imap-fetch.c revision 6389aeec8c26b585e583c364b48ad12adf741898
/* Copyright (C) 2002 Timo Sirainen */
#include "common.h"
#include "istream.h"
#include "ostream.h"
#include "str.h"
#include "message-send.h"
#include "message-size.h"
#include "imap-date.h"
#include "commands.h"
#include "imap-fetch.h"
#include <unistd.h>
static void fetch_uid(struct imap_fetch_context *ctx, struct mail *mail)
str_printfa(ctx->str, "UID %u ", mail->uid);
static int fetch_flags(struct imap_fetch_context *ctx, struct mail *mail,
const struct mail_full_flags *flags)
if (flags == NULL) {
flags = mail->get_flags(mail);
if (flags == NULL)
return FALSE;
str_printfa(ctx->str, "FLAGS (%s) ", imap_write_flags(flags));
return TRUE;
static int fetch_internaldate(struct imap_fetch_context *ctx, struct mail *mail)
time_t time;
time = mail->get_received_date(mail);
if (time == (time_t)-1)
return FALSE;
str_printfa(ctx->str, "INTERNALDATE \"%s\" ", imap_to_datetime(time));
return TRUE;
static int fetch_rfc822_size(struct imap_fetch_context *ctx, struct mail *mail)
uoff_t size;
size = mail->get_size(mail);
if (size == (uoff_t)-1)
return FALSE;
str_printfa(ctx->str, "RFC822.SIZE %"PRIuUOFF_T" ", size);
return TRUE;
static int fetch_body(struct imap_fetch_context *ctx, struct mail *mail)
const char *body;
body = mail->get_special(mail, MAIL_FETCH_IMAP_BODY);
if (body == NULL)
return FALSE;
str_printfa(ctx->str, "BODY (%s) ", body);
return TRUE;
static int fetch_bodystructure(struct imap_fetch_context *ctx,
struct mail *mail)
const char *bodystructure;
bodystructure = mail->get_special(mail, MAIL_FETCH_IMAP_BODYSTRUCTURE);
if (bodystructure == NULL)
return FALSE;
str_printfa(ctx->str, "BODYSTRUCTURE (%s) ", bodystructure);
return TRUE;
static int fetch_envelope(struct imap_fetch_context *ctx, struct mail *mail)
const char *envelope;
envelope = mail->get_special(mail, MAIL_FETCH_IMAP_ENVELOPE);
if (envelope == NULL)
return FALSE;
str_printfa(ctx->str, "ENVELOPE (%s) ", envelope);
return TRUE;
static int fetch_send_rfc822(struct imap_fetch_context *ctx, struct mail *mail)
struct message_size hdr_size, body_size;
struct istream *stream;
const char *str;
stream = mail->get_stream(mail, &hdr_size, &body_size);
if (stream == NULL)
return FALSE;
message_size_add(&body_size, &hdr_size);
str = t_strdup_printf(" RFC822 {%"PRIuUOFF_T"}\r\n",
if (ctx->first) {
str++; ctx->first = FALSE;
if (o_stream_send_str(ctx->output, str) < 0)
return FALSE;
return message_send(ctx->output, stream, &body_size,
0, (uoff_t)-1, NULL, !mail->has_no_nuls) >= 0;
static int fetch_send_rfc822_header(struct imap_fetch_context *ctx,
struct mail *mail)
struct message_size hdr_size;
struct istream *stream;
const char *str;
stream = mail->get_stream(mail, &hdr_size, NULL);
if (stream == NULL)
return FALSE;
str = t_strdup_printf(" RFC822.HEADER {%"PRIuUOFF_T"}\r\n",
if (ctx->first) {
str++; ctx->first = FALSE;
if (o_stream_send_str(ctx->output, str) < 0)
return FALSE;
return message_send(ctx->output, stream, &hdr_size,
0, (uoff_t)-1, NULL, !mail->has_no_nuls) >= 0;
static int fetch_send_rfc822_text(struct imap_fetch_context *ctx,
struct mail *mail)
struct message_size hdr_size, body_size;
struct istream *stream;
const char *str;
stream = mail->get_stream(mail, &hdr_size, &body_size);
if (stream == NULL)
return FALSE;
str = t_strdup_printf(" RFC822.TEXT {%"PRIuUOFF_T"}\r\n",
if (ctx->first) {
str++; ctx->first = FALSE;
if (o_stream_send_str(ctx->output, str) < 0)
return FALSE;
i_stream_seek(stream, hdr_size.physical_size);
return message_send(ctx->output, stream, &body_size,
0, (uoff_t)-1, NULL, !mail->has_no_nuls) >= 0;
static int fetch_mail(struct imap_fetch_context *ctx, struct mail *mail)
const struct mail_full_flags *flags;
struct imap_fetch_body_data *body;
size_t len, orig_len;
int failed, data_written, seen_updated = FALSE;
if (!ctx->update_seen)
flags = NULL;
else {
flags = mail->get_flags(mail);
if (flags == NULL)
return FALSE;
if ((flags->flags & MAIL_SEEN) == 0) {
if (!mail->update_flags(mail, &ctx->seen_flag,
return FALSE;
flags = NULL; /* \Seen won't update automatically */
seen_updated = TRUE;
str_truncate(ctx->str, 0);
str_printfa(ctx->str, "* %u FETCH (", mail->seq);
orig_len = str_len(ctx->str);
failed = TRUE;
data_written = FALSE;
do {
/* write the data into temp string */
if (ctx->imap_data & IMAP_FETCH_UID)
fetch_uid(ctx, mail);
if ((ctx->fetch_data & MAIL_FETCH_FLAGS) || seen_updated)
if (!fetch_flags(ctx, mail, flags))
if (ctx->fetch_data & MAIL_FETCH_RECEIVED_DATE)
if (!fetch_internaldate(ctx, mail))
if (ctx->fetch_data & MAIL_FETCH_SIZE)
if (!fetch_rfc822_size(ctx, mail))
if (ctx->fetch_data & MAIL_FETCH_IMAP_BODY)
if (!fetch_body(ctx, mail))
if (ctx->fetch_data & MAIL_FETCH_IMAP_BODYSTRUCTURE)
if (!fetch_bodystructure(ctx, mail))
if (ctx->fetch_data & MAIL_FETCH_IMAP_ENVELOPE)
if(!fetch_envelope(ctx, mail))
/* send the data written into temp string */
len = str_len(ctx->str);
ctx->first = len == orig_len;
if (!ctx->first)
str_truncate(ctx->str, --len);
if (o_stream_send(ctx->output, str_data(ctx->str), len) < 0)
data_written = TRUE;
/* large data */
if (ctx->imap_data & IMAP_FETCH_RFC822)
if (!fetch_send_rfc822(ctx, mail))
if (ctx->imap_data & IMAP_FETCH_RFC822_HEADER)
if (!fetch_send_rfc822_header(ctx, mail))
if (ctx->imap_data & IMAP_FETCH_RFC822_TEXT)
if (!fetch_send_rfc822_text(ctx, mail))
for (body = ctx->bodies; body != NULL; body = body->next) {
if (!imap_fetch_body_section(ctx, body, mail))
failed = FALSE;
} while (0);
if (data_written) {
if (o_stream_send(ctx->output, ")\r\n", 3) < 0)
failed = TRUE;
return !failed;
int imap_fetch(struct client *client,
enum mail_fetch_field fetch_data,
enum imap_fetch_field imap_data,
struct imap_fetch_body_data *bodies,
const char *messageset, int uidset)
struct imap_fetch_context ctx;
struct mail *mail;
int all_found;
memset(&ctx, 0, sizeof(ctx));
ctx.fetch_data = fetch_data;
ctx.imap_data = imap_data;
ctx.bodies = bodies;
ctx.output = client->output;
ctx.select_counter = client->select_counter;
ctx.seen_flag.flags = MAIL_SEEN;
if (!client->mailbox->readonly) {
/* If we have any BODY[..] sections, \Seen flag is added for
all messages */
struct imap_fetch_body_data *body;
for (body = bodies; body != NULL; body = body->next) {
if (!body->peek) {
ctx.update_seen = TRUE;
if (imap_data & (IMAP_FETCH_RFC822|IMAP_FETCH_RFC822_TEXT))
ctx.update_seen = TRUE;
ctx.fetch_ctx = client->mailbox->
fetch_init(client->mailbox, fetch_data, ctx.update_seen,
messageset, uidset);
if (ctx.fetch_ctx == NULL)
return -1;
ctx.str = str_new(default_pool, 8192);
while ((mail = client->mailbox->fetch_next(ctx.fetch_ctx)) != NULL) {
if (!fetch_mail(&ctx, mail)) {
ctx.failed = TRUE;
if (!client->mailbox->fetch_deinit(ctx.fetch_ctx, &all_found))
return -1;
return ctx.failed ? -1 : all_found;