mail-hash.h revision c25356d5978632df6203437e1953bcb29e0c736f
#ifndef MAIL_HASH_H
#define MAIL_HASH_H
#include "hash.h"
struct mail_hash;
/* File format:
[hash_size * (uint32_t idx)]
[record_count * (struct mail_hash_record)]
The indexes start from 1, so 0 means "doesn't exist".
struct mail_hash_header {
/* File format version */
uint8_t version;
/* Corrupted flag is set while file is being modified. */
uint8_t corrupted;
uint8_t unused[3];
uint16_t base_header_size;
/* Full size of each mail_hash_record */
uint16_t record_size;
/* Full header size. Currently always the same as base_header_size. */
uint32_t header_size;
/* Number of records after the hash table, includes holes */
uint32_t record_count;
/* Number of message records (records with non-zero UID) */
uint32_t message_count;
/* Number of messages with non-zero hash */
uint32_t hashed_count;
/* UID validity. */
uint32_t uid_validity;
/* The last UID which has been added to this file (but may have been
expunged already) */
uint32_t last_uid;
/* Holes is a linked list of unused records */
uint32_t first_hole_idx;
/* Hash size as a number of elements */
uint32_t hash_size;
struct mail_hash_record {
/* Linked list of records for hash collisions. */
uint32_t next_idx;
/* UID of the mail this record belongs to, or 0 if nothing.
(uint32_t)-1 means this record is deleted */
uint32_t uid;
/* user_data[] */
((rec)->uid == (uint32_t)-1)
enum mail_hash_open_flags {
/* Returns 0 if the pointers are equal. */
typedef bool hash_ctx_cmp_callback_t(const void *key, const void *data,
void *context);
/* map[] contains old -> new index mapping. */
typedef int mail_hash_resize_callback_t(struct mail_hash *tmp_hash,
uint32_t first_changed_idx,
const uint32_t *map,
unsigned int map_size, void *context);
struct mail_hash *
mail_hash_open(struct mail_index *index, const char *suffix,
enum mail_hash_open_flags flags, unsigned int record_size,
unsigned int initial_count,
hash_callback_t *key_hash_cb,
hash_callback_t *rec_hash_cb,
hash_ctx_cmp_callback_t *key_compare_cb,
void *context);
#define mail_hash_open(index, suffix, flags, record_size, initial_count, \
key_hash_cb, rec_hash_cb, key_compare_cb, context) \
({(void)(1 ? 0 : key_compare_cb((const void *)NULL, \
(const void *)NULL, context)); \
mail_hash_open(index, suffix, flags, record_size, initial_count, \
key_hash_cb, rec_hash_cb, \
(hash_ctx_cmp_callback_t *)key_compare_cb, context); })
#define mail_hash_open(index, suffix, flags, record_size, initial_count, \
key_hash_cb, rec_hash_cb, key_compare_cb, context) \
mail_hash_open(index, suffix, flags, record_size, initial_count, \
key_hash_cb, rec_hash_cb, \
(hash_ctx_cmp_callback_t *)key_compare_cb, context)
void mail_hash_free(struct mail_hash **hash);
/* If reset or resize fails, the hash file is closed and the hash is in
unusable state until mail_hash_lock() succeeds. */
int mail_hash_reset(struct mail_hash *hash, unsigned int initial_count);
int mail_hash_resize_if_needed(struct mail_hash *hash, unsigned int grow_count,
mail_hash_resize_callback_t *callback,
void *context);
/* Lock hash file. Returns 1 if we locked the file, 0 if timeouted or hash
is in memory, -1 if error. */
int mail_hash_lock(struct mail_hash *hash);
void mail_hash_unlock(struct mail_hash *hash);
const struct mail_hash_header *mail_hash_get_header(struct mail_hash *hash);
int mail_hash_lookup(struct mail_hash *hash, const void *key,
const void **value_r, uint32_t *idx_r);
/* Remember that inserting may cause existing returned values to be
invalidated. If key=NULL, it's not inserted into hash table. Note that
hash=0 equals to key=NULL insert, so a valid hash value must never be 0. */
int mail_hash_insert(struct mail_hash *hash, const void *key,
const void *value, uint32_t *idx_r);
int mail_hash_remove(struct mail_hash *hash, const void *key);
unsigned int mail_hash_value_idx(struct mail_hash *hash, const void *value);
int mail_hash_lookup_idx(struct mail_hash *hash, uint32_t idx,
const void **value_r);
int mail_hash_update_idx(struct mail_hash *hash, uint32_t idx,
const void *value);
int mail_hash_remove_idx(struct mail_hash *hash, uint32_t idx, const void *key);
void mail_hash_set_corrupted(struct mail_hash *hash, const char *error);