imap-fetch.h revision 67c25cb4af273aff7384d5028d459cc9afdf8712
#ifndef IMAP_FETCH_H
#define IMAP_FETCH_H
struct imap_fetch_context;
enum imap_fetch_handler_flags {
/* Returns 1 = ok, 0 = client output buffer full, call again, -1 = error.
mail = NULL for deinit. */
struct imap_fetch_init_context {
struct imap_fetch_context *fetch_ctx;
const char *name;
const char *error;
struct imap_fetch_handler {
const char *name;
/* Returns FALSE and sets ctx->error if arg is invalid */
struct imap_fetch_context_handler {
void *context;
const char *name;
const char *nil_reply;
bool buffered:1;
bool want_deinit:1;
struct imap_fetch_qresync_args {
struct imap_fetch_state {
struct mailbox_transaction_context *trans;
struct mail_search_context *search_ctx;
unsigned int cur_handler;
const char *cur_human_name;
bool skip_cr;
bool fetching:1;
bool seen_flags_changed:1;
/* TRUE if the first FETCH parameter result hasn't yet been sent to
the IMAP client. Note that this doesn't affect buffered content in
cur_str until it gets flushed out. */
bool cur_first:1;
/* TRUE if the cur_str prefix has been flushed. More data may still
be added to it. */
bool line_partial:1;
bool skipped_expunged_msgs:1;
bool failed:1;
struct imap_fetch_context {
const char *reason;
enum mail_fetch_field fetch_data;
unsigned int buffered_handlers_count;
struct imap_fetch_state state;
enum mail_error error;
const char *errstr;
bool initialized:1;
bool failures:1;
bool flags_have_handler:1;
bool flags_update_seen:1;
bool flags_show_only_seen_changes:1;
void imap_fetch_handler_unregister(const char *name);
const char *nil_reply,
CALLBACK_TYPECHECK(handler, int (*)( \
struct imap_fetch_context *, struct mail *, \
struct imap_fetch_context **fetch_ctx_r,
const char **error_r);
struct imap_fetch_context *
bool (*init)(struct imap_fetch_init_context *));
struct mail_search_args *search_args);
const struct mail_search_args *search_args,
const struct imap_fetch_qresync_args *qresync_args);
/* Returns 1 if finished, 0 if more data is needed, -1 if error.
When 0 is returned, line_partial=TRUE if literal is open and must be
finished before anything else to client. */
struct client_command_context *cmd);
The caller must handle this itself. */
struct client_command_context *cmd);
void imap_fetch_handlers_init(void);
void imap_fetch_handlers_deinit(void);