auth-cache.h revision b321df9603081896b70ec44635af96d674a9839a
#ifndef __AUTH_CACHE_H
#define __AUTH_CACHE_H
struct auth_cache;
struct auth_request;
/* Parses all %x variables from query and compresses them into tab-separated
list, so it can be used as a cache key. */
const char *auth_cache_parse_key(const char *query);
/* Create a new cache. max_size specifies the maximum amount of memory in
bytes to use for cache (it's not fully exact). ttl_secs specifies time to
live for cache record, requests older than that are not used. */
struct auth_cache *auth_cache_new(size_t max_size, unsigned int ttl_secs);
void auth_cache_free(struct auth_cache *cache);
/* Clear the cache. */
void auth_cache_clear(struct auth_cache *cache);
/* Look key from cache. key should be the same string as returned by
auth_cache_parse_key(). */
const char *auth_cache_lookup(struct auth_cache *cache,
const struct auth_request *request,
const char *key, int *expired_r);
/* Insert key => value into cache. */
void auth_cache_insert(struct auth_cache *cache,
const struct auth_request *request,
const char *key, const char *value);