mail-send.c revision 83bb013a99f0936995f9c7a1077822662d8fefdb
/* Copyright (C) 2005-2006 Timo Sirainen */
#include "lib.h"
#include "ioloop.h"
#include "hostpid.h"
#include "istream.h"
#include "str.h"
#include "str-sanitize.h"
#include "var-expand.h"
#include "message-date.h"
#include "message-size.h"
#include "duplicate.h"
#include "istream-header-filter.h"
#include "smtp-client.h"
#include "deliver.h"
#include "mail-send.h"
#include <sys/wait.h>
int global_outgoing_count = 0;
static const struct var_expand_table *
get_var_expand_table(struct mail *mail, const char *reason,
const char *recipient)
static struct var_expand_table static_tab[] = {
{ 'n', NULL },
{ 'r', NULL },
{ 's', NULL },
{ 't', NULL },
{ '\0', NULL }
struct var_expand_table *tab;
const char *subject;
tab = t_malloc(sizeof(static_tab));
memcpy(tab, static_tab, sizeof(static_tab));
tab[0].value = "\r\n";
tab[1].value = reason;
if (mail_get_first_header(mail, "Subject", &subject) <= 0)
subject = "";
tab[2].value = str_sanitize(subject, 80);
tab[3].value = recipient;
return tab;
int mail_send_rejection(struct mail *mail, const char *recipient,
const char *reason)
struct istream *input;
struct smtp_client *smtp_client;
FILE *f;
struct message_size hdr_size;
const char *return_addr, *str;
const unsigned char *data;
const char *msgid, *orig_msgid, *boundary;
string_t *human_reason;
size_t size;
int ret;
if (mail_get_first_header(mail, "Message-ID", &orig_msgid) < 0)
orig_msgid = NULL;
return_addr = deliver_get_return_address(mail);
if (return_addr == NULL) {
i_info("msgid=%s: Return-Path missing, rejection reason: %s",
orig_msgid == NULL ? "" : str_sanitize(orig_msgid, 80),
str_sanitize(reason, 512));
return 0;
smtp_client = smtp_client_open(return_addr, NULL, &f);
msgid = deliver_get_new_message_id();
boundary = t_strdup_printf("%s/%s", my_pid, deliver_set->hostname);
fprintf(f, "Message-ID: %s\r\n", msgid);
fprintf(f, "Date: %s\r\n", message_date_create(ioloop_time));
fprintf(f, "From: Mail Delivery Subsystem <%s>\r\n",
fprintf(f, "To: <%s>\r\n", return_addr);
fprintf(f, "MIME-Version: 1.0\r\n");
fprintf(f, "Content-Type: "
"multipart/report; report-type=disposition-notification;\r\n"
"\tboundary=\"%s\"\r\n", boundary);
fprintf(f, "Subject: Automatically rejected mail\r\n");
fprintf(f, "Auto-Submitted: auto-replied (rejected)\r\n");
fprintf(f, "Precedence: bulk\r\n");
fprintf(f, "\r\nThis is a MIME-encapsulated message\r\n\r\n");
/* human readable status report */
fprintf(f, "--%s\r\n", boundary);
fprintf(f, "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\r\n");
fprintf(f, "Content-Disposition: inline\r\n");
fprintf(f, "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\r\n\r\n");
human_reason = t_str_new(256);
var_expand(human_reason, deliver_set->rejection_reason,
get_var_expand_table(mail, reason, recipient));
fprintf(f, "%s\r\n", str_c(human_reason));
/* MDN status report */
fprintf(f, "--%s\r\n"
"Content-Type: message/disposition-notification\r\n\r\n",
fprintf(f, "Reporting-UA: %s; Dovecot Mail Delivery Agent\r\n",
if (mail_get_first_header(mail, "Original-Recipient", &str) > 0)
fprintf(f, "Original-Recipient: rfc822; %s\r\n", str);
fprintf(f, "Final-Recipient: rfc822; %s\r\n", recipient);
if (orig_msgid != NULL)
fprintf(f, "Original-Message-ID: %s\r\n", orig_msgid);
fprintf(f, "Disposition: "
"automatic-action/MDN-sent-automatically; deleted\r\n");
fprintf(f, "\r\n");
/* original message's headers */
fprintf(f, "--%s\r\nContent-Type: message/rfc822\r\n\r\n", boundary);
if (mail_get_stream(mail, &hdr_size, NULL, &input) == 0) {
/* Note: If you add more headers, they need to be sorted.
We'll drop Content-Type because we're not including the message
body, and having a multipart Content-Type may confuse some
MIME parsers when they don't see the message boundaries. */
static const char *const exclude_headers[] = {
input = i_stream_create_header_filter(input,
HEADER_FILTER_HIDE_BODY, exclude_headers,
sizeof(exclude_headers) / sizeof(exclude_headers[0]),
null_header_filter_callback, NULL);
while ((ret = i_stream_read_data(input, &data, &size, 0)) > 0) {
if (fwrite(data, size, 1, f) == 0)
i_stream_skip(input, size);
i_assert(ret != 0);
fprintf(f, "\r\n\r\n--%s--\r\n", boundary);
return smtp_client_close(smtp_client);
int mail_send_forward(struct mail *mail, const char *forwardto)
static const char *hide_headers[] = {
struct istream *input;
struct smtp_client *smtp_client;
FILE *f;
const unsigned char *data;
const char *return_path;
size_t size;
int ret;
if (mail_get_stream(mail, NULL, NULL, &input) < 0)
return -1;
if (mail_get_first_header(mail, "Return-Path", &return_path) <= 0)
return_path = "";
smtp_client = smtp_client_open(forwardto, return_path, &f);
input = i_stream_create_header_filter(input, HEADER_FILTER_EXCLUDE |
HEADER_FILTER_NO_CR, hide_headers,
sizeof(hide_headers) /
null_header_filter_callback, NULL);
while ((ret = i_stream_read_data(input, &data, &size, 0)) > 0) {
if (fwrite(data, size, 1, f) == 0)
i_stream_skip(input, size);
return smtp_client_close(smtp_client);