/* Copyright (c) 2010-2018 Dovecot authors, see the included COPYING file */
#include "lib.h"
#include "array.h"
#include "bsearch-insert-pos.h"
#include "crc32.h"
#include "md5.h"
#include "user-directory.h"
#include "mail-host.h"
struct mail_host_list {
ARRAY_TYPE(mail_tag) tags;
ARRAY_TYPE(mail_host) hosts;
user_free_hook_t *user_free_hook;
unsigned int hosts_hash;
unsigned int user_expire_secs;
bool vhosts_unsorted;
bool have_vhosts;
static int
mail_host_cmp(struct mail_host *const *h1, struct mail_host *const *h2)
return net_ip_cmp(&(*h1)->ip, &(*h2)->ip);
static int
mail_vhost_cmp(const struct mail_vhost *h1, const struct mail_vhost *h2)
if (h1->hash < h2->hash)
return -1;
else if (h1->hash > h2->hash)
return 1;
/* hash collision. not ideal, but we'll need to keep the order
consistent across directors so compare the IPs next. */
return net_ip_cmp(&h1->host->ip, &h2->host->ip);
static int
mail_vhost_hash_cmp(const unsigned int *hash, const struct mail_vhost *vhost)
if (vhost->hash < *hash)
return 1;
else if (vhost->hash > *hash)
return -1;
return 0;
static void mail_vhost_add(struct mail_tag *tag, struct mail_host *host)
struct mail_vhost *vhost;
struct md5_context md5_ctx, md5_ctx2;
unsigned char md5[MD5_RESULTLEN];
char num_str[MAX_INT_STRLEN];
unsigned int i, j;
if (host->down || host->tag != tag)
md5_update(&md5_ctx, host->ip_str, strlen(host->ip_str));
for (i = 0; i < host->vhost_count; i++) {
md5_ctx2 = md5_ctx;
i_snprintf(num_str, sizeof(num_str), "-%u", i);
md5_update(&md5_ctx2, num_str, strlen(num_str));
md5_final(&md5_ctx2, md5);
vhost = array_append_space(&tag->vhosts);
vhost->host = host;
for (j = 0; j < sizeof(vhost->hash); j++)
vhost->hash = (vhost->hash << CHAR_BIT) | md5[j];
static void
mail_tag_vhosts_sort_ring(struct mail_host_list *list, struct mail_tag *tag)
struct mail_host *const *hostp;
/* rebuild vhosts */
array_foreach(&list->hosts, hostp)
mail_vhost_add(tag, *hostp);
array_sort(&tag->vhosts, mail_vhost_cmp);
static void
mail_hosts_sort(struct mail_host_list *list)
struct mail_host *const *hostp;
struct mail_tag *const *tagp;
uint32_t num;
array_sort(&list->hosts, mail_host_cmp);
list->have_vhosts = FALSE;
array_foreach(&list->tags, tagp) {
mail_tag_vhosts_sort_ring(list, *tagp);
if (array_count(&(*tagp)->vhosts) > 0)
list->have_vhosts = TRUE;
list->vhosts_unsorted = FALSE;
/* recalculate the hosts_hash */
list->hosts_hash = 0;
array_foreach(&list->hosts, hostp) {
num = ((*hostp)->down ? 1 : 0) ^ (*hostp)->vhost_count;
list->hosts_hash = crc32_data_more(list->hosts_hash,
&num, sizeof(num));
num = net_ip_hash(&(*hostp)->ip);
list->hosts_hash = crc32_data_more(list->hosts_hash,
&num, sizeof(num));
list->hosts_hash = crc32_str_more(list->hosts_hash,
struct mail_tag *
mail_tag_find(struct mail_host_list *list, const char *tag_name)
struct mail_tag *const *tagp;
array_foreach(&list->tags, tagp) {
if (strcmp((*tagp)->name, tag_name) == 0)
return *tagp;
return NULL;
static struct mail_tag *
mail_tag_get(struct mail_host_list *list, const char *tag_name)
struct mail_tag *tag;
tag = mail_tag_find(list, tag_name);
if (tag == NULL) {
tag = i_new(struct mail_tag, 1);
tag->name = i_strdup(tag_name);
i_array_init(&tag->vhosts, 16*VHOST_MULTIPLIER);
tag->users = user_directory_init(list->user_expire_secs,
array_append(&list->tags, &tag, 1);
return tag;
static void mail_tag_free(struct mail_tag *tag)
struct mail_host *
mail_host_add_ip(struct mail_host_list *list, const struct ip_addr *ip,
const char *tag_name)
struct mail_host *host;
i_assert(tag_name != NULL);
host = i_new(struct mail_host, 1);
host->list = list;
host->vhost_count = VHOST_MULTIPLIER;
host->ip = *ip;
host->ip_str = i_strdup(net_ip2addr(ip));
host->tag = mail_tag_get(list, tag_name);
array_append(&list->hosts, &host, 1);
list->vhosts_unsorted = TRUE;
return host;
struct mail_host *
mail_host_add_hostname(struct mail_host_list *list, const char *hostname,
const struct ip_addr *ip, const char *tag_name)
struct mail_host *host;
host = mail_host_add_ip(list, ip, tag_name);
if (hostname != NULL && hostname[0] != '\0')
host->hostname = i_strdup(hostname);
return host;
static int
mail_host_add(struct mail_host_list *list, const char *hostname,
const char *tag_name)
struct ip_addr *ips, ip;
unsigned int i, ips_count;
if (net_addr2ip(hostname, &ip) == 0) {
(void)mail_host_add_ip(list, &ip, tag_name);
return 0;
if (net_gethostbyname(hostname, &ips, &ips_count) < 0) {
i_error("Unknown mail host: %s", hostname);
return -1;
for (i = 0; i < ips_count; i++)
(void)mail_host_add_hostname(list, hostname, &ips[i], tag_name);
return 0;
static int
mail_hosts_add_range(struct mail_host_list *list,
struct ip_addr ip1, struct ip_addr ip2,
const char *tag_name)
uint32_t *ip1_arr, *ip2_arr;
uint32_t i1, i2;
unsigned int i, j, max_bits, last_bits;
if (ip1.family != ip2.family) {
i_error("IP address family mismatch: %s vs %s",
net_ip2addr(&ip1), net_ip2addr(&ip2));
return -1;
if (net_ip_cmp(&ip1, &ip2) > 0) {
i_error("IP addresses reversed: %s-%s",
net_ip2addr(&ip1), net_ip2addr(&ip2));
return -1;
if (IPADDR_IS_V4(&ip1)) {
ip1_arr = &ip1.u.ip4.s_addr;
ip2_arr = &ip2.u.ip4.s_addr;
max_bits = 32;
last_bits = 8;
} else {
ip1_arr = (void *)&ip1.u.ip6;
ip2_arr = (void *)&ip2.u.ip6;
max_bits = 128;
last_bits = 16;
/* make sure initial bits match */
for (i = 0; i < (max_bits-last_bits)/32; i++) {
if (ip1_arr[i] != ip2_arr[i]) {
i_error("IP address range too large: %s-%s",
net_ip2addr(&ip1), net_ip2addr(&ip2));
return -1;
i1 = htonl(ip1_arr[i]);
i2 = htonl(ip2_arr[i]);
for (j = last_bits; j < 32; j++) {
if ((i1 & (1U << j)) != (i2 & (1U << j))) {
i_error("IP address range too large: %s-%s",
net_ip2addr(&ip1), net_ip2addr(&ip2));
return -1;
/* create hosts from the final bits */
do {
ip1_arr[i] = ntohl(i1);
(void)mail_host_add_ip(list, &ip1, tag_name);
} while (ip1_arr[i] != ip2_arr[i]);
return 0;
int mail_hosts_parse_and_add(struct mail_host_list *list,
const char *hosts_string)
int ret = 0;
const char *const *tmp, *p, *host1, *host2;
struct ip_addr ip1, ip2;
tmp = t_strsplit_spaces(hosts_string, " ");
for (; *tmp != NULL; tmp++) {
const char *tag, *value = *tmp;
p = strchr(value, '@');
if (p == NULL)
tag = "";
else {
value = t_strdup_until(value, p++);
tag = p;
p = strchr(value, '-');
if (p != NULL) {
/* see if this is ip1-ip2 range */
host1 = t_strdup_until(value, p);
host2 = p + 1;
if (net_addr2ip(host1, &ip1) == 0 &&
net_addr2ip(host2, &ip2) == 0) {
if (mail_hosts_add_range(list, ip1, ip2,
tag) < 0)
ret = -1;
if (mail_host_add(list, value, tag) < 0)
ret = -1;
} T_END;
if (array_count(&list->hosts) == 0) {
if (ret < 0)
i_error("No valid servers specified");
i_error("Empty server list");
ret = -1;
return ret;
const char *mail_host_get_tag(const struct mail_host *host)
return host->tag->name;
void mail_host_set_tag(struct mail_host *host, const char *tag_name)
i_assert(tag_name != NULL);
host->tag = mail_tag_get(host->list, tag_name);
host->list->vhosts_unsorted = TRUE;
void mail_host_set_down(struct mail_host *host, bool down,
time_t timestamp, const char *log_prefix)
if (host->down != down) {
const char *updown = down ? "down" : "up";
i_info("%sHost %s changed %s "
"(vhost_count=%u last_updown_change=%ld)",
log_prefix, host->ip_str, updown,
host->vhost_count, (long)host->last_updown_change);
host->down = down;
host->last_updown_change = timestamp;
host->list->vhosts_unsorted = TRUE;
void mail_host_set_vhost_count(struct mail_host *host, unsigned int vhost_count,
const char *log_prefix)
i_info("%sHost %s vhost count changed from %u to %u",
log_prefix, host->ip_str,
host->vhost_count, vhost_count);
host->vhost_count = vhost_count;
host->list->vhosts_unsorted = TRUE;
static void mail_host_free(struct mail_host *host)
void mail_host_remove(struct mail_host *host)
struct mail_host_list *list = host->list;
struct mail_host *const *hosts;
unsigned int i, count;
hosts = array_get(&list->hosts, &count);
for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
if (hosts[i] == host) {
array_delete(&host->list->hosts, i, 1);
list->vhosts_unsorted = TRUE;
struct mail_host *
mail_host_lookup(struct mail_host_list *list, const struct ip_addr *ip)
struct mail_host *const *hostp;
if (list->vhosts_unsorted)
array_foreach(&list->hosts, hostp) {
if (net_ip_compare(&(*hostp)->ip, ip))
return *hostp;
return NULL;
static struct mail_host *
mail_host_get_by_hash_ring(struct mail_tag *tag, unsigned int hash)
const struct mail_vhost *vhosts;
unsigned int count, idx;
vhosts = array_get(&tag->vhosts, &count);
array_bsearch_insert_pos(&tag->vhosts, &hash,
mail_vhost_hash_cmp, &idx);
i_assert(idx <= count);
if (idx == count) {
if (count == 0)
return NULL;
idx = 0;
return vhosts[idx % count].host;
struct mail_host *
mail_host_get_by_hash(struct mail_host_list *list, unsigned int hash,
const char *tag_name)
struct mail_tag *tag;
if (list->vhosts_unsorted)
tag = mail_tag_find(list, tag_name);
if (tag == NULL)
return NULL;
return mail_host_get_by_hash_ring(tag, hash);
void mail_hosts_set_synced(struct mail_host_list *list)
struct mail_host *const *hostp;
array_foreach(&list->hosts, hostp)
(*hostp)->desynced = FALSE;
unsigned int mail_hosts_hash(struct mail_host_list *list)
if (list->vhosts_unsorted)
/* don't retun 0 as hash, since we're using it as "doesn't exist" in
some places. */
return list->hosts_hash == 0 ? 1 : list->hosts_hash;
bool mail_hosts_have_usable(struct mail_host_list *list)
if (list->vhosts_unsorted)
return list->have_vhosts;
const ARRAY_TYPE(mail_host) *mail_hosts_get(struct mail_host_list *list)
if (list->vhosts_unsorted)
return &list->hosts;
bool mail_hosts_have_tags(struct mail_host_list *list)
struct mail_tag *const *tagp;
if (list->vhosts_unsorted)
array_foreach(&list->tags, tagp) {
if ((*tagp)->name[0] != '\0' && array_count(&(*tagp)->vhosts) > 0)
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
const ARRAY_TYPE(mail_tag) *mail_hosts_get_tags(struct mail_host_list *list)
return &list->tags;
struct mail_host_list *
mail_hosts_init(unsigned int user_expire_secs,
user_free_hook_t *user_free_hook)
struct mail_host_list *list;
list = i_new(struct mail_host_list, 1);
list->user_expire_secs = user_expire_secs;
list->user_free_hook = user_free_hook;
i_array_init(&list->hosts, 16);
i_array_init(&list->tags, 4);
return list;
void mail_hosts_deinit(struct mail_host_list **_list)
struct mail_host_list *list = *_list;
struct mail_host *const *hostp;
struct mail_tag *const *tagp;
*_list = NULL;
array_foreach(&list->tags, tagp)
array_foreach(&list->hosts, hostp)
static struct mail_host *
mail_host_dup(struct mail_host_list *dest_list, const struct mail_host *src)
struct mail_host *dest;
dest = i_new(struct mail_host, 1);
*dest = *src;
dest->tag = mail_tag_get(dest_list, src->tag->name);
dest->ip_str = i_strdup(src->ip_str);
dest->hostname = i_strdup(src->hostname);
return dest;
struct mail_host_list *mail_hosts_dup(const struct mail_host_list *src)
struct mail_host_list *dest;
struct mail_host *const *hostp, *dest_host;
dest = mail_hosts_init(src->user_expire_secs, src->user_free_hook);
array_foreach(&src->hosts, hostp) {
dest_host = mail_host_dup(dest, *hostp);
array_append(&dest->hosts, &dest_host, 1);
return dest;
void mail_hosts_sort_users(struct mail_host_list *list)
struct mail_tag *const *tagp;
array_foreach(&list->tags, tagp)