_mail_flags */
struct mail_keywords {
struct mail_index *index;
unsigned int count;
/* variable sized list of keyword indexes */
unsigned int idx[1];
enum mail_index_sync_type {
struct mail_index_sync_rec {
uint32_t uid1, uid2;
enum mail_index_sync_type type;
uint8_t add_flags;
uint8_t remove_flags;
unsigned int keyword_idx;
struct mail_index;
struct mail_index_map;
struct mail_index_view;
struct mail_index_transaction;
struct mail_index_sync_ctx;
struct mail_index_view_sync_ctx;
struct mail_index *mail_index_alloc(const char *dir, const char *prefix);
void mail_index_free(struct mail_index *index);
void mail_index_set_permissions(struct mail_index *index,
mode_t mode, gid_t gid);
int mail_index_open(struct mail_index *index, enum mail_index_open_flags flags,
enum mail_index_lock_method lock_method);
void mail_index_close(struct mail_index *index);
struct mail_cache *mail_index_get_cache(struct mail_index *index);
/* Refresh index so mail_index_lookup*() will return latest values. Note that
immediately after this call there may already be changes, so if you need to
rely on validity of the returned values, use some external locking for it. */
int mail_index_refresh(struct mail_index *index);
/* View can be used to look into index. Sequence numbers inside view change
only when you synchronize it. The view acquires required locks
automatically, but you'll have to drop them manually. */
struct mail_index_view *mail_index_view_open(struct mail_index *index);
void mail_index_view_close(struct mail_index_view *view);
/* Returns the index for given view. */
struct mail_index *mail_index_view_get_index(struct mail_index_view *view);
/* Call whenever you've done with requesting messages from view for a while. */
void mail_index_view_unlock(struct mail_index_view *view);
/* Returns number of mails in view. */
uint32_t mail_index_view_get_messages_count(struct mail_index_view *view);
/* Returns TRUE if we lost track of changes for some reason. */
int mail_index_view_is_inconsistent(struct mail_index_view *view);
/* Transaction has to be opened to be able to modify index. You can have
multiple transactions open simultaneously. Note that committed transactions
won't show up until you've synchronized mailbox (mail_index_sync_begin). */
struct mail_index_transaction *
mail_index_transaction_begin(struct mail_index_view *view,
int hide, int external);
int mail_index_transaction_commit(struct mail_index_transaction *t,
uint32_t *log_file_seq_r,
uoff_t *log_file_offset_r);
void mail_index_transaction_rollback(struct mail_index_transaction *t);
/* Returns a view to transaction. Currently this differs from normal view only
in that it contains newly appended messages in transaction. The view can
still be used after transaction has been committed. */
struct mail_index_view *
mail_index_transaction_open_updated_view(struct mail_index_transaction *t);
/* Begin synchronizing mailbox with index file. This call locks the index
exclusively against other modifications. Returns 1 if ok, -1 if error.
If log_file_seq is not (uint32_t)-1 and index is already synchronized up
to given log_file_offset, the synchronization isn't started and this
function returns 0. This should be done when you wish to sync your previous
transaction instead of doing a full mailbox synchronization.
mail_index_sync_next() returns all changes from previously committed
transactions which haven't yet been committed to the actual mailbox.
They're returned in ascending order and they never overlap (if we add more
sync types, then they might). You must go through all of them and update
the mailbox accordingly.
None of the changes actually show up in index until after successful
Returned sequence numbers describe the mailbox state at the beginning of
synchronization, ie. expunges don't affect them.
You may create a new transaction for the returned view. That transaction
acts as "external mailbox changes" transaction. Any changes done there are
expected to describe mailbox's current state. */
int mail_index_sync_begin(struct mail_index *index,
struct mail_index_sync_ctx **ctx_r,
struct mail_index_view **view_r,
uint32_t log_file_seq, uoff_t log_file_offset,
int sync_recent, int sync_dirty);
/* Returns -1 if error, 0 if sync is finished, 1 if record was filled. */
int mail_index_sync_next(struct mail_index_sync_ctx *ctx,
struct mail_index_sync_rec *sync_rec);
/* Returns 1 if there's more to sync, 0 if not. */
int mail_index_sync_have_more(struct mail_index_sync_ctx *ctx);
/* Commit synchronization by writing all changes to mail index file. */
int mail_index_sync_commit(struct mail_index_sync_ctx *ctx);
/* Rollback synchronization - none of the changes listed by sync_next() are
actually written to index file. */
void mail_index_sync_rollback(struct mail_index_sync_ctx *ctx);
/* Mark index file corrupted. Invalidates all views. */
void mail_index_mark_corrupted(struct mail_index *index);
/* Check and fix any found problems. If index is broken beyond repair, it's
marked corrupted and 0 is returned. Otherwise returns -1 if there was some
I/O error or 1 if everything went ok. */
int mail_index_fsck(struct mail_index *index);
/* Synchronize changes in view. You have to go through all records, or view
will be marked inconsistent. Only sync_mask type records are
synchronized. */
int mail_index_view_sync_begin(struct mail_index_view *view,
enum mail_index_sync_type sync_mask,
struct mail_index_view_sync_ctx **ctx_r);
/* Returns -1 if error, 0 if sync is finished, 1 if record was filled. */
int mail_index_view_sync_next(struct mail_index_view_sync_ctx *ctx,
struct mail_index_sync_rec *sync_rec);
const uint32_t *
mail_index_view_sync_get_expunges(struct mail_index_view_sync_ctx *ctx,
size_t *count_r);
void mail_index_view_sync_end(struct mail_index_view_sync_ctx *ctx);
/* Returns the index header. */
const struct mail_index_header *
mail_index_get_header(struct mail_index_view *view);
/* Returns the given message. Returns -1 if error, 1 if ok, 0 if mail was
expunged but data was returned from some older index. */
int mail_index_lookup(struct mail_index_view *view, uint32_t seq,
const struct mail_index_record **rec_r);
int mail_index_lookup_full(struct mail_index_view *view, uint32_t seq,
struct mail_index_map **map_r,
const struct mail_index_record **rec_r);
int mail_index_lookup_keywords(struct mail_index_view *view, uint32_t seq,
array_t *keyword_idx);
/* Returns the UID for given message. May be slightly faster than
mail_index_lookup()->uid. */
int mail_index_lookup_uid(struct mail_index_view *view, uint32_t seq,
uint32_t *uid_r);
/* Convert UID range to sequence range. If no UIDs are found, sequences are
set to 0. Note that any of the returned sequences may have been expunged
already. */
int mail_index_lookup_uid_range(struct mail_index_view *view,
uint32_t first_uid, uint32_t last_uid,
uint32_t *first_seq_r, uint32_t *last_seq_r);
/* Find first mail with (mail->flags & flags_mask) == flags. Useful mostly for
taking advantage of lowwater-fields in headers. */
int mail_index_lookup_first(struct mail_index_view *view, enum mail_flags flags,
uint8_t flags_mask, uint32_t *seq_r);
/* Append a new record to index. */
void mail_index_append(struct mail_index_transaction *t, uint32_t uid,
uint32_t *seq_r);
/* Assigns UIDs for appended mails all at once. UID must have been given as 0
for mail_index_append(). Returns the next unused UID. */
void mail_index_append_assign_uids(struct mail_index_transaction *t,
uint32_t first_uid, uint32_t *next_uid_r);
/* Expunge record from index. Note that this doesn't affect sequence numbers
until transaction is committed and mailbox is synced. */
void mail_index_expunge(struct mail_index_transaction *t, uint32_t seq);
/* Update flags in index. */
void mail_index_update_flags(struct mail_index_transaction *t, uint32_t seq,
enum modify_type modify_type,
enum mail_flags flags);
void mail_index_update_flags_range(struct mail_index_transaction *t,
uint32_t seq1, uint32_t seq2,
enum modify_type modify_type,
enum mail_flags flags);
/* Lookup a keyword, returns TRUE if found, FALSE if not. If autocreate is
TRUE, the keyword is automatically created and TRUE is always returned. */
int mail_index_keyword_lookup(struct mail_index *index,
const char *keyword, int autocreate,
unsigned int *idx_r);
/* Return a pointer to array of NULL-terminated list of keywords. Note that
the array contents (and thus pointers inside it) may change after calling
mail_index_keywords_create() or mail_index_sync_begin(). */
const array_t *mail_index_get_keywords(struct mail_index *index);
/* Create a keyword list structure. It's freed automatically at the end of
the transaction. */
struct mail_keywords *
mail_index_keywords_create(struct mail_index_transaction *t,
const char *const keywords[]);
struct mail_keywords *
mail_index_keywords_create_from_indexes(struct mail_index_transaction *t,
const array_t *keyword_indexes);
/* Free the keywords. */
void mail_index_keywords_free(struct mail_keywords *keywords);
/* Update keywords for given message. */
void mail_index_update_keywords(struct mail_index_transaction *t, uint32_t seq,
enum modify_type modify_type,
struct mail_keywords *keywords);
/* Update field in header. */
void mail_index_update_header(struct mail_index_transaction *t,
size_t offset, const void *data, size_t size);
/* Returns the last error code. */
enum mail_index_error mail_index_get_last_error(struct mail_index *index);
/* Returns the full error message for last error. This message may
contain paths etc. so it shouldn't be shown to users. */
const char *mail_index_get_error_message(struct mail_index *index);
/* Reset the error message. */
void mail_index_reset_error(struct mail_index *index);
/* Apply changes in MAIL_INDEX_SYNC_TYPE_FLAGS typed sync records to given
flags variable. */
void mail_index_sync_flags_apply(const struct mail_index_sync_rec *sync_rec,
uint8_t *flags);
/* Apply changes in MAIL_INDEX_SYNC_TYPE_KEYWORD_* typed sync records to given
keywords array. Returns TRUE If something was changed. */
int mail_index_sync_keywords_apply(const struct mail_index_sync_rec *sync_rec,
array_t *keywords);
/* register index extension. name is a unique identifier for the extension.
returns unique identifier for the name. */
uint32_t mail_index_ext_register(struct mail_index *index, const char *name,
uint32_t default_hdr_size,
uint16_t default_record_size,
uint16_t default_record_align);
/* Get current extension sizes. Returns 1 if ok, 0 if extension doesn't exist
in view. */
int mail_index_ext_get_size(struct mail_index_view *view, uint32_t ext_id,
uint32_t *hdr_size_r, uint16_t *record_size_r,
uint16_t *record_align_r);
/* Resize existing extension data. If size is grown, the new data will be
zero-filled. If size is shrinked, the data is simply dropped. */
void mail_index_ext_resize(struct mail_index_transaction *t, uint32_t ext_id,
uint32_t hdr_size, uint16_t record_size,
uint16_t record_align);
/* Reset extension records and header. Any updates for this extension which
were issued before the writer had seen this reset are discarded. reset_id is
used to figure this out, so it must be different every time. */
void mail_index_ext_reset(struct mail_index_transaction *t, uint32_t ext_id,
uint32_t reset_id);
/* Returns extension header. */
int mail_index_get_header_ext(struct mail_index_view *view, uint32_t ext_id,
const void **data_r, size_t *data_size_r);
int mail_index_map_get_header_ext(struct mail_index_view *view,
struct mail_index_map *map, uint32_t ext_id,
const void **data_r, size_t *data_size_r);
/* Returns the wanted extension record for given message. If it doesn't exist,
*data_r is set to NULL. Return values are same as for mail_index_lookup(). */
int mail_index_lookup_ext(struct mail_index_view *view, uint32_t seq,
uint32_t ext_id, const void **data_r);
int mail_index_lookup_ext_full(struct mail_index_view *view, uint32_t seq,
uint32_t ext_id, struct mail_index_map **map_r,
const void **data_r);
/* Update extension header field. */
void mail_index_update_header_ext(struct mail_index_transaction *t,
uint32_t ext_id, size_t offset,
const void *data, size_t size);
/* Update extension record. If old_data_r is non-NULL and the record extension
was already updated in this transaction, it's set to contain the data it's
now overwriting. */
void mail_index_update_ext(struct mail_index_transaction *t, uint32_t seq,
uint32_t ext_id, const void *data, void *old_data);