mail-index-data.h revision d5aa01c4d7cc8b099f47cf011cba850b1759eb2d
#define DATA_FILE_PREFIX ".data"
int mail_index_data_open(MailIndex *index);
int mail_index_data_create(MailIndex *index);
void mail_index_data_free(MailIndexData *data);
/* Truncate the data file and update it's indexid */
int mail_index_data_reset(MailIndexData *data);
/* Needs to be called whenever new messages are added. File must never
be shrinked while it's open. */
void mail_index_data_new_data_notify(MailIndexData *data);
/* Append new data at the end of the file. Returns the position in file
where the data begins, or (off_t)-1 if error occured. */
off_t mail_index_data_append(MailIndexData *data, const void *buffer,
size_t size);
/* Increase header->deleted_space field */
int mail_index_data_add_deleted_space(MailIndexData *data,
unsigned int data_size);
/* Synchronize the data into disk */
int mail_index_data_sync_file(MailIndexData *data);
/* Looks up a field from data file. Returns NULL if not found or
if error occured. */
MailIndexDataRecord *
mail_index_data_lookup(MailIndexData *data, MailIndexRecord *index_rec,
MailField field);
/* Returns the next record in data file, or NULL if there's no more. */
MailIndexDataRecord *
mail_index_data_next(MailIndexData *data, MailIndexRecord *index_rec,
MailIndexDataRecord *rec);
/* Returns TRUE if rec->data is a valid \0-terminated string */
int mail_index_data_record_verify(MailIndexData *data,
MailIndexDataRecord *rec);
/* Return the whole data file mmap()ed. */
void *mail_index_data_get_mmaped(MailIndexData *data, size_t *size);